extends Area2D # TODO: Make a random spawner for invaders # TODO: Give points if shot signal shot const BULLET = preload("res://scenes/bullet.tscn") @export var move_speed := 100.0 var movement_direction := Vector2.ZERO var random_position := Vector2.ZERO var can_shoot := false var viewport_size : Vector2 func _ready() -> void: viewport_size = get_viewport_rect().size # I am sorry to who has to make sense of this random_position.x = randi_range(1, 2) if random_position.x == 2: random_position.x = viewport_size.x-1 movement_direction.x = -1 else: movement_direction.x = 1 random_position.y = randi_range(32, viewport_size.y + 32) position = random_position func _process(delta: float) -> void: position += move_speed * movement_direction * delta if can_shoot: # FIXME: Proper shoot angle and not able to sudoku shoot($GunMarker.global_position, randf_range(90.0, 92.0)) # "Die", if off screen if position.x > viewport_size.x or position.x < 0: queue_free() func _on_flying_tone_finished() -> void: $FlyingTone.play() func _on_body_entered(body: Node2D) -> void: if body.is_in_group("ship"): body.crash() func _on_area_entered(area: Area2D) -> void: if area.is_in_group("bullet"): shot.emit() crash() func shoot(pos : Vector2, rot : float) -> void: var bullet := BULLET.instantiate() bullet.position = pos bullet.rotation = rot bullet.life_span = 0.3 bullet.screen_wrap = false $Projectiles.add_child(bullet) $ShootSound.play() can_shoot = false $ShootTimer.start() func crash() -> void: $AnimationPlayer.play("crash") func _on_shoot_timer_timeout() -> void: can_shoot = true