prep("random_manga_list_$lang_id_filter_string", " SELECT DISTINCT chapters.manga_id FROM mangadex_chapters AS chapters LEFT JOIN mangadex_mangas AS mangas ON mangas.manga_id = chapters.manga_id WHERE mangas.manga_hentai = 0 AND chapters.chapter_deleted = 0 AND chapters.lang_id IN ($in) ", $lang_id_filter_array , 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 86400); } else { $random_manga_array = $sql->query_read("random_manga_list", " SELECT DISTINCT chapters.manga_id FROM mangadex_chapters AS chapters LEFT JOIN mangadex_mangas AS mangas ON mangas.manga_id = chapters.manga_id WHERE mangas.manga_hentai = 0 AND chapters.chapter_deleted = 0 ", 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, 86400); } $manga_id = $random_manga_array[array_rand($random_manga_array)]; } $id = prepare_numeric($manga_id); $mode = $_GET['mode'] ?? 'chapters'; $manga = new Manga($id); $relation_types = new Relation_Types(); // This is needed, otherwise it breaks manga.req.js if (!isset($manga->manga_id)) { $page_html = parse_template('partials/alert', ['type' => 'danger', 'strong' => 'Warning', 'text' => "Manga #$id does not exist."]); } elseif (in_array($manga->manga_id, RESTRICTED_MANGA_IDS) && !validate_level($user, 'contributor') && $user->get_chapters_read_count() < MINIMUM_CHAPTERS_READ_FOR_RESTRICTED_MANGA) { $page_html = parse_template('partials/alert', ['type' => 'danger', 'strong' => 'Warning', 'text' => "Manga #$id is not available. Contact staff on discord for more information."]); } else { update_views_v2($page, $manga->manga_id, $ip); $missing_chapters = $manga->get_missing_chapters($user->display_lang_id); $manga_tab_html = ""; $post_history_modal_html = ""; switch ($mode) { case 'chapters': $search['manga_id'] = $manga->manga_id; $blocked_groups = $user->get_blocked_groups(); if ($blocked_groups) $search['blocked_groups'] = array_keys($blocked_groups); //multi_lang if ($user->user_id && $user->default_lang_ids) $search["multi_lang_id"] = $user->default_lang_ids; elseif (!$user->user_id && $filter_langs_cookie) $search["multi_lang_id"] = urldecode($filter_langs_cookie); if ($hentai_toggle == 0) $search['manga_hentai'] = 0; elseif ($hentai_toggle == 2) $search['manga_hentai'] = 1; if (!isset($user->show_unavailable) || !$user->show_unavailable) $search['available'] = 1; $order = "(CASE volume WHEN '' THEN 1 END) DESC, abs(volume) DESC, abs(chapter) DESC, group_id ASC"; $limit = 100; $current_page = (isset($_GET['p']) && $_GET['p'] > 0) ? $_GET['p'] : 1; try { $chapters = new Chapters($search); $chapters_list = $chapters->query_read($order, $limit, $current_page); } catch (\PDOException $e) { // TODO: This is a bit awkward, a proper rework of this section should fix this $chapters = (object)['num_rows' => 0]; $chapters_list = []; } $templateVars = [ 'limit' => 100, 'current_page' => (isset($_GET['p']) && $_GET['p'] > 0) ? $_GET['p'] : 1, 'chapters' => $chapters_list, 'chapter_count' => $chapters->num_rows, 'user' => $user, 'page' => $page, 'mode' => $mode, 'manga' => $manga, ]; if ($chapters->num_rows < 1) { $manga_tab_html = parse_template('partials/alert', ['type' => 'info mt-3', 'strong' => 'Notice', 'text' => 'There are no chapters in your selected language(s).']); } else { $manga_tab_html = parse_template('chapter/chapters', $templateVars); } break; case 'mod_chapters': if (validate_level($user, 'gmod')) { $search['manga_id'] = $manga->manga_id; $order = "(CASE volume WHEN '' THEN 1 END) DESC, abs(volume) DESC, abs(chapter) DESC, group_id ASC"; $limit = 100; $current_page = (isset($_GET['p']) && $_GET['p'] > 0) ? $_GET['p'] : 1; try { $chapters = new Chapters($search); $chapters_list = $chapters->query_read($order, $limit, $current_page); } catch (\PDOException $e) { // TODO: This is a bit awkward, a proper rework of this section should fix this $chapters = (object)['num_rows' => 