2020-12-28 15:15:37 +00:00

1115 lines
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Executable File

/* This file is part of the sirit project.
* Copyright (c) 2019 sirit
* This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the
* 3-Clause BSD License
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <variant>
#include <vector>
#include <spirv/unified1/spirv.hpp11>
namespace Sirit {
constexpr std::uint32_t GENERATOR_MAGIC_NUMBER = 0;
class Op;
class Operand;
using Literal =
std::variant<std::uint32_t, std::uint64_t, std::int32_t, std::int64_t, float, double>;
using Id = const Op*;
class Module {
explicit Module(std::uint32_t version = spv::Version);
* Assembles current module into a SPIR-V stream.
* It can be called multiple times but it's recommended to copy code
* externally.
* @return A stream of bytes representing a SPIR-V module.
std::vector<std::uint32_t> Assemble() const;
/// Adds a SPIR-V extension.
void AddExtension(std::string extension_name);
/// Adds a module capability.
void AddCapability(spv::Capability capability);
/// Sets module memory model.
void SetMemoryModel(spv::AddressingModel addressing_model_, spv::MemoryModel memory_model_);
/// Adds an entry point.
void AddEntryPoint(spv::ExecutionModel execution_model, Id entry_point, std::string name,
const std::vector<Id>& interfaces = {});
/// Adds an entry point.
template <typename... Ts>
void AddEntryPoint(spv::ExecutionModel execution_model, Id entry_point, std::string name,
Ts&&... interfaces) {
AddEntryPoint(execution_model, std::move(entry_point), name, {interfaces...});
/// Declare an execution mode for an entry point.
void AddExecutionMode(Id entry_point, spv::ExecutionMode mode,
const std::vector<Literal>& literals = {});
/// Declare an execution mode for an entry point.
template <typename... Ts>
void AddExecutionMode(Id entry_point, spv::ExecutionMode mode, Ts&&... literals) {
AddExecutionMode(entry_point, mode, {literals...});
* Adds an existing label to the code
* @param label Label to insert into code.
* @return Returns label.
Id AddLabel(Id label);
* Adds a label to the code
* @return Returns the created label.
Id AddLabel() {
return AddLabel(OpLabel());
* Adds a local variable to the code
* @param variable Variable to insert into code.
* @return Returns variable.
Id AddLocalVariable(Id label);
* Adds a global variable
* @param variable Global variable to add.
* @return Returns variable.
Id AddGlobalVariable(Id variable);
// Types
/// Returns type void.
Id TypeVoid();
/// Returns type bool.
Id TypeBool();
/// Returns type integer.
Id TypeInt(int width, bool is_signed);
/// Returns type float.
Id TypeFloat(int width);
/// Returns type vector.
Id TypeVector(Id component_type, int component_count);
/// Returns type matrix.
Id TypeMatrix(Id column_type, int column_count);
/// Returns type image.
Id TypeImage(Id sampled_type, spv::Dim dim, int depth, bool arrayed, bool ms, int sampled,
spv::ImageFormat image_format,
std::optional<spv::AccessQualifier> access_qualifier = {});
/// Returns type sampler.
Id TypeSampler();
/// Returns type sampled image.
Id TypeSampledImage(Id image_type);
/// Returns type array.
Id TypeArray(Id element_type, Id length);
/// Returns type runtime array.
Id TypeRuntimeArray(Id element_type);
/// Returns type struct.
Id TypeStruct(const std::vector<Id>& members = {});
/// Returns type struct.
template <typename... Ts>
Id TypeStruct(Ts&&... members) {
return TypeStruct({members...});
/// Returns type opaque.
Id TypeOpaque(std::string name);
/// Returns type pointer.
Id TypePointer(spv::StorageClass storage_class, Id type);
/// Returns type function.
Id TypeFunction(Id return_type, const std::vector<Id>& arguments = {});
/// Returns type function.
template <typename... Ts>
Id TypeFunction(Id return_type, Ts&&... arguments) {
return OpTypeFunction(return_type, {arguments...});
/// Returns type event.
Id TypeEvent();
/// Returns type device event.
Id TypeDeviceEvent();
/// Returns type reserve id.
Id TypeReserveId();
/// Returns type queue.
Id TypeQueue();
/// Returns type pipe.
Id TypePipe(spv::AccessQualifier access_qualifier);
// Constant
/// Returns a true scalar constant.
Id ConstantTrue(Id result_type);
/// Returns a false scalar constant.
Id ConstantFalse(Id result_type);
/// Returns a numeric scalar constant.
Id Constant(Id result_type, const Literal& literal);
/// Returns a numeric scalar constant.
Id ConstantComposite(Id result_type, const std::vector<Id>& constituents);
/// Returns a numeric scalar constant.
template <typename... Ts>
Id ConstantComposite(Id result_type, Ts&&... constituents) {
return ConstantComposite(result_type, {constituents...});
/// Returns a sampler constant.
Id ConstantSampler(Id result_type, spv::SamplerAddressingMode addressing_mode, bool normalized,
spv::SamplerFilterMode filter_mode);
/// Returns a null constant value.
Id ConstantNull(Id result_type);
// Function
/// Declares a function.
