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<title>Boost Concept Checking Reference</title>
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<h2><a name="reference" id="reference">Reference</a></h2>
<li><a href="#macros">Macros</a></li>
<li><a href="#basic-concepts">Basic Concept Checking Classes</a></li>
<li><a href="#iterator-concepts">Iterator Concept Checking
<li><a href="#function-object-concepts">Function Object Concept Checking
<li><a href="#container-concepts">Container Concept Checking
<li><a href="#basic-archetype">Basic Archetype Classes</a></li>
<li><a href="#iterator-archetype">Iterator Archetype Classes</a></li>
<li><a href="#function-object-archetype">Function Object Archetype
<li><a href="#container-archetype">Container Archetype Classes</a></li>
<li><a href="#deprecated-functions">Deprecated Functions</a></li>
<li><a href="#deprecated-macros">Deprecated Macros</a></li>
<li><a href="#deprecated-concept-checking-classes">Deprecated Concept
Checking Classes</a></li>
<h3><a name="macros" id="macros">Macros</a></h3>
#include "boost/concept/assert.hpp"
BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((<em>concept checking class template specialization</em>));
<p><strong>Effects:</strong> causes a compilation failure if the concept is
not satisfied.<br />
<strong>Note:</strong> this macro can be used at global, class, or function
#include "boost/concept/requires.hpp"
<font color="gray">template <…<em>template parameters</em>…></font>
((<em>concept checking class template specialization<sub>1</sub></em>))
((<em>concept checking class template specialization<sub>2</sub></em>))…
((<em>concept checking class template specialization<sub>n</sub></em>))<strong>,</strong>
(<em>function return type</em>)
) <font color="gray"><em>function_template_name</em>(…<em>function parameters</em>…)</font>
<p><strong>Effects:</strong> causes a compilation failure if the
given concepts are not satisfied.<br />
<strong>Note:</strong> this macro is intended to be used in place of
a function template's return type.</p>
<h3><a name="basic-concepts" id="basic-concepts">Basic Concept Checking
#include "boost/concept_check.hpp"
template <class T>
struct Integer; // Is T a built-in integer type?
template <class T>
struct SignedInteger; // Is T a built-in signed integer type?
template <class T>
struct UnsignedInteger; // Is T a built-in unsigned integer type?
template <class X, class Y>
struct Convertible; // Is X convertible to Y?
template <class T>
struct <a href=
"../utility/Assignable.html">Assignable</a>; // Standard ref 23.1
template <class T>
struct SGI<a href=
template <class T>
struct <a href=
template <class T>
struct <a href=
"../utility/CopyConstructible.html">CopyConstructible</a>; // Standard ref 20.1.3
template <class T>
struct <a href=
"http://www.boost.org/sgi/stl/EqualityComparable.html">EqualityComparable</a>; // Standard ref 20.1.1
template <class T>
struct <a href=
"../utility/LessThanComparable.html">LessThanComparable</a>; // Standard ref 20.1.2
template <class T>
struct Comparable; // The SGI STL <a href=
"http://www.boost.org/sgi/stl/LessThanComparable.html">LessThanComparable</a> concept
<h3><a name="iterator-concepts" id="iterator-concepts">Iterator Concept
Checking Classes</a></h3>
template <class Iter>
struct <a href=
"http://www.boost.org/sgi/stl/InputIterator.html">InputIterator</a>; // Standard ref 24.1.1 Table 72
template <class Iter, class T>
struct <a href=
"http://www.boost.org/sgi/stl/OutputIterator.html">OutputIterator</a>; // Standard ref 24.1.2 Table 73
template <class Iter>
struct <a href=
"http://www.boost.org/sgi/stl/ForwardIterator.html">ForwardIterator</a>; // Standard ref 24.1.3 Table 74
template <class Iter>
struct Mutable_ForwardIterator;
template <class Iter>
struct <a href=
"http://www.boost.org/sgi/stl/BidirectionalIterator.html">BidirectionalIterator</a>; // Standard ref 24.1.4 Table 75
template <class Iter>
struct Mutable_BidirectionalIterator;
template <class Iter>
struct <a href=
"http://www.boost.org/sgi/stl/RandomAccessIterator.html">RandomAccessIterator</a>; // Standard ref 24.1.5 Table 76
template <class Iter>
struct Mutable_RandomAccessIterator;
<h3><a name="function-object-concepts" id=
"function-object-concepts">Function Object Concept Checking
#include "boost/concept_check.hpp"
template <class Func, class Return>
struct <a href="http://www.boost.org/sgi/stl/Generator.html">Generator</a>;
template <class Func, class Return, class Arg>
struct <a href=
template <class Func, class Return, class First, class Second>
struct <a href=
template <class Func, class Arg>
struct Unary<a href=
template <class Func, class First, class Second>
struct <a href=
template <class Func, class First, class Second>
struct Const_BinaryPredicate;
template <class Func, class Return>
struct <a href=
template <class Func, class Return, class Arg>
struct <a href=
template <class Func, class First, class Second>
struct <a href=
template <class Func, class Arg>
struct <a href=
template <class Func, class First, class Second>
struct <a href=
<h3><a name="container-concepts" id="container-concepts">Container Concept
Checking Classes</a></h3>
#include "boost/concept_check.hpp"
template <class C>
struct <a href=
"http://www.boost.org/sgi/stl/Container.html">Container</a>; // Standard ref 23.1 Table 65
template <class C>
struct Mutable_Container;
template <class C>
struct <a href=
template <class C>
struct Mutable_ForwardContainer;
template <class C>
struct <a href=
"http://www.boost.org/sgi/stl/ReversibleContainer.html">ReversibleContainer</a>; // Standard ref 23.1 Table 66
template <class C>
struct Mutable_ReversibleContainer;
template <class C>
struct <a href=
template <class C>
struct Mutable_RandomAccessContainer;
template <class C>
struct <a href=
"http://www.boost.org/sgi/stl/Sequence.html">Sequence</a>; // Standard ref 23.1.1
template <class C>
struct <a href=
template <class C>
struct <a href=
template <class C>
struct <a href=
"http://www.boost.org/sgi/stl/AssociativeContainer.html">AssociativeContainer</a>; // Standard ref 23.1.2 Table 69
template <class C>
struct <a href=
template <class C>
struct <a href=
template <class C>
struct <a href=
template <class C>
struct <a href=
template <class C>
struct <a href=
template <class C>
struct <a href=
<h3><a name="basic-archetype" id="basic-archetype">Basic Archetype
#include "boost/concept_archetype.hpp"
template <class T = int>
class null_archetype; // A type that models no concepts.
