delete("latest_manga_comments"); $latest_manga_comments = $sql->query_read('latest_manga_comments', " SELECT posts.post_id, posts.text, posts.timestamp, posts.thread_id, mangas.manga_name, mangas.manga_id, (SELECT (count(*) -1) DIV 20 + 1 FROM mangadex_forum_posts WHERE mangadex_forum_posts.post_id <= posts.post_id AND mangadex_forum_posts.thread_id = posts.thread_id AND mangadex_forum_posts.deleted = 0) AS thread_page FROM mangadex_forum_posts AS posts LEFT JOIN mangadex_threads AS threads ON posts.thread_id = threads.thread_id LEFT JOIN mangadex_mangas AS mangas ON threads.thread_name = mangas.manga_id WHERE threads.forum_id = 11 AND threads.thread_deleted = 0 ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 10 ", 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, 600); $memcached->delete("latest_forum_posts"); $latest_forum_posts = $sql->query_read('latest_forum_posts', " SELECT posts.post_id, posts.text, posts.timestamp, posts.thread_id, threads.thread_name, forums.forum_name, (SELECT (count(*) -1) DIV 20 + 1 FROM mangadex_forum_posts WHERE mangadex_forum_posts.post_id <= posts.post_id AND mangadex_forum_posts.thread_id = posts.thread_id AND mangadex_forum_posts.deleted = 0) AS thread_page FROM mangadex_forum_posts AS posts LEFT JOIN mangadex_threads AS threads ON posts.thread_id = threads.thread_id LEFT JOIN mangadex_forums AS forums ON threads.forum_id = forums.forum_id WHERE threads.forum_id NOT IN (11, 12, 14, 17, 18, 20) AND threads.thread_deleted = 0 ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 10 ", 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, 600); $memcached->delete("latest_news_posts"); $latest_forum_posts = $sql->query_read('latest_news_posts', " SELECT posts.post_id, posts.text, posts.timestamp, posts.thread_id, threads.thread_name, forums.forum_name, (SELECT (count(*) -1) DIV 20 + 1 FROM mangadex_forum_posts WHERE mangadex_forum_posts.post_id <= posts.post_id AND mangadex_forum_posts.thread_id = posts.thread_id AND mangadex_forum_posts.deleted = 0) AS thread_page FROM mangadex_forum_posts AS posts LEFT JOIN mangadex_threads AS threads ON posts.thread_id = threads.thread_id LEFT JOIN mangadex_forums AS forums ON threads.forum_id = forums.forum_id WHERE threads.forum_id = 26 AND threads.thread_sticky = 1 ORDER BY timestamp ASC LIMIT 1 ", 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, 600); /// /// Put delayed chapters that just expired into the last_updated table /// // Collect all chapters that have been uploaded as delayed, but where the delay is expired $expired_delayed_chapters = $sql->query_read('expired_delayed_chapters', ' SELECT c.chapter_id, c.manga_id, c.volume, c.chapter, c.title, c.upload_timestamp, c.user_id, c.lang_id, c.group_id, c.group_id_2, c.group_id_3, c.available FROM mangadex_chapters c, mangadex_delayed_chapters d WHERE d.upload_timestamp < UNIX_TIMESTAMP() AND c.chapter_id = d.chapter_id ', 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, -1); // Only process if we found any if (!empty($expired_delayed_chapters)) { // Collect all chapter ids in this array, so we can unset them as delayed after this $unexpire_chapter_ids = []; foreach ($expired_delayed_chapters AS $expired_delayed_chapter) { $unexpire_chapter_ids[] = (int)$expired_delayed_chapter['chapter_id']; // Add each chapter to the last updated table. this query should be identical with the trigger inside the mangadex_chapters table $sql->modify('last_updated_delayed', " INSERT INTO mangadex_last_updated (`chapter_id`, `manga_id`, `volume`, `chapter`, `title`, `upload_timestamp`, `user_id`, `lang_id`, `group_id`, `group_id_2`, `group_id_3`, `available`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE chapter_id = ?, volume = ?, chapter = ?, title = ?, upload_timestamp = ?, user_id = ?, group_id = ?, group_id_2 = ?, group_id_3 = ?, available = ?;", array_merge(array_values($expired_delayed_chapter), [ $expired_delayed_chapter['chapter_id'], $expired_delayed_chapter['volume'], $expired_delayed_chapter['chapter'], $expired_delayed_chapter['title'], $expired_delayed_chapter['upload_timestamp'], $expired_delayed_chapter['user_id'], $expired_delayed_chapter['group_id'], $expired_delayed_chapter['group_id_2'], $expired_delayed_chapter['group_id_3'], $expired_delayed_chapter['available'], ])); // Update manga last updated $sql->modify('unexpire_delayed_chapters', " UPDATE mangadex_mangas SET manga_last_uploaded = ? WHERE manga_id = ? LIMIT 1 ", [$expired_delayed_chapter['upload_timestamp'], $expired_delayed_chapter['manga_id']]); } // Set each is_delayed field for all chapters we just transferred to zero, so we dont process them again. $unexpire_in = implode(',', $unexpire_chapter_ids); $sql->modify('unexpire_delayed_chapters', 'DELETE FROM mangadex_delayed_chapters WHERE chapter_id IN ('.$unexpire_in.')', []); } $stats = $mdAtHomeClient->getStatus(); foreach ($stats as $client) { $client_id = (int) $client['client_id']; $user_id = (int) $client['user_id']; $subsubdomain = substr($client['url'], 8, 27); if (strpos($subsubdomain, '.') === 0) $subsubdomain = '*.' . substr($client['url'], 9, 13); $url = explode(':', $client['url']); $port = (int) $url[2]; $client_ip = $client['ip']; $available = (int) $client['available']; $shard_count = (int) $client['shard_count']; $speed = ((int) $client['speed']) / 125000; $images_served = (int) $client['images_served']; $images_failed = (int) $client['images_failed']; $bytes_served = (int) $client['bytes_served']; $sql->modify('x', " update mangadex_clients set upload_speed = ?, client_ip = ?, client_subsubdomain = ?, client_port = ?, client_available = ?, shard_count = ?, images_served = ?, images_failed = ?, bytes_served = ?, update_timestamp = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE client_id = ? AND user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ", [$speed, $client_ip, $subsubdomain, $port, $available, $shard_count, $images_served, $images_failed, $bytes_served, $client_id, $user_id]); }