
555 lines
19 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-03-14 14:31:55 -07:00
//if (isset($_GET['_'])) {
// http_response_code(666);
// die();
require_once ('../bootstrap.php');
define('IS_NOJS', (isset($_GET['nojs']) && $_GET['nojs']));
die("Hacking attempt... Go away.");
require_once (ABSPATH . "/scripts/header.req.php");
$user__id = $sql->prep("token_$token", ' SELECT user_id FROM mangadex_users WHERE token = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$token], 'fetchColumn', '', 3600);
$user = new User($user__id, 'user_id');
$guard = \Mangadex\Model\Guard::getInstance();
$user = $guard->hasUser() ? $guard->getUser() : $guard->getUser(0); // Fetch guest record (userid=0) if no user could be restored
} else {
$user = $guard->getUser(0); // Fetch guest
/** @var $sentry Raven_Client */
if (isset($sentry) && isset($user)) {
'id' => $user->user_id,
'username' => $user->username,
$details = '';
$error = '';
foreach($_POST as $key => $value) {
if (is_string($value))
$_POST[$key] = trim($value);
$function = $_GET['function'];
foreach (read_dir('ajax/actions') as $file) {
require_once (ABSPATH . "/ajax/actions/$file");
} //require every file in actions
switch ($function) {
// filter functions
case 'hentai_toggle':
$mode = $_GET['mode'];
if ($mode == 1) {
setcookie('mangadex_h_toggle', $mode, $timestamp + (86400 * 3650), '/', DOMAIN); // 86400 = 1 day
$details = 'Everything displayed.';
elseif ($mode == 2) {
setcookie('mangadex_h_toggle', $mode, $timestamp + (86400 * 3650), '/', DOMAIN); // 86400 = 1 day
$details = 'Only hentai displayed.';
elseif ($mode == 0) {
setcookie('mangadex_h_toggle', '', $timestamp - 3600, '/', DOMAIN);
$details = 'Hentai hidden.';
print display_alert('success', 'Success', $details);
$result = 1;
case 'set_display_lang':
$display_lang_id = $_GET['id'];
if (!$user->user_id)
setcookie('mangadex_display_lang', $display_lang_id, $timestamp + 86400, '/', DOMAIN); // 86400 = 1 day
else {
$sql->modify('set_display_lang', ' UPDATE mangadex_users SET display_lang_id = ? WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$display_lang_id, $user->user_id]);
$details = 'Display language set.';
print display_alert('success', 'Success', $details);
$result = 1;
case 'set_mangas_view':
$mode = $_GET['mode'];
if (!$user->user_id)
setcookie('mangadex_title_mode', $mode, $timestamp + 86400, '/', DOMAIN); // 86400 = 1 day
else {
$sql->modify('set_mangas_view', ' UPDATE mangadex_users SET mangas_view = ? WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$mode, $user->user_id]);
$details = 'View mode set.';
print display_alert('success', 'Success', $details);
$result = 1;
// user functions
case 'ban_user':
$id = prepare_numeric($_GET['id']);
$target_user = new User($id, 'user_id');
if (validate_level($user, 'admin') && !validate_level($target_user, 'admin') && validate_level($target_user, 'validating')) {
$sql->modify('ban_user', ' UPDATE mangadex_users SET level_id = 0 WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$id]);
$details = $id;
else {
$details = "You can't ban $target_user->username.";
print display_alert('danger', 'Failed', $details); //fail
$result = (!is_numeric($details)) ? 0 : 1;
case 'unban_user':
$id = prepare_numeric($_GET['id']);
$target_user = new User($id, 'user_id');
if (validate_level($user, 'admin') && !$target_user->level_id) {
$sql->modify('unban_user', ' UPDATE mangadex_users SET level_id = 3 WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$id]);
$details = $id;
else {
$details = "You can't unban $target_user->username.";
print display_alert('danger', 'Failed', $details); //fail
$result = (!is_numeric($details)) ? 0 : 1;
// message functions
case 'msg_reply':
$id = prepare_numeric($_GET['id']);
$reply = str_replace(['javascript:'], '', htmlentities($_POST['text']));
$thread = new PM_Thread($id);
$recipient_user = new User($thread->recipient_id, 'user_id');
$sender_user = new User($thread->sender_id, 'user_id');
$sender_blocked = $sender_user->get_blocked_user_ids();
$recipient_blocked = $recipient_user->get_blocked_user_ids();
