extends Area2D # TODO: Have a list of "sizes" a comet can be # TODO: Have speeds be determined on a rage based on its "size" # TODO: Provide a specific score based on the "size" # TODO: Have the comet spawn 2 of the next "size" when hit # TODO: Have the comet disapear if shot at is smallest "size" @export var movement_speed := 600 var rotation_speed : int var rotaion_direction : int func _ready() -> void: rotaion_direction = randi_range(-1, 1) rotation_speed = randi_range(50, 250) func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void: rotate(deg_to_rad(rotaion_direction * rotation_speed * delta)) # TODO: Add "floating in space" movement # Screen Wrap var viewport_size := get_viewport_rect().size position.x = wrap(position.x, 0, viewport_size.x) position.y = wrap(position.y, 0,viewport_size.y) func _on_body_entered(body: Node2D) -> void: print(body) # TODO: Add "explosion" logic if bullet hits me if body.is_in_group("ship"): body.crash()