Id OpFunction(Id result_type, spv::FunctionControlMask function_control, Id function_type);
/// Ends a function.
Id OpFunctionEnd();
/// Call a function.
Id OpFunctionCall(Id result_type, Id function, const std::vector<Id>& arguments = {});
/// Call a function.
template <typename... Ts>
Id OpFunctionCall(Id result_type, Id function, Ts&&... arguments) {
return OpFunctionCall(result_type, function, {arguments...});
// Flow
/// Declare a structured loop.
Id OpLoopMerge(Id merge_block, Id continue_target, spv::LoopControlMask loop_control,
const std::vector<Id>& literals = {});
/// Declare a structured loop.
template <typename... Ts>
Id OpLoopMerge(Id merge_block, Id continue_target, spv::LoopControlMask loop_control,
Ts&&... literals) {
return OpLoopMerge(merge_block, continue_target, loop_control, {literals...});
/// Declare a structured selection.
Id OpSelectionMerge(Id merge_block, spv::SelectionControlMask selection_control);
/// The block label instruction: Any reference to a block is through this ref.
Id OpLabel();
/// The block label instruction: Any reference to a block is through this ref.
Id OpLabel(std::string label_name) {
return Name(OpLabel(), std::move(label_name));
/// Unconditional jump to label.
Id OpBranch(Id target_label);
/// If condition is true branch to true_label, otherwise branch to
/// false_label.
Id OpBranchConditional(Id condition, Id true_label, Id false_label,
std::uint32_t true_weight = 0, std::uint32_t false_weight = 0);
/// Multi-way branch to one of the operand label.
Id OpSwitch(Id selector, Id default_label, const std::vector<Literal>& literals,
const std::vector<Id>& labels);
/// Returns with no value from a function with void return type.
Id OpReturn();
/// Return a value from a function.
Id OpReturnValue(Id value);
/// Fragment-shader discard.
Id OpKill();
// Debug
/// Assign a name string to a reference.
/// @return target
Id Name(Id target, std::string name);
/// Assign a name string to a member of a structure type.
/// @return type
Id MemberName(Id type, std::uint32_t member, std::string name);
/// Assign a Result <id> to a string for use by other debug instructions.
Id String(std::string string);
/// Add source-level location information
Id OpLine(Id file, Literal line, Literal column);
// Memory
/// Allocate an object in memory, resulting in a copy to it.
Id OpVariable(Id result_type, spv::StorageClass storage_class, Id initializer = nullptr);
/// Form a pointer to a texel of an image. Use of such a pointer is limited to atomic operations.
Id OpImageTexelPointer(Id result_type, Id image, Id coordinate, Id sample);
/// Load through a pointer.
Id OpLoad(Id result_type, Id pointer, std::optional<spv::MemoryAccessMask> memory_access = {});
/// Store through a pointer.
Id OpStore(Id pointer, Id object, std::optional<spv::MemoryAccessMask> memory_access = {});
/// Create a pointer into a composite object that can be used with OpLoad and OpStore.
Id OpAccessChain(Id result_type, Id base, const std::vector<Id>& indexes = {});
/// Create a pointer into a composite object that can be used with OpLoad and OpStore.
template <typename... Ts>
Id OpAccessChain(Id result_type, Id base, Ts&&... indexes) {
return OpAccessChain(result_type, base, {indexes...});
/// Extract a single, dynamically selected, component of a vector.
Id OpVectorExtractDynamic(Id result_type, Id vector, Id index);
/// Make a copy of a vector, with a single, variably selected, component modified.
Id OpVectorInsertDynamic(Id result_type, Id vector, Id component, Id index);
/// Make a copy of a composite object, while modifying one part of it.
Id OpCompositeInsert(Id result_type, Id object, Id composite,
const std::vector<Literal>& indexes = {});
/// Make a copy of a composite object, while modifying one part of it.
template <typename... Ts>
Id OpCompositeInsert(Id result_type, Id object, Id composite, Ts&&... indexes) {
return OpCompositeInsert(result_type, object, composite, {indexes...});
/// Extract a part of a composite object.
Id OpCompositeExtract(Id result_type, Id composite, const std::vector<Literal>& indexes = {});
/// Extract a part of a composite object.
template <typename... Ts>
Id OpCompositeExtract(Id result_type, Id composite, Ts&&... indexes) {
return OpCompositeExtract(result_type, composite, {indexes...});
/// Construct a new composite object from a set of constituent objects that will fully form it.
Id OpCompositeConstruct(Id result_type, const std::vector<Id>& ids);
/// Construct a new composite object from a set of constituent objects that will fully form it.
template <typename... Ts>
Id OpCompositeConstruct(Id result_type, Ts&&... ids) {
return OpCompositeConstruct(result_type, {ids...});
// Annotation
/// Add a decoration to target.
Id Decorate(Id target, spv::Decoration decoration, const std::vector<Literal>& literals = {});
/// Add a decoration to target.
template <typename... Ts>
Id Decorate(Id target, spv::Decoration decoration, Ts&&... literals) {
return Decorate(target, decoration, {literals...});
Id MemberDecorate(Id structure_type, Literal member, spv::Decoration decoration,
const std::vector<Literal>& literals = {});
template <typename... Ts>
Id MemberDecorate(Id structure_type, Literal member, spv::Decoration decoration,
Ts&&... literals) {
return MemberDecorate(structure_type, member, decoration, {literals...});
// Misc
/// Make an intermediate object whose value is undefined.
