data->list as $id => $tx) { $balance = $tx->balance_diff; if ($balance > 0) { $address = $tx->inputs[0]->prev_addresses[0]; $hash = $tx->hash; $timestamp = $tx->block_time; $count = $sql->query_read('views_guests', " SELECT count(*) FROM mangadex_transactions_btc WHERE hash LIKE '$hash' LIMIT 1 ", 'fetchColumn', '', -1); if (!$count) { $sql->modify('update', " INSERT IGNORE INTO mangadex_transactions_btc (timestamp, hash, sender_address, recipient_address, satoshis) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?); ", [$timestamp, $hash, $address, $qr, $balance]); } } } sleep(5); //be considerate! } //fetch and insert ETH data foreach (WALLET_QR['ETH'] as $qr) { $ch = curl_init(); // IMPORTANT: the below line is a security risk, read // in most cases, you should set it to true curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "$qr&startblock=0&endblock=99999999&sort=asc&apikey=V8NYD3PUSYCNJVQYMGFF45GB9V55N3JC32"); $result = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); $obj = json_decode($result); foreach ($obj->result as $id => $tx) { $balance = $tx->value; $from = $tx->from; $to = $tx->to; $hash = $tx->hash; $timestamp = $tx->timeStamp; $count = $sql->query_read('views_guests', " SELECT count(*) FROM mangadex_transactions_eth WHERE hash LIKE '$hash' LIMIT 1 ", 'fetchColumn', '', -1); if (!$count && $from != strtolower($qr)) { $sql->modify('update', " INSERT IGNORE INTO mangadex_transactions_eth (timestamp, hash, sender_address, recipient_address, value) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?); ", [$timestamp, $hash, $from, $to, $balance]); } } sleep(1); //be considerate! } //update tx count $txs = $sql->query_read('x', " SELECT * FROM `mangadex_user_paypal` WHERE `paypal` NOT LIKE '%@%' ", 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, -1); foreach ($txs as $tx) { $count = $sql->query_read('x', " select count(*) FROM mangadex_transactions_btc WHERE hash in (SELECT paypal from mangadex_user_paypal where user_id = {$tx['user_id']}) OR sender_address in (SELECT paypal from mangadex_user_paypal where user_id = {$tx['user_id']}) ", 'fetchColumn', '', -1); if ($count) { $sql->modify('x', " update mangadex_users set premium = 1 WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ", [$tx['user_id']]); print "updated {$tx['user_id']}\n"; } //$sql->modify('x', " update mangadex_user_paypal set count = ? WHERE paypal like '?' LIMIT 1 ", [$count, $tx['paypal']]); } foreach ($txs as $tx) { $count = $sql->query_read('x', " select count(*) FROM mangadex_transactions_eth WHERE hash in (SELECT paypal from mangadex_user_paypal where user_id = {$tx['user_id']}) OR sender_address in (SELECT paypal from mangadex_user_paypal where user_id = {$tx['user_id']}) ", 'fetchColumn', '', -1); if ($count) { $sql->modify('x', " update mangadex_users set premium = 1 WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ", [$tx['user_id']]); print "updated {$tx['user_id']}\n"; } //$sql->modify('x', " update mangadex_user_paypal set count = ? WHERE paypal like '?' LIMIT 1 ", [$count, $tx['paypal']]); } /* //update premium $txs = $sql->query_read('x', " SELECT * FROM mangadex_user_paypal WHERE `paypal` NOT LIKE '%@%' AND count > 0 ", 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, -1); foreach ($txs as $tx) { $sql->modify('x', " update mangadex_users set premium = 1 WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ", [$tx['user_id']]); }*/