template <class Base = null_archetype>
class default_constructible_archetype;
template <class Base = null_archetype>
class assignable_archetype;
template <class Base = null_archetype>
class copy_constructible_archetype;
template <class Base = null_archetype>
class equality_comparable_archetype;
template <class T, class Base = null_archetype>
class convertible_to_archetype;
<h3><a name="iterator-archetype" id="iterator-archetype">Iterator Archetype
#include "boost/concept_archetype.hpp"
template <class ValueType>
class trivial_iterator_archetype;
template <class ValueType>
class mutable_trivial_iterator_archetype;
template <class ValueType>
class input_iterator_archetype;
template <class ValueType>
class forward_iterator_archetype;
template <class ValueType>
class bidirectional_iterator_archetype;
template <class ValueType>
class random_access_iterator_archetype;
<h3><a name="function-object-archetype" id=
"function-object-archetype">Function Object Archetype Classes</a></h3>
#include "boost/concept_archetype.hpp"
template <class Arg, class Return>
class unary_function_archetype;
template <class Arg1, class Arg2, class Return>
class binary_function_archetype;
template <class Arg>
class predicate_archetype;
template <class Arg1, class Arg2>
class binary_predicate_archetype;
<h3><a name="container-archetype" id="container-archetype">Container
Archetype Classes</a></h3>
<h3><a name="deprecated-functions" id="deprecated-functions">Deprecated
#include "boost/concept_check.hpp"
template <class Concept>
void function_requires();
<p><code>function_requires()</code> has been deprecated in favor of <code>BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT</code>.
This means that <del><code>function_requires< Concept<Type> >();</code></del>
becomes <code>BOOST_CONCEPT_ASSERT((Concept<Type>));</code>
(don't forget to <code>#include "boost/concept/assert.hpp"</code>).
<h3><a name="deprecated-macros" id="deprecated-macros">Deprecated
#include "boost/concept_check.hpp"
// Apply concept checks in class definitions.
BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRE(<i>type</i>, <i>namespace-of-concept</i>, <i>concept</i>);
BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRE2(<i>type1</i>, <i>type2</i>, <i>namespace-of-concept</i>, <i>concept</i>);
BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRE3(<i>type1</i>, <i>type2</i>, <i>type3</i>, <i>namespace-of-concept</i>, <i>concept</i>);
BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRE4(<i>type1</i>, <i>type2</i>, <i>type3</i>, <i>type4</i>, <i>namespace-of-concept</i>, <i>concept</i>);
// Apply concept checks in class definitions.
BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRES(<i>type</i>, <i>concept</i>);
BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRES2(<i>type1</i>, <i>type2</i>, <i>concept</i>);
BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRES3(<i>type1</i>, <i>type2</i>, <i>type3</i>, <i>concept</i>);
BOOST_CLASS_REQUIRES4(<i>type1</i>, <i>type2</i>, <i>type3</i>, <i>type4</i>, <i>concept</i>);
<h3><a name="deprecated-concept-checking-classes" id=
"deprecated-concept-checking-classes">Deprecated Concept Checking
<p>For each of the concepts documented here, the library includes an
identical concept checking class whose name ends in
“<code>Concept</code>” For example, in
addition to <code>RandomAccessIterator</code>, the library defines a
<code>RandomAccessIteratorConcept</code> class template.</p>
<p><a href="./concept_check.htm">Back to Introduction</a><br />
<a href="./implementation.htm">Prev: Implementation</a><br /></p>
<hr />
<tr valign="top">
<td nowrap="nowrap">Copyright © 2000</td>
<td><a href="http://www.boost.org/people/jeremy_siek.htm">Jeremy Siek</a>(<a href=
"mailto:jsiek@osl.iu.edu">jsiek@osl.iu.edu</a>) Andrew
Lumsdaine(<a href="mailto:lums@osl.iu.edu">lums@osl.iu.edu</a>), 2007
<a href="mailto:dave@boost-consulting.com">David Abrahams</a>.</td>