// DM restriction if there is an active restriction and the sender isnt staff. restricted users can always message staff
$dm_restriction = $user->has_active_restriction(USER_RESTRICTION_CREATE_DM) && !validate_level($recipient_user, 'mod');
if (($user->user_id == $thread->sender_id || $user->user_id == $thread->recipient_id) && !isset($sender_blocked[$thread->recipient_id]) && !isset($recipient_blocked[$thread->sender_id]) && !$dm_restriction) {
$sql->modify('msg_reply', ' INSERT INTO mangadex_pm_msgs (msg_id, thread_id, user_id, timestamp, text) VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), ?) ', [$id, $user->user_id, $reply]);
if ($thread->sender_id == $user->user_id)
$sql->modify('msg_reply', ' UPDATE mangadex_pm_threads SET recipient_read = 0, recipient_deleted = 0, thread_timestamp = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE thread_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$id]);
$sql->modify('msg_reply', ' UPDATE mangadex_pm_threads SET sender_read = 0, sender_deleted = 0, thread_timestamp = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE thread_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$id]);
$details = $id;
else {
if (isset($sender_blocked[$thread->recipient_id]))
$details = "You can't reply to the message because they are blocked.";
elseif (isset($recipient_blocked[$thread->sender_id]))
$details = "You can't reply to the message because they are blocked.";
elseif ($dm_restriction)
$details = $user->get_restriction_message(USER_RESTRICTION_CREATE_DM) ?? "You can't reply to this dm.";
$details = "You can't reply on thread $id.";
print display_alert('danger', 'Failed', $details); //fail
$result = (!is_numeric($details)) ? 0 : 1;
case 'msg_send':
$recipient = htmlentities($_POST['recipient']);
$subject = htmlentities($_POST['subject']);
$message = str_replace(['javascript:'], '', htmlentities($_POST['text']));
// Process captcha
if (defined('REQUIRE_CAPTCHA') && REQUIRE_CAPTCHA && !validate_level($user, 'pr')) {
if (isset($_POST['g-recaptcha-response'])) {
$captcha = $_POST['g-recaptcha-response'];
//validate captcha
if (!isset($captcha)) {
// This might happen if the google captcha was blocked or this is a bot request
$captcha_validate = ['success' => false];
} else if ($captcha) {
try {
$captcha_validate = json_decode(file_get_contents("".GOOGLE_CAPTCHA_SECRET."&response=$captcha&remoteip=$ip"), true);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// This might happen if the google api timed out.
$captcha_validate = ['success' => false];
} else {
// Probably a dev environment or captcha is currently disabled, just return success then.
$captcha = true;
$captcha_validate = ['success' => true];
if (!isset($captcha_validate['success'])) {
$captcha_validate['success'] = false;
$last_message_timestamp = $sql->prep('last_message_timestamp', ' SELECT timestamp FROM mangadex_pm_msgs WHERE user_id = ? ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT 1 ', [$user->user_id], 'fetchColumn', '', -1);
$recipient_id = $sql->prep('recipient_id', ' SELECT user_id FROM mangadex_users WHERE username = ?', [$recipient], 'fetchColumn', '', -1);
$recipient_user = new User($recipient_id, 'user_id');
$user_blocked = $user->get_blocked_user_ids();
$recipient_blocked = $recipient_user->get_blocked_user_ids();
// DM restriction if there is an active restriction and the sender isnt staff. restricted users can always message staff
$dm_restriction = $user->has_active_restriction(USER_RESTRICTION_CREATE_DM) && !validate_level($recipient_user, 'mod');
// staff members ignore banned words and dm timeout
$has_banned_word = !validate_level($user, "pr") && (strpos_arr($message, SPAM_WORDS) !== FALSE || strpos_arr($subject, SPAM_WORDS) !== FALSE);
$has_dmed_recently = !validate_level($user, "pr") && ($timestamp - $last_message_timestamp < 30);
$is_valid_recipient = $recipient_id && $recipient_id != $user->user_id;
$is_blocked = isset($user_blocked[$recipient_id]) || isset($recipient_blocked[$user->user_id]);
if(!validate_level($user, 'member') || $dm_restriction){
