0) { $payment = prepare_numeric($_POST['payment']); unset($_POST['payment']); $order_json = json_encode($_POST); $sql->modify('order', ' INSERT INTO mangadex_orders (order_id, user_id, payment, items) VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?) ', [$user->user_id, $payment, $order_json]); $details = ''; } else { $details = 'You need to order something!'; print display_alert('danger', 'Failed', $details); //fail } $result = ($details) ? 0 : 1; break; case 'cancel_order': $id = prepare_numeric($_GET['id']); $sql->modify('order', ' DELETE FROM mangadex_orders WHERE order_id = ? AND user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$id, $user->user_id]); $details = ''; $result = ($details) ? 0 : 1; break; case 'claim_transaction': $id_string = $_POST['id_string']; if (validate_level($user, 'member')) { $sql->modify('claim_transaction', ' INSERT INTO mangadex_user_paypal (user_id, paypal) VALUES (?, ?) ', [$user->user_id, $id_string]); $memcached->delete("user_{$user->user_id}_transactions"); $details = $id_string; } else { $details = "You can't claim transactions."; print display_alert('danger', 'Failed', $details); //fail } $result = ($details) ? 0 : 1; break; case 'friend_accept': $id = prepare_numeric($_GET['id']); if (validate_level($user, 'member') && $user->user_id != $id) { $sql->modify('friend_accept', ' INSERT INTO mangadex_user_relations (user_id, relation_id, target_user_id, accepted) VALUES (?, 1, ?, 1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE accepted = 1 ', [$user->user_id, $id]); $sql->modify('friend_accept', ' UPDATE mangadex_user_relations SET accepted = 1 WHERE user_id = ? AND relation_id = 1 AND target_user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$id, $user->user_id]); $memcached->delete("user_{$user->user_id}_friends_user_ids"); $memcached->delete("user_{$user->user_id}_pending_friends_user_ids"); $memcached->delete("user_{$id}_friends_user_ids"); $memcached->delete("user_{$id}_pending_friends_user_ids"); $details = $id; } else { $details = "You can't accept this user as a friend."; print display_alert('danger', 'Failed', $details); //fail } $result = ($details) ? 0 : 1; break; case 'friend_add': $id = prepare_numeric($_GET['id']); if (validate_level($user, 'member') && $user->user_id != $id) { $sql->modify('friend_add', ' INSERT IGNORE INTO mangadex_user_relations (user_id, relation_id, target_user_id, accepted) VALUES (?, 1, ?, 0) ', [$user->user_id, $id]); $memcached->delete("user_{$user->user_id}_friends_user_ids"); $memcached->delete("user_{$user->user_id}_pending_friends_user_ids"); $memcached->delete("user_{$id}_friends_user_ids"); $memcached->delete("user_{$id}_pending_friends_user_ids"); $details = $id; } else { $details = "You can't add this user as a friend."; print display_alert('danger', 'Failed', $details); //fail } $result = ($details) ? 0 : 1; break; case 'friend_remove': $id = prepare_numeric($_GET['id']); if (validate_level($user, 'member') && $user->user_id != $id) { $sql->modify('friend_remove', ' DELETE FROM mangadex_user_relations WHERE (user_id = ? AND relation_id = 1 AND target_user_id = ?) OR (user_id = ? AND relation_id = 1 AND target_user_id = ?) LIMIT 2 ', [$user->user_id, $id, $id, $user->user_id]); $memcached->delete("user_{$user->user_id}_friends_user_ids"); $memcached->delete("user_{$user->user_id}_pending_friends_user_ids"); $memcached->delete("user_{$id}_friends_user_ids"); $memcached->delete("user_{$id}_pending_friends_user_ids"); $details = $id; } else { $details = "You can't remove this user as a friend."; print display_alert('danger', 'Failed', $details); //fail } $result = ($details) ? 