Id OpUndef(Id result_type);
/// Emits the current values of all output variables to the current output primitive.
Id OpEmitVertex();
/// Finish the current primitive and start a new one. No vertex is emitted.
Id OpEndPrimitive();
// Barrier
/// Wait for other invocations of this module to reach the current point of execution.
Id OpControlBarrier(Id execution, Id memory, Id semantics);
/// Control the order that memory accesses are observed.
Id OpMemoryBarrier(Id scope, Id semantics);
// Logical
/// Result is true if any component of Vector is true, otherwise result is false.
Id OpAny(Id result_type, Id vector);
/// Result is true if all components of Vector are true, otherwise result is false.
Id OpAll(Id result_type, Id vector);
/// Result is true if x is an IEEE NaN, otherwise result is false.
Id OpIsNan(Id result_type, Id operand);
/// Result is true if x is an IEEE Inf, otherwise result is false.
Id OpIsInf(Id result_type, Id operand);
/// Result is true if Operand 1 and Operand 2 have the same value. Result is false if Operand 1
/// and Operand 2 have different values.
Id OpLogicalEqual(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Result is true if Operand 1 and Operand 2 have different values. Result is false if Operand
/// 1 and Operand 2 have the same value.
Id OpLogicalNotEqual(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Result is true if either Operand 1 or Operand 2 is true. Result is false if both Operand 1
/// and Operand 2 are false.
Id OpLogicalOr(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Result is true if both Operand 1 and Operand 2 are true. Result is false if either Operand 1
/// or Operand 2 are false.
Id OpLogicalAnd(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Result is true if Operand is false. Result is false if Operand is true.
Id OpLogicalNot(Id result_type, Id operand);
/// Select components from two objects.
Id OpSelect(Id result_type, Id condition, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Integer comparison for equality.
Id OpIEqual(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Integer comparison for inequality.
Id OpINotEqual(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Unsigned-integer comparison if Operand 1 is greater than Operand 2.
Id OpUGreaterThan(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Signed-integer comparison if Operand 1 is greater than Operand 2.
Id OpSGreaterThan(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Unsigned-integer comparison if Operand 1 is greater than or equal to Operand 2.
Id OpUGreaterThanEqual(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Signed-integer comparison if Operand 1 is greater than or equal to Operand 2.
Id OpSGreaterThanEqual(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Unsigned-integer comparison if Operand 1 is less than Operand 2.
Id OpULessThan(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Signed-integer comparison if Operand 1 is less than Operand 2.
Id OpSLessThan(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Unsigned-integer comparison if Operand 1 is less than or equal to Operand 2.
Id OpULessThanEqual(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Signed-integer comparison if Operand 1 is less than or equal to Operand 2.
Id OpSLessThanEqual(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Floating-point comparison for being ordered and equal.
Id OpFOrdEqual(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Floating-point comparison for being unordered or equal.
Id OpFUnordEqual(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Floating-point comparison for being ordered and not equal.
Id OpFOrdNotEqual(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Floating-point comparison for being unordered or not equal.
Id OpFUnordNotEqual(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Floating-point comparison if operands are ordered and Operand 1 is less than Operand 2.
Id OpFOrdLessThan(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Floating-point comparison if operands are unordered or Operand 1 is less than Operand 2.
Id OpFUnordLessThan(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Floating-point comparison if operands are ordered and Operand 1 is greater than Operand 2.
Id OpFOrdGreaterThan(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Floating-point comparison if operands are unordered or Operand 1 is greater than Operand 2.
Id OpFUnordGreaterThan(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Floating-point comparison if operands are ordered and Operand 1 is less than or equal to
/// Operand 2.
Id OpFOrdLessThanEqual(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Floating-point comparison if operands are unordered or Operand 1 is less than or equal to
/// Operand 2.
Id OpFUnordLessThanEqual(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Floating-point comparison if operands are ordered and Operand 1 is greater than or equal to
/// Operand 2.
Id OpFOrdGreaterThanEqual(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Floating-point comparison if operands are unordered or Operand 1 is greater than or equal to
/// Operand 2.
Id OpFUnordGreaterThanEqual(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
// Conversion
/// Convert (value preserving) from floating point to unsigned integer, with round toward 0.0.
Id OpConvertFToU(Id result_type, Id operand);
/// Convert (value preserving) from floating point to signed integer, with round toward 0.0.
Id OpConvertFToS(Id result_type, Id operand);
/// Convert (value preserving) from signed integer to floating point.
Id OpConvertSToF(Id result_type, Id operand);
/// Convert (value preserving) from unsigned integer to floating point.
Id OpConvertUToF(Id result_type, Id operand);
/// Convert (value preserving) unsigned width. This is either a truncate or a zero extend.
Id OpUConvert(Id result_type, Id operand);
/// Convert (value preserving) signed width. This is either a truncate or a sign extend.
