2021-03-14 14:31:55 -07:00
< ? php
$ui = $templateVar [ 'ui_lang' ] -> get_ui ( 'navbar' );
$unread_pms = $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> get_unread_threads ();
$unread_notifications = $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> get_unread_notifications ();
$friend_requests = count ( $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> get_pending_friends_user_ids ());
< nav class = " navbar fixed-top navbar-expand-lg text-nowrap <?= in_array( $templateVar['theme_id'] , [1]) ? 'navbar-light bg-light' : 'navbar-dark bg-dark' ?> " >
< div class = " container " >
< ? php if ( ! isset ( $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> navigation ) || $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> navigation == 1 ) : ?>
< button class = " navbar-toggler mr-auto " type = " button " data - toggle = " modal " data - target = " #left_modal " >
< span class = " navbar-toggler-icon " ></ span >
</ button >
< ? php else : ?>
< button class = " navbar-toggler mr-auto " type = " button " data - toggle = " modal " data - target = " #homepage_settings_modal " >
< span class = " navbar-icon " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'cog' ) ?> </span>
</ button >
< ? php endif ; ?>
< a class = " p-0 navbar-brand " href = " <?= URL ?> " >< img class = " mx-2 " height = " 38px " src = " /images/misc/navbar.svg?3 " alt = " <?= TITLE ?> " title = " <?= TITLE ?> " /> < small class = " d-lg-none d-xl-inline " >< ? = TITLE ?> </small></a>
< ? php if ( ! isset ( $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> navigation ) || $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> navigation == 1 ) : ?>
< button class = " navbar-toggler ml-auto " type = " button " data - toggle = " modal " data - target = " #homepage_settings_modal " >
< span class = " navbar-icon " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'cog' ) ?> </span>
</ button >
< ? php elseif ( $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> navigation == 2 ) : ?>
< button class = " navbar-toggler ml-auto " type = " button " data - toggle = " modal " data - target = " #right_modal " >
< span class = " navbar-toggler-icon " ></ span >
</ button >
< ? php else : ?>
< button class = " navbar-toggler ml-auto " type = " button " data - toggle = " collapse " data - target = " #navbarSupportedContent " aria - controls = " navbarSupportedContent " aria - expanded = " false " aria - label = " Toggle navigation " >
< span class = " navbar-toggler-icon " ></ span >
</ button >
< ? php endif ; ?>
< div class = " collapse navbar-collapse " id = " navbarSupportedContent " >
< ul class = " navbar-nav mr-auto " >
< li class = " nav-item dropdown mx-1 " >
< a href = " # " class = " nav-link dropdown-toggle " data - toggle = " dropdown " role = " button " aria - haspopup = " true " aria - expanded = " false " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'book' ) ?> <?= $ui->manga ?></a>
< div class = " dropdown-menu " >
< a class = " dropdown-item <?= display_active( $_GET['page'] , ['titles']) ?> " href = " /titles " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'book' ) ?> Titles</a>
< a class = " dropdown-item <?= display_active( $_GET['page'] , ['updates']) ?> " href = " /updates " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'sync' ) ?> Updates</a>
< a class = " dropdown-item <?= display_active( $_GET['page'] , ['search']) ?> " href = " /search " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'search' ) ?> Search</a>
< a class = " dropdown-item <?= display_active( $_GET['page'] , ['featured']) ?> " href = " /featured " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'tv' ) ?> Featured</a>
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " /manga " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'question-circle' ) ?> Random</a>
< a class = " dropdown-item <?= display_active( $_GET['page'] , ['manga_new']) ?> " href = " /manga_new " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'plus-circle' ) ?> Add</a>
</ div >
</ li >
< ? php if ( ! $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> user_id ) : ?>
< li class = " nav-item mx-1 " id = " login " >
< a class = " nav-link " href = " /login " title = " You need to log in. " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'bookmark' ) ?> <?= $ui->follows ?></a>
</ li >
< ? php elseif ( ! $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> activated ) : ?>
< li class = " nav-item mx-1 " id = " activation " >
< a class = " nav-link " href = " /activation " title = " You need to activate your account. " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'bookmark' ) ?> <?= $ui->follows ?></a>
</ li >
< ? php else : ?>
< li class = " nav-item mx-1 <?= display_active( $_GET['page'] , ['follows', 'followed_manga', 'followed_groups', 'follows_import']) ?> " id = " follows " >
< a class = " nav-link " href = " /follows " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'bookmark' ) ?> <?= $ui->follows ?></a>
</ li >
< ? php endif ; ?>
< li class = " nav-item mx-1 dropdown " >
< a href = " # " class = " nav-link dropdown-toggle " data - toggle = " dropdown " role = " button " aria - haspopup = " true " aria - expanded = " false " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'users' ) ?> <?= $ui->community ?></a>
