import Cookies from 'js-cookie' class Store { static save(key, val) { } static load(key) { } static clear(key) { } } export class StoreLocalStorage extends Store { static save(key, val) { localStorage.setItem(`reader.${key}`, val) } static load(key) { return localStorage.getItem(`reader.${key}`) } static clear(key) { localStorage.removeItem(`reader.${key}`) } static clearAllExcept(retainedKeys) { retainedKeys = => `reader.${key}`) for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(localStorage)) { if (key.startsWith('reader.') && retainedKeys.indexOf(key) === -1) { localStorage.removeItem(key) } } } } export class StoreCookie extends Store { static get cookies() { return document.cookie.split(';').reduce((a, c) => { const [k, v] = c.split('=') a[k.trim()] = v.trim() return a }, {}) } static save(key, val) { Cookies.set(`r-${key}`, val) } static load(key) { return Coookies.get(`r-${key}`) } static clear(key) { Coookies.remove(`r-${key}`) } static clearAllExcept(retainedKeys) { retainedKeys = => `r-${key}`) for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(Cookies.get())) { if (key.startsWith('reader.') && retainedKeys.indexOf(key) === -1) { Coookies.remove(key) } } } }