Id OpSConvert(Id result_type, Id operand);
/// Convert (value preserving) floating-point width.
Id OpFConvert(Id result_type, Id operand);
/// Quantize a floating-point value to what is expressible by a 16-bit floating-point value.
Id OpQuantizeToF16(Id result_type, Id operand);
/// Bit pattern-preserving type conversion.
Id OpBitcast(Id result_type, Id operand);
// Bit
/// Shift the bits in Base right by the number of bits specified in Shift.
/// The most-significant bits will be zero filled.
Id OpShiftRightLogical(Id result_type, Id base, Id shift);
/// Shift the bits in Base right by the number of bits specified in Shift.
/// The most-significant bits will be filled with the sign bit from Base.
Id OpShiftRightArithmetic(Id result_type, Id base, Id shift);
/// Shift the bits in Base left by the number of bits specified in Shift.
/// The least-significant bits will be zero filled.
Id OpShiftLeftLogical(Id result_type, Id base, Id shift);
/// Does a bitwise Or between operands 1 and 2.
Id OpBitwiseOr(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Does a bitwise Xor between operands 1 and 2.
Id OpBitwiseXor(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Result is 1 if both Operand 1 and Operand 2 are 1. Result is 0 if either
/// Operand 1 or Operand 2 are 0.
Id OpBitwiseAnd(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Does a bitwise Not on the operand.
Id OpNot(Id result_type, Id operand);
/// Make a copy of an object, with a modified bit field that comes from another object.
Id OpBitFieldInsert(Id result_type, Id base, Id insert, Id offset, Id count);
/// Extract a bit field from an object, with sign extension.
Id OpBitFieldSExtract(Id result_type, Id base, Id offset, Id count);
/// Extract a bit field from an object, without sign extension.
Id OpBitFieldUExtract(Id result_type, Id base, Id offset, Id count);
/// Reverse the bits in an object.
Id OpBitReverse(Id result_type, Id base);
/// Count the number of set bits in an object.
Id OpBitCount(Id result_type, Id base);
// Arithmetic
/// Floating-point subtract of Operand from zero.
Id OpSNegate(Id result_type, Id operand);
/// Floating-point subtract of Operand from zero.
Id OpFNegate(Id result_type, Id operand);
/// Integer addition of Operand 1 and Operand 2.
Id OpIAdd(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Floating-point addition of Operand 1 and Operand 2.
Id OpFAdd(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Integer substraction of Operand 1 and Operand 2.
Id OpISub(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Floating-point substraction of Operand 1 and Operand 2.
Id OpFSub(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Integer multiplication of Operand 1 and Operand 2.
Id OpIMul(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Floating-point multiplication of Operand 1 and Operand 2.
Id OpFMul(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Unsigned-integer division of Operand 1 divided by Operand 2.
Id OpUDiv(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// signed-integer division of Operand 1 divided by Operand 2.
Id OpSDiv(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Floating-point division of Operand 1 divided by Operand 2.
Id OpFDiv(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Unsigned modulo operation of Operand 1 modulo Operand 2.
Id OpUMod(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Signed modulo operation of Operand 1 modulo Operand 2.
Id OpSMod(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Floating-point modulo operation of Operand 1 modulo Operand 2.
Id OpFMod(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Signed reminder operation of Operand 1 modulo Operand 2.
Id OpSRem(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Floating-point reminder operation of Operand 1 modulo Operand 2.
Id OpFRem(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
/// Result is the unsigned integer addition of Operand 1 and Operand 2, including its carry.
Id OpIAddCarry(Id result_type, Id operand_1, Id operand_2);
// Extensions
/// Execute an instruction in an imported set of extended instructions.
Id OpExtInst(Id result_type, Id set, std::uint32_t instruction,
const std::vector<Id>& operands);
/// Execute an instruction in an imported set of extended instructions.
template <typename... Ts>
Id OpExtInst(Id result_type, Id set, std::uint32_t instruction, Ts&&... operands) {
return OpExtInst(result_type, set, instruction, {operands...});
/// Result is x if x >= 0; otherwise result is -x.
Id OpFAbs(Id result_type, Id x);
/// Result is x if x >= 0; otherwise result is -x.
Id OpSAbs(Id result_type, Id x);
/// Result is the value equal to the nearest whole number to x. The fraction 0.5 will round in a
/// direction chosen by the implementation, presumably the direction that is fastest.
Id OpRound(Id result_type, Id x);
/// Result is the value equal to the nearest whole number to x. A fractional part of 0.5 will
/// round toward the nearest even whole number.
Id OpRoundEven(Id result_type, Id x);
/// Result is the value equal to the nearest whole number to x whose absolute value is not
/// larger than the absolute value of x.
Id OpTrunc(Id result_type, Id x);
/// Result is 1.0 if x > 0, 0.0 if x = 0, or -1.0 if x < 0.
Id OpFSign(Id result_type, Id x);
/// Result is 1 if x > 0, 0 if x = 0, or -1 if x < 0, where x is interpreted as a signed
/// integer.
Id OpSSign(Id result_type, Id x);
/// Result is the value equal to the nearest whole number that is less than or equal to x.
Id OpFloor(Id result_type, Id x);
/// Result is the value equal to the nearest whole number that is greater than or equal to x.
