#!/usr/bin/env python3 import subprocess import time import requests downloading = [] def download_stream(channel): downloading.append(channel) subprocess.run(["dl-stream", "-r", channel]) # Grab all the channels from channel_list.txt and put them in a list with open("channel_list.txt", "r") as file: # channel_list = file.readlines() channel_list = [ line for line in file if line.strip() ] # Removes all white spaces per line # Run untill progam is killed while True: for channel in channel_list: contents = requests.get("https://www.twitch.tv/" + channel).content.decode( "utf-8" ) if "isLiveBroadcast" in contents: print(channel + " is live!") if channel not in downloading: download_stream(channel) else: print(channel + " is already downloading") else: print(channel + " is not live.") if channel in downloading: downloading.remove(channel) print(channel + " is no longer downloading") time.sleep(60) # Wait 60 Seconds before trying again