0 : 1; break; case 'user_block': $id = prepare_numeric($_GET['id']); $target_user = new User($id, 'user_id'); // Dont allow blocking of staff members if (validate_level($user, 'member') && $user->user_id != $id && !validate_level($target_user, 'pr')) { $sql->modify('user_block', ' DELETE FROM mangadex_user_relations WHERE (user_id = ? AND relation_id = 1 AND target_user_id = ?) OR (user_id = ? AND relation_id = 1 AND target_user_id = ?) LIMIT 2 ', [$user->user_id, $id, $id, $user->user_id]); $sql->modify('user_block', ' INSERT IGNORE INTO mangadex_user_relations (user_id, relation_id, target_user_id, accepted) VALUES (?, 0, ?, 1) ', [$user->user_id, $id]); $memcached->delete("user_{$user->user_id}_blocked_user_ids"); $memcached->delete("user_{$user->user_id}_friends_user_ids"); $memcached->delete("user_{$user->user_id}_pending_friends_user_ids"); $memcached->delete("user_{$id}_friends_user_ids"); $memcached->delete("user_{$id}_pending_friends_user_ids"); $details = $id; } else { $details = "You can't block this user."; print display_alert('danger', 'Failed', $details); //fail } $result = ($details) ? 0 : 1; break; case 'user_unblock': $id = prepare_numeric($_GET['id']); if (validate_level($user, 'member') && $user->user_id != $id) { $sql->modify('user_unblock', ' DELETE FROM mangadex_user_relations WHERE user_id = ? AND relation_id = 0 AND target_user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$user->user_id, $id]); $memcached->delete("user_{$user->user_id}_blocked_user_ids"); $details = $id; } else { $details = "You can't unblock this user."; print display_alert('danger', 'Failed', $details); //fail } $result = ($details) ? 0 : 1; break; case 'set_user_note': if ($user->premium === 0) { die('You do not have the right permissions to do that.'); } $affectedUserId = prepare_numeric($_POST['user_id']); $note = $_POST['note']; if (strlen($note) > 50) { die('The note is too long.'); } if (!empty($note)) { // Check the note limit $existingNotes = $sql->prep( 'user_notes_overview', 'SELECT affected_user_id FROM mangadex_user_notes WHERE creator_user_id = ?', [ $user->user_id ], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, -1 ); $allowedNotes = [0, 50, 200, 1000, 1000, 1000][$user->premium]; if (!in_array($affectedUserId, $existingNotes, false) && count($existingNotes) >= $allowedNotes) { die('You have reached the maximum amount of notes'); } // Insert/Update $sql->modify( 'set_user_note', 'INSERT INTO mangadex_user_notes VALUES(?, ?, ?) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE note = VALUES(note)', [ $user->user_id, $affectedUserId, $note ] ); } else { // Delete $sql->modify( 'set_user_note', 'DELETE FROM mangadex_user_notes WHERE creator_user_id = ? AND affected_user_id = ?', [ $user->user_id, $affectedUserId ] ); } $memcached->delete("user_{$user->user_id}_notes"); break; case 'change_password': $old_password = $_POST['old_password']; $new_password1 = $_POST['new_password1']; $new_password2 = $_POST['new_password2']; if (password_verify($old_password, $user->password)) { //verify the hash $password_test = ($new_password1 == $new_password2 && strlen($new_password1) >= 8); //return TRUE $new_hash = password_hash($new_password1, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); if ($password_test) { $sql->modify('change_password', ' UPDATE mangadex_users SET password = ? WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$new_hash, $user->user_id]); $memcached->delete("user_$user->user_id"); $to = $user->email; $subject = "MangaDex: Change Password - $user->username"; $body = "You have successfully changed your password for MangaDex. \n\nUsername: $user->username \nPassword: (your chosen password) "; send_email($to, $subject, $body); } else { $details = 'Your new password is too short.'; print display_alert('danger', 'Failed', $details); //too short } } else { $details = 'Incorrect password.'; print display_alert('danger', 'Failed', $details); //wrong password } $result = ($details) ? 0 : 1; break; case 'supporter_settings': $show_premium_badge = !empty($_POST['show_supporter_badge']) ? 