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# Triplet Files
**The latest version of this documentation is available on [GitHub](https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg/tree/master/docs/users/triplets.md).**
Triplet is a standard term used in cross compiling as a way to completely capture the target environment (cpu, os, compiler, runtime, etc) in a single convenient name.
In Vcpkg, we use triplets to describe an imaginary "target configuration set" for every library. Within a triplet, libraries are generally built with the same configuration, but it is not a requirement. For example, you could have one triplet that builds `openssl` statically and `zlib` dynamically, one that builds them both statically, and one that builds them both dynamically (all for the same target OS and architecture). A single build will consume files from a single triplet.
We currently provide many triplets by default (run `vcpkg help triplet`). However, you can easily customize or add your own by copying a built-in triplet from the `triplets\` directory into a project local location. Then, use `--overlay-triplets=` (or equivalent such as [`$VCPKG_OVERLAY_TRIPLETS`](config-environment.md#vcpkg_overlay_triplets), [CMake `VCPKG_OVERLAY_TRIPLETS`](buildsystems/cmake-integration.md#vcpkg_overlay_triplets), or [MSBuild Additional Options](buildsystems/msbuild-integration.md#vcpkg-additional-install-options)) to add that directory to vcpkg. See our [overlay triplets example](../examples/overlay-triplets-linux-dynamic.md) for a more detailed walkthrough.
To change the triplet used by your project, you can pass `--triplet=<triplet>` on the command line or see our [Buildsystem-Specific Documentation](buildsystems/integration.md).
## Community triplets
Triplets contained in the `triplets\community` folder are not tested by continuous integration, but are commonly requested by the community.
Because we do not have continuous coverage, port updates may break compatibility with community triplets. Because of this, community involvement is paramount!
We will gladly accept and review contributions that aim to solve issues with these triplets.
### Usage
Community Triplets are enabled by default, when using a community triplet a message like the following one will be printed during a package install:
-- Using community triplet x86-uwp. This triplet configuration is not guaranteed to succeed.
-- [COMMUNITY] Loading triplet configuration from: D:\src\viromer\vcpkg\triplets\community\x86-uwp.cmake
## Variables
Specifies the target machine architecture.
Valid options are `x86`, `x64`, `arm`, `arm64` and `wasm32`.
Specifies the desired CRT linkage (for MSVC).
Valid options are `dynamic` and `static`.
Specifies the preferred library linkage.
Valid options are `dynamic` and `static`. Note that libraries can ignore this setting if they do not support the preferred linkage type.
You can set this value to `release` to only build release versions of the ports. By default this value is empty and release and debug versions of a port are built.
Specifies the target platform.
Valid options include any CMake system name, such as:
- Empty (Windows Desktop for legacy reasons)
- `WindowsStore` (Universal Windows Platform)
- `MinGW` (Minimalist GNU for Windows)
- `Darwin` (Mac OSX)
- `iOS` (iOS)
- `Linux` (Linux)
- `Emscripten` (WebAssembly)
Specifies the target platform system version.
This field is optional and, if present, will be passed into the build as `CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION`.
See also the CMake documentation for `CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION`: https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/variable/CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION.html.
Specifies an alternate CMake Toolchain file to use.
This (if set) will override all other compiler detection logic. By default, a toolchain file is selected from `scripts/toolchains/` appropriate to the platform.
See also the CMake documentation for toolchain files: https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.11/manual/cmake-toolchains.7.html.
Sets additional compiler flags to be used when not using `VCPKG_CHAINLOAD_TOOLCHAIN_FILE`.
This option also has forms for configuration-specific and C flags:
Sets additional linker flags to be used while building dynamic libraries and
executables in the absence of `VCPKG_CHAINLOAD_TOOLCHAIN_FILE`.
This option also has forms for configuration-specific flags:
Set additional CMake configure options that are appended to the configure command (in [`vcpkg_cmake_configure`](../maintainers/ports/vcpkg-cmake/vcpkg_cmake_configure.md)).
This field is optional.
Also available as build-type specific `VCPKG_CMAKE_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS_DEBUG` and `VCPKG_CMAKE_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS_RELEASE` variables.
Set additional automake / autoconf configure options that are appended to the configure command (in [`vcpkg_configure_make`](../maintainers/vcpkg_configure_make.md)).
This field is optional.
For example, to skip certain libtool checks that may errantly fail:
set(VCPKG_MAKE_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS "lt_cv_deplibs_check_method=pass_all")
Also available as build-type specific `VCPKG_MAKE_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS_DEBUG` and `VCPKG_MAKE_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS_RELEASE` variables.
Replaces the default computed list of triplet "Supports" terms.
This option (if set) will override the default set of terms used for qualified dependency resolution and "Supports" field evaluation.
