[NoPayStation](https://nopaystation.com/) is the best and fastest source for PSP, PS3 and PS Vita content. It is a database of games from Sony's CDN along with decryption keys so you can use the files. It is highly recommended that you check NoPayStation before using the links below.
## **Sony Playstation**
|**Myrient (Redump) (BIN/CUE)**||
| ------ | ------ |
| Sony - PlayStation | [Download](https://myrient.erista.me/files/Redump/Sony%20-%20PlayStation/) |
|**Internet Archive (Redump) (BIN/CUE)**||
| ------ | ------ |
| PS1 Redump .cue/.bin Part 1 | [Download](https://archive.org/download/redump.psx) |
| PS1 Redump .cue/.bin Part 2 | [Download](https://archive.org/download/redump.psx.p2) |
| PS1 Redump .cue/.bin Part 3 | [Download](https://archive.org/download/redump.psx.p3) |
| PS1 Redump .cue/.bin Part 4 | [Download](https://archive.org/download/redump.psx.p4) |
|**Internet Archive (Redump) (CHD)**||
| ------ | ------ |
| PS1 Redump .chd USA | [Download](https://archive.org/download/chd_psx/CHD-PSX-USA/) |
#### Note: [NoPayStation](https://nopaystation.com/) is highly recommended for PS3 games. Please check the Downloads below only if NoPayStation does not have the content you are looking for.
|**Myrient (No-Intro)**||
| ------ | ------ |
| Sony - PlayStation 3 (PSN) (Content) | [Download](https://myrient.erista.me/files/No-Intro/Sony%20-%20PlayStation%203%20(PSN)%20(Content)/) |
| Sony - PlayStation 3 (PSN) (Updates) | [Download](https://myrient.erista.me/files/No-Intro/Sony%20-%20PlayStation%203%20(PSN)%20(Updates)/) |
|**Internet Archive (No-Intro) (USA)**||
| ------ | ------ |
| PS3 No-Intro USA Part 1 | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_NOINTRO_USA_1) |
| PS3 No-Intro USA Part 2 | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_NOINTRO_USA_2) |
| PS3 No-Intro USA Part 3 | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_NOINTRO_USA_3) |
| PS3 No-Intro USA Part 4 | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_NOINTRO_USA_4) |
| PS3 No-Intro USA Part 5 | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_NOINTRO_USA__5) |
| PS3 No-Intro USA Part 6 | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_NOINTRO_USA_6) |
| PS3 No-Intro USA Part 7 | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_NOINTRO_USA_7) |
| PS3 No-Intro USA Part 8 | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_NOINTRO_USA_8) |
| PS3 No-Intro USA Part 9 | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_NOINTRO_USA_9) |
| PS3 No-Intro USA Part 10 | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_NOINTRO_USA_10) |
|**Internet Archive (No-Intro) (EUR)**||
| ------ | ------ |
| PS3 No-Intro EUR Part 1 | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_NOINTRO_EUR_1) |
| PS3 No-Intro EUR Part 2 | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_NOINTRO_EUR_2) |
| PS3 No-Intro EUR Part 3 | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_NOINTRO_EUR_3) |
| PS3 No-Intro EUR Part 4 | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_NOINTRO_EUR_4) |
| PS3 No-Intro EUR Part 5 | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_NOINTRO_EUR_5) |
| PS3 No-Intro EUR Part 6 | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_NOINTRO_EUR_6) |
| PS3 No-Intro EUR Part 7 | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_NOINTRO_EUR_7) |
| PS3 No-Intro EUR Part 8 | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_NOINTRO_EUR_8) |
|**Internet Archive (No-Intro) (JPN)**||
| ------ | ------ |
| PS3 No-Intro JAP Part 1 | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_NOINTRO_JAP_1) |
| PS3 No-Intro JAP Part 2 | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_NOINTRO_JAP_2) |
| PS3 No-Intro JAP Part 3 | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_NOINTRO_JAP_3) |
| PS3 No-Intro JAP Part 4 | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_NOINTRO_JAP_4) |
|**Internet Archive (PSN)**||
| ------ | ------ |
| PS3 PSN Part 1 | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_PSN_1) |
| PS3 PSN Part 2 | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_PSN_2) |
|**Myrient (Redump)**||
| ------ | ------ |
| Sony - PlayStation 3 | [Download](https://myrient.erista.me/files/Redump/Sony%20-%20PlayStation%203/) |
|**Internet Archive (Alvro)**||
| ------ | ------ |
| PS3 Games (# - C) | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_ALVRO_PART_1) |
| PS3 Games (C - D) | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_ALVRO_PART_2) |
| PS3 Games (C - D) (Other) | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_ALVRO_PART_2_OTHER) |
| PS3 Games (D - G) | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_ALVRO_PART_3) |
| PS3 Games (D - G) (Other) | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_ALVRO_PART_3_OTHER) |
| PS3 Games (G - J) | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_ALVRO_PART_4) |
| PS3 Games (J - M) | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_ALVRO_PART__5) |
| PS3 Games (M - N) | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_ALVRO_PART_6) |
| PS3 Games (N - R) | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_ALVRO_PART_7) |
| PS3 Games (R - S) | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_ALVRO_PART_8) |
| PS3 Games (S - T) | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_ALVRO_PART_9) |
| PS3 Games (T) | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_ALVRO_PART_10) |
| PS3 Games (T - Z) | [Download](https://archive.org/download/PS3_ALVRO_PART_11) |
## **Sony Playstation Vita**
|**Myrient (No-Intro)**||
| ------ | ------ |
| Sony - PlayStation Vita (PSN) (Content) | [Download](https://myrient.erista.me/files/No-Intro/Sony%20-%20PlayStation%20Vita%20(PSN)%20(Content)/) |
| Sony - PlayStation Vita (PSN) (Updates) | [Download](https://myrient.erista.me/files/No-Intro/Sony%20-%20PlayStation%20Vita%20(PSN)%20(Updates)/) |
| Unofficial - Sony - PlayStation Vita (BlackFinPSV) | [Download](https://myrient.erista.me/files/No-Intro/Unofficial%20-%20Sony%20-%20PlayStation%20Vita%20(BlackFinPSV)/) |
| Unofficial - Sony - PlayStation Vita (NoNpDrm) | [Download](https://myrient.erista.me/files/No-Intro/Unofficial%20-%20Sony%20-%20PlayStation%20Vita%20(NoNpDrm)/) |
| Unofficial - Sony - PlayStation Vita (PSN) (Decrypted) (VPK) | [Download](https://myrient.erista.me/files/No-Intro/Unofficial%20-%20Sony%20-%20PlayStation%20Vita%20(PSN)%20(Decrypted)%20(VPK)/) |
| Unofficial - Sony - PlayStation Vita (PSVgameSD) | [Download](https://myrient.erista.me/files/No-Intro/Unofficial%20-%20Sony%20-%20PlayStation%20Vita%20(PSVgameSD)/) |
| Unofficial - Sony - PlayStation Vita (VPK) | [Download](https://myrient.erista.me/files/No-Intro/Unofficial%20-%20Sony%20-%20PlayStation%20Vita%20(VPK)/) |