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synced 2025-02-11 18:44:01 -05:00
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39 lines
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$thread_id = $_GET['id'] ?? 1;
$limit = 20;
$current_page = (isset($_GET["p"]) && $_GET["p"] > 0) ? $_GET["p"] : 1;
$thread = new Forum_Posts($thread_id);
if ($thread->forum_id && validate_level($user, $thread->view_level)) {
$posts_obj = $thread->query_read($limit, $current_page);
// Get a list of [user_id => username] the current user has blocked. key is the userid, value is the username
$blockedUserIds = array_map(function($e) {return $e['username'] ?? 'user';}, $user->get_blocked_user_ids());
update_views_v2($page, $thread_id, $ip);
$templateVars = [
'thread' => $thread,
'post_list' => $posts_obj,
'post_count' => $thread->num_rows,
'user' => $user,
'page' => $page,
'blocked_user_ids' => $blockedUserIds,
'poll_items' => $thread->get_poll_items(),
'user_vote' => $thread->get_user_vote($user->user_id),
'total_votes' => $thread->get_poll_total_votes(),
'breadcrumbs' => $thread->get_breadcrumb(),
'current_page' => $current_page,
'limit' => $limit,
'parser' => $parser,
'post_history_modal_html' => parse_template('partials/post_history_modal', [ 'user' => $user ])
$page_html = parse_template('forum/thread', $templateVars);
} else {
$page_html = parse_template('partials/alert', ['type' => 'warning mt-3', 'strong' => 'Warning', 'text' => 'This thread has either been deleted or does not exist or you don\'t have permission to view it.']);