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# Nintendo Games
If you are looking for Retro ROMs, see the [Retro Games page](/megathread/retro).
## **Nintendo DS**
2024-08-30 23:03:30 -04:00
|**Myrient (No-Intro) (Fast)**||
| ------ | ------ |
2023-03-12 11:31:12 -04:00
| Nintendo - Nintendo DS (Decrypted) | [Link](https://myrient.erista.me/files/No-Intro/Nintendo%20-%20Nintendo%20DS%20(Decrypted)/) |
| Nintendo - Nintendo DS (Encrypted) | [Link](https://myrient.erista.me/files/No-Intro/Nintendo%20-%20Nintendo%20DS%20(Encrypted)/) |
| Nintendo - Nintendo DS (Download Play) | [Link](https://myrient.erista.me/files/No-Intro/Nintendo%20-%20Nintendo%20DS%20(Download%20Play)/) |
| Nintendo - Nintendo DSi (Decrypted) | [Link](https://myrient.erista.me/files/No-Intro/Nintendo%20-%20Nintendo%20DSi%20(Decrypted)/) |
| Nintendo - Nintendo DSi (Encrypted) | [Link](https://myrient.erista.me/files/No-Intro/Nintendo%20-%20Nintendo%20DSi%20(Encrypted)/) |
| Nintendo - Nintendo DSi (Digital) | [Link](https://myrient.erista.me/files/No-Intro/Nintendo%20-%20Nintendo%20DSi%20(Digital)/) |
|**MarioCube**|Open Directory|Internet Archive|
| ------ | ------ | ------ |
2023-03-12 11:31:12 -04:00
| DSiWare | [Link](https://repo.mariocube.com/DSiWare/) | [Link](https://archive.org/download/MarioCubeLite/DSiWare/) |
|**Internet Archive (No-Intro)**||
| ------ | ------ |
2023-03-12 11:31:12 -04:00
| Nintendo DS Anti-Piracy Fixed ROMs | [Link](https://archive.org/download/nds_apfix/apfix/) |
| No-Intro Nintendo DS Decrypted ROMs 0001-6308 + x001-x193 + xB01-xB03 + z001-z183 | [Link](https://archive.org/download/no-intro-nintendo-ds-decrypted-roms-0001-6308-x-001-x-193-x-b-01-x-b-03-z-001-z-183/No-Intro%20Nintendo%20DS%20Decrypted%20ROMs%200001-6308%20%2B%20x001-x193%20%2B%20xB01-xB03%20%2B%20z001-z183/) |
2023-03-12 11:31:12 -04:00
| No-Intro Nintendo DS (Decrypted) (2020-01-20) | [Link](https://archive.org/download/noIntroNintendoDsDecrypted2020Jan20) |
| No-Intro Nintendo DS (Download Play) (2022-07-07) | [Link](https://archive.org/download/no-intro-nintendo-nintendo-ds-download-play_202207) |
2023-03-12 11:31:12 -04:00
| No-Intro Nintendo DSi (Decrypted+Encrypted) (2018-06-30) | [Link](https://archive.org/download/No-Intro_Nintendo_DSi_2018-06-30) |
## **Nintendo 3DS**
| ------ | ------ |
2023-03-12 11:31:12 -04:00
| 3DS Content in CIA Format | [Link](https://hshop.erista.me) |
2024-08-30 23:03:30 -04:00
|**Myrient (No-Intro) (Fast)**||
| ------ | ------ |
2023-03-12 11:31:12 -04:00
| Nintendo - Nintendo 3DS (Decrypted) | [Link](https://myrient.erista.me/files/No-Intro/Nintendo%20-%20Nintendo%203DS%20(Decrypted)/) |
| Nintendo - Nintendo 3DS (Encrypted) | [Link](https://myrient.erista.me/files/No-Intro/Nintendo%20-%20Nintendo%203DS%20(Encrypted)/) |
| Nintendo - New Nintendo 3DS (Decrypted) | [Link](https://myrient.erista.me/files/No-Intro/Nintendo%20-%20New%20Nintendo%203DS%20(Decrypted)/) |
| Nintendo - New Nintendo 3DS (Encrypted) | [Link](https://myrient.erista.me/files/No-Intro/Nintendo%20-%20New%20Nintendo%203DS%20(Encrypted)/) |
2023-07-14 01:58:40 -04:00
| Nintendo - Nintendo 3DS (Digital) (Depreciated) | [Link](https://myrient.erista.me/files/No-Intro/Nintendo%20-%20Nintendo%203DS%20(Digital)%20(Deprecated)/) |
2023-03-12 11:31:12 -04:00
