tryRestoreSession($_COOKIE[SESSION_COOKIE_NAME] ?? null, $_COOKIE[SESSION_REMEMBERME_COOKIE_NAME] ?? null); $user = $guard->hasUser() ? $guard->getUser() : $guard->getUser(0); // Fetch guest record (userid=0) if no user could be restored } else { $user = $guard->getUser(0); // Fetch guest } /** @var $sentry Raven_Client */ if (isset($sentry) && isset($user)) { $sentry->user_context([ 'id' => $user->user_id, 'username' => $user->username, ]); } $type = $_GET['type'] ?? ''; switch ($type) { case 'manga': if (!isset($_GET['id'])) { $array['status'] = 'error'; $array['message'] = 'No ID provided.'; http_response_code(400); header('Content-Type: application/json'); die(json_encode($array)); } $manga_id = (int)prepare_numeric($_GET['id']); $manga = new Manga($manga_id); if (isset($manga->manga_id)) { $array['manga'] = [ 'cover_url' => "/images/manga/$manga->manga_id.$manga->manga_image?" . @filemtime(ABS_DATA_BASEPATH . "/manga/$manga->manga_id.$manga->manga_image"), 'description' => $manga->manga_description, 'title' => $manga->manga_name, 'alt_names' => \array_map(function ($alt_name) { return \html_entity_decode($alt_name); }, $manga->get_manga_alt_names()), 'artist' => $manga->manga_artist, 'author' => $manga->manga_author, 'status' => $manga->manga_status_id, 'demographic' => $manga->manga_demo_id, 'genres' => $manga->get_manga_genres(), 'last_chapter' => $manga->manga_last_chapter, 'last_volume' => $manga->manga_last_volume, 'last_updated' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $manga->manga_last_uploaded), 'lang_name' => $manga->lang_name, 'lang_flag' => $manga->lang_flag, 'hentai' => $manga->manga_hentai, //'follow' => $manga->get_user_follow_info($user->user_id), 'links' => json_decode($manga->manga_links), 'related' => $manga->get_related_manga(), 'rating' => [ 'bayesian' => $manga->manga_bayesian ?? 0, 'mean' => $manga->manga_rating ?? 0, 'users' => number_format(count($manga->get_user_ratings() ?? 0)), //'personal' => $manga->get_user_rating($user->user_id) ?: 0, ], 'views' => $manga->manga_views, 'follows' => $manga->manga_follows, 'comments' => $manga->thread_posts, 'last_updated' => $manga->manga_last_uploaded, 'covers' => \array_map(function ($cover) use ($manga_id) { return "/images/covers/{$manga_id}v{$cover['volume']}.{$cover['img']}"; }, $manga->get_covers()), ]; $search["chapter_deleted"] = 0; $search["manga_id"] = $manga_id; //manga_id $search["available"] = 1; //available $blocked_groups = $user->get_blocked_groups(); if ($blocked_groups) $search['blocked_groups'] = array_keys($blocked_groups); $order = "(CASE volume WHEN '' THEN 1 END) DESC, abs(volume) DESC, abs(chapter) DESC, group_id ASC"; $chapters = new Chapters($search); $chapters_obj = $chapters->query_read($order, 8000, 1); $group_list = array(); foreach ($chapters_obj as $chapter) { $chapter = (object)$chapter; $array['chapter'][$chapter->chapter_id] = [ 'volume' => $chapter->volume, 'chapter' => $chapter->chapter, 'title' => html_entity_decode($chapter->title), 'lang_name' => $chapter->lang_name, 'lang_code' => $chapter->lang_flag, 'group_id' => $chapter->group_id, 'group_name' => $chapter->group_name, 'group_id_2' => $chapter->group_id_2, 'group_name_2' => $chapter->group_name_2, 'group_id_3' => $chapter->group_id_3, 'group_name_3' => $chapter->group_name_3, 'timestamp' => $chapter->upload_timestamp, 'comments' => $chapter->thread_posts, ]; $group_list[$chapter->group_id] = $chapter->group_name; if($chapter->group_id_2){ $group_list[$chapter->group_id_2] = $chapter->group_name_2; } if($chapter->group_id_3){ $group_list[$chapter->group_id_3] = $chapter->group_name_3; } } foreach($group_list as $group_id => $group_name){ $array['group'][$group_id] = ['group_name' =>$group_name]; } $array['status'] = 'OK'; /* if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], 'Tachiyomi') !== false) { $url = ""; $query = "/title/$manga->manga_id/" . slugify($manga->manga_name); $data = array( 'v' => 1, 'tid' => 'UA-112305080-1', //'tid' => 'UA-114714674-1', 'cid' => md5($ip), 't' => 'pageview', 'dp' => urlencode($query), 'dt' => $manga->manga_name . ' (Title) - Tachi API', //'an' => 'Tachiyomi', //'cd' => 'API', 'z' => rand(), ); httpGet($url, http_build_query_read($data)); }*/ } else { $array['status'] = 'Manga ID does not exist.'; http_response_code(404); } break; case 'covers': if (!isset($_GET['id'])) { $array['status'] = 'error'; $array['message'] = 'No ID provided.'; http_response_code(400); header('Content-Type: application/json'); die(json_encode($array)); } $manga_id = (int)prepare_numeric($_GET['id']); $manga = new Manga($manga_id); if (isset($manga->manga_id)) { $array['covers'] = \array_map(function ($cover) use ($manga_id) { return "/images/covers/{$manga_id}v{$cover['volume']}.