# SEGA Games Older systems can be found in the [Retro Games page](/megathread/retro). ## **Sega Dreamcast** |**Myrient (Redump BIN/CUE) (Fast)**|| | ------ | ------ | | Sega - Dreamcast | [Link](https://myrient.erista.me/files/Redump/Sega%20-%20Dreamcast/) | |**Internet Archive (Redump)**|| | ------ | ------ | | Redump Sega Dreamcast .cue/.bin | [Link](https://archive.org/download/sega_dreamcast) | | Redump Sega Dreamcast .chd | [Link](https://archive.org/download/dc-chd-zstd-redump/dc-chd-zstd/) | |**Internet Archive (TOSEC)**|| | ------ | ------ | | TOSEC Dreamcast USA GDI | [Link](https://archive.org/download/tosecdcus20190822) | | TOSEC Dreamcast EUR GDI | [Link](https://archive.org/download/18wheeleramericanprotruckerv1.7002001segapalm4) | | TOSEC Dreamcast JAP GDI | [Link](https://archive.org/download/interludev1.0032003necinterchanneljp) | |**Internet Archive (Miscellaneous)**|| | ------ | ------ | | Dreamcast Collection By Ghostware Multi-region | [Link](https://archive.org/download/DreamcastCollectionByGhostwareMulti-region) | | Almost Complete Dreamcast GDI | [Link](https://archive.org/download/almstcmpltdrmcst) | |**MEGA (Miscellaneous)**|| | ------ | ------ | | TiZ Homebrew Apps | [Link](https://mega.nz/#F!q7oxzDga!JfJulP8EX1-poB0nkgy2ZA) | Note: Not all Dreamcast emulators support the BIN/CUE format. The GDI format is recommended to ensure that the game can run. ## **Sega Saturn** |**Myrient (Redump BIN/CUE) (Fast)**|| | ------ | ------ | | Sega - Saturn | [Link](https://myrient.erista.me/files/Redump/Sega%20-%20Saturn/) | |**Internet Archive (Redump)**|| | ------ | ------ | | Redump Sega Saturn .cue/.bin | [Link](https://archive.org/download/sega_saturn) | | Redump Sega Saturn .chd USA | [Link](https://archive.org/download/chd_saturn/CHD-Saturn/USA/) | | Redump Sega Saturn .chd EUR | [Link](https://archive.org/download/chd_saturn/CHD-Saturn/Europe/) | | Redump Sega Saturn .chd JPN | [Link](https://archive.org/download/chd_saturn/CHD-Saturn/Japan/) | | Redump Sega Saturn .chd Other | [Link](https://archive.org/download/chd_saturn/CHD-Saturn/Other-Regions/) | ## **Sega CD** |**Myrient (Redump BIN/CUE) (Fast)**|| | ------ | ------ | | Sega - Mega CD & Sega CD | [Link](https://myrient.erista.me/files/Redump/Sega%20-%20Mega%20CD%20&%20Sega%20CD/) | |**Internet Archive (Redump)**|| | ------ | ------ | | Redump Sega Mega CD .cue/.bin | [Link](https://archive.org/download/sega_mega-cd_sega-cd) | | Redump Sega CD & Mega CD .chd USA | [Link](https://archive.org/download/chd_segacd/CHD-SegaCD-NTSC/) | | Redump Sega CD & Mega CD .chd EUR | [Link](https://archive.org/download/chd_segacd/CHD-MegaCD-PAL/) | | Redump Sega CD & Mega CD .chd JPN | [Link](https://archive.org/download/chd_segacd/CHD-MegaCD-NTSCJ/) |