| Nintendo - New Nintendo 3DS (Digital) (Deprecated) | [Link](https://myrient.erista.me/files/No-Intro/Nintendo%20-%20New%20Nintendo%203DS%20(Digital)%20(Deprecated)/) |
2023-07-14 01:58:40 -04:00
| Unofficial - Nintendo - Nintendo 3DS (Digital) (Updates and DLC) (Decrypted) | [Link](https://myrient.erista.me/files/No-Intro/Unofficial%20-%20Nintendo%20-%20Nintendo%203DS%20(Digital)%20(Updates%20and%20DLC)%20(Decrypted)/) |
| Unofficial - Nintendo - Nintendo 3DS (Digital) (Updates and DLC) (Encrypted) | [Link](https://myrient.erista.me/files/No-Intro/Unofficial%20-%20Nintendo%20-%20Nintendo%203DS%20(Digital)%20(Updates%20and%20DLC)%20(Encrypted)/) |
| Nintendo - Nintendo 3DS (Digital) (CDN) | [Link](https://myrient.erista.me/files/No-Intro/Nintendo%20-%20Nintendo%203DS%20(Digital)%20(CDN)/) |
| Nintendo - Nintendo 3DS (Digital) (Dev ROMs) | [Link](https://myrient.erista.me/files/No-Intro/Nintendo%20-%20Nintendo%203DS%20(Digital)%20(Dev%20ROMs)/) |
| Nintendo - Nintendo 3DS (Digital) (Pre-Install) | [Link](https://myrient.erista.me/files/No-Intro/Nintendo%20-%20Nintendo%203DS%20(Digital)%20(Pre-Install)/) |
|**Internet Archive (No-Intro)**||
| ------ | ------ |
2024-08-30 23:03:30 -04:00
| 3DS-Main - Encrypted (Part 1) (#-R) | [Link](https://archive.org/download/3ds-main-encrypted) |
| 3DS-Main - Encrypted (Part 2) (S-Z) | [Link](https://archive.org/download/3ds-main-encrypted-p2) |
| Nintendo 3DS eShop Collection (up to 2020-04-09) | [Link](https://archive.org/download/nintendo-3ds-eshop-complete-collection) |
| Nintendo 3DS Collection [1-1700] | [Link](https://archive.org/download/nintendo-3ds-complete-collection) |
| Nintendo 3DS Collection [1701-1861] | [Link](https://archive.org/download/nintendo-3ds-complete-collection-pt2) |
| 3DS DLC and Updates - Encrypted | [Link](https://archive.org/download/3ds-dlc-and-updates-encrypted) |
**3DS/CIA Decryption Instructions**
If Citra says the ROM is encrypted, use [Batch CIA-3DS Decryptor](https://gbatemp.net/download/batch-cia-3ds-decryptor.35098/) to decrypt it.
If you would like to get a proper No-Intro hash from the converted file, use [this script](https://archive.org/download/pkmn_collection/3DS%20%2B%20CIA%20Rom%20Script.rar).
Or, add the following AES keys to Citra from [here](https://pastebin.com/vRy8c6JP) or [here](https://web.archive.org/web/20220707222654/https://pastebin.com/tBY6RHh4). Click download on Pastebin to download the text in the file as a TXT. Then, follow the installation instructions below for your OS.
**Windows Installation Instructions**
Add the downloaded Pastebin TXT file to `C:/Users/<your user name>/AppData/Roaming/Citra/sysdata` and make sure it is named `aes_keys.txt`.
**Linux or MacOS Installation Instructions**
Add the downloaded Pastebin TXT file to `~/.local/share/citra-emu/sysdata` and make sure it is named `aes_keys.txt`.
For more information, refer to the [Citra Wiki](https://citra-emu.org/wiki/user-directory/).
## **Nintendo GameCube**
The RVZ format is recommended for its size and convenience. It also helps save bandwidth for both you and the website hosting the files when downloading. It works in Dolphin Emulator but not on real hardware. If you are using real hardware, use [Dolphin Emulator](https://dolphin-emu.org/) to convert the files to ISO [(Guide)](https://imgur.com/a/XWmsnoR) [(Video Guide)](https://myrient.erista.me/assets/rvz.mp4).