Id OpCeil(Id result_type, Id x);
/// Result is x - floor x.
Id OpFract(Id result_type, Id x);
/// The standard trigonometric sine of x radians.
Id OpSin(Id result_type, Id x);
/// The standard trigonometric cosine of x radians.
Id OpCos(Id result_type, Id x);
/// Arc sine. Result is an angle, in radians, whose sine is x. The range of result values is
/// [-pi / 2, pi / 2]. Result is undefined if abs x > 1.
Id OpAsin(Id result_type, Id x);
/// Arc cosine. Result is an angle, in radians, whose cosine is x. The range of result values is
/// [0, pi]. Result is undefined if abs x > 1.
Id OpAcos(Id result_type, Id x);
/// Result is x raised to the y power. Result is undefined if x < 0. Result is undefined if x =
/// 0 and y <= 0.
Id OpPow(Id result_type, Id x, Id y);
/// Result is the natural exponentiation of x.
Id OpExp(Id result_type, Id x);
/// Result is the natural logarithm of x. Result is undefined if x <= 0.
Id OpLog(Id result_type, Id x);
/// Result is 2 raised to the x power.
Id OpExp2(Id result_type, Id x);
/// Result is the base-2 logarithm of x. Result is undefined if x <= 0.
Id OpLog2(Id result_type, Id x);
/// Result is the square root of x. Result is undefined if x < 0.
Id OpSqrt(Id result_type, Id x);
/// Result is the reciprocal of sqrt x. Result is undefined if x <= 0.
Id OpInverseSqrt(Id result_type, Id x);
/// Result is y if y < x; otherwise result is x. Which operand is the result is undefined if one
/// of the operands is a NaN.
Id OpFMin(Id result_type, Id x, Id y);
/// Result is y if y < x; otherwise result is x, where x and y are interpreted as unsigned
/// integers.
Id OpUMin(Id result_type, Id x, Id y);
/// Result is y if y < x; otherwise result is x, where x and y are interpreted as signed
/// integers.
Id OpSMin(Id result_type, Id x, Id y);
/// Result is y if x < y; otherwise result is x. Which operand is the result is undefined if one
/// of the operands is a NaN.
Id OpFMax(Id result_type, Id x, Id y);
/// Result is y if x < y; otherwise result is x, where x and y are interpreted as unsigned
/// integers.
Id OpUMax(Id result_type, Id x, Id y);
/// Result is y if x < y; otherwise result is x, where x and y are interpreted as signed
/// integers.
Id OpSMax(Id result_type, Id x, Id y);
/// Result is min(max(x, minVal), maxVal). Result is undefined if minVal > maxVal.The semantics
/// used by min() and max() are those of FMin and FMax.
Id OpFClamp(Id result_type, Id x, Id min_val, Id max_val);
/// Result is min(max(x, minVal), maxVal), where x, minVal and maxVal are interpreted as
/// unsigned integers. Result is undefined if minVal > maxVal.
Id OpUClamp(Id result_type, Id x, Id min_val, Id max_val);
/// Result is min(max(x, minVal), maxVal), where x, minVal and maxVal are interpreted as signed
/// integers. Result is undefined if minVal > maxVal.
Id OpSClamp(Id result_type, Id x, Id min_val, Id max_val);
/// Computes a * b + c.
Id OpFma(Id result_type, Id a, Id b, Id c);
/// Result is the unsigned integer obtained by converting the components of a two-component
/// floating-point vector to the 16-bit OpTypeFloat, and then packing these two 16-bit integers
/// into a 32-bit unsigned integer.
Id OpPackHalf2x16(Id result_type, Id v);
/// Result is the two-component floating-point vector with components obtained by unpacking a
/// 32-bit unsigned integer into a pair of 16-bit values.
Id OpUnpackHalf2x16(Id result_type, Id v);
/// Integer least-significant bit.
Id OpFindILsb(Id result_type, Id value);
/// Signed-integer most-significant bit, with value interpreted as a signed integer.
Id OpFindSMsb(Id result_type, Id value);
/// Unsigned-integer most-significant bit.
Id OpFindUMsb(Id result_type, Id value);
/// Result is the value of the input interpolant sampled at a location inside both the pixel and
/// the primitive being processed.
Id OpInterpolateAtCentroid(Id result_type, Id interpolant);
/// Result is the value of the input interpolant variable at the location of sample number
/// sample.
Id OpInterpolateAtSample(Id result_type, Id interpolant, Id sample);
/// Result is the value of the input interpolant variable sampled at an offset from the center
/// of the pixel specified by offset.
Id OpInterpolateAtOffset(Id result_type, Id interpolant, Id offset);
// Image
/// Create a sampled image, containing both a sampler and an image.
Id OpSampledImage(Id result_type, Id image, Id sampler);
/// Sample an image with an implicit level of detail.
Id OpImageSampleImplicitLod(Id result_type, Id sampled_image, Id coordinate,
std::optional<spv::ImageOperandsMask> image_operands = {},
const std::vector<Id>& operands = {});
/// Sample an image with an implicit level of detail.
template <typename... Ts>
Id OpImageSampleImplicitLod(Id result_type, Id sampled_image, Id coordinate,
spv::ImageOperandsMask image_operands, Ts&&... operands) {
return OpImageSampleImplicitLod(result_type, sampled_image, coordinate, image_operands,
/// Sample an image using an explicit level of detail.