$details = "You can't send messages.";
else if ($has_banned_word) {
$thread_id = $sql->modify('msg_send', ' INSERT INTO mangadex_pm_threads (thread_id, thread_subject, sender_id, recipient_id, thread_timestamp, sender_read, recipient_read, sender_deleted, recipient_deleted)
VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 1, 1, 0, 1) ', [$subject, $user->user_id, $recipient_id]);
$sql->modify('msg_send', ' INSERT INTO mangadex_pm_msgs (msg_id, thread_id, user_id, timestamp, text)
VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), ?) ', [$thread_id, $user->user_id, $message]);
$details = $thread_id;
else if($has_dmed_recently) {
$details = "Please wait before sending another message.";
else if(!$is_valid_recipient) {
$details = "$recipient is an invalid recipient.";
else if($is_blocked) {
$details = "$recipient has blocked you or you have blocked them.";
else if(!$captcha_validate['success']) {
$details = 'You need to solve the captcha to send messages.';
else {
$thread_id = $sql->modify('msg_send', ' INSERT INTO mangadex_pm_threads (thread_id, thread_subject, sender_id, recipient_id, thread_timestamp, sender_read, recipient_read, sender_deleted, recipient_deleted)
VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, ?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 1, 0, 0, 0) ', [$subject, $user->user_id, $recipient_id]);
$sql->modify('msg_send', ' INSERT INTO mangadex_pm_msgs (msg_id, thread_id, user_id, timestamp, text)
VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), ?) ', [$thread_id, $user->user_id, $message]);
$details = $thread_id;
$result = (!is_numeric($details)) ? 0 : 1;
print display_alert('danger', 'Failed', $details); //fail
case 'msg_del':
if ($user->user_id && !empty($_POST['msg_ids']) && is_array($_POST['msg_ids'])) {
foreach ($_POST['msg_ids'] as $id) {
$id = prepare_numeric($id);
$thread = new PM_Thread($id);
if ($user->user_id == $thread->sender_id)
$sql->modify('msg_del', ' UPDATE mangadex_pm_threads SET sender_deleted = 1 WHERE thread_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$id]);
$sql->modify('msg_del', ' UPDATE mangadex_pm_threads SET recipient_deleted = 1 WHERE thread_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$id]);
else {
if (!$user->user_id)
$details = "Your session has timed out. Please log in again.";
$details = "No messages selected.";
print display_alert('danger', 'Failed', $details); //fail
$result = (!is_numeric($details)) ? 0 : 1;
// mod functions
// other functions
case 'translate':
$id = prepare_numeric($_GET['id']);
$json = json_encode($_POST);
if (in_array($user->user_id, TL_USER_IDS) || validate_level($user, 'gmod')) {
$sql->modify('translate', ' UPDATE mangadex_languages SET navbar = ? WHERE lang_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$json, $id]);
$details = $id;
else {
$details = "Denied.";
print display_alert('danger', 'Failed', $details); // fail
$result = ($details) ? 0 : 1;
case "read_announcement":
if (validate_level($user, 'member')) {
$sql->modify('read_announcement', ' UPDATE mangadex_users SET read_announcement = 1 WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$user->user_id]);
$result = 1;
case 'report_submit':
$item_id = prepare_numeric($_POST['item_id']);
$type_id = prepare_numeric($_POST['type_id']);
$reason_id = prepare_numeric($_POST['reason_id']);
$info = strip_tags($_POST['info']);
if (!validate_level($user, 'member'))
die(json_encode(['status' => 'fail', 'message' => 'You must be logged in to submit reports!']));
$report_restriction = $user->has_active_restriction(USER_RESTRICTION_CREATE_REPORT) && !validate_level($user, 'mod');
$reasons = [];
foreach ((new Report_Reasons())->toArray() AS $row) {
$reasons[$row['id']] = $row;
if ($report_restriction)
die(json_encode(['status' => 'fail', 'message' => $details = $user->get_restriction_message(USER_RESTRICTION_CREATE_REPORT) ?? 'You can\'t submit reports at this time!']));
if (!isset($reasons[$reason_id]))
die(json_encode(['status' => 'fail', 'message' => 'You must specify a valid reason!']));
if ($reasons[$reason_id]['is_info_required'] && empty($info))
