mirror of https://github.com/Melon-Bread/gnu-slash-dot-files synced 2025-02-26 14:29:32 -05:00

19 lines
587 B
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2019-03-18 09:15:02 -04:00
set-option -g status on
set-option -g status-interval 2
set-option -g status-justify "centre"
set-option -g status-left-length 60
set-option -g status-right-length 90
2019-03-23 14:15:06 -04:00
# List of plugins
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tpm'
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-sensible'
2019-03-23 14:21:02 -04:00
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-resurrect'
2019-03-23 14:24:04 -04:00
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-yank'
2019-03-23 14:24:23 -04:00
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-urlview'
2019-03-23 14:25:07 -04:00
set -g @plugin 'tmux-plugins/tmux-sidebar'
2019-03-23 14:19:11 -04:00
set -g @plugin 'egel/tmux-gruvbox'
2019-03-23 14:15:06 -04:00
# Initialize TMUX plugin manager (keep this line at the very bottom of tmux.conf)
run -b '~/.tmux/plugins/tpm/tpm'