2024-08-30 23:03:30 -04:00
|**Myrient (Redump) (RVZ) (Fast)**||
| ------ | ------ |
2023-03-12 11:31:12 -04:00
| Nintendo - GameCube - NKit RVZ [zstd-19-128k] | [Link](https://myrient.erista.me/files/Redump/Nintendo%20-%20GameCube%20-%20NKit%20RVZ%20[zstd-19-128k]/) |
|**Internet Archive (Redump) (RVZ)**||
| ------ | ------ |
2024-08-30 23:03:30 -04:00
| RVZ - Nintendo GameCube (Redump) - USA Set | [Link](https://archive.org/download/rvz-gc-usa-redump/RVZ-GC-USA-REDUMP/) |
| RVZ - Nintendo GameCube (Redump) - Europe Set | [Link](https://archive.org/download/rvz-gc-europe-redump/RVZ-GC-EUROPE-REDUMP/) |
| RVZ - Nintendo GameCube (Redump) - Asia Set | [Link](https://archive.org/download/rvz-gc-asia-redump/RVZ-GC-ASIA-REDUMP/) |
|**Internet Archive (Redump) (ISO)**||
| ------ | ------ |
2024-08-30 23:03:30 -04:00
| Redump - Nintendo - GameCube (America) (20160527) Part 1 | [Link](https://archive.org/download/RedumpNintendoGameCubeAmerica) |
| Redump - Nintendo - GameCube (America) (20160527) Part 2 | [Link](https://archive.org/download/RedumpNintendoGameCubeAmericaPart2) |
| Redump - Nintendo - GameCube (America) (20160527) Part 3 | [Link](https://archive.org/download/RedumpNintendoGameCubeAmericaPart3) |
| Redump - Nintendo - GameCube (Japan) | [Link](https://archive.org/download/NCubeJ) |
| Redump - Nintendo - GameCube (Europe) | [Link](https://archive.org/download/EuropeanGamecubeCollectionByGhostware) |
| Redump - Nintendo - GameCube (Australia) | [Link](https://archive.org/download/AustraliaGamecubeCollectionByGhostware) |
| Redump - Nintendo - GameCube (Asia) | [Link](https://archive.org/download/AsiaGamecubeCollectionByGhostware) |
## **Nintendo Wii**
The RVZ format is recommended for its size and convenience. It also helps save bandwidth for both you and the website hosting the files when downloading. It works in Dolphin Emulator but not on real hardware. If you are using real hardware, use [Dolphin Emulator](https://dolphin-emu.org/) to convert the files to ISO [(Guide)](https://imgur.com/a/XWmsnoR) [(Video Guide)](https://myrient.erista.me/assets/rvz.mp4).
2024-08-30 23:03:30 -04:00
|**Myrient (Redump) (RVZ) (Fast)**||
| ------ | ------ |
2023-03-12 11:31:12 -04:00
| Nintendo - Wii - NKit RVZ [zstd-19-128k] | [Link](https://myrient.erista.me/files/Redump/Nintendo%20-%20Wii%20-%20NKit%20RVZ%20[zstd-19-128k]/) |
|**Internet Archive (Redump) (RVZ)**||
| ------ | ------ |
2023-03-12 11:31:12 -04:00
| Wii RVZ (USA) Part 1 (# to E) | [Link](https://archive.org/download/wii_rvz_usa/wii_rvz_usa/) |
| Wii RVZ (USA) Part 2 (F to M) | [Link](https://archive.org/download/wii_rvz_usa_p2/wii_rvz_usa/) |
| Wii RVZ (USA) Part 3 (N to S) | [Link](https://archive.org/download/wii_rvz_usa_p3/wii_rvz_usa/) |
| Wii RVZ (USA) Part 4 (T to Z) | [Link](https://archive.org/download/wii_rvz_usa_p4/wii_rvz_usa/) |
2023-06-02 20:19:26 -04:00
|**Internet Archive (WBFS)**||
| ------ | ------ |
2024-08-30 23:03:30 -04:00
| Wii Rom Set By Ghostware Part 1 | [Link](https://archive.org/download/WiiRomSetByGhostware) |
| Wii Rom Set By Ghostware Part 2 | [Link](https://archive.org/download/WiiRomSetByGhostwarePart2) |
| Wii Rom Set By Ghostware Part 3 | [Link](https://archive.org/download/WiiRomSetByGhostwarePart3) |
2023-06-02 20:19:26 -04:00
[NKit Fully Loaded](https://archive.org/compress/NKitFullyLoaded2020429) can be used to convert NKit to ISO, do note that the download is `~14 GB` so using RVZ is recommended over NKit.