See the [`"supports"`](../maintainers/manifest-files.md#supports) manifest file field documentation for more details.
> Implementers' Note: this list is extracted via the `vcpkg_get_dep_info` mechanism.
When this option is set to (true|1|on), the compiler is ignored in the abi tracking.
## Windows Variables
Instructs vcpkg to allow additional environment variables into the build process.
On Windows, vcpkg builds packages in a special clean environment that is isolated from the current command prompt to
ensure build reliability and consistency. This triplet option can be set to a list of additional environment variables
that will be added to the clean environment. The values of these environment variables will be hashed into the package
abi -- to pass through environment variables without abi tracking, see `VCPKG_ENV_PASSTHROUGH_UNTRACKED`.
See also the `vcpkg env` command for how you can inspect the precise environment that will be used.
> Implementers' Note: this list is extracted via the `vcpkg_get_tags` mechanism.
Instructs vcpkg to allow additional environment variables into the build process without abi tracking.
Specifies the Visual Studio installation to use.
To select the precise combination of Visual Studio instance and toolset version, we walk through the following algorithm:
1. Determine the setting for `VCPKG_VISUAL_STUDIO_PATH` from the triplet, or the environment variable `VCPKG_VISUAL_STUDIO_PATH`, or consider it unset
2. Determine the setting for `VCPKG_PLATFORM_TOOLSET` from the triplet or consider it unset
3. Gather a list of all pairs of Visual Studio Instances with all toolsets available in those instances
1. This is ordered first by instance type (Stable, Prerelease, Legacy) and then by toolset version (v142, v141, v140)
4. Filter the list based on the settings for `VCPKG_VISUAL_STUDIO_PATH` and `VCPKG_PLATFORM_TOOLSET`.
5. Select the best remaining option
The path should be absolute, formatted with backslashes, and have no trailing slash:
set(VCPKG_VISUAL_STUDIO_PATH "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\Preview\\Community")
Specifies the VS-based C/C++ compiler toolchain to use.
See [`VCPKG_VISUAL_STUDIO_PATH`](#VCPKG_VISUAL_STUDIO_PATH) for the full selection algorithm.
Valid settings:
* The Visual Studio 2019 platform toolset is `v142`.
* The Visual Studio 2017 platform toolset is `v141`.
* The Visual Studio 2015 platform toolset is `v140`.
Specifies the detailed MSVC C/C++ compiler toolchain to use.
By default, [`VCPKG_PLATFORM_TOOLSET`] always chooses the latest installed minor version of the selected toolset.
If you need more granularity, you can use this variable.
Valid values are, for example, `14.25` or `14.27.29110`.
If `VCPKG_CHAINLOAD_TOOLCHAIN_FILE` is used, VCPKG will not setup the Visual Studio environment.
Setting `VCPKG_LOAD_VCVARS_ENV` to (true|1|on) changes this behavior so that the Visual Studio environment is setup following the same rules as if `VCPKG_CHAINLOAD_TOOLCHAIN_FILE` was not set.
## MacOS Variables
Sets the install name used when building macOS dynamic libraries. Default value is `@rpath`. See the CMake documentation for [CMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_DIR](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/variable/CMAKE_INSTALL_NAME_DIR.html) for more information.
Sets the minimum macOS version for compiled binaries. This also changes what versions of the macOS platform SDK that CMake will search for. See the CMake documentation for [CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/variable/CMAKE_OSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET.html) for more information.
Set the name or path of the macOS platform SDK that will be used by CMake. See the CMake documentation for [CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/variable/CMAKE_OSX_SYSROOT.html) for more information.
Set the macOS / iOS target architecture which will be used by CMake. See the CMake documentation for [CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/variable/CMAKE_OSX_ARCHITECTURES.html) for more information.
## Per-port customization
The CMake Macro `PORT` will be set when interpreting the triplet file and can be used to change settings (such as `VCPKG_LIBRARY_LINKAGE`) on a per-port basis.
if(PORT MATCHES "qt5-")
This will build all the `qt5-*` libraries as DLLs, but every other library as a static library.
For an example in a real project, see https://github.com/Intelight/vcpkg/blob/master/triplets/x86-windows-mixed.cmake.
## Additional Remarks
The default triplet when running any vcpkg command is `%VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET%` or a platform-specific choice if that environment variable is undefined.
- Windows: `x86-windows`
- Linux: `x64-linux`
- OSX: `x64-osx`
We recommend using a systematic naming scheme when creating new triplets. The Android toolchain naming scheme is a good source of inspiration: https://developer.android.com/ndk/guides/standalone_toolchain.html.
## Android triplets
See [android.md](android.md)
## Mingw-w64 triplets
See [mingw.md](mingw.md)