{$cover['img']}"; }, $manga->get_covers()); $array['status'] = 'OK'; } else { $array['status'] = 'Manga ID does not exist.'; http_response_code(404); } break; case 'chapter': if (isset($_GET['hash']) && preg_match('/^[a-z0-9]+$/i', $_GET['hash'])) { $chapter_id = $sql->prep("chapter_{$_GET['hash']}", " SELECT chapter_id FROM mangadex_chapters WHERE chapter_hash = ? LIMIT 1 ", [$_GET['hash']], 'fetchColumn', '', 86400); if (!$chapter_id) { $array['hash'] = $_GET['hash']; $array['status'] = 'error'; $array['message'] = 'Chapter does not exist'; http_response_code(404); header('Content-Type: application/json'); die(json_encode($array)); } } else if (!isset($_GET['id'])) { $array['status'] = 'error'; $array['message'] = 'No ID provided.'; http_response_code(400); header('Content-Type: application/json'); die(json_encode($array)); } $chapter_id = $chapter_id ?? prepare_numeric($_GET['id']); $chapter = new Chapter($chapter_id); $chapter = (object)$chapter; if (isset($chapter->chapter_id)) { $target_group = new Group($chapter->group_id); if ($target_group && isset($target_group->group_id) && $target_group->group_id > 0) { $group_members_array = $target_group->get_members(); } else { $group_members_array = []; } if ($chapter->group_id_2) { $target_group2 = new Group($chapter->group_id_2); if ($target_group2 && isset($target_group2->group_id) && $target_group2->group_id > 0) { $group_members_array = array_merge($group_members_array, $target_group2->get_members()); } } if ($chapter->group_id_3) { $target_group3 = new Group($chapter->group_id_3); if ($target_group3 && isset($target_group3->group_id) && $target_group3->group_id > 0) { $group_members_array = array_merge($group_members_array, $target_group3->get_members()); } } if (!$chapter->available && !validate_level($user, 'pr')) { $array = [ 'id' => $chapter->chapter_id, 'timestamp' => $chapter->upload_timestamp, 'volume' => $chapter->volume, 'chapter' => $chapter->chapter, 'title' => html_entity_decode($chapter->title), 'lang_name' => $chapter->lang_name, 'lang_code' => $chapter->lang_flag, 'manga_id' => $chapter->manga_id, 'comments' => $chapter->thread_posts, 'status' => 'unavailable', ]; http_response_code(300); } elseif ($chapter->chapter_deleted && !validate_level($user, 'pr')) { $array = [ 'id' => $chapter->chapter_id, 'status' => 'deleted', ]; http_response_code(410); } elseif ($chapter->upload_timestamp < $timestamp || ($user->user_id == $chapter->user_id || validate_level($user, 'pr') || // Retain pr ability to read delayed chapters ($user->user_id && in_array($user->user_id, [$chapter->group_leader_id, $chapter->group_leader_id_2, $chapter->group_leader_id_3])) || in_array($user->username, $group_members_array) )) { $status = 'OK'; $manga = new Manga($chapter->manga_id); $long_strip = in_array(36, $manga->get_manga_genres()); if (substr($chapter->page_order, 0, 4) === 'http') { $page_array = []; $status = 'external'; } else { $arr = explode(",", $chapter->page_order); $page_array = array_combine(range(1, count($arr)), array_values($arr)); } $server_fallback = IMG_SERVER_URL; $server_network = null; // use md@h for all images try { $subsubdomain = $mdAtHomeClient->getServerUrl($chapter->chapter_hash, explode(',', $chapter->page_order), _IP, $user->mdh_portlimit ?? false); if (!empty($subsubdomain)) { $server_network = $subsubdomain; } } catch (\Throwable $t) { trigger_error($t->getMessage(), E_USER_WARNING); } $server = $server_network ?: $server_fallback; $data_dir = (isset($_GET['saver']) && $_GET['saver']) ? '/data-saver/' : '/data/'; $array = [ 'id' => $chapter->chapter_id, 'timestamp' => $chapter->upload_timestamp, 'hash' => $chapter->chapter_hash, 'volume' => $chapter->volume, 'chapter' => $chapter->chapter, 'title' => html_entity_decode($chapter->title), 'lang_name' => $chapter->lang_name, 'lang_code' => $chapter->lang_flag, 'manga_id' => $chapter->manga_id, 'group_id' => $chapter->group_id, 'group_name' => $chapter->group_name, 'group_id_2' => $chapter->group_id_2, 'group_name_2' => $chapter->group_name_2, 'group_id_3' => $chapter->group_id_3, 'group_name_3' => $chapter->group_name_3, 'comments' => $chapter->thread_posts, 'server' => $server.