package; import flixel.FlxG; import flixel.FlxSprite; import; import flixel.system.FlxSound; import flixel.text.FlxText; import flixel.util.FlxColor; using flixel.util.FlxSpriteUtil; // TODO: Make sure the HUD is just displaying & triggering Gel stuff // TODO: Display in-game time // TODO: Save system that saves every menu choice class HUD extends FlxTypedGroup { // Top private var _sprTop:FlxSprite; private var _txtInfo:FlxText; private var _sprInfo:FlxSprite; private var _txtFeed:FlxText; private var _sprFeed:FlxSprite; private var _txtStudy:FlxText; private var _sprStudy:FlxSprite; private var _txtRest:FlxText; private var _sprRest:FlxSprite; // Bottom private var _sprBottom:FlxSprite; private var _txtCheer:FlxText; private var _sprCheer:FlxSprite; private var _txtScold:FlxText; private var _sprScold:FlxSprite; private var _txtWipe:FlxText; private var _sprWipe:FlxSprite; private var _txtConfig:FlxText; private var _sprConfig:FlxSprite; // Gel Boxes private var _sprThoughts:FlxSprite; private var _sprInteraction:FlxSprite; // Sounds private var _sndSelect:FlxSound; private var _sndNext:FlxSound; // Menus private var _infoMenu:InfoMenu; // Misc private var _menuOption:Int; private var _sprSelect:FlxSprite; private var _tmpText:FlxText; private var _gel:Gel; public function new(gel:Gel, infoMenu:InfoMenu) { super(); // Misc _menuOption = 0; _gel = gel; _infoMenu = infoMenu; // Top _sprTop = new FlxSprite(0, 0, AssetPaths.HUD_Background__png); add(_sprTop); // Info _txtInfo = new FlxText(1, (_sprTop.height - 13), 0, "Info", 8); _txtInfo.setFormat(AssetPaths.EarlyGameBoy__ttf, 8, FlxColor.fromRGB(8, 24, 32, 0), CENTER); add(_txtInfo); _sprInfo = new FlxSprite((_txtInfo.x + 3), (_txtInfo.y - 17), AssetPaths.Info__png); add(_sprInfo); // Feed _txtFeed = new FlxText((_txtInfo.x + _txtInfo.width + 4), (_sprTop.height - 13), 0, "Feed", 8); _txtFeed.setFormat(AssetPaths.EarlyGameBoy__ttf, 8 , FlxColor.fromRGB(8, 24, 32, 0), CENTER); add(_txtFeed); _sprFeed = new FlxSprite((_txtFeed.x + 2), (_txtFeed.y - 17), AssetPaths.Feed__png); add(_sprFeed); // Study _txtStudy = new FlxText((_txtFeed.x + _txtFeed.width - 1), (_sprTop.height - 13), 0, "Study", 8); _txtStudy.setFormat(AssetPaths.EarlyGameBoy__ttf, 8, FlxColor.fromRGB(8, 24, 32, 0), CENTER); add(_txtStudy); _sprStudy = new FlxSprite((_txtStudy.x + 6), (_txtStudy.y - 17), AssetPaths.Study__png); add(_sprStudy); // Rest _txtRest = new FlxText((_txtStudy.x + _txtStudy.width), (_sprTop.height - 13), 0, "Rest", 8); _txtRest.setFormat(AssetPaths.EarlyGameBoy__ttf, 8, FlxColor.fromRGB(8, 24, 32, 0), CENTER); add(_txtRest); _sprRest = new FlxSprite((_txtRest.x + 2), (_txtRest.y - 17), AssetPaths.Rest__png); add(_sprRest); // Bottom _sprBottom = new FlxSprite(0, (FlxG.height - _sprTop.height), AssetPaths.HUD_Background__png); add(_sprBottom); // Cheer _txtCheer = new FlxText(-2, (FlxG.height - 13), 0, "Cheer", 8); _txtCheer.setFormat(AssetPaths.EarlyGameBoy__ttf, 8, FlxColor.fromRGB(8, 24, 32, 0), CENTER); add(_txtCheer); _sprCheer = new FlxSprite((_txtCheer.x + 6), (_txtCheer.y - 17), AssetPaths.Cheer__png); add (_sprCheer); // Scold _txtScold = new FlxText((_txtCheer.x + _txtCheer.width - 5), (FlxG.height - 13), 0, "Scold", 8); _txtScold.setFormat(AssetPaths.EarlyGameBoy__ttf, 8, FlxColor.fromRGB(8, 24, 32, 0), CENTER); add(_txtScold); _sprScold = new FlxSprite((_txtScold.x + 6), (_txtScold.y - 17), AssetPaths.Scold__png); add(_sprScold); // Wipe _txtWipe = new FlxText((_txtScold.x + _txtScold.width - 1), (FlxG.height - 13), 0, "Wipe", 8); _txtWipe.setFormat(AssetPaths.EarlyGameBoy__ttf, 8, FlxColor.fromRGB(8, 24, 32, 0), CENTER); add(_txtWipe); _sprWipe = new FlxSprite((_txtWipe.x + 2), (_txtWipe.y - 17), AssetPaths.Wipe__png); add(_sprWipe); // Config _txtConfig = new FlxText((_txtWipe.x + _txtWipe.width + 3), (FlxG.height - 13), 0, "Conf", 8); _txtConfig.setFormat(AssetPaths.EarlyGameBoy__ttf, 8, FlxColor.fromRGB(8, 24, 32, 0), CENTER); add(_txtConfig); _sprConfig = new FlxSprite((_txtConfig.x + 2), (_txtConfig.y - 17), AssetPaths.Config__png); add(_sprConfig); // Sound _sndSelect = FlxG.sound.load(AssetPaths.Select__ogg); _sndNext = FlxG.sound.load(AssetPaths.Next__ogg); // Menu Selecter _sprSelect = new FlxSprite(0, 0, AssetPaths.tmpSelect__png); add(_sprSelect); // Interact Boxes _sprInteraction = new FlxSprite(111, 78, AssetPaths.tmp24__png); _sprInteraction.visible = false; add(_sprInteraction); // Thought Box _sprThoughts = new FlxSprite(26, 51); _sprThoughts.loadGraphic(AssetPaths.Thoughts__png, true, 24, 24); _sprThoughts.animation.add("none", [4], 1, false); _sprThoughts.animation.add("hungry", [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], 3, true); _sprThoughts.animation.add("poopy", [5, 6, 7, 8, 9], 3, true); _sprThoughts.animation.add("sleepy", [10, 11, 12, 13, 14], 4, true); add(_sprThoughts); // KILL ME PLEASE _tmpText = new FlxText(_sprInteraction.x, _sprInteraction.y, 0, "", 8); add(_tmpText); // DEBUG, "exists", "Info Menu Open");, "_menuOption", "Menu Index");, "alpha", "Interact Alpha");, "visible", "Interact Visible");, "text", "Temp Text"); } override public function update(elapsed:Float):Void { super.update(elapsed); // TODO: Add WASD support? // TODO: Start + Select gives prompt to delete save file if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.UP || FlxG.gamepads.anyJustPressed(DPAD_UP)) nextOption(UP); else if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.DOWN || FlxG.gamepads.anyJustPressed(DPAD_DOWN)) nextOption(DOWN); else if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.LEFT || FlxG.gamepads.anyJustPressed(DPAD_LEFT)) nextOption(LEFT); else if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.RIGHT || FlxG.gamepads.anyJustPressed(DPAD_RIGHT)) nextOption(RIGHT); else if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.X || FlxG.gamepads.anyJustPressed(B)) makeOption(_menuOption); // Gel Animation if (_gel.CurrentMood == Gel.Mood.NEUTRAL)"neutral", false); else if(_gel.CurrentMood == Gel.Mood.HAPPY)"happy", false); else if (_gel.CurrentMood == Gel.Mood.ANGRY)"angry", false); else if (_gel.CurrentMood == Gel.Mood.SLEEPING)"sleeping", false); // Need Bubble if (_gel.CurrentNeed == Gel.Need.NONE)"none", false); else if (_gel.CurrentNeed == Gel.Need.HUNGRY)"hungry", false); else if (_gel.CurrentNeed == Gel.Need.POOPY)"poopy", false); else if (_gel.CurrentNeed == Gel.Need.SLEEPY)"sleepy", false); } private function nextOption(direction:MenuDirection):Void { // TODO: Fix double tap in same vert direction switch (direction) { case UP: _menuOption -= 4; if (_menuOption < 0) _menuOption = 0; _sprSelect.x = _menuOption * 40; _sprSelect.y = 0; case DOWN: _menuOption += 4; if (_menuOption > 7) _menuOption = 7; _sprSelect.x = (_menuOption - 4) * 40; _sprSelect.y = _sprBottom.y; case LEFT: if (_menuOption <= 0) _menuOption = 7; else _menuOption--; if (_menuOption >= 4) { _sprSelect.x = (_menuOption - 4) * 40; _sprSelect.y = _sprBottom.y; } else { _sprSelect.x = _menuOption * 40; _sprSelect.y = 0; } case RIGHT: if (_menuOption >= 7) _menuOption = 0; else _menuOption++; if (_menuOption >= 4) { _sprSelect.x = (_menuOption - 4) * 40; _sprSelect.y = _sprBottom.y; } else { _sprSelect.x = _menuOption * 40; _sprSelect.y = 0; }; } } private function makeOption(option:Int):Void { if(!_gel.Wait) { switch(option) { // INFO case 0: showInfo(); // FEED case 1: if (!_gel._isAsleep) feedGel(); // Study case 2: if (!_gel._isAsleep) studyGel(); // REST case 3: if (!_gel._isAsleep) sleepGel(); // CHEER case 4: if (!_gel._isAsleep) praiseGel(); // SCOLD case 5: if (!_gel._isAsleep) scoldGel(); // WIPE case 6: if (!_gel._isAsleep) wipeGel(); // CONFIG case 7: showConfig(); }; // TODO: Save Game } } private function showInfo():Void { _infoMenu.OpenMenu(); } private function feedGel():Void { itemJoin("F"); _gel.EatFood(); _sprInteraction.fadeOut(2, itemLeave); } private function studyGel():Void { itemJoin("T"); _gel.Study(); _sprInteraction.fadeOut(2, itemLeave); } private function sleepGel():Void { itemJoin("R"); _gel.Sleep(); _sprInteraction.fadeOut(2, itemLeave); } private function praiseGel():Void { itemJoin("P"); _gel.Praise(); _sprInteraction.fadeOut(2, itemLeave); } private function scoldGel():Void { itemJoin("S"); _gel.Scold(); _sprInteraction.fadeOut(2, itemLeave); } private function wipeGel():Void { itemJoin("W"); _gel.Wipe(); _sprInteraction.fadeOut(2, itemLeave); } private function showConfig():Void { } private function itemJoin(letter:String = ""):Void { _sprInteraction.visible = true; _tmpText.text = letter; } private function itemLeave(_):Void { _sprInteraction.visible = false; _tmpText.text = ""; _sprInteraction.alpha = 1; _gel.Wait = false; } public function SaveGame() { } } // TODO: Actually use this instead of _menuChoice enum MenuOption { INFO; FEED; STUDY; REST; CHEER; SCOLD; WIPE; CONFIG; } private enum MenuDirection { UP; DOWN; LEFT; RIGHT; }