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require_once(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'Parser.php');
class SimpleEvaluationTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* A utility method for these tests that will evaluate
* its arguments as bbcode with a fresh parser loaded
* with only the default bbcodes. It returns the
* html output.
private function defaultParse($bbcode)
$parser = new JBBCode\Parser();
$parser->addCodeDefinitionSet(new JBBCode\DefaultCodeDefinitionSet());
return $parser->getAsHtml();
* Asserts that the given bbcode matches the given html when
* the bbcode is run through defaultParse.
private function assertProduces($bbcode, $html)
$this->assertEquals($html, $this->defaultParse($bbcode));
public function testEmptyString()
$this->assertProduces('', '');
public function testOneTag()
$this->assertProduces('[b]this is bold[/b]', '<strong>this is bold</strong>');
public function testOneTagWithSurroundingText()
$this->assertProduces('buffer text [b]this is bold[/b] buffer text',
'buffer text <strong>this is bold</strong> buffer text');
public function testMultipleTags()
$bbcode = <<<EOD
this is some text with [b]bold tags[/b] and [i]italics[/i] and
things like [u]that[/u].
$html = <<<EOD
this is some text with <strong>bold tags</strong> and <em>italics</em> and
things like <u>that</u>.
$this->assertProduces($bbcode, $html);
public function testCodeOptions()
$code = 'This contains a [url=http://jbbcode.com/?b=2]url[/url] which uses an option.';
$html = 'This contains a <a href="http://jbbcode.com/?b=2">url</a> which uses an option.';
$this->assertProduces($code, $html);
public function testAttributes()
$parser = new JBBCode\Parser();
$builder = new JBBCode\CodeDefinitionBuilder('img', '<img src="{param}" height="{height}" alt="{alt}" />');
$expected = 'Multiple <img src="http://jbbcode.com/img.png" height="50" alt="alt text" /> options.';
$code = 'Multiple [img height="50" alt="alt text"]http://jbbcode.com/img.png[/img] options.';
$result = $parser->getAsHTML();
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
$code = 'Multiple [img height=50 alt="alt text"]http://jbbcode.com/img.png[/img] options.';
$result = $parser->getAsHTML();
$this->assertEquals($expected, $result);
* @depends testCodeOptions
public function testOmittedOption()
$code = 'This doesn\'t use the url option [url]http://jbbcode.com[/url].';
$html = 'This doesn\'t use the url option <a href="http://jbbcode.com">http://jbbcode.com</a>.';
$this->assertProduces($code, $html);
public function testUnclosedTag()
$code = 'hello [b]world';
$html = 'hello <strong>world</strong>';
$this->assertProduces($code, $html);
public function testNestingTags()
$code = '[url=http://jbbcode.com][b]hello [u]world[/u][/b][/url]';
$html = '<a href="http://jbbcode.com"><strong>hello <u>world</u></strong></a>';
$this->assertProduces($code, $html);
public function testBracketInTag()
$this->assertProduces('[b]:-[[/b]', '<strong>:-[</strong>');
public function testBracketWithSpaceInTag()
$this->assertProduces('[b]:-[ [/b]', '<strong>:-[ </strong>');
public function testBracketWithTextInTag()
$this->assertProduces('[b]:-[ foobar[/b]', '<strong>:-[ foobar</strong>');
public function testMultibleBracketsWithTextInTag()
$this->assertProduces('[b]:-[ [fo[o[bar[/b]', '<strong>:-[ [fo[o[bar</strong>');