2021-03-14 14:31:55 -07:00
< ? php
2021-03-19 13:06:32 -07:00
//$genres = (new Genres())->toArray();
$grouped_genres = new Grouped_Genres ();
2021-03-14 14:31:55 -07:00
<!-- Nav tabs -->
< ul class = " nav nav-tabs mb-3 " role = " tablist " >
< li class = " nav-item " >< a class = " nav-link active " href = " #site_settings " aria - controls = " site_settings " data - toggle = " tab " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'home' , 'Site settings' ) ?> <span class="d-none d-lg-inline">Site settings</span></a></li>
< li class = " nav-item " >< a class = " nav-link " href = " #change_profile " aria - controls = " change_profile " data - toggle = " tab " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'user' , 'Change profile' ) ?> <span class="d-none d-lg-inline">Change profile</span></a></li>
< li class = " nav-item " >< a class = " nav-link " href = " #change_password " aria - controls = " change_password " data - toggle = " tab " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'key' , 'Password and Security' ) ?> <span class="d-none d-lg-inline">Password and Security</span></a></li>
< li class = " nav-item " >< a class = " nav-link " href = " #upload_settings " aria - controls = " upload_settings " data - toggle = " tab " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'upload' , 'Upload settings' ) ?> <span class="d-none d-lg-inline">Upload settings</span></a></li>
< li class = " nav-item " >< a class = " nav-link " href = " #supporter_settings " aria - controls = " supporter_settings " data - toggle = " tab " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'star' , 'Supporter settings' ) ?> <span class="d-none d-lg-inline">Supporter settings</span></a></li>
< li class = " nav-item " >< a class = " nav-link " href = " #blocks " aria - controls = " blocks " data - toggle = " tab " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'minus-circle' , 'Blocks' ) ?> <span class="d-none d-lg-inline">Group blocks</span></a></li>
</ ul >
<!-- Tab panes -->
< div class = " tab-content " >
< div role = " tabpanel " class = " tab-pane fade show active " id = " site_settings " >
< form method = " post " id = " site_settings_form " enctype = " multipart/form-data " >
< div class = " form-group row " >
< label for = " language " class = " col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 col-form-label " > Site theme :</ label >
< div class = " col-md-8 col-lg-9 col-xl-10 " >
< select class = " form-control selectpicker " id = " theme_id " name = " theme_id " >
< ? php
foreach ( THEMES as $key => $theme ) {
$selected = ( $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> style == $key ) ? 'selected' : '' ;
print " <option $selected value=' $key '> $theme </option> " ;
</ select >
</ div >
</ div >
2021-03-19 13:06:32 -07:00
< div class = " form-group row " >
2021-03-14 14:31:55 -07:00
< label for = " navigation " class = " col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 col-form-label " > Navigation :</ label >
< div class = " col-md-8 col-lg-9 col-xl-10 " >
< select class = " form-control selectpicker " id = " navigation " name = " navigation " >
< option < ? = ! $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> navigation ? 'selected' : '' ?> value="0">Legacy</option>
< option < ? = ( $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> navigation == 1 ) ? 'selected' : '' ?> value="1">Nav (Left)</option>
< option < ? = ( $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> navigation == 2 ) ? 'selected' : '' ?> value="2">Nav (Right)</option>
</ select >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " form-group row " >
< label for = " latest_updates " class = " col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 col-form-label " > Latest updates :</ label >
< div class = " col-md-8 col-lg-9 col-xl-10 " >
< select class = " form-control selectpicker " id = " latest_updates " name = " latest_updates " >
< option < ? = ( ! $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> latest_updates ? 'selected' : '' ) ?> value="0">Default</option>
< option < ? = ( $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> latest_updates ? 'selected' : '' ) ?> value="1">Grouped chapter list</option>
</ select >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " form-group row " >
2021-03-19 13:06:32 -07:00
< label for = " mdh_portlimit " class = " col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 col-form-label " > MD @ H Port limit :</ label >
2021-03-14 14:31:55 -07:00
< div class = " col-md-8 col-lg-9 col-xl-10 " >
2021-03-19 13:06:32 -07:00
< select class = " form-control selectpicker " id = " mdh_portlimit " name = " mdh_portlimit " >
< option < ? = ! ( $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> mdh_portlimit ? ? false ) ? 'selected' : '' ?> value="0">Normal</option>
< option < ? = ( $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> mdh_portlimit ? ? false ) ? 'selected' : '' ?> value="1">SSL Port (443) only</option>
2021-03-14 14:31:55 -07:00
</ select >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " form-group row " >