1 : 0; $show_mah_badge = !empty($_POST['show_mah_badge']) ? 1 : 0; if ($user->user_id) { if ($user->premium) { $sql->modify('supporter_settings', ' UPDATE mangadex_user_options SET show_premium_badge = ? WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$show_premium_badge, $user->user_id]); } if (count($user->get_clients())) { $approvaltime = $user->get_client_approval_time(); if ($show_mah_badge && $approvaltime < 1593561600) { $show_mah_badge = 2; } $sql->modify('supporter_settings', ' UPDATE mangadex_user_options SET show_md_at_home_badge = ? WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$show_mah_badge, $user->user_id]); } $memcached->delete("user_$user->user_id"); } else { $details = 'Your session has timed out. Please log in again.'; print display_alert('danger', 'Failed', $details); //fail } $result = 1; break; case 'upload_settings': $lang_id = prepare_numeric($_POST["lang_id"]); $group_id = prepare_numeric($_POST["group_id"]) ?? 0; if ($user->user_id) { $sql->modify('upload_settings', ' UPDATE mangadex_users SET upload_group_id = ?, upload_lang_id = ? WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$group_id, $lang_id, $user->user_id]); $memcached->delete("user_$user->user_id"); } else { $details = 'Your session has timed out. Please log in again.'; print display_alert('danger', 'Failed', $details); //fail } $result = 1; break; case 'reader_settings': $reader = !empty($_POST['reader']) ? 1 : 0; $swipe_direction = !empty($_POST['swipe_direction']) ? 1 : 0; $reader_click = !empty($_POST['reader_click']) ? 1 : 0; $post_sensitivity = prepare_numeric($_POST['swipe_sensitivity']); $reader_mode = prepare_numeric($_POST['reader_mode']) ?? 0; $image_fit = prepare_numeric($_POST['image_fit']) ?? 0; $data_saver = prepare_numeric($_POST['data_saver']) ?? 0; $img_server = prepare_numeric($_POST['img_server']); if ($reader_mode && $image_fit == 2) $image_fit = 0; $swipe_sensitivity = $post_sensitivity * 25 + 25; if ($swipe_sensitivity < 25) $swipe_sensitivity = 25; elseif ($swipe_sensitivity > 150) $swipe_sensitivity = 150; if ($user->user_id) { $sql->modify('reader_settings', ' UPDATE mangadex_users SET reader = ?, swipe_direction = ?, swipe_sensitivity = ?, reader_mode = ?, reader_click = ?, image_fit = ?, img_server = ? WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$reader, $swipe_direction, $swipe_sensitivity, $reader_mode, $reader_click, $image_fit, $img_server, $user->user_id]); $sql->modify('reader_settings', ' UPDATE mangadex_user_options SET data_saver = ? WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [(int) $data_saver, $user->user_id]); $memcached->delete("user_$user->user_id"); } else { $details = 'Your session has timed out. Please log in again.'; print display_alert('danger', 'Failed', $details); //fail } $result = 1; break; case 'change_profile': $lang_id = prepare_numeric($_POST['lang_id']); $website = str_replace(['javascript:'], '', htmlentities($_POST['website'])); $user_bio = str_replace(['javascript:'], '', htmlentities($_POST['user_bio'])); $old_file = $_FILES['file']['name']; $email = $_POST['email']; // Make sure website has http:// if (!empty($website) && stripos($website, 'http://') === false && stripos($website, 'https://') === false) $website = 'http://'.$website; if ($_FILES['file'] && $old_file) { $error .= validate_image($_FILES['file']); // Check for Avatar Change Restriction if ($user->has_active_restriction(USER_RESTRICTION_CHANGE_AVATAR)) { $fail_reason = $user->get_restriction_message(USER_RESTRICTION_CHANGE_AVATAR) ?? 'Avatar change failed!'; $error .= display_alert("danger", "Failed", $fail_reason); } } // Check for Biography Change Restriction if ($user->has_active_restriction(USER_RESTRICTION_CHANGE_BIOGRAPHY)) { if ($user->user_bio !== $user_bio || $user->user_website !== $website) { $fail_reason = $user->get_restriction_message(USER_RESTRICTION_CHANGE_BIOGRAPHY) ?? 