mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 10:33:04 -05:00
Another commit for neovim
- highlights: delete unused ones, set some custom highlights for specified plugins. Also use orange for TSType (to distinguish with TSKeyword) - plugins: remove coq_nvim
This commit is contained in:
@ -193,12 +193,12 @@ function M.snippets_conf()
ext_opts = {
[types.choiceNode] = {
active = {
virt_text = {{'●', 'Orange'}}
virt_text = {{'●', 'LuaSnipChoice'}}
[types.insertNode] = {
active = {
virt_text = {{'●', 'Blue'}}
virt_text = {{'●', 'LuaSnipInsert'}}
@ -208,21 +208,6 @@ function M.snippets_conf()
-- function M.coq_conf()
-- -- To add snippets from lsp servers, change lsp.lua:
-- -----
-- -- local coq = require('coq')
-- -- lspconf.<server>.setup(...) --> lspconf.<server>.setup(coq.lsp_ensure_capabilities(...))
-- vim.g.coq_settings = {
-- auto_start = true,
-- display = {
-- icons = {
-- mode = 'none'
-- }
-- }
-- }
-- end
function M.autotag_conf()
require('nvim-ts-autotag').setup {
filetypes = {
@ -491,11 +491,11 @@ end
-- exclude = {'org'}, -- list of file types to exclude highlighting
-- },
-- colors = {
-- error = {'LspDiagnosticsDefaultError', 'TSDanger', 'Red'},
-- warning = {'LspDiagnosticsDefaultWarning', 'TSWarning', 'Yellow'},
-- info = {'LspDiagnosticsDefaultInformation', 'TSNote', 'Blue'},
-- hint = {'LspDiagnosticsDefaultHint', 'Cyan'},
-- default = {'Normal', 'White'}
-- error = {'LspDiagnosticsDefaultError', 'TSDanger', '#bf616a', '#e06c75'},
-- warning = {'LspDiagnosticsDefaultWarning', 'TSWarning', '#ebcb8b', '#e5c07b'},
-- info = {'LspDiagnosticsDefaultInformation', 'TSNote', '#81a1c1', '#61afef'},
-- hint = {'LspDiagnosticsDefaultHint', '#88c0d0', '#56b6c2'},
-- default = {'Normal', '#d8dee9', '#abb2bf'}
-- },
-- search = {
-- command = 'rg',
@ -524,10 +524,10 @@ end
function M.dap_conf()
local dap = require('dap')
vim.fn.sign_define('DapBreakpoint', {text='', texthl='Orange'})
vim.fn.sign_define('DapLogPoint', {text='', texthl='Orange'})
vim.fn.sign_define('DapStopped', {text='ﱢ', texthl='Orange'})
vim.fn.sign_define('DapBreakpointRejected', {text='', texthl='Red'})
vim.fn.sign_define('DapBreakpoint', {text='', texthl='DapSignDefault'})
vim.fn.sign_define('DapLogPoint', {text='', texthl='DapSignDefault'})
vim.fn.sign_define('DapStopped', {text='ﱢ', texthl='DapSignDefault'})
vim.fn.sign_define('DapBreakpointRejected', {text='', texthl='DapSignRejected'})
-- Mappings
vim.api.nvim_command('n', '<leader>dn', ':lua require("dap").continue()<CR>', {noremap = true, silent = true})
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ function M.load_options()
-- opt.ttimeout = true
opt.timeoutlen = 500
opt.ttimeoutlen = 25
opt.updatetime = 1000 -- how frequently writing to swap file is
opt.updatetime = 150
opt.redrawtime = 1500
-- No swapfile
@ -264,15 +264,6 @@ return packer.startup(function(use)
after = 'nvim-cmp',
config = completion.autopairs_conf
-- use {
-- 'ms-jpq/coq_nvim',
-- branch = 'coq',
-- event = 'InsertEnter',
-- run = ':COQdeps',
-- wants = 'coq.artifacts',
-- requires = {{'ms-jpq/coq.artifacts', branch = 'artifacts', opt = true}},
-- setup = completion.coq_conf
-- }
use {
ft = {
@ -26,30 +26,20 @@ end
-- Editor related groups
function M.highlight_editor()
-- Color groups for other uses
hi('Red', c.red, '', '', '')
hi('Green', c.green, '', '', '')
hi('Yellow', c.yellow, '', '', '')
hi('Blue', c.blue, '', '', '')
hi('Purple', c.purple, '', '', '')
hi('Cyan', c.cyan, '', '', '')
hi('Orange', c.orange, '', '', '')
hi('White', c.fg, '', '', '')
-- Attributes
hi('Bold' , '', '', 'bold' , '')
hi('Italic' , '', '', 'italic' , '')
hi('Underline', '', '', 'underline', '')
-- Editor
hi('NormalFloat', c.fg , c.grey2, '', '')
hi('ColorColumn', '' , c.grey1, '', '')
hi('Cursor' , c.black , c.fg , '', '')
hi('CursorIM' , c.black , c.white1, '', '')
hi('CursorLine' , '' , c.grey1, '', '')
hi('TermCursorNC', '' , c.grey1, '', '')
hi('Underlined' , c.green , '' , 'underline', '')
hi('Ignore' , c.grey1 , '' , '', '')
hi('Error' , c.fg , c.red , '', '')
hi('iCursor' , c.black , c.fg , '', '')
hi('LineNr' , c.grey3 , '' , '', '')