die(json_encode(['status' => 'fail', 'message' => 'You must add a short info text to this report reason!']));
if ($type_id < 1 || !isset(REPORT_TYPES[$type_id]))
die(json_encode(['status' => 'fail', 'message' => 'You must specify a valid item type!']));
// Check if there already is a processed report for this comment
try {
$autoDecline = $sql->prep(
'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mangadex_reports WHERE item_id = ? AND state != 0',
) > 0;
} catch(\PDOException $e) {
$autoDecline = false;
try {
'report_submit', '
INSERT INTO mangadex_reports (item_id, type_id, reason_id, created, info, user_id, state, updated, mod_id)
VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)',
empty($info) ? null : trim($info),
$autoDecline ? 2 : 0,
$autoDecline ? time() : null,
$autoDecline ? 1 : null
} catch (\PDOException $e) {
if (stripos($e->getMessage(), 'integrity constraint violation')) {
die(json_encode(['status' => 'fail', 'message' => 'You already have a report of this type pending!']));
else {
die(json_encode(['status' => 'fail', 'message' => 'There was an issue submitting the report. Please try again later!']));
echo json_encode(['status' => 'success']);
if (!$autoDecline) {
post_on_discord(DISCORD_WEBHOOK_REPORT, [
'username' => $user->username,
'embeds' => [
'title' => 'Comment Report',
'description' => $reasons[$reason_id]['text'],
'url' => URL . 'mod/reports',
'footer' => [
'text' => $info
$result = 1;
case 'report_setstate':
$id = prepare_numeric($_POST['id']);
$state = prepare_numeric($_POST['state']);
if (!validate_level($user, 'mod'))
die(json_encode(['status' => 'fail', 'message' => 'Only staff can change report states!']));
try {
$sql->modify('report_changestate', 'UPDATE mangadex_reports SET updated = ?, mod_id = ?, state = ? WHERE id = ?', [time(), $user->user_id, $state, $id]);
} catch (\PDOException $e) {
trigger_error($e->getMessage(), E_USER_ERROR);
die(json_encode(['status' => 'fail', 'message' => 'There was an issue updating the request. Please try again later!']));
echo json_encode(['status' => 'success']);
$result = 1;
case "admin_ip_unban":
$ip_unban = $_POST['ip'];
if (validate_level($user, 'admin')) {
// Check if this is an ip that is in the database
$affectedRows = $sql->modify('ip_unban', "DELETE FROM mangadex_ip_bans WHERE ip = ?", [$ip_unban]);
if ($affectedRows < 1 && $memcached->delete($ip_unban) === FALSE && $memcached->delete("api_$ip_unban") === FALSE && $memcached->delete("login_$ip_unban") === FALSE) {
$details = "IP is not on the ban list.";
print display_alert('danger', 'Failed', $details); // fail
} else {
$result = ($details) ? 0 : 1;
case "admin_ip_ban":
$ip_ban = $_POST['ip'];
$expires = (int)$_POST['expires'];
if (validate_level($user, 'admin')) {
$sql->modify('ban_ip', "INSERT IGNORE INTO mangadex_ip_bans (ip, expires) VALUES (?, ?)", [$ip_ban, time()+60*60*$expires]);
$result = ($details) ? 0 : 1;
case "admin_add_tempmail":
$tempmail = $_POST['tempmail'];
if (validate_level($user, 'admin')) {
$sql->modify('add_tempmail', "INSERT IGNORE INTO mangadex_tempmail (id, host) VALUES (NULL, ?)", [$tempmail]);
$result = ($details) ? 0 : 1;
case "admin_remove_tempmail":
$tempmail = $_POST['tempmail'];
if (validate_level($user, 'admin')) {
$sql->modify('remove_tempmail', "DELETE FROM mangadex_tempmail WHERE host LIKE ? LIMIT 1 ", [$tempmail]);
$result = ($details) ? 0 : 1;
case "override":
$id = $_GET['id'];
if (validate_level($user, 'mod')) {
$sql->modify('override', "UPDATE mangadex_user_stats SET chapters_read = 101 WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1 ", [$id]);
$result = ($details) ? 0 : 1;
if (!in_array($function, ['manga_follow', 'manga_unfollow']))
$sql->modify('action_log', ' INSERT INTO mangadex_logs_actions (action_id, action_name, action_user_id, action_timestamp, action_ip, action_result, action_details)
VALUES (NULL, ?, ?, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), ?, ?, ?) ', [$function, $user->user_id, $ip, $result, strlen($details) > 128 ? substr($details, 0, 128) : $details]);