'Biography/Website change failed!'; $error .= display_alert("danger", "Failed", $fail_reason); } } if($email != $user->email){ // check for another account with this email $count_email = $sql->prep('count_email', ' SELECT count(*) FROM mangadex_users WHERE email = ? ', [$email], 'fetchColumn', '', -1); //check for banned hosts $banned_hosts = $sql->query_read('tempmail', "SELECT host FROM mangadex_tempmail ORDER BY host ASC ", 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_COLUMN); $email_parts = explode('@', $email); $banned_email = in_array($email_parts[1], $banned_hosts); if($count_email || $banned_email){ $fail_reason = "This email cannot be used."; $error .= display_alert("danger", "Failed", $fail_reason); } } if (!$user->user_id) $error .= display_alert('danger', 'Failed', 'Your session has timed out. Please log in again.'); //success if (!validate_level($user, 'member')) $error .= display_alert('danger', 'Failed', 'You need to be at least a member.'); //success if (!$error) { $sql->modify('change_profile', ' UPDATE mangadex_users SET language = ?, user_website = ?, user_bio = ?, email = ? WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$lang_id, $website, $user_bio, $email, $user->user_id]); if ($old_file) { $arr = explode('.', $_FILES['file']['name']); $ext = strtolower(end($arr)); if ($user->avatar) @unlink(ABS_DATA_BASEPATH . "/avatars/$user->user_id.$user->avatar"); move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], ABS_DATA_BASEPATH . "/avatars/$user->user_id.$ext"); $sql->modify('change_profile', ' UPDATE mangadex_users SET avatar = ? WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$ext, $user->user_id]); } if (strpos($user_bio, 'haruki.ga') !== FALSE) { $token = rand_string(32); $sql->modify('change_profile', ' UPDATE mangadex_users SET password = ?, token = ?, user_website = NULL, user_bio = NULL, avatar = NULL WHERE user_id = ? ', ['compromised', $token, $user->user_id]); $guard->destroySession(); $memcached->delete("user_$user->user_id"); if (IS_NOJS) redirect_url('/index.php'); } $memcached->delete("user_$user->user_id"); $details = $user->user_id; } else { $details = $error; print $error; //returns "" or a message } $result = ($details) ? 0 : 1; break; case 'site_settings': $theme_id = prepare_numeric($_POST['theme_id']); $navigation = prepare_numeric($_POST['navigation']); $list_privacy = prepare_numeric($_POST['list_privacy']); $dm_privacy = prepare_numeric($_POST['dm_privacy']); $reader = $_POST['reader'] ?? 0; $port_limit = prepare_numeric($_POST['mdh_portlimit'] ?? 0); $display_lang_id = prepare_numeric($_POST['display_lang_id']); $old_file = $_FILES['file']['name']; $hentai_mode = prepare_numeric($_POST["hentai_mode"]); $show_unavailable = prepare_numeric($_POST["show_unavailable"]); $display_moderated = prepare_numeric($_POST["display_moderated"]); $latest_updates = prepare_numeric($_POST["latest_updates"]); $default_lang_ids = (isset($_POST["default_lang_ids"]) && count($_POST["default_lang_ids"]) < 20) ? implode(",", $_POST["default_lang_ids"]) : ""; $reset_list_banner = isset($_POST["reset_list_banner"]) ? 1 : 0; $excluded_genres = (isset($_POST['manga_genres']) ? array_map('intval', $_POST['manga_genres']) : []); sort($excluded_genres); if ($_FILES['file'] && $old_file && !$reset_list_banner) $error .= validate_image($_FILES['file']); if (!$user->user_id) $error .= display_alert('danger', 'Failed', "Your session has timed out. Please log in again."); //success if (!validate_level($user, 'member')) $error .= display_alert('danger', 'Failed', 'You need to be at least a member.'); //success if (!