mirror of
synced 2025-02-14 11:53:04 -05:00
91 lines
3.5 KiB
91 lines
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require_once ('../bootstrap.php');
require_once (ABSPATH . "/scripts/header.req.php");
$api_key = $_GET["code"] ?? '';
// This is the old method of fetching the user. since this doesnt use any session related stuff, we can keep it here.
$user__id = $sql->prep("api_key_$api_key", ' SELECT user_id FROM mangadex_users WHERE activation_key = ? LIMIT 1 ', [$api_key], 'fetchColumn', '', 3600);
$user = new User($user__id, 'user_id');
if (!$user->user_id) {
exit('Invalid RSS key. Due to the volume of bots flooding the server with RSS requests, now you need to sign up to use RSS.');
else {
header('Content-Type: application/rss+xml; charset=UTF-8');
if (isset($_GET["follows"]))
$search["manga_ids_array"] = array_keys($user->get_followed_manga_ids_key_pair(), 1);
if (isset($_GET["manga_id"]) && $_GET["manga_id"] > 0)
$search["manga_id"] = $_GET["manga_id"]; //manga_id
if (isset($_GET["user_id"]) && $_GET["user_id"] > 0)
$search["user_id"] = $_GET["user_id"]; //user_id
if (isset($_GET["group_id"]) && $_GET["group_id"] > 0)
$search["group_id"] = $_GET["group_id"]; //group_id
if ($user->default_lang_ids)
$search["multi_lang_id"] = $user->default_lang_ids;
if (!$user->show_unavailable) {
$search["available"] = 1;
if (isset($_GET["h"]) && $_GET["h"] == 0)
$search["manga_hentai"] = 0;
elseif (isset($_GET["h"]) && $_GET["h"] == 2)
$search["manga_hentai"] = 1;
$search['exclude_delayed'] = 1;
$search["chapter_deleted"] = 0;
$blocked_groups = $user->get_blocked_groups();
if ($blocked_groups)
$search['blocked_groups'] = array_keys($blocked_groups);
$limit = 100;
$current_page = 1;
$order = "upload_timestamp DESC";
try {
$chapters = new Chapters($search);
$chapters_obj = $chapters->query_read($order, $limit, $current_page);
} catch (\PDOException $e) {
$chapters = (object)['num_rows' => 0];
$chapters_obj = [];
//visit_log_cumulative($ip, $table = "rss");
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
<atom:link href="<?= URL ?>rss/<?= $user->activation_key ?>" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
<title>MangaDex RSS</title>
<link><?= URL ?></link>
<description>The latest MangaDex releases</description>
<?php foreach ($chapters_obj as $chapter) {
$chapter = (object) $chapter; ?>
<title><?= str_replace(['&','<', '>'], '', html_entity_decode($chapter->manga_name)) ?> - <?= ($chapter->volume == "" || $chapter->volume == 0) ? "" : "Volume $chapter->volume, " ?><?= ($chapter->chapter != "") ? "Chapter $chapter->chapter" : "" ?><?= (empty($chapter->volume) && empty($chapter->chapter)) ? str_replace(['&','<', '>'], '', html_entity_decode($chapter->title)) : ""?></title>
<link><?= URL ?>chapter/<?= $chapter->chapter_id ?></link>
<mangaLink><?= URL ?>title/<?= $chapter->manga_id ?></mangaLink>
<pubDate><?= gmdate('r', $chapter->upload_timestamp) ?></pubDate>
<description>Group: <?= str_replace(['&','<', '>'], '', html_entity_decode($chapter->group_name)) ?><?= $chapter->group_name_2 ? " | " . str_replace(['&','<', '>'], '', html_entity_decode($chapter->group_name_2)) : "" ?><?= $chapter->group_name_3 ? " | " . str_replace(['&','<', '>'], '', html_entity_decode($chapter->group_name_3)) : "" ?> - Uploader: <?= $chapter->username ?> - Language: <?= $chapter->lang_name ?></description>
<guid isPermaLink="true"><?= URL ?>chapter/<?= $chapter->chapter_id ?></guid>
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>