< label for = " default_lang_ids " class = " col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 col-form-label " > Filter chapter languages :</ label >
< div class = " col-md-8 col-lg-9 col-xl-10 " >
< select multiple class = " form-control selectpicker show-tick " data - actions - box = " true " data - selected - text - format = " count > 5 " data - size = " 10 " id = " default_lang_ids " name = " default_lang_ids[] " title = " All langs " >
< ? = display_languages_select ( $templateVar [ 'lang_id_filter_array' ]) ?>
</ select >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " form-group row " >
< label for = " display_language " class = " col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 col-form-label " > User interface language :</ label >
< div class = " col-md-8 col-lg-9 col-xl-10 " >
< select class = " form-control selectpicker " id = " display_lang_id " name = " display_lang_id " data - size = " 10 " >
< ? = display_languages_select ([ $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> display_lang_id ]) ?>
</ select >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " form-group row " >
< label for = " hentai_mode " class = " col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 col-form-label " > Hentai toggle :</ label >
< div class = " col-md-8 col-lg-9 col-xl-10 " >
< select class = " form-control selectpicker " id = " hentai_mode " name = " hentai_mode " >
< option < ? = ( ! $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> hentai_mode ? 'selected' : '' ) ?> value="0">Hide toggle (in navbar cog)</option>
< option < ? = ( $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> hentai_mode ? 'selected' : '' ) ?> value="1">Show toggle (in navbar cog)</option>
</ select >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " form-group row " >
< label for = " show_unavailable " class = " col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 col-form-label " > Unavailable chapters :</ label >
< div class = " col-md-8 col-lg-9 col-xl-10 " >
< select class = " form-control selectpicker " id = " show_unavailable " name = " show_unavailable " >
< option < ? = ( ! $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> show_unavailable ? 'selected' : '' ) ?> value="0">Hide</option>
< option < ? = ( $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> show_unavailable ? 'selected' : '' ) ?> value="1">Show (For tracking purposes)</option>
</ select >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " form-group row " >
< label for = " display_moderated " class = " col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 col-form-label " > Comment visibility :</ label >
< div class = " col-md-8 col-lg-9 col-xl-10 " >
< select class = " form-control selectpicker " id = " display_moderated " name = " display_moderated " >
< option < ? = ( ! $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> display_moderated ? 'selected' : '' ) ?> value="0">Hide moderated comments</option>
< option < ? = ( $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> display_moderated ? 'selected' : '' ) ?> value="1">Show all comments</option>
</ select >
</ div >
</ div >
2021-03-19 13:06:32 -07:00
< div class = " form-group row " >
< label for = " list_privacy " class = " col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 col-form-label " > Receiving Direct Messages :</ label >
< div class = " col-md-8 col-lg-9 col-xl-10 " >
< select class = " form-control selectpicker " id = " dm_privacy " name = " dm_privacy " >
< option < ? = (( $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> dm_privacy ? ? 0 ) == 0 ? 'selected' : '' ) ?> value="0">From everyone</option>
< option < ? = (( $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> dm_privacy ? ? 0 ) == 1 ? 'selected' : '' ) ?> value="1">From friends only (applies to new DM threads)</option>
</ select >
</ div >
</ div >
2021-03-14 14:31:55 -07:00
< div class = " form-group row " >
< label for = " list_privacy " class = " col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 col-form-label " > MDList privacy :</ label >
< div class = " col-md-8 col-lg-9 col-xl-10 " >
< select class = " form-control selectpicker " id = " list_privacy " name = " list_privacy " >
< option < ? = ( $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> list_privacy == 0 ? 'selected' : '' ) ?> value="0">Private</option>
< option < ? = ( $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> list_privacy == 1 ? 'selected' : '' ) ?> value="1">Public</option>
< option < ? = ( $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> list_privacy == 2 ? 'selected' : '' ) ?> value="2">Friends only</option>
</ select >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " form-group row " >
< label for = " file " class = " col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 col-form-label " > MDList banner :</ label >
< div class = " col-md-8 col-lg-9 col-xl-10 " >
< div class = " input-group " >
< input type = " text " class = " form-control " placeholder = " Preferred width of 1400px. Max 1MB " disabled name = " old_file " >
< span class = " input-group-append " >
2021-03-19 13:06:32 -07:00
< span class = " btn btn-secondary btn-file " >
< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'folder-open' , '' , '' , 'far' ) ?> <span>Browse</span> <input type="file" name="file" id="file" accept=".<?= IMPLODE(",.", ALLOWED_IMG_EXT) ?>">
</ span >
</ span >
2021-03-14 14:31:55 -07:00
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " form-group row " >
< label for = " list_banner " class = " col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 col-form-label " > Current MDList banner :</ label >
< div class = " col-md-8 col-lg-9 col-xl-10 " >
< div class = " profile-banner-wrapper " >
< ? = display_list_banner ( $templateVar [ 'user' ], $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> style ) ?>
< div class = " profile-banner-show " > Click here to show full banner size </ div >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " form-group row " >
< label for = " reset_list_banner " class = " col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 col-form-label " > Reset MDList banner :</ label >
< div class = " col-md-8 col-lg-9 col-xl-10 " >
< div class = " custom-control custom-checkbox form-check " >
< input type = " checkbox " class = " custom-control-input " id = " reset_list_banner " name = " reset_list_banner " value = " 1 " >
< label class = " custom-control-label " for = " reset_list_banner " >& nbsp ; </ label >
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " form-group row " >
< label for = " " class = " col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 col-form-label " > Exclude tags :</ label >
< div class = " col-md-8 col-lg-9 col-xl-10 excluded_genres_wrapper " >
< div class = " alert alert-info text-center " >
Select tags to exclude from the frontpage , latest chapter updates , and chapter lists from manga and group pages .< br />
The search and the user ' s MDList will ignore this setting and use their individual filter functionality instead .
</ div >
< ? = display_genres_checkboxes ( $grouped_genres -> toGroupedArray (), explode ( ',' , $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> excluded_genres ? ? '' ), [], false , true ) ?>
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " text-center " >
< button type = " submit " class = " btn btn-secondary " id = " site_settings_button " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'save' ) ?> Save</button>
</ div >
</ form >
</ div >
< div role = " tabpanel " class = " tab-pane fade " id = " change_profile " >
< form method = " post " id = " change_profile_form " enctype = " multipart/form-data " >
< div class = " form-group row " >
< label for = " username " class = " col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 col-form-label " > Username :</ label >
< div class = " col-md-8 col-lg-9 col-xl-10 " >
< input type = " text " class = " form-control " id = " username " name = " username " value = " <?= $templateVar['user'] ->username ?> " title = " Send ixlone a message on site to change this. " disabled >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " form-group row " >
< label for = " email " class = " col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 col-form-label " > Email :</ label >
< div class = " col-md-8 col-lg-9 col-xl-10 " >
2021-03-19 13:06:32 -07:00
< input type = " email " class = " form-control " id = " email " name = " email " value = " <?= $templateVar['user'] ->email ?> " >
2021-03-14 14:31:55 -07:00
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " form-group row " >
< label for = " website " class = " col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 col-form-label " > Website :</ label >
< div class = " col-md-8 col-lg-9 col-xl-10 " >
< input type = " text " class = " form-control " id = " website " name = " website " value = " <?= $templateVar['user'] ->user_website ?> " placeholder = " http:// or https:// required (Defaults to your MangaDex profile page if not set.) " >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " form-group row " >
< label for = " language " class = " col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 col-form-label " > Profile language :</ label >
< div class = " col-md-8 col-lg-9 col-xl-10 " >
< select class = " form-control selectpicker " id = " lang_id " name = " lang_id " data - size = " 10 " >
< ? = display_languages_select ([ $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> language ]) ?>
</ select >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " form-group row " >
< label for = " user_bio " class = " col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 col-form-label " > Biography :</ label >
< div class = " col-md-8 col-lg-9 col-xl-10 " >
< textarea class = " form-control " name = " user_bio " id = " user_bio " >< ? = $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> user_bio ?> </textarea>
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " form-group row " >
< label for = " file " class = " col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 col-form-label " > Avatar :</ label >
< div class = " col-md-8 col-lg-9 col-xl-10 " >
< div class = " input-group " >
< input type = " text " class = " form-control " placeholder = " Leave blank if no change to image. Max 1MB " disabled name = " old_file " >