$error) { $sql->modify('site_settings', ' UPDATE mangadex_users SET hentai_mode = ?, display_moderated = ?, latest_updates = ?, reader = ?, default_lang_ids = ?, style = ?, display_lang_id = ?, list_privacy = ?, excluded_genres = ?, navigation = ?, dm_privacy = ?, show_unavailable = ? WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$hentai_mode, $display_moderated, $latest_updates, (int) $reader, $default_lang_ids, $theme_id, $display_lang_id, $list_privacy, implode(',', $excluded_genres), $navigation, $dm_privacy, $show_unavailable, $user->user_id]); $sql->modify('site_settings', ' UPDATE mangadex_user_options SET mdh_portlimit = ? WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$port_limit, $user->user_id]); if ($old_file && !$reset_list_banner) { $arr = explode(".", $_FILES["file"]["name"]); $ext = strtolower(end($arr)); $oldFilename = ABS_DATA_BASEPATH . "/lists/$user->user_id.$user->list_banner"; if ($user->list_banner && file_exists($oldFilename)) @unlink($oldFilename); move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], ABS_DATA_BASEPATH . "/lists/$user->user_id.$ext"); $sql->modify('site_settings', ' UPDATE mangadex_users SET list_banner = ? WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$ext, $user->user_id]); } elseif ($reset_list_banner) { if ($user->list_banner) @unlink(ABS_DATA_BASEPATH . "/lists/$user->user_id.$user->list_banner"); $sql->modify('site_settings', " UPDATE mangadex_users SET list_banner = '' WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ", [$user->user_id]); } $memcached->delete("user_$user->user_id"); $details = $user->user_id; } else { $details = $error; print $error; //returns "" or a message } $result = ($details) ? 0 : 1; break; case 'homepage_settings': $theme_id = prepare_numeric($_POST['theme_id']); $display_lang_id = prepare_numeric($_POST['display_lang_id']); $default_lang_ids = (isset($_POST["default_lang_ids"]) && count($_POST["default_lang_ids"]) < 20) ? implode(",", $_POST["default_lang_ids"]) : ""; $hentai_mode = isset($_POST['hentai_mode']) ? prepare_numeric($_POST['hentai_mode']) : 0; switch ($hentai_mode) { case 1: setcookie('mangadex_h_toggle', $hentai_mode, $timestamp + (86400 * 3650), '/', DOMAIN); // 86400 = 1 day break; case 2: setcookie('mangadex_h_toggle', $hentai_mode, $timestamp + (86400 * 3650), '/', DOMAIN); // 86400 = 1 day break; case 0: default: setcookie('mangadex_h_toggle', '', $timestamp - 3600, '/', DOMAIN); break; } if (!$user->user_id) { setcookie("mangadex_theme", $theme_id, $timestamp + 3600, "/"); // 3600 = 1 hour setcookie("mangadex_filter_langs", $default_lang_ids, $timestamp + 3600, "/"); // 3600 = 1 hour setcookie('mangadex_display_lang', $display_lang_id, $timestamp + 3600, '/', DOMAIN); // 3600 = 1 hour } else { $sql->modify('homepage_settings', ' UPDATE mangadex_users SET style = ?, default_lang_ids = ?, display_lang_id = ? WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$theme_id, $default_lang_ids, $display_lang_id, $user->user_id]); $memcached->delete("user_$user->user_id"); } $details = ''; $result = 1; break; case 'list_settings': $list_privacy = prepare_numeric($_POST['list_privacy']); $old_file = $_FILES['file']['name']; $reset_list_banner = isset($_POST["reset_list_banner"]) ? 1 : 0; if ($_FILES['file'] && $old_file && !$reset_list_banner) $error .= validate_image($_FILES['file']); if (!$user->user_id) $error .= display_alert('danger', 'Failed', "Your session has timed out. Please log in again."); //success if (!$error) { $sql->modify('list_settings', ' UPDATE mangadex_users SET list_privacy = ? WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$list_privacy, $user->user_id]); if ($old_file && !$reset_list_banner) { $arr = explode(".", $_FILES["file"]["name"]); $ext = strtolower(end($arr)); if ($user->list_banner) @unlink(ABS_DATA_BASEPATH . "/lists/$user->user_id.$user->list_banner"); move_uploaded_file($_FILES["file"]["tmp_name"], ABS_DATA_BASEPATH . "/lists/$user->user_id.