Id OpImageSampleExplicitLod(Id result_type, Id sampled_image, Id coordinate,
spv::ImageOperandsMask image_operands,
const std::vector<Id>& operands = {});
/// Sample an image using an explicit level of detail.
template <typename... Ts>
Id OpImageSampleExplicitLod(Id result_type, Id sampled_image, Id coordinate,
spv::ImageOperandsMask image_operands, Ts&&... operands) {
return OpImageSampleExplicitLod(result_type, sampled_image, coordinate, image_operands,
/// Sample an image doing depth-comparison with an implicit level of detail.
Id OpImageSampleDrefImplicitLod(Id result_type, Id sampled_image, Id coordinate, Id dref,
std::optional<spv::ImageOperandsMask> image_operands = {},
const std::vector<Id>& operands = {});
/// Sample an image doing depth-comparison with an implicit level of detail.
template <typename... Ts>
Id OpImageSampleDrefImplicitLod(Id result_type, Id sampled_image, Id coordinate, Id dref,
spv::ImageOperandsMask image_operands, Ts&&... operands) {
return OpImageSampleDrefImplicitLod(result_type, sampled_image, coordinate, dref,
image_operands, {operands...});
/// Sample an image doing depth-comparison using an explicit level of detail.
Id OpImageSampleDrefExplicitLod(Id result_type, Id sampled_image, Id coordinate, Id dref,
spv::ImageOperandsMask image_operands,
const std::vector<Id>& operands = {});
/// Sample an image doing depth-comparison using an explicit level of detail.
template <typename... Ts>
Id OpImageSampleDrefExplicitLod(Id result_type, Id sampled_image, Id coordinate, Id dref,
spv::ImageOperandsMask image_operands, Ts&&... operands) {
return OpImageSampleDrefExplicitLod(result_type, sampled_image, coordinate, dref,
image_operands, {operands...});
/// Sample an image with with a project coordinate and an implicit level of detail.
Id OpImageSampleProjImplicitLod(Id result_type, Id sampled_image, Id coordinate,
std::optional<spv::ImageOperandsMask> image_operands = {},
const std::vector<Id>& operands = {});
/// Sample an image with with a project coordinate and an implicit level of detail.
template <typename... Ts>
Id OpImageSampleProjImplicitLod(Id result_type, Id sampled_image, Id coordinate,
spv::ImageOperandsMask image_operands, Ts&&... operands) {
return OpImageSampleProjImplicitLod(result_type, sampled_image, coordinate, image_operands,
/// Sample an image with a project coordinate using an explicit level of detail.
Id OpImageSampleProjExplicitLod(Id result_type, Id sampled_image, Id coordinate,
spv::ImageOperandsMask image_operands,
const std::vector<Id>& operands = {});
/// Sample an image with a project coordinate using an explicit level of detail.
template <typename... Ts>
Id OpImageSampleProjExplicitLod(Id result_type, Id sampled_image, Id coordinate,
spv::ImageOperandsMask image_operands, Ts&&... operands) {
return OpImageSampleProjExplicitLod(result_type, sampled_image, coordinate, image_operands,
/// Sample an image with a project coordinate, doing depth-comparison, with an implicit level of
/// detail.
Id OpImageSampleProjDrefImplicitLod(Id result_type, Id sampled_image, Id coordinate, Id dref,
std::optional<spv::ImageOperandsMask> image_operands = {},
const std::vector<Id>& operands = {});
/// Sample an image with a project coordinate, doing depth-comparison, with an implicit level of
/// detail.
template <typename... Ts>
Id OpImageSampleProjDrefImplicitLod(Id result_type, Id sampled_image, Id coordinate, Id dref,
spv::ImageOperandsMask image_operands, Ts&&... operands) {
return OpImageSampleProjDrefImplicitLod(result_type, sampled_image, coordinate, dref,
image_operands, {operands...});
/// Sample an image with a project coordinate, doing depth-comparison, using an explicit level
/// of detail.
Id OpImageSampleProjDrefExplicitLod(Id result_type, Id sampled_image, Id coordinate, Id dref,
spv::ImageOperandsMask image_operands,
const std::vector<Id>& operands = {});
/// Sample an image with a project coordinate, doing depth-comparison, using an explicit level
/// of detail.
template <typename... Ts>
Id OpImageSampleProjDrefExplicitLod(Id result_type, Id sampled_image, Id coordinate, Id dref,
spv::ImageOperandsMask image_operands, Ts&&... operands) {
return OpImageSampleProjDrefExplicitLod(result_type, sampled_image, coordinate, dref,
image_operands, {operands...});
/// Fetch a single texel from an image whose Sampled operand is 1.
