import { differenceInHours } from 'date-fns' import Resource from './Resource' import Chapter from './Chapter' import Group from './Group' import Utils from '../utils' import natsort from 'natsort' export default class Manga extends Resource { static get resourceType() { return 'manga' } constructor(data = {}, responseCode = -1, responseStatus = null) { super(data, responseCode, responseStatus) = this.title = data.title this.language = data.publication ? data.publication.language : null this.isHentai = data.isHentai this.lastChapter = data.lastChapter || '' this.lastVolume = data.lastVolume || '' this.mainCover = data.mainCover this.tags = data.tags || [] this.links = data.links || {} this._uniqueChapters = [] this._chapters = [] this.chapterListLastLoaded = null } // derived data get isLongStrip() { return this.tags.indexOf(36) !== -1 } get isDoujinshi() { return this.tags.indexOf(7) !== -1 } get url() { const title = this.title.toLowerCase().replace(/&[0-9a-z]+;/gi, '').replace(/[^0-9a-z]/gi, ' ').split(' ').filter(t => t).join('-') return `/title/${}/${title}` } get coverThumb() { return `/images/manga/${}.thumb.jpg` } get isChapterListOutdated() { return differenceInHours(this.chapterListLastLoaded, new Date()) >= 1 } // methods isLastChapter(chapter) { return this.lastChapter && (chapter.chapter === this.lastChapter) && (chapter.volume == this.lastVolume) } getChapter(id) { return Chapter.getResource(id) } get chapterList() { return this._chapters } get uniqueChapterList() { return this._uniqueChapters } updateChapterList(baseChapter, restrictChLang = false) { let chapters = Chapter.findResources(c => c.mangaId === if (restrictChLang) { chapters = chapters.filter(c => c.language === baseChapter.language) } const chapterIds = Manga.createSortedChapterIdList(chapters) this._chapters = => Chapter.getResource(id)) this._uniqueChapters = Manga.createUniqueChapterList(baseChapter, this._chapters) } getNextChapterId(id) { const index = => return (index >= 0 && index + 1 < this._uniqueChapters.length) ? this._uniqueChapters[index + 1].id : 0 } getPrevChapterId(id) { const index = => return (index > 0) ? this._uniqueChapters[index - 1].id : -1 } getAltChapters(id) { const cur = Chapter.getResource(id) return cur ? this.chapterList.filter(ch => cur.isAlternativeOf(ch)) : [] } static createSortedChapterIdList(chapters) { chapters = => { return !ch ? null : { id:, timestamp: ch.timestamp, chapter: ch.chapter, volume: ch.volume, group: ch.groupIds[0], } }).filter(c => c) const sorter = natsort({ asc: true, insensitive: true }) // sort by timestamp desc Utils.stableSort(chapters, (a, b) => sorter(b.timestamp, a.timestamp)) // sort by volume desc, so that vol null > vol number where ch are equal Utils.stableSort(chapters, (a, b) => sorter(b.volume, a.volume)) // sort by group Utils.stableSort(chapters, (a, b) => sorter(, // sort by chapter number Utils.stableSort(chapters, (a, b) => sorter(a.chapter, b.chapter)) // add "ghost" prev vol numbers let pv = '0' for (let c of chapters) { c.prevVolume = pv pv = c.volume ? c.volume : pv } // sort by vol or prev vol Utils.stableSort(chapters, (a, b) => sorter(a.volume || a.prevVolume, b.volume || b.prevVolume)) return => } static createUniqueChapterList(baseChapter, chapters) { const list = [] if (chapters.length > 0) { let best = chapters[0] for (let ch of chapters.slice(1)) { if (!ch.isAlternativeOf(best)) { list.push(best) best = ch } else if (best !== baseChapter && ch.hasSameGroupsWith(baseChapter)) { best = ch } } list.push(best) } return list } static async load(id, params = {}, cache = true) { const json = await super.load(`manga/${id}`, params) try { return this.fromJSON(, json.code, json.status, cache) } catch (error) { throw this.fromJSON({ id, status: json.message }, json.code, json.status, false) } } static async loadChapterList(id, params = {}, cache = true) { const json = await super.load(`manga/${id}/chapters`, params) try { const { chapters } = this.fromChapterListJSON(id, json, cache) return chapters } catch (error) { return [] } } static async loadWithChapterList(id, params = {}, cache = true) { const json = await super.load(`manga/${id}`, Object.assign(params, { include: 'chapters' })) try { const { manga } = this.fromChapterListJSON(id, json, cache) return manga } catch (error) { throw this.fromJSON({ id, status: json.message }, json.code, json.status, false) } } static fromChapterListJSON(id, json, cache) { // avoid overwriting group/chapter resources that already exist because these are going to be incomplete const groups = => Group.getResource( || Group.fromJSON(g)) const chapters = => Chapter.getResource( || Chapter.fromJSON(c, json.code, json.status, cache)) const manga = ? this.fromJSON(, json.code, json.status, cache) : this.getResource(id) manga.chapterListLastLoaded = new Date() //manga.updateChapterList() return { groups, chapters, manga } } }