
253 lines
9.0 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-03-14 14:31:55 -07:00
if (!validate_level($user, 'mod')) die('No access');
$mode = $_GET['mode'] ?? 'reports';
$type = ($mode == 'chapter_reports' && !isset($_GET['type'])) ? 'new' : ($_GET['type'] ?? '');
$manga_lists = new Manga_Lists();
$templateVars = [
'mode' => $mode,
'type' => $type,
'manga_lists' => $manga_lists,
'user' => $user,
$page_html = parse_template('mod/partials/mod_navtabs', $templateVars);
switch ($mode) {
case 'user_tracking':
$username = trim($_GET['username'] ?? '');
$templateVars['data'] = $sql->prep('user_tracking', "
SELECT alts.user_id, alts.username, alts.joined_timestamp, alts.last_seen_timestamp, levels.level_id, levels.level_name, levels.level_colour, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mangadex_forum_posts posts WHERE posts.user_id = alts.user_id) AS post_count
FROM mangadex_users as users
INNER JOIN mangadex_users as alts ON users.creation_ip = alts.creation_ip OR users.last_ip = alts.last_ip
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_levels levels ON alts.level_id = levels.level_id
WHERE users.username = ? ORDER BY alts.last_seen_timestamp DESC", [$username], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, -1);
$page_html .= parse_template('mod/user_tracking', $templateVars);
case 'featured':
if (!validate_level($user, 'gmod')) die('No access');
$list_id = $type ?? 1;
$array_of_manga_ids = $manga_lists->get_manga_list($list_id);
$title_mode = 1;
if (empty($array_of_manga_ids)) {
$manga_list_html = parse_template('partials/alert', ['type' => 'info mt-3', 'strong' => 'Notice', 'text' => 'No manga.']);
} else {
$search = [
'manga_ids_array' => $array_of_manga_ids
$sort = (int)(isset($_GET['s']) && $_GET['s'] > 0 && $_GET['s'] < count(SORT_ARRAY_MANGA)) ? $_GET['s'] : 0;
$order = SORT_ARRAY_MANGA[$sort];
$current_page = (isset($_GET['p']) && $_GET['p'] > 0) ? $_GET['p'] : 1;
if ($title_mode == 1)
$limit = 50;
elseif ($title_mode == 2)
$limit = 100;
elseif ($title_mode == 3)
$limit = 104;
$limit = 40;
try {
// TODO: This is a bit awkward, a proper rework of this section should fix this
$mangas = new Mangas($search);
$mangas_obj = $mangas->query_read($order, $limit, $current_page);
catch (\PDOException $e) {
$mangas = (object)['num_rows' => 0];
$mangas_obj = [];
$templateVars = [
'mangas' => $mangas_obj,
'manga_count' => $mangas->num_rows,
'current_page' => $current_page,
'limit' => $limit,
'page' => $page,
'user' => $user,
'sort' => $sort,
'title_mode' => $title_mode,
'search' => $search,
'base_url' => '',
'show_tabs' => false,
'parser' => $parser,
$manga_list_html = parse_template('manga/manga_list', $templateVars);
$templateVars['manga_list_html'] = $manga_list_html;
$page_html .= parse_template('mod/featured', $templateVars);
case 'reports':
$filter_state = max(0, min(5, (int)($_GET['state'] ?? 0)));
$perpage = max(5, min(500, (int)($_GET['perpage'] ?? 200)));
$offset = (($_GET['p'] ?? 1) - 1) * $perpage;
if (isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST)) {
// Reload
header('location: /mod/reports');
$report_reasons = (new Report_Reasons())->toArray();
$reports = $sql->prep('mod_general_reports', <<<EOD
u.username, l.level_colour,
u2.username as mod_username, l2.level_colour as mod_level_colour
FROM `mangadex_reports` r
LEFT JOIN mangadex_users u ON u.user_id = r.user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_levels l ON u.level_id = l.level_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_users u2 ON u2.user_id = r.mod_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_levels l2 ON u2.level_id = l2.level_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_report_reason re ON r.reason_id =
WHERE state = ?