$ext"); $sql->modify('list_settings', ' UPDATE mangadex_users SET list_banner = ? WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$ext, $user->user_id]); } elseif ($reset_list_banner) { if ($user->list_banner) @unlink(ABS_DATA_BASEPATH . "/lists/$user->user_id.$user->list_banner"); $sql->modify('list_settings', " UPDATE mangadex_users SET list_banner = '' WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ", [$user->user_id]); } $memcached->delete("user_$user->user_id"); $details = $user->user_id; } else { $details = $error; print $error; //returns "" or a message } $result = ($details) ? 0 : 1; break; case 'msg_thread': $result = 1; try { $thread_id = (int)$_POST['id']; $page = max(1, (int)$_POST['page']); if (!validate_level($user, 'member')) throw new \Exception("You must be logged in."); $thread = new PM_Thread($thread_id); if (!isset($thread->thread_id) || ($thread->sender_id != $user->user_id && $thread->recipient_id != $user->user_id)) throw new \Exception("This thread does not exist."); $limit = defined('DMS_DISPLAY_LIMIT') ? DMS_DISPLAY_LIMIT : 25; $messages = new PM_Msgs($thread->thread_id, ($page - 1) * $limit, $limit); $html = ""; $n = 0; foreach ($messages as $msg_id => $msg) { $parser->parse($msg->text); $msg->post_id = $msg_id; $html = display_post_v2($msg, $parser->getAsHtml(), $user, 'message') . $html; $n++; } print json_encode([ 'status' => 'success', 'code' => 200, 'data' => $html, 'count' => $n, 'total' => $thread->total, ]); } catch (\Exception $e) { print json_encode([ 'status' => 'fail', 'code' => 400, 'message' => $e->getMessage(), ]); $result = 0; } break; case 'mod_user_restriction': if (!validate_level($user, 'mod')) { http_response_code(401); $result = 0; } else { $target_user_id = prepare_numeric($_POST['target_user_id']); $mod_user_id = prepare_numeric($_POST['mod_user_id']); $restriction_type_id = prepare_numeric($_POST['restriction_type_id']); $expiration_reltime = prepare_numeric($_POST['expiration_reltime'] ?? 0); $expiration_relstep = prepare_numeric($_POST['expiration_relstep'] ?? 0); $expiration_permanent = isset($_POST['expiration_permanent']) && $_POST['expiration_permanent'] === 'on'; $expiration_timestamp = $expiration_permanent ? 4294967295 // Just add max number : time() + $expiration_reltime * $expiration_relstep; $comment = htmlentities(strip_tags(trim($_POST['comment']))); //var_dump($target_user_id, $mod_user_id, $restriction_type_id, $expiration_timestamp, $comment); $sql->modify('user_restrictions_all_'.$target_user_id, ' INSERT INTO mangadex_user_restrictions (target_user_id, restriction_type_id, mod_user_id, expiration_timestamp, comment) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)', [$target_user_id, $restriction_type_id, $mod_user_id, $expiration_timestamp, $comment]); // Clear cache $memcached->delete('user_restrictions_active_detailed_'.$target_user_id); // Profile page table $memcached->delete('user_restrictions_active_'.$target_user_id); // User class method $result = 1; } break; case 'mod_lift_user_restriction': if (!validate_level($user, 'mod')) { http_response_code(401); $result = 0; } else { $restriction_id = prepare_numeric($_POST['restriction_id']); $target_user_id = prepare_numeric($_POST['target_user_id']); $mod_user_id = prepare_numeric($user->user_id); //var_dump($restriction_id, $mod_user_id); $sql->modify('user_restrictions_all_'.$target_user_id, ' UPDATE mangadex_user_restrictions SET mod_user_id = ?, expiration_timestamp = ? WHERE restriction_id = ?', [$mod_user_id, time(), $restriction_id]); // Clear cache $memcached->delete('user_restrictions_active_detailed_'.$target_user_id); // Profile page table $memcached->delete('user_restrictions_active_'.