< div class = " dropdown-menu " >
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " /forums " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'university' , $ui -> forums ) ?> <?= $ui->forums ?></a>
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " /groups " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'users' , $ui -> groups ) ?> <?= $ui->groups ?></a>
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " /users " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'user' , $ui -> users ) ?> <?= $ui->users ?></a>
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " https://discord.gg/mangadex " target = " _blank " rel = " nofollow " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'discord' , 'Rules' , '' , 'fab' ) ?> Discord</a>
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " https://twitter.com/MangaDex " target = " _blank " rel = " nofollow " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'twitter' , 'Twitter' , '' , 'fab' ) ?> Twitter</a>
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " https://www.reddit.com/r/mangadex " target = " _blank " rel = " nofollow " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'reddit' , 'Reddit' , '' , 'fab' ) ?> Reddit</a>
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " https://mangadexofficial.tumblr.com/ " target = " _blank " rel = " nofollow " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'tumblr' , 'Tumblr' , '' , 'fab' ) ?> Tumblr</a>
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " irc://irc.rizon.net/mangadex " rel = " nofollow " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'hashtag' , 'IRC' ) ?> IRC</a>
</ div >
</ li >
< li class = " nav-item mx-1 dropdown " >
< a href = " # " class = " nav-link dropdown-toggle " data - toggle = " dropdown " role = " button " aria - haspopup = " true " aria - expanded = " false " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'info-circle' ) ?> <?= $ui->info ?></a>
< div class = " dropdown-menu " >
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " /stats " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'clipboard-list' , 'Stats' ) ?> Stats</a>
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " /rules " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'list' , 'Rules' ) ?> Rules</a>
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " /about " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'info' , 'About' ) ?> About</a>
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " /changelog " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'code' , 'Change log' ) ?> Change log</a>
2021-03-19 13:06:32 -07:00
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " /support/affiliates " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'handshake' , 'Affiliates' , '' , 'far' ) ?> Affiliates</a>
2021-03-14 14:31:55 -07:00
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " /title/30461/bocchi-sensei-teach-me-mangadex " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'question' , 'Tutorial' ) ?> Tutorial</a>
</ div >
</ li >
</ ul >
< form id = " quick_search_form " method = " get " action = " /quick_search " role = " search " class = " form-inline mx-1 quick-search " >
< div class = " input-group " >
< div class = " input-group-prepend " >
< select class = " form-control " id = " quick_search_type " name = " type " >
< option value = " all " > All </ option >
< option selected value = " titles " > Manga </ option >
< option value = " groups " > Groups </ option >
< option value = " users " > Users </ option >
</ select >
</ div >
< input type = " text " class = " form-control " placeholder = " Quick search " name = " term " id = " quick_search_input " required >
< span class = " input-group-append " >
< button class = " btn btn-secondary " type = " submit " id = " quick_search_button " name = " submit " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'search' ) ?> </button>
</ span >
</ div >
</ form >
< ul class = " navbar-nav " >
< li class = " d-none d-lg-block nav-item mx-1 " id = " homepage_cog " >
< a class = " nav-link " href = " # " title = " Settings " data - toggle = " modal " data - target = " #homepage_settings_modal " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'cog' , $ui -> settings ) ?> </a>
</ li >
< li class = " nav-item mx-1 dropdown " >
< a href = " <?= ( $templateVar['user'] ->user_id) ? " / user / { $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> user_id } / { $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> user_slug } " : " #" ?>" class="nav-link dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
< ? = ( ! $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> user_id ) ? display_fa_icon ( 'user-times' ) : display_fa_icon ( 'user' ) ?>
< span class = " d-lg-none d-xl-inline " style = " color: #<?= $templateVar['user'] ->level_colour ?> " >< ? = $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> username ?> </span>
< ? = ( $unread_pms ) ? display_fa_icon ( 'envelope' , 'Messages' , 'text-danger' ) : '' ?>
< ? = ( $unread_notifications ) ? display_fa_icon ( 'exclamation-circle' , 'Notifications' , 'text-info' ) : '' ?>
< ? = ( $friend_requests ) ? display_fa_icon ( 'user-friends' , 'Friend requests' , 'text-success' ) : '' ?>
</ a >
