FollieHiyuki 6df7ee09a5
Another commit for neovim
- highlights: delete unused ones, set some custom highlights for
  specified plugins. Also use orange for TSType (to distinguish with
- plugins: remove coq_nvim
2021-10-21 20:52:06 +07:00

158 lines
4.6 KiB

local opt = vim.opt
local M = {}
function M.disable_default_plugins()
vim.g.loaded_gzip = 1
vim.g.loaded_tar = 1
vim.g.loaded_tarPlugin = 1
vim.g.loaded_zip = 1
vim.g.loaded_zipPlugin = 1
vim.g.loaded_getscript = 1
vim.g.loaded_getscriptPlugin = 1
vim.g.loaded_vimball = 1
vim.g.loaded_vimballPlugin = 1
vim.g.loaded_matchit = 1
vim.g.loaded_matchparen = 1
vim.g.loaded_2html_plugin = 1
vim.g.loaded_logiPat = 1
vim.g.loaded_rrhelper = 1
vim.g.loaded_netrw = 1
vim.g.loaded_netrwPlugin = 1
vim.g.loaded_netrwSettings = 1
vim.g.loaded_netrwFileHandlers = 1
vim.g.did_load_filetypes = 1 -- use filetype.nvim instead
function M.load_options()
-- This is the same as `:colorscheme nord/onedark`
vim.g.colors_name = 'nord'
-- Leader key
vim.g.mapleader = ' '
-- Python path
-- vim.g.python_host_prog = '/usr/bin/python'
vim.g.python3_host_prog = '/usr/bin/python3'
-- General settings
opt.termguicolors = true
opt.mouse = 'nv'
opt.errorbells = false
opt.visualbell = false
-- opt.hidden = true
opt.fileformats = 'unix'
opt.magic = true
opt.virtualedit = 'block'
opt.encoding = 'utf-8'
opt.fileencoding = 'utf-8'
opt.clipboard = 'unnamedplus'
opt.wildignorecase = true
opt.wildignore = '.git,.hg,.svn,*.pyc,*.o,*.out,*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.png,*.gif,*.zip,**/tmp/**,*.DS_Store,**/node_modules/**'
-- opt.history = 10000
-- opt.showmode = false
opt.jumpoptions = 'stack'
opt.formatoptions = '1jcroql'
opt.shortmess = 'aoOTIcF'
-- opt.startofline = false
opt.wrap = false
opt.sidescrolloff = 4
opt.scrolloff = 4
opt.whichwrap = '<,>,[,],~'
-- opt.ruler = true
-- opt.display = 'lastline'
-- opt.colorcolumn = '80'
-- opt.cursorline = true
-- opt.backspace = 'indent,eol,start'
opt.showcmd = false
opt.inccommand = 'nosplit'
-- opt.cmdheight = 2
-- opt.cmdwinheight = 6
opt.showtabline = 2
-- opt.laststatus = 2
-- opt.textwidth = 80
opt.synmaxcol = 2500
-- = 'bash'
opt.grepformat = '%f:%l:%c:%m'
opt.grepprg = 'rg --hidden --vimgrep --smart-case --'
opt.diffopt = 'filler,iwhite,internal,algorithm:patience'
-- opt.spell = true
-- Transparency
opt.pumblend = 5
opt.winblend = 5
-- Conceal
opt.conceallevel = 2
opt.concealcursor = 'niv'
-- opt.foldenable = true
opt.foldlevelstart = 99
-- Case insensitive
opt.ignorecase = true
opt.smartcase = true
opt.infercase = true
-- Searching
-- opt.incsearch = true
opt.hlsearch = false
-- opt.wrapscan = true
-- Update time
-- opt.timeout = true
-- opt.ttimeout = true
opt.timeoutlen = 500
opt.ttimeoutlen = 25
opt.updatetime = 150
opt.redrawtime = 1500
-- No swapfile
opt.backup = false
opt.writebackup = false
opt.swapfile = false
-- Completion menu
-- opt.wildmenu = true
opt.wildmode = 'full'
opt.complete = '.,w,b,k'
opt.completeopt = 'menu,menuone,noselect'
opt.pumheight = 16
opt.helpheight = 12
opt.previewheight = 12
-- Window rules
opt.splitbelow = true
opt.splitright = true
opt.switchbuf = 'useopen'
opt.winwidth = 30
opt.winminwidth = 10
opt.equalalways = false
-- Left column
opt.signcolumn = 'yes'
opt.number = true
opt.relativenumber = true
-- opt.numberwidth = 6
-- 4 spaces = 1 tab
opt.shiftwidth = 4
opt.tabstop = 4
opt.softtabstop = -1 -- fallback to 'shiftwidth'
opt.smarttab = true
opt.expandtab = true
opt.smartindent = true
-- opt.autoindent = true
opt.shiftround = true
-- Trailings, line break
opt.list = true
opt.listchars = 'tab:»·,nbsp:+,trail:·,extends:→,precedes:←'
opt.showbreak = ''
-- opt.linebreak = true
-- opt.breakat = [[\ \ ;:,!?]]
-- opt.breakindentopt = 'shift:4,min:20'
-- Undo file path
opt.undofile = true
-- opt.undodir = vim.fn.stdpath('data') .. '/undo'
return M