#!/bin/bash set -e DOMAIN="peertube.social" OLD_SERVER="migration-user@$DOMAIN" OLD_BASE_FOLDER="/var/www/peertube" NEW_BASE_FOLDER="/peertube/volumes" RSYNC_PARAMS="-a --rsync-path=\"sudo rsync\" --bwlimit=5000" function sync-volumes { mkdir -p "$NEW_BASE_FOLDER" mkdir -p "$NEW_BASE_FOLDER/data/" rsync $RSYNC_PARAMS "$OLD_SERVER:$OLD_BASE_FOLDER/storage/avatars/" "$NEW_BASE_FOLDER/data/avatars/" rsync $RSYNC_PARAMS "$OLD_SERVER:$OLD_BASE_FOLDER/storage/cache/" "$NEW_BASE_FOLDER/data/cache/" rsync $RSYNC_PARAMS "$OLD_SERVER:$OLD_BASE_FOLDER/storage/captions/" "$NEW_BASE_FOLDER/data/captions/" rsync $RSYNC_PARAMS "$OLD_SERVER:$OLD_BASE_FOLDER/storage/previews/" "$NEW_BASE_FOLDER/data/previews/" rsync $RSYNC_PARAMS "$OLD_SERVER:$OLD_BASE_FOLDER/storage/thumbnails/" "$NEW_BASE_FOLDER/data/thumbnails/" rsync $RSYNC_PARAMS "$OLD_SERVER:$OLD_BASE_FOLDER/storage/torrents/" "$NEW_BASE_FOLDER/data/torrents/" } if [ "$(whoami)" != "root" ]; then echo "You need to run this script as root" exit 1 fi if [ "$(ssh "$OLD_SERVER" sudo whoami)" != "root" ]; then echo "passwordless sudo needs to be available on $OLD_SERVER" exit 1 fi echo "Before running this script, ensure the following: - this script is running on the new server (migration target) - docker-compose based setup for peertube is already installed in /peertube/ - peertube config with adjusted paths is in /peertube/volumes/config/ - set reverse dns for new server to $DOMAIN - set DNS TTL for $DOMAIN to the minimum possible value - videos are mounted under /mnt/external - backups are in place and tested (ideally also of videos) " read -p "Continue? [y/N] " yn if [ "$yn" != "y" ]; then exit fi # remove any existing volume files # https://stackoverflow.com/a/790245 rm -r "$NEW_BASE_FOLDER/data/" | true # dont delete this because it would take too long to sync #rm -r "/mnt/external/*" | true # copy volumes to local server # we do this while the old server is still running to reduce downtime sync-volumes read -p "Initial copy complete. Do you want to complete the migration now? [y/N] " yn if [ "$yn" != "y" ]; then exit fi # shutdown peertube (it will keep seeding videos) ssh $OLD_SERVER sudo systemctl stop peertube # now that the old server is offline, we can do a final copy sync-volumes # TODO: also need to update domain in .env and traefik.toml (maybe with sed, or just set it before we migrate) docker-compose -f "$NEW_BASE_FOLDER/docker-compose.yaml" up -d echo "Now update the dns entries for $DOMAIN to point at the new server"