< span class = " input-group-append " >
2021-03-19 13:06:32 -07:00
< span class = " btn btn-secondary btn-file " >
< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'folder-open' , '' , '' , 'far' ) ?> <span>Browse</span> <input type="file" name="file" id="file" accept=".<?= IMPLODE(",.", ALLOWED_IMG_EXT) ?>">
</ span >
</ span >
2021-03-14 14:31:55 -07:00
</ div >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " form-group row " >
< label for = " avatar " class = " col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 col-form-label " > Current avatar :</ label >
< div class = " col-md-8 col-lg-9 col-xl-10 " >
< ? = display_avatar ( $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> avatar , $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> user_id ) ?>
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " text-center " >
< button type = " submit " class = " btn btn-secondary " id = " change_profile_button " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'save' ) ?> Save</button>
</ div >
</ form >
</ div >
< div role = " tabpanel " class = " tab-pane fade " id = " change_password " >
< div class = " container " >
< form method = " post " id = " change_password_form " >
< div class = " form-group row " >
< label for = " old_password " class = " col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 col-form-label " > Old password :</ label >
< div class = " col-md-8 col-lg-9 col-xl-10 " >
< input type = " password " class = " form-control " id = " old_password " name = " old_password " placeholder = " Old password " required >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " form-group row " >
< label for = " new_password1 " class = " col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 col-form-label " > New password :</ label >
< div class = " col-md-8 col-lg-9 col-xl-10 " >
< input type = " password " class = " form-control " id = " new_password1 " name = " new_password1 " placeholder = " New password " required >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " form-group row " >
< label for = " new_password2 " class = " col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 col-form-label " > New password ( again ) :</ label >
< div class = " col-md-8 col-lg-9 col-xl-10 " >
< input type = " password " class = " form-control " id = " new_password2 " name = " new_password2 " placeholder = " New password (again) " required >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " text-center " >
< button type = " submit " class = " btn btn-danger " id = " change_password_button " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'save' ) ?> Save</button>
</ div >
</ form >
</ div >
< ? php if ( isset ( $templateVar [ '2fa_html' ])) : ?>
< ? = $templateVar [ '2fa_html' ] ?>
< ? php endif ; ?>
< ? php if ( isset ( $templateVar [ 'session_html' ])) : ?>
< ? = $templateVar [ 'session_html' ] ?>
2021-03-19 13:06:32 -07:00
< ? php endif ; ?>
2021-03-14 14:31:55 -07:00
</ div >
< div role = " tabpanel " class = " tab-pane fade " id = " upload_settings " >
< form method = " post " id = " upload_settings_form " >
< div class = " form-group row " >
< label for = " cat_id " class = " col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 col-form-label " > Default upload language :</ label >
< div class = " col-md-8 col-lg-9 col-xl-10 " >
< select title = " Select a language " class = " form-control selectpicker " id = " lang_id " name = " lang_id " data - size = " 10 " >
< ? = display_languages_select ([ $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> upload_lang_id ]) ?>
</ select >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " form-group row " >
< label for = " group_id " class = " col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 col-form-label " > Default upload as :</ label >
< div class = " col-md-8 col-lg-9 col-xl-10 " >
< select class = " form-control selectpicker " id = " group_id " name = " group_id " >
< option value = " 0 " > Individual </ option >
< ? php
foreach ( $templateVar [ 'user_groups_array' ] as $group_id => $group_name ) {
$selected = ( $group_id == $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> upload_group_id ) ? 'selected' : '' ;
print " <option $selected value=' $group_id '> $group_name </option> " ;
</ select >
</ div >
</ div >
< div class = " text-center " >
< button type = " submit " class = " btn btn-secondary " id = " upload_settings_button " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'save' ) ?> Save</button>
</ div >
</ form >
</ div >
< div role = " tabpanel " class = " tab-pane fade " id = " supporter_settings " >
< div class = " container " >
< div class = " alert alert-info text-center " >
< ? php if ( $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> premium ) : ?>
Thank you for supporting us ! As a supporter , you have access to some extra settings . More settings will be available in the near future .
< ? php else : ?>
Supporters have access to some extra settings . Please consider < a href = " /support " > supporting </ a > us , as our infrastructure is very expensive !