0]; $chapters_list = []; } $templateVars = [ 'limit' => 100, 'current_page' => (isset($_GET['p']) && $_GET['p'] > 0) ? $_GET['p'] : 1, 'chapters' => $chapters_list, 'chapter_count' => $chapters->num_rows, 'user' => $user, 'page' => $page, 'mode' => $mode, 'manga' => $manga, 'show_only_deleted' => 0 ]; if ($chapters->num_rows < 1) { $manga_tab_html = parse_template('partials/alert', ['type' => 'info mt-3', 'strong' => 'Notice', 'text' => 'There are no chapters in your selected language(s).']); } else { $manga_tab_html = parse_template('chapter/chapters_modedit', $templateVars); } } break; case 'deleted': if (validate_level($user, 'pr')) { $search['manga_id'] = $manga->manga_id; $search['chapter_deleted'] = 1; $order = "(CASE volume WHEN '' THEN 1 END) DESC, abs(volume) DESC, abs(chapter) DESC, group_id ASC"; $limit = 100; $current_page = (isset($_GET['p']) && $_GET['p'] > 0) ? $_GET['p'] : 1; try { $chapters = new Chapters($search); $chapters_list = $chapters->query_read($order, $limit, $current_page); } catch (\PDOException $e) { // TODO: This is a bit awkward, a proper rework of this section should fix this $chapters = (object)['num_rows' => 0]; $chapters_list = []; } $templateVars = [ 'limit' => 100, 'current_page' => (isset($_GET['p']) && $_GET['p'] > 0) ? $_GET['p'] : 1, 'chapters' => $chapters_list, 'chapter_count' => $chapters->num_rows, 'user' => $user, 'page' => $page, 'mode' => $mode, 'manga' => $manga, 'show_only_deleted' => 1 ]; if ($chapters->num_rows < 1) { $manga_tab_html = parse_template('partials/alert', ['type' => 'info mt-3', 'strong' => 'Notice', 'text' => 'There are no chapters in your selected language(s).']); } else { $manga_tab_html = parse_template('chapter/chapters_modedit', $templateVars); } } break; case 'summary': if ($missing_chapters) { $manga_tab_html = "Missing chapters: $missing_chapters"; } break; case 'covers': $templateVars = [ 'manga' => $manga, 'user' => $user, 'covers_data' => $manga->get_covers(), ]; $manga_tab_html = parse_template('manga/partials/covers_tab', $templateVars); break; case 'comments': $manga_tab_html = parse_template('partials/alert', ['type' => 'info mt-3', 'strong' => 'Notice', 'text' => "Mark all spoilers with [spoiler] tags. Chapter spoilers may be left unmarked only in their respective chapter comment threads."]); // Get a list of [user_id => username] the current user has blocked. key is the userid, value is the username $blockedUserIds = array_map(function ($e) { return $e['username'] ?? 'user'; }, $user->get_blocked_user_ids()); $templateVars = [ 'user' => $user, 'manga' => $manga, 'parser' => $parser, 'page' => $page, 'blockedUserIds' => $blockedUserIds, ]; $manga_tab_html .= parse_template('manga/partials/comments_thread', $templateVars); $post_history_modal_html = parse_template('partials/post_history_modal', $templateVars); break; case 'admin_history': if (validate_level($user, 'gmod')) { $history = $sql->prep('manga_history_'.$manga->manga_id, 'SELECT u.username, h.*, l.level_colour, l.level_name FROM mangadex_manga_history h, mangadex_users u, mangadex_user_levels l WHERE u.user_id = h.user_id AND u.level_id = l.level_id AND manga_id = ? ORDER BY `timestamp` DESC LIMIT 50', [$manga->manga_id], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, -1); $templateVars = [ 'history' => $history, ]; $manga_tab_html = parse_template('manga/partials/admin_history', $templateVars); } break; case 'admin': if (validate_level($user, 'gmod')) { $manga_tab_html = parse_template('manga/partials/admin_tab'); } break; } $templateVars = [ 'page' => $page, 'mode' => $mode, 'manga' => $manga, 'user' => $user, 'parser' => $parser, 'missing_chapters' => $missing_chapters, 'manga_tab_html' => $manga_tab_html, 'post_history_modal_html' => $post_history_modal_html, ]; $page_html = parse_template('manga/manga', $templateVars); }