ORDER BY r.updated DESC, r.created DESC
, [$filter_state, $offset, $perpage], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, -1);
$templateVars = array_merge($templateVars, [
'perpage' => $perpage,
'filter_state' => $filter_state,
'offset' => $offset,
'report_reasons' => $report_reasons,
'reports' => $reports,
$page_html .= parse_template('mod/reports', $templateVars);
case 'manga_reports':
if (!validate_level($user, 'gmod')) die('No access');
$reports = new Manga_reports($type);
if (count(get_object_vars($reports))) {
$templateVars['reports'] = $reports;
$page_html .= parse_template('mod/manga_reports', $templateVars);
} else {
$page_html .= parse_template('partials/alert', ['type' => 'info mt-3', 'strong' => 'Notice', 'text' => 'There are currently no reports! Keep up the good work!']);
case 'user_restrictions':
$limit = 50;
$offset = max(0,(int)($_GET['offset'] ?? 0));
if ($type == 'active') {
// Current Restrictions
$user_restrictions = $sql->prep('user_restrictions_active_detailed_all', '
SELECT r.*, r.target_user_id AS user_id, t.*, ru.username, mu.username AS mod_username, rl.level_colour, ml.level_colour AS mod_level_colour
FROM mangadex_user_restrictions r
LEFT JOIN mangadex_restriction_types t
ON t.restriction_type_id = r.restriction_type_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_users mu
ON r.mod_user_id = mu.user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_levels ml
ON mu.level_id = ml.level_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_users ru
ON r.target_user_id = ru.user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_levels rl
ON ru.level_id = rl.level_id
WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP() < r.expiration_timestamp
ORDER BY r.expiration_timestamp ASC
LIMIT ?,?', [$offset, $limit], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, -1);
} else {
// Past restrictions
$user_restrictions = $sql->prep('user_restrictions_inactive_detailed_all', '
SELECT r.*, r.target_user_id AS user_id, t.*, ru.username, mu.username AS mod_username, rl.level_colour, ml.level_colour AS mod_level_colour
FROM mangadex_user_restrictions r
LEFT JOIN mangadex_restriction_types t
ON t.restriction_type_id = r.restriction_type_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_users mu
ON r.mod_user_id = mu.user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_levels ml
ON mu.level_id = ml.level_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_users ru
ON r.target_user_id = ru.user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_levels rl
ON ru.level_id = rl.level_id
WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP() >= r.expiration_timestamp
ORDER BY r.expiration_timestamp DESC
LIMIT ?,?', [$offset, $limit], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, -1);
$restriction_types = array_reduce($sql->prep('restriction_types', 'SELECT * FROM mangadex_restriction_types', [], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, 60) ?? [], function ($result, $item) {
$result[$item['restriction_type_id']] = $item['name'];
return $result;
if (count($user_restrictions) > 0) {
$templateVars['limit'] = $limit;
$templateVars['offset'] = $offset;
$templateVars['user_restrictions'] = $user_restrictions;
$templateVars['restriction_types'] = $restriction_types;
$page_html .= parse_template('mod/user_restrictions', $templateVars);
} else {
$page_html .= parse_template('partials/alert', ['type' => 'info mt-3', 'strong' => 'Notice', 'text' => 'No restrictions found.']);
case 'upload_queue':
$queue = new Upload_queue();
if (count(get_object_vars($queue))) {
$templateVars['queue'] = $queue;
$page_html .= parse_template('mod/upload_queue', $templateVars);
} else {
$page_html .= parse_template('partials/alert', ['type' => 'info mt-3', 'strong' => 'Notice', 'text' => 'There are currently no chapters in the upload queue! Keep up the good work!']);
case 'chapter_reports':
if (!validate_level($user, 'gmod')) die('No access');
$reports = new Chapter_reports($type);
$chapter_reasons = array_filter((new Report_Reasons())->toArray(), function($reason) { return REPORT_TYPES[$reason['type_id']] === 'Chapter'; });
$report_type_array = [];
foreach ($chapter_reasons as $reason) {
$report_type_array[$reason['id']] = $reason['text'];
if (count(get_object_vars($reports))) {
$templateVars['reports'] = $reports;
$templateVars['report_type_array'] = $report_type_array;
$page_html .= parse_template('mod/chapter_reports', $templateVars);
} else {
$page_html .= parse_template('partials/alert', ['type' => 'info mt-3', 'strong' => 'Notice', 'text' => 'There are currently no reports! Keep up the good work!']);