< ? php endif ; ?>
</ div >
< form method = " post " id = " supporter_settings_form " >
< ? = $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> premium ? " " : " <fieldset disabled> " ?>
< div class = " form-group row " >
< label for = " show_supporter_badge " class = " col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 col-form-label " > Show supporter badge :</ label >
< div class = " col-md-8 col-lg-9 col-xl-10 " >
< select class = " form-control selectpicker " id = " show_supporter_badge " name = " show_supporter_badge " >
< option < ? = ( ! $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> show_premium_badge ? 'selected' : '' ) ?> value="0">Hide</option>
< option < ? = ( $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> show_premium_badge ? 'selected' : '' ) ?> value="1">Show</option>
</ select >
</ div >
</ div >
2021-03-19 13:06:32 -07:00
< ? = $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> premium ? " " : " </fieldset> " ?>
2021-03-14 14:31:55 -07:00
2021-03-19 13:06:32 -07:00
< ? = count ( $templateVar [ 'user_clients' ]) ? " " : " <fieldset disabled> " ?>
2021-03-14 14:31:55 -07:00
< div class = " form-group row " >
< label for = " show_mah_badge " class = " col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 col-form-label " > Show MD @ H badge :</ label >
< div class = " col-md-8 col-lg-9 col-xl-10 " >
< select class = " form-control selectpicker " id = " show_mah_badge " name = " show_mah_badge " >
< option < ? = ( ! $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> show_md_at_home_badge ? 'selected' : '' ) ?> value="0">Hide</option>
< option < ? = ( $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> show_md_at_home_badge ? 'selected' : '' ) ?> value="1">Show</option>
</ select >
</ div >
</ div >
2021-03-19 13:06:32 -07:00
< ? = count ( $templateVar [ 'user_clients' ]) ? " " : " </fieldset> " ?>
< ? = ( $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> premium || count ( $templateVar [ 'user_clients' ])) ? " " : " <fieldset disabled> " ?>
2021-03-14 14:31:55 -07:00
< div class = " text-center " >
< button type = " submit " class = " btn btn-secondary " id = " supporter_settings_button " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'save' ) ?> Save</button>
</ div >
< ? = $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> premium ? " " : " </fieldset> " ?>
2021-03-19 13:06:32 -07:00
</ form >< br />
2021-03-14 14:31:55 -07:00
2021-03-19 13:06:32 -07:00
< ? php if ( $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> premium >= 1 && count ( $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> notes ) >= 1 ) : ?>
2021-03-14 14:31:55 -07:00
< div class = " row " >
< label class = " col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 col-form-label " > Notes </ label >
</ div >
2021-03-19 13:06:32 -07:00
< ? php foreach ( $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> notes as $affectedUserId => $savedNote ) : ?>
2021-03-14 14:31:55 -07:00
< div class = " row mt-1 " >
< a class = " col-md-4 col-lg-3 col-xl-2 col-form-label " href = " /user/<?= $affectedUserId ?>/<?= slugify( $savedNote['username'] ) ?> " >< ? = $savedNote [ 'username' ] ?> :</a>
< div class = " col-md-8 col-lg-9 col-xl-10 inline " >
< input type = " text " class = " form-control " value = " <?= htmlspecialchars( $savedNote['note'] , ENT_QUOTES) ?> " disabled >
</ div >
</ div >
< ? php endforeach ; ?>
< ? php endif ; ?>
</ div >
</ div >
< div role = " tabpanel " class = " tab-pane fade " id = " blocks " >
2021-03-19 13:06:32 -07:00
< ? php if ( $templateVar [ 'user_blocked_groups' ]) : ?>
< table class = " table table-md table-striped " >
< thead >
< tr class = " border-top-0 " >
< th >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'users' ) ?> </th>
< th class = " text-right " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'question-circle' ) ?> </th>
</ tr >
</ thead >
< tbody >
< ? php foreach ( $templateVar [ 'user_blocked_groups' ] as $group_id => $group_name ) : ?>
< tr >
< td >< a href = " /group/<?= $group_id ?>/<?= slugify( $group_name ) ?> " >< ? = $group_name ?> </a></td>
< td class = " text-right " >< button type = " button " class = " group_unblock_button btn btn-danger btn-sm " data - group - id = " <?= $group_id ?> " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'check-circle' ) ?> Unblock</button></td>
</ tr >
< ? php endforeach ; ?>
</ tbody >
</ table >
< ? php else : ?>
< div class = " alert alert-success text-center " > You have not blocked any groups .</ div >
< ? php endif ; ?>
< form class = " mb-3 " id = " group_block_form " method = " post " >
< div class = " input-group " >
< div class = " input-group-prepend " >
< span class = " input-group-text " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'users' ) ?> </span>
</ div >
< input type = " number " class = " form-control " id = " block_group_id " name = " block_group_id " placeholder = " group_id " required >
< div class = " input-group-append " >
< button type = " submit " class = " btn btn-warning " id = " group_block_button " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'minus-circle' ) ?> Block</button>
</ div >
</ div >
</ form >
< div class = " alert alert-info text-center " > Chapters from blocked groups will be hidden on all chapter listings .</ div >
</ div >
</ div >