addCodeDefinitionSet(new JBBCode\DefaultCodeDefinitionSet()); $parser->parse($bbcode); return $parser->getAsBBCode(); } /** * Asserts that the given bbcode matches the given text when * the bbcode is run through defaultBBCodeParse */ private function assertBBCodeOutput($bbcode, $text) { $this->assertEquals($this->defaultBBCodeParse($bbcode), $text); } public function testEmptyString() { $this->assertBBCodeOutput('', ''); } public function testOneTag() { $this->assertBBCodeOutput('[b]this is bold[/b]', '[b]this is bold[/b]'); } public function testOneTagWithSurroundingText() { $this->assertBBCodeOutput('buffer text [b]this is bold[/b] buffer text', 'buffer text [b]this is bold[/b] buffer text'); } public function testMultipleTags() { $bbcode = 'this is some text with [b]bold tags[/b] and [i]italics[/i] and ' . 'things like [u]that[/u].'; $bbcodeOutput = 'this is some text with [b]bold tags[/b] and [i]italics[/i] and ' . 'things like [u]that[/u].'; $this->assertBBCodeOutput($bbcode, $bbcodeOutput); } public function testCodeOptions() { $code = 'This contains a [url=]url[/url] which uses an option.'; $codeOutput = 'This contains a [url=]url[/url] which uses an option.'; $this->assertBBCodeOutput($code, $codeOutput); } /** * @depends testCodeOptions */ public function testOmittedOption() { $code = 'This doesn\'t use the url option [url][/url].'; $codeOutput = 'This doesn\'t use the url option [url][/url].'; $this->assertBBCodeOutput($code, $codeOutput); } public function testUnclosedTags() { $code = '[b]bold'; $codeOutput = '[b]bold[/b]'; $this->assertBBCodeOutput($code, $codeOutput); } }