hi('MatchParen' , c.cyan , c.grey3, '', '')
hi('NonText' , c.grey2 , '' , '', '')
hi('NonText' , c.highlight, '' , '', '')
hi('EndOfBuffer', c.highlight, '' , '', '')
hi('Normal' , c.fg , c.black, '', '')
hi('Pmenu' , c.fg , c.grey2, '', '')
hi('PmenuSbar' , c.fg , c.grey2, '', '')
@ -62,11 +52,15 @@ function M.highlight_editor()
hi('SpellRare' , c.white2, c.black, 'undercurl', c.white2)
hi('Visual' , '' , c.grey2 , '', '')
hi('VisualNOS' , '' , c.grey2 , '', '')
-- Neovim support
-- quickfix
hi('QuickFixLine' , '' , c.blue , '', '')
hi('qfLineNr' , c.yellow, '' , '', '')
-- :checkhealth
hi('healthError' , c.red , c.grey1, '', '')
hi('healthSuccess', c.green , c.grey1, '', '')
hi('healthWarning', c.yellow, c.grey1, '', '')
hi('TermCursorNC' , '' , c.grey1, '', '')
-- Gutter
hi('CursorColumn', '' , c.grey1, '', '')
@ -79,7 +73,6 @@ function M.highlight_editor()
hi('Directory', c.cyan, '', '', '')
-- Prompt
hi('EndOfBuffer', c.grey1, '' , '', '')
hi('ErrorMsg' , c.fg , c.red , '', '')
hi('ModeMsg' , c.fg , '' , '', '')
hi('MoreMsg' , c.cyan , '' , '', '')
@ -116,7 +109,6 @@ function M.highlight_syntax()
hi('Conceal', '', '', '', '')
hi('Conditional', c.blue, '', '', '')
hi('Constant', c.fg, '', '', '')
hi('Decorator', c.orange, '', '', '')
hi('Define', c.blue, '', '', '')
hi('Delimiter', c.white2, '', '', '')
hi('Exception', c.blue, '', '', '')
@ -139,9 +131,8 @@ function M.highlight_syntax()
hi('Structure', c.blue, '', '', '')
hi('Tag', c.fg, '', '', '')
hi('Todo', c.yellow, '', '', '')
hi('Type', c.blue, '', '', '')
hi('Type', c.orange, '', '', '')
hi('Typedef', c.blue, '', '', '')
cmd('hi! link Annotation Decorator')
cmd('hi! link Macro Define')
cmd('hi! link PreCondit PreProc')
cmd('hi! link Variable Identifier')
@ -196,7 +187,7 @@ end
-- Treesitter (:h nvim-treesitter-highlights)
function M.highlight_treesitter()
cmd('hi! link TSAnnotation Annotation')
hi('TSAnnotation', c.dark_blue, '', 'italic', '')
hi('TSCharacter', c.green, '', '', '')
hi('TSConstructor', c.blue, '', '', '')
hi('TSConstant', c.yellow, '', '', '')
@ -225,14 +216,15 @@ function M.highlight_treesitter()
hi('TSStringRegex', c.teal, '', '', '')
hi('TSStringEscape', c.purple, '', '', '')
hi('TSSymbol', c.purple, '', '', '')
hi('TSType', c.blue, '', '', '')
hi('TSTypeBuiltin', c.blue, '', '', '')
hi('TSType', c.orange, '', '', '')
hi('TSTypeBuiltin', c.orange, '', '', '')
hi('TSTag', c.fg, '', '', '')
hi('TSTagDelimiter', c.purple, '', '', '')
hi('TSText', c.fg, '', '', '')
hi('TSTextReference', c.purple, '', '', '')
hi('TSStrong' , c.fg, '', 'bold', '')
hi('TSEmphasis', c.fg, '', 'bold,italic', '')
cmd('hi! link TSUnderline Underline')
hi('TSUnderline', '', '', 'underline', '')
hi('TSTitle', c.dark_blue, '', 'bold', '')
hi('TSLiteral', c.fg, '', '', '')
hi('TSURI', c.green, '', 'underline', '')
@ -248,7 +240,6 @@ function M.highlight_treesitter()
cmd('hi! link TSFuncBuiltin Function')
cmd('hi! link TSVariable Variable')
cmd('hi! link TSVariableBuiltin Variable')
cmd('hi! link TSStrong Bold')
cmd('hi! link TSStructure Structure')
hi('TSNote', c.blue, '', 'bold', '')
@ -297,12 +288,20 @@ function M.highlight_plugins()
hi('CmpItemKind', c.orange, '', '', '')
hi('CmpItemMenu', c.blue, '', '', '')
-- LuaSnip
hi('LuaSnipChoice', c.orange, '', '', '')
hi('LuaSnipInsert', c.blue, '', '', '')
-- Gitsigns
hi('GitSignsAddNr' , c.green , '', '', '')
hi('GitSignsChangeNr', c.yellow, '', '', '')
hi('GitSignsDeleteNr', c.red , '', '', '')
hi('GitSignsCurrentLineBlame', c.grey_bright, '', 'italic,bold', '')
-- dap.nvim
hi('DapSignDefault', c.orange, '', '', '')
hi('DapSignRejected', c.red, '', '', '')
-- ts-rainbow
hi('rainbowcol1', c.red, '', 'bold', '')
hi('rainbowcol2', c.orange, '', 'bold', '')
@ -361,8 +360,8 @@ function M.highlight_plugins()
hi('WindowPickerSwap', c.fg, c.orange, 'bold', '')
-- vim-illuminate
cmd('hi! link illuminatedWord Underline')
cmd('hi! link illuminatedCurWord Underline')
hi('illuminatedWord', '', '', 'underline', '')
hi('illuminatedCurWord', '', '', 'underline', '')
-- trouble.nvim
hi('LspTroubleText', c.blue, '', 'bold', '')
Reference in New Issue
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