$data_dir, 'page_array' => array_values($page_array), 'long_strip' => $long_strip, 'status' => $status, ]; if (!empty($server_network)) { $array['server_fallback'] = $server_fallback.$data_dir; } $isRestricted = in_array($chapter->manga_id, RESTRICTED_MANGA_IDS) && !validate_level($user, 'contributor') && $user->get_chapters_read_count() < MINIMUM_CHAPTERS_READ_FOR_RESTRICTED_MANGA; $countryCode = strtoupper(get_country_code($user->last_ip)); $isRegionBlocked = isset(REGION_BLOCKED_MANGA[$countryCode]) && in_array($manga->manga_id, REGION_BLOCKED_MANGA[$countryCode]) && !validate_level($user, 'pr'); if ($status === 'external') { $array['external'] = $chapter->page_order; } elseif ($isRestricted || $isRegionBlocked) { $array = [ 'id' => $chapter->chapter_id, 'status' => 'restricted', ]; http_response_code(451); } update_views_v2($type, $chapter->chapter_id, $ip, $user->user_id); $mark_read = $_GET["mark_read"] ?? true; if ($user->user_id && $mark_read) { $chapter->update_chapter_views($user->user_id, $manga->get_follows_user_id()); $chapter->update_reading_history($user->user_id, $user->get_reading_history(true)); $followed_manga_ids_array = $user->get_followed_manga_ids(); if (isset($followed_manga_ids_array[$chapter->manga_id])) { if ((int) $followed_manga_ids_array[$chapter->manga_id]['chapter'] == (int) $chapter->chapter - 1) $sql->modify('increment_chapter', ' UPDATE mangadex_follow_user_manga SET chapter = ABS(chapter) + 1 WHERE manga_id = ? AND user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$chapter->manga_id, $user->user_id]); if ((int) $followed_manga_ids_array[$chapter->manga_id]['volume'] == (int) $chapter->volume - 1) $sql->modify('increment_volume', ' UPDATE mangadex_follow_user_manga SET volume = ABS(volume) + 1 WHERE manga_id = ? AND user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$chapter->manga_id, $user->user_id]); $memcached->delete("user_{$user->user_id}_followed_manga_ids"); } } $is_tachi = (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ?? '', 'Tachiyomi') !== false) ? 1 : 0; [$total_hits, $tachi_hits] = $memcached->get("chapter_hits") ?: [0, 0]; $memcached->set("chapter_hits", [$total_hits + 1, $tachi_hits + $is_tachi]); } else { $array = [ 'id' => $chapter->chapter_id, 'timestamp' => $chapter->upload_timestamp, 'volume' => $chapter->volume, 'chapter' => $chapter->chapter, 'title' => html_entity_decode($chapter->title), 'lang_name' => $chapter->lang_name, 'lang_code' => $chapter->lang_flag, 'manga_id' => $chapter->manga_id, 'group_id' => $chapter->group_id, 'group_name' => $chapter->group_name, 'group_id_2' => $chapter->group_id_2, 'group_name_2' => $chapter->group_name_2, 'group_id_3' => $chapter->group_id_3, 'group_name_3' => $chapter->group_name_3, 'group_website' => $chapter->group_website, 'status' => 'delayed', ]; http_response_code(409); } } else { $array = [ 'id' => (int) $chapter_id, 'status' => 'error', 'message' => 'Chapter ID does not exist.', ]; http_response_code(404); } break; case 'manga_follows': if ($user && $user->user_id > 0) { if (isset($_GET['manga_id']) && $_GET['manga_id'] > 0) { $manga_id = (int)$_GET['manga_id']; $query = <<prep('api_folows_one_of_any_user', $query, [$user->user_id, $manga_id], 'fetchAll', \PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, -1); } else { $limit = 200; $offset = $limit * ((int) max(1, (int) min(50, $_GET['page'] ?? 1)) - 1); $follows = $user->get_followed_manga_ids_api(); foreach ($follows AS &$follow) { $follow['title'] = html_entity_decode($follow['title'] ?? '', null, 'UTF-8'); } } $array = [ 'result' => $follows, ]; } else { http_response_code(401); $array['status'] = 'error'; $array['message'] = 'No User available. You need to authenticate to use this endpoint.'; } break; default: $array['status'] = 'error'; $array['message'] = 'Not a valid API endpoint.'; http_response_code(404); break; } //visit_log_api($_SERVER, $ip, $user->user_id, $user->hentai_mode); header('Content-Type: application/json'); print json_encode($array);