Id OpImageFetch(Id result_type, Id sampled_image, Id coordinate,
std::optional<spv::ImageOperandsMask> image_operands = {},
const std::vector<Id>& operands = {});
/// Fetch a single texel from an image whose Sampled operand is 1.
template <typename... Ts>
Id OpImageFetch(Id result_type, Id sampled_image, Id coordinate,
spv::ImageOperandsMask image_operands, Ts&&... operands) {
return OpImageFetch(result_type, sampled_image, coordinate, image_operands, {operands...});
/// Gathers the requested component from four texels.
Id OpImageGather(Id result_type, Id sampled_image, Id coordinate, Id component,
std::optional<spv::ImageOperandsMask> image_operands = {},
const std::vector<Id>& operands = {});
/// Gathers the requested component from four texels.
template <typename... Ts>
Id OpImageGather(Id result_type, Id sampled_image, Id coordinate, Id component,
spv::ImageOperandsMask image_operands, Ts&&... operands) {
return OpImageGather(result_type, sampled_image, coordinate, component, image_operands,
/// Gathers the requested depth-comparison from four texels.
Id OpImageDrefGather(Id result_type, Id sampled_image, Id coordinate, Id dref,
std::optional<spv::ImageOperandsMask> image_operands = {},
const std::vector<Id>& operands = {});
/// Gathers the requested depth-comparison from four texels.
template <typename... Ts>
Id OpImageDrefGather(Id result_type, Id sampled_image, Id coordinate, Id dref,
spv::ImageOperandsMask image_operands, Ts&&... operands) {
return OpImageDrefGather(result_type, sampled_image, coordinate, dref, image_operands,
/// Read a texel from an image without a sampler.
Id OpImageRead(Id result_type, Id sampled_image, Id coordinate,
std::optional<spv::ImageOperandsMask> image_operands = {},
const std::vector<Id>& operands = {});
/// Read a texel from an image without a sampler.
template <typename... Ts>
Id OpImageRead(Id result_type, Id sampled_image, Id coordinate,
spv::ImageOperandsMask image_operands, Ts&&... operands) {
return OpImageRead(result_type, sampled_image, coordinate, image_operands, {operands...});
/// Write a texel to an image without a sampler.
Id OpImageWrite(Id image, Id coordinate, Id texel,
std::optional<spv::ImageOperandsMask> image_operands = {},
const std::vector<Id>& operands = {});
/// Write a texel to an image without a sampler.
template <typename... Ts>
Id OpImageWrite(Id image, Id coordinate, Id texel, spv::ImageOperandsMask image_operands,
Ts&&... operands) {
return OpImageWrite(image, coordinate, texel, image_operands, {operands...});
/// Extract the image from a sampled image.
Id OpImage(Id result_type, Id sampled_image);
/// Query the dimensions of Image for mipmap level for Level of Detail.
Id OpImageQuerySizeLod(Id result_type, Id image, Id level_of_detail);
/// Query the dimensions of Image, with no level of detail.
Id OpImageQuerySize(Id result_type, Id image);
/// Query the mipmap level and the level of detail for a hypothetical sampling of Image at
/// Coordinate using an implicit level of detail.
Id OpImageQueryLod(Id result_type, Id image, Id coordinate);
/// Query the number of mipmap levels accessible through Image.
Id OpImageQueryLevels(Id result_type, Id image);
/// Query the number of samples available per texel fetch in a multisample image.
Id OpImageQuerySamples(Id result_type, Id image);
// Group
/// Computes a bitfield value combining the Predicate value from all invocations in the current
/// Subgroup that execute the same dynamic instance of this instruction.
Id OpSubgroupBallotKHR(Id result_type, Id predicate);
/// Return the value from the invocation in the subgroup with an invocation ID equal to index.
/// The index must be the same for all active invocations in the subgroup, otherwise the results
/// are undefined.
Id OpSubgroupReadInvocationKHR(Id result_type, Id value, Id index);
/// TBD
Id OpSubgroupAllKHR(Id result_type, Id predicate);
/// TBD
Id OpSubgroupAnyKHR(Id result_type, Id predicate);
/// TBD
Id OpSubgroupAllEqualKHR(Id result_type, Id predicate);
/// Return the value of the invocation identified by the current invocation's id within the
/// group xor'ed with mask.
Id OpGroupNonUniformShuffleXor(Id result_type, spv::Scope scope, Id value, Id mask);
// Atomic
/// Atomically load through Pointer using the given Semantics. All subparts of the value that is
/// loaded will be read atomically with respect to all other atomic accesses to it within Scope.
Id OpAtomicLoad(Id result_type, Id pointer, Id memory, Id semantics);
/// Atomically store through Pointer using the given Semantics. All subparts of Value will be
/// written atomically with respect to all other atomic accesses to it within Scope.
Id OpAtomicStore(Id pointer, Id memory, Id semantics, Id value);
/// Perform the following steps atomically with respect to any other atomic accesses within
/// Scope to the same location:
/// 1) load through Pointer to get an Original Value,
/// 2) get a New Value from copying Value, and
/// 3) store the New Value back through Pointer.
Id OpAtomicExchange(Id result_type, Id pointer, Id memory, Id semantics, Id value);
/// Perform the following steps atomically with respect to any other atomic accesses within
/// Scope to the same location:
/// 1) load through Pointer to get an Original Value,
/// 2) get a New Value from Value only if Original Value equals Comparator, and
/// 3) store the New Value back through Pointer only if 'Original Value equaled Comparator.
