- highlights: delete unused ones, set some custom highlights for
specified plugins. Also use orange for TSType (to distinguish with
- plugins: remove coq_nvim
- highlight:
+ adjust treesitter groups for nord (TSField as fg doesn't look
good in yaml files). Also add highlight for TSNote, TSWarning,
TSDanger (notes such as 'TODO', 'FIXME', ...)
+ rewrite the way theme is set (now 'g:colors_name' is used
properly instead of a hacky variable 'g:global_theme'). Also
make setting theme more modular
+ add 'highlight_languages' groups for other syntaxes (html,
markdown) that are not covered with treesitter
- mappings: properly move ':Telescope lsp_range_code_action' to
visual block + avoid mappings for <C-x> and <C-a> (number
- null-ls.nvim: add basic config, load before nvim-lspconfig
- plugins: add nvim-treesitter/playground
- feline.nvim: lazy loaded on VimEnter
- nvim-lightbulb: only refresh on CursorHold (previously stopped
working after entering INSERT mode)
- tlp: update config for v1.4.0
setup: add ani-cli to scripts.sh
- Fix commit 8a8e0db586 : vim.opt is a table, so it should have been
vim.o -> vim.opt:get()
- Add filetype.nvim (improved startup time)
- Drop vimtex. Potentially will switch to tex.nvim
- Re-compile packer only inside '/modules' directory (less eager)
- undodir: move to stdpath('data') to be more inline with other
- add todo-comments.nvim
- whichkey: rebind for hop.nvim (avoid conflicting with vim-sandwich
- mappings: clean up and rearrange