$target_user_id); // User class method $result = 1; } break; case 'mod_nuke_user_comments': if (!validate_level($user, 'mod')) { http_response_code(401); $result = 0; } else { $user_id = prepare_numeric($_GET["id"]); $posts = $sql->prep('posts_nuke_select', ' SELECT posts.post_id, posts.thread_id, threads.forum_id FROM mangadex_forum_posts AS posts LEFT JOIN mangadex_threads AS threads ON threads.thread_id = posts.thread_id WHERE posts.user_id = ? AND posts.deleted = 0 ', [$user_id], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, -1); $sql->modify('posts_nuke_update', ' UPDATE mangadex_forum_posts AS posts SET deleted = 1 WHERE posts.user_id = ? ', [$user_id]); foreach ($posts as $post) { $sql->modify("posts_nuke_update_thread_{$post['thread_id']}", ' UPDATE mangadex_threads SET thread_posts = IF(thread_posts > 1, thread_posts - 1, 0) WHERE thread_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$post['thread_id']]); switch ($post['forum_id']) { case 11: $manga_id = $sql->prep('posts_nuke_memcached_manga', ' SELECT manga_id FROM mangadex_mangas WHERE thread_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$post['thread_id']], 'fetchColumn', '', -1); $memcached->delete("manga_$manga_id"); break; case 14: $group_id = $sql->prep('posts_nuke_memcached_group', ' SELECT group_id FROM mangadex_groups WHERE thread_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$post['thread_id']], 'fetchColumn', '', -1); $memcached->delete("group_$group_id"); break; } } $memcached->delete("user_$user_id"); $details = $user_id; print display_alert("success", "Success", "All the posts of user #$user_id have been deleted."); $result = 1; } break; case 'admin_edit_user': $is_admin = validate_level($user, 'admin'); $is_mod = validate_level($user, 'mod'); $id = prepare_numeric($_GET["id"]); if ($is_admin) { $level_id = prepare_numeric($_POST["level_id"]); $email = $_POST["email"]; $username = $_POST["username"]; $new_pass = $_POST["new_pass"]; $lang_id = prepare_numeric($_POST["lang_id"]); $upload_lang_id = prepare_numeric($_POST["upload_lang_id"]); $upload_group_id = prepare_numeric($_POST["upload_group_id"]); } $avatar = $_POST["avatar"]; $website = htmlentities($_POST['website']); $user_bio = htmlentities($_POST['user_bio']); $reset_list_banner = isset($_POST["reset_list_banner"]) ? 1 : 0; $reset_avatar = isset($_POST["reset_avatar"]) ? 1 : 0; if ($is_mod) { $edit_user = new User($id, 'user_id'); if ($reset_list_banner && $edit_user->list_banner) { @unlink(ABS_DATA_BASEPATH . "/lists/{$edit_user->user_id}.{$edit_user->list_banner}"); $sql->modify('admin_edit_list_banner', "UPDATE mangadex_users SET list_banner = '' WHERE user_id = ?", [$edit_user->user_id]); } if ($reset_avatar && $edit_user->avatar) { @unlink(ABS_DATA_BASEPATH . "/avatars/{$edit_user->user_id}.{$edit_user->avatar}"); $avatar = ''; } if ($is_admin) { $sql->modify('admin_edit_user', ' UPDATE mangadex_users SET username = ?, level_id = ?, email = ?, language = ?, avatar = ?, upload_group_id = ?, upload_lang_id = ?, user_bio = ?, user_website = ? WHERE user_id = ? ', [$username, $level_id, $email, $lang_id, $avatar, $upload_group_id, $upload_lang_id, $user_bio, $website, $id]); if ($level_id == 0) { $sql->modify('admin_edit_user', "DELETE FROM mangadex_pm_threads WHERE sender_id = ?", [$id]); $sql->modify('admin_edit_user', "DELETE FROM mangadex_pm_msgs WHERE user_id = ?", [$id]); $sql->modify('admin_edit_user', "UPDATE mangadex_users SET avatar = '', user_bio = '', user_website = '' WHERE user_id = ? ", [$id]); } if ($new_pass) { $password_hash = password_hash($new_pass, PASSWORD_DEFAULT); $sql->modify('admin_edit_user', ' UPDATE mangadex_users SET password = ? WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$password_hash, $id]); } } else { $sql->modify('admin_edit_user', ' UPDATE mangadex_users SET avatar = ?, user_bio = ?, user_website = ? WHERE user_id = ? ', [$avatar, $user_bio, $website, $id]); } $memcached->delete("user_$id"); $details = $id; } else { $details = "You can't edit users."; print display_alert('danger', 'Failed', $details); //fail } $result = (!is_numeric($details)) ? 0 : 1; break; }