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Are you sure?")) { $.ajax({ url: "/ajax/actions.ajax.php?function="+action+"&id="+post_id+"&value="+value, success: function(data) { $("#message_container").html(data).show().delay(1500).fadeOut(); location.reload(); }, cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false }); } event.preventDefault(); }); $('#post_history_modal').on('', function (event) { $('#post_history_modal .modal-body').text('Loading...'); var post_id = $(event.relatedTarget).data('post-id'); $.ajax({ url: '/ajax/actions.ajax.php?function=post_history&id=' + post_id, type: 'GET', success: function (data) { $('#post_history_modal .modal-body').html(data); $("#post_history_modal .modal-body .btn-spoiler").click(function(evt){ evt.preventDefault(); $(this).next(".spoiler").toggle(); }); }, cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false }); }); $(".comment_button").click(function(){ $(this).html("= display_fa_icon('spinner', '', 'fa-pulse') ?>").attr("disabled", true); location.href = "/chapter/= $id ?>/comments"; }); = jquery_post("chapter_report", $id, "", "Submit", "Submitting", "This chapter has been reported.", "location.reload();"); ?> = jquery_post("reader_settings", 0, "", "Save", "Saving", "Your reader settings have been saved.", "location.reload();"); ?> user_id == $user->user_id || ($chapter->group_leader_id === $user->user_id || $chapter->group_leader_id_2 === $user->user_id || $chapter->group_leader_id_3 === $user->user_id || in_array($user->username, $group_members_array))) { ?> $("#edit_button").click(function(){ $(this).html("= display_fa_icon('spinner', '', 'fa-pulse') ?>").attr("disabled", true); location.href = "/chapter/= $id ?>/edit"; }); $("#cancel_edit_button").click(function(){ $(this).html("= display_fa_icon('spinner', '', 'fa-pulse') ?>").attr("disabled", true); location.href = "/chapter/= $id ?>"; }); = js_display_file_select("#save_edit_button") ?> $("#edit_chapter_form").submit(function(evt) { var form = this; var success_msg = "