|**MarioCube**|Open Directory|Internet Archive|
| ------ | ------ | ------ |
2024-08-30 23:03:30 -04:00
| WiiWare, VC, DLC, Channels & IOS | [Link](https://repo.mariocube.com/WADs/_WiiWare,%20VC,%20DLC,%20Channels%20&%20IOS/) | [Link](https://archive.org/download/MarioCubeLite/WADs/_WiiWare%2C%20VC%2C%20DLC%2C%20Channels%20%26%20IOS/) |
## **Nintendo Wii U**
2023-01-15 01:54:21 -05:00
|**WiiUDownloader (NUS)**||
| ------ | ------ |
2023-03-12 11:31:12 -04:00
| WiiUDownloader | [Link](https://github.com/Xpl0itU/WiiUDownloader/releases/latest) |
2023-01-14 18:15:39 -05:00
Note: This is meant to be a replacement for Wii U USB Helper as it is more lightweight and supports Mac and Linux. If for whatever reason you want to install Wii U USB Helper, you can follow [this guide](https://wiki.agilly1989.xyz/books/wiiu/page/usbhelper-usbhelperlauncher).
2023-04-01 01:01:52 -04:00
|**Internet Archive (WUA)**||
| ------ | ------ |
2024-08-30 23:03:30 -04:00
| Nintendo Wii U Disc (USA) Full Set WUA Format (Embedded DLC & Updates) | [Link](https://archive.org/download/nintendo-wii-u-usa-full-set-wua-format-embedded-dlc-updates) |
| Nintendo Wii U [eShop] (USA) Full Set WUA Format (Embedded DLC & Updates) + Virtual Console | [Link](https://archive.org/download/nintendo-wii-u-eshop-usa-full-set-wua-format-embedded-dlc-updates) |
2023-04-01 01:01:52 -04:00
2024-08-30 23:03:30 -04:00
|**Myrient (No-Intro) (Fast)**||
| ------ | ------ |
2023-03-12 11:31:12 -04:00
| Nintendo - Wii U (Digital) (CDN)* | [Link](https://myrient.erista.me/files/No-Intro/Nintendo%20-%20Wii%20U%20(Digital)%20(CDN)/) |
*To unpack the files for Cemu, use [CDecrypt](https://github.com/VitaSmith/cdecrypt/releases/latest).
|**Internet Archive (NUS)**||
| ------ | ------ |
2024-08-30 23:03:30 -04:00
| Wii U: Retail NUS [USA]* | [Link](https://archive.org/download/wii-u-retail-nus-usa) |
| Wii U: Download NUS [USA]* | [Link](https://archive.org/download/wii-u-download-nus-usa) |
*To unpack the files for Cemu, use [CDecrypt](https://github.com/VitaSmith/cdecrypt/releases/latest).
|**Internet Archive (NUS)**||
| ------ | ------ |
2024-08-30 23:03:30 -04:00
| Wii U: TurboGrafx-16 NUS* | [Link](https://archive.org/download/wii-u-turbografx16-nus) |
| Wii U: Wii NUS* | [Link](https://archive.org/download/wii-u-wii-nus) |
| Wii U: Nintendo 64 NUS* | [Link](https://archive.org/download/wii-u-nintendo-64-nus) |
| Wii U: NES & Famicom NUS* | [Link](https://archive.org/download/wii-u-nes-fc-nus) |
| Wii U: Super Nintendo NUS* | [Link](https://archive.org/download/wii-u-super-nintendo-snes-nus) |
| Wii U: Nintendo DS NUS* | [Link](https://archive.org/download/wii-u-nintendo-ds-nds-nus) |
| Wii U: Gameboy Advance NUS* | [Link](https://archive.org/download/wii-u-gameboy-advance-nus) |
| Wii U: Retail Game Disc NUS* | [Link](https://archive.org/download/wii-u-retail-game-disc-nus-usa) |
*To unpack the files for Cemu, use [CDecrypt](https://github.com/VitaSmith/cdecrypt/releases/latest).
2024-08-30 23:03:30 -04:00
|**Myrient (Redump) (Fast)**||
| ------ | ------ |
2023-03-12 11:31:12 -04:00
| Nintendo - Wii U - WUX** | [Link](https://myrient.erista.me/files/Redump/Nintendo%20-%20Wii%20U%20-%20WUX/) |
**Follow [this guide](https://myrient.erista.me/assets/wux.mp4) to learn how to convert WUX files to WUD.