< div class = " dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right " >
< ? php if ( ! $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> user_id ) { ?>
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " /login " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'sign-in-alt' , $ui -> login ) ?> <?= $ui->login ?></a>
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " /signup " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'pencil-alt' , $ui -> signup ) ?> <?= $ui->signup ?></a>
< ? php }
else { ?>
< ? = validate_level ( $templateVar [ 'user' ], 'admin' ) ? " <a class='dropdown-item' href='/admin'> " . display_fa_icon ( 'user-md' ) . " Admin</a> " : " " ?>
< ? = validate_level ( $templateVar [ 'user' ], 'mod' ) ? " <a class='dropdown-item' href='/mod'> " . display_fa_icon ( 'user-md' ) . " Moderation</a> " : " " ?>
2021-03-19 13:06:32 -07:00
< ? = validate_level ( $templateVar [ 'user' ], 'pr' ) ? " <a class='dropdown-item' href='/pr'> " . display_fa_icon ( 'user-md' ) . " Public Relations</a> " : " " ?>
2021-03-14 14:31:55 -07:00
< ? = validate_level ( $templateVar [ 'user' ], 'mod' ) ? " <div class='dropdown-divider'></div> " : " " ?>
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " /user/<?= $templateVar['user'] ->user_id . '/' . $templateVar['user'] ->user_slug ?> " >
< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'user' , $ui -> profile ) ?> <?= $ui->profile ?>
</ a >
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " /history " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'history' , 'History' ) ?> History</a>
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " /settings " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'cog' , $ui -> settings ) ?> <?= $ui->settings ?></a>
< div class = " dropdown-divider " ></ div >
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " /list/<?= $templateVar['user'] ->user_id ?> " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'list' , 'My list' ) ?> MDList</a>
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " /social " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'user-friends' , 'social' ) ?> Social <?= $friend_requests ? "<span class='badge badge-success'>$friend_requests</span>" : '' ?></a>
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " /messages/notifications " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'exclamation-circle' , 'notifications' ) ?> Notifications <?= ($unread_notifications) ? "<span class='badge badge-info'>$unread_notifications</span>" : '' ?></a>
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " /messages/inbox " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'envelope' , $ui -> inbox ) ?> <?= $ui->inbox ?> <?= ($unread_pms) ? "<span class='badge badge-danger'>$unread_pms</span>" : '' ?></a>
< div class = " dropdown-divider " ></ div >
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " /support " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'dollar-sign' , 'support' ) ?> Support</a>
< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " /md_at_home " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'network-wired' , 'MangaDex@Home' ) ?> MD@Home</a>
<!--< a class = " dropdown-item " href = " /shop " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'store' , 'shop' ) ?> Shop</a>-->
< ? = ( in_array ( $templateVar [ 'user' ] -> user_id , TL_USER_IDS ) || validate_level ( $templateVar [ 'user' ], 'mod' )) ? " <a class='dropdown-item' href='/translate'> " . display_fa_icon ( 'globe' ) . " Translate</a> " : " " ?>
< div class = " dropdown-divider " ></ div >
< a class = " dropdown-item logout " href = " # " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'sign-out-alt' , $ui -> logout ) ?> <?= $ui->logout ?></a>
< ? php } ?>
</ div >
</ li >
< ? php if ( validate_level ( $templateVar [ 'user' ], 'gmod' ) && $templateVar [ 'report_count' ][ 'chapter_reports' ] + $templateVar [ 'report_count' ][ 'manga_reports' ] > 0 ) : ?>
< li class = " d-none d-lg-block nav-item " >
< a class = " nav-link " href = " /mod/<?= $templateVar['report_count'] ['chapter_reports'] > 0 ? 'chapter_reports' : 'manga_reports'?>/new " title = " Pending Reports " >< span class = " badge badge-warning " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'book' ) ?> <?= $templateVar['report_count']['manga_reports'] + $templateVar['report_count']['chapter_reports'] ?></span></a>
</ li >
< ? php endif ; ?>
< ? php if ( validate_level ( $templateVar [ 'user' ], 'mod' ) && $templateVar [ 'general_report_count' ] > 0 ) : ?>
< li class = " d-none d-lg-block nav-item " >
< a class = " nav-link " href = " /mod/reports?state=0 " title = " Pending Reports " >< span class = " badge badge-primary " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'comments' ) ?> <?= $templateVar['general_report_count'] ?></span></a>
</ li >
< ? php endif ; ?>
< ? php if ( validate_level ( $templateVar [ 'user' ], 'mod' ) && $templateVar [ 'upload_queue_count' ] > 0 ) : ?>
< li class = " d-none d-lg-block nav-item " >
< a class = " nav-link " href = " /mod/upload_queue " title = " Upload Queue " >< span class = " badge badge-success " >< ? = display_fa_icon ( 'upload' ) ?> <?= $templateVar['upload_queue_count'] ?></span></a>
</ li >
< ? php endif ; ?>
</ ul >
</ div >
</ div >
</ nav >