Id OpAtomicCompareExchange(Id result_type, Id pointer, Id memory, Id equal, Id unequal,
Id value, Id comparator);
/// Perform the following steps atomically with respect to any other atomic accesses within
/// Scope to the same location:
/// 1) load through Pointer to get an Original Value,
/// 2) get a New Value through integer addition of 1 to Original Value, and
/// 3) store the New Value back through Pointer.
Id OpAtomicIIncrement(Id result_type, Id pointer, Id memory, Id semantics);
/// Perform the following steps atomically with respect to any other atomic accesses within
/// Scope to the same location:
/// 1) load through Pointer to get an Original Value,
/// 2) get a New Value through integer subtraction of 1 from Original Value, and
/// 3) store the New Value back through Pointer.
Id OpAtomicIDecrement(Id result_type, Id pointer, Id memory, Id semantics);
/// Perform the following steps atomically with respect to any other atomic accesses within
/// Scope to the same location:
/// 1) load through Pointer to get an Original Value,
/// 2) get a New Value by integer addition of Original Value and Value, and
/// 3) store the New Value back through Pointer.
Id OpAtomicIAdd(Id result_type, Id pointer, Id memory, Id semantics, Id value);
/// Perform the following steps atomically with respect to any other atomic accesses within
/// Scope to the same location:
/// 1) load through Pointer to get an Original Value,
/// 2) get a New Value by integer subtraction of Value from Original Value, and
/// 3) store the New Value back through Pointer.
Id OpAtomicISub(Id result_type, Id pointer, Id memory, Id semantics, Id value);
/// Perform the following steps atomically with respect to any other atomic accesses within
/// Scope to the same location:
/// 1) load through Pointer to get an Original Value,
/// 2) get a New Value by finding the smallest signed integer of Original Value and Value, and
/// 3) store the New Value back through Pointer.
Id OpAtomicSMin(Id result_type, Id pointer, Id memory, Id semantics, Id value);
/// Perform the following steps atomically with respect to any other atomic accesses within
/// Scope to the same location:
/// 1) load through Pointer to get an Original Value,
/// 2) get a New Value by finding the smallest unsigned integer of Original Value and Value, and
/// 3) store the New Value back through Pointer.
Id OpAtomicUMin(Id result_type, Id pointer, Id memory, Id semantics, Id value);
/// Perform the following steps atomically with respect to any other atomic accesses within
/// Scope to the same location:
/// 1) load through Pointer to get an Original Value,
/// 2) get a New Value by finding the largest signed integer of Original Value and Value, and
/// 3) store the New Value back through Pointer.
Id OpAtomicSMax(Id result_type, Id pointer, Id memory, Id semantics, Id value);
/// Perform the following steps atomically with respect to any other atomic accesses within
/// Scope to the same location:
/// 1) load through Pointer to get an Original Value,
/// 2) get a New Value by finding the largest unsigned integer of Original Value and Value, and
/// 3) store the New Value back through Pointer.
Id OpAtomicUMax(Id result_type, Id pointer, Id memory, Id semantics, Id value);
/// Perform the following steps atomically with respect to any other atomic accesses within
/// Scope to the same location:
/// 1) load through Pointer to get an Original Value,
/// 2) get a New Value by the bitwise AND of Original Value and Value, and
/// 3) store the New Value back through Pointer.
Id OpAtomicAnd(Id result_type, Id pointer, Id memory, Id semantics, Id value);
/// Perform the following steps atomically with respect to any other atomic accesses within
/// Scope to the same location:
/// 1) load through Pointer to get an Original Value,
/// 2) get a New Value by the bitwise OR of Original Value and Value, and
/// 3) store the New Value back through Pointer.
Id OpAtomicOr(Id result_type, Id pointer, Id memory, Id semantics, Id value);
/// Perform the following steps atomically with respect to any other atomic accesses within
/// Scope to the same location:
/// 1) load through Pointer to get an Original Value,
/// 2) get a New Value by the bitwise exclusive OR of Original Value and Value, and
/// 3) store the New Value back through Pointer.
Id OpAtomicXor(Id result_type, Id pointer, Id memory, Id semantics, Id value);
Id AddCode(std::unique_ptr<Op> op);
Id AddCode(spv::Op opcode, std::optional<std::uint32_t> id = {});
Id AddDeclaration(std::unique_ptr<Op> op);
void AddAnnotation(std::unique_ptr<Op> op);
Id GetGLSLstd450();
std::uint32_t version{};
std::uint32_t bound{1};
std::unordered_set<std::string> extensions;
std::unordered_set<spv::Capability> capabilities;
std::unordered_set<std::unique_ptr<Op>> ext_inst_import;
std::unique_ptr<Op> glsl_std_450;
spv::AddressingModel addressing_model{spv::AddressingModel::Logical};
spv::MemoryModel memory_model{spv::MemoryModel::GLSL450};
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Op>> entry_points;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Op>> execution_modes;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Op>> debug;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Op>> annotations;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Op>> declarations;
std::vector<Id> global_variables;
std::vector<Id> code;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Op>> code_store;
} // namespace Sirit