2021-03-14 17:31:55 -04:00
< ? php
class Users {
public function __construct ( $search ) {
global $sql ;
$this -> sql = $sql ;
$search_string = " " ;
$pdo_bind = [];
foreach ( $search as $key => $value ) {
switch ( $key ) {
case " username " :
$search_string .= " users.username LIKE ? AND " ;
$pdo_bind [] = " % $value % " ;
break ;
case " email " :
$search_string .= " users.email LIKE ? AND " ;
$pdo_bind [] = " % $value % " ;
break ;
case " is_staff " :
$search_string .= " users.level_id >= 10 AND " ;
break ;
default :
$field = prepare_identifier ( " users. $key " );
$search_string .= " $field = ? AND " ;
$pdo_bind [] = $value ;
break ;
$this -> num_rows = $sql -> prep ( " users_query_ " . hash_array ( $pdo_bind ) . " _num_rows " , " SELECT count(*) FROM mangadex_users AS users WHERE $search_string users.user_id > 1 " , $pdo_bind , 'fetchColumn' , '' , 60 );
$this -> search_string = $search_string ;
$this -> pdo_bind = $pdo_bind ;
public function query_read ( $order , $limit , $current_page ) {
$orderby = prepare_orderby ( $order , SORT_ARRAY_USERS );
$limit = prepare_numeric ( $limit );
$offset = prepare_numeric ( $limit * ( $current_page - 1 ));
$results = $this -> sql -> prep ( " users_query_ " . hash_array ( $this -> pdo_bind ) . " _orderby_ { $orderby } _limit_ { $limit } _offset_ $offset " , "
SELECT users .* , lang . lang_name , lang . lang_flag , levels . level_colour , levels . level_name , options .*
FROM mangadex_users AS users
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_options AS options
ON users . user_id = options . user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_languages AS lang
ON users . language = lang . lang_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_levels AS levels
ON users . level_id = levels . level_id
WHERE $this -> search_string users . user_id > 1
ORDER BY $orderby
LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset
" , $this->pdo_bind , 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_UNIQUE, 60);
return get_results_as_object ( $results , 'user_id' );
class User {
public function __construct ( $id , $type ) {
global $sql ;
$this -> sql = $sql ;
$type = prepare_identifier ( $type );
$row = $sql -> prep ( " user_ $id " , "
SELECT users .* , levels . level_colour , levels . level_name , options .* , lang . lang_name , lang . lang_flag
FROM mangadex_users AS users
LEFT JOIN mangadex_languages AS lang
ON users . language = lang . lang_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_levels AS levels
ON users . level_id = levels . level_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_options AS options
ON users . user_id = options . user_id
WHERE users . $type = ?
" , [ $id ], 'fetch', PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
//does user exist
$this -> exists = $row ;
if ( ! $this -> exists )
$row = $sql -> query_read ( 'user_0' , '
SELECT users .* , levels . level_colour , levels . level_name , options .*
FROM mangadex_users AS users
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_levels AS levels
ON users . level_id = levels . level_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_options AS options
ON users . user_id = options . user_id
WHERE users . user_id = 0
', ' fetch ' , PDO :: FETCH_OBJ );
//copy $row into $this
if ( $row ) {
foreach ( $row as $key => $value ) {
$this -> $key = $value ;
$this -> user_slug = strtolower ( $this -> username );
$this -> logo = ( ! $this -> avatar ) ? " default2.png?v=4 " : " $this->user_id . $this->avatar ? " . @ filemtime ( ABS_DATA_BASEPATH . " /avatars/ $this->user_id . $this->avatar " );
$this -> show_premium_badge = $this -> show_premium_badge ? ? 0 ;
$this -> data_saver = $this -> data_saver ? ? 0 ;
public function get_comments ( $show , $page = 1 ) {
$moderatedFilter = '%' ;
if ( $show === 'moderated' ) {
$moderatedFilter = 1 ;
} elseif ( $show === 'unmoderated' ) {
$moderatedFilter = 0 ;
$results = $this -> sql -> prep ( " user_ { $this -> user_id } _get_comments_ { $page } _ { $moderatedFilter } " , '
SELECT posts .* , users . username , users . avatar , user_levels . level_colour ,
editor . username AS editor_username ,
editor_levels . level_colour AS editor_level_colour ,
( SELECT ( count ( * ) - 1 ) DIV 20 + 1 FROM mangadex_forum_posts
WHERE mangadex_forum_posts . post_id <= posts . post_id
AND mangadex_forum_posts . thread_id = posts . thread_id
AND mangadex_forum_posts . deleted = 0 ) AS thread_page
FROM mangadex_forum_posts AS posts
LEFT JOIN mangadex_users AS users
ON posts . user_id = users . user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_levels AS user_levels
ON users . level_id = user_levels . level_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_users AS editor
ON posts . edit_user_id = editor . user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_levels AS editor_levels
ON editor . level_id = editor_levels . level_id
WHERE posts . user_id = ? AND posts . deleted = 0 AND posts . moderated LIKE ?
ORDER BY timestamp DESC
LIMIT ? , 100
' ,
$this -> user_id ,
$moderatedFilter ,
( $page - 1 ) * 100
], 'fetchAll' , PDO :: FETCH_UNIQUE , - 1 );
return get_results_as_object ( $results , 'post_id' );
public function get_comments_count ( $show ) {
$moderatedFilter = '%' ;
if ( $show === 'moderated' ) {
$moderatedFilter = 1 ;
} elseif ( $show === 'unmoderated' ) {
$moderatedFilter = 0 ;
return $this -> sql -> prep (
" user_ { $this -> user_id } _get_comments_count_ { $moderatedFilter } " , '
FROM mangadex_forum_posts AS posts
WHERE posts . user_id = ? AND posts . deleted = 0 AND posts . moderated LIKE ? ' ,
$this -> user_id ,
'fetch' ,
- 1
public function update_total_chapters_uploaded () {
$this -> sql -> modify ( 'update_total_chapters_uploaded' , '
UPDATE mangadex_users
SET user_uploads = ( SELECT count ( * ) FROM mangadex_chapters WHERE user_id = ? AND chapter_deleted = 0 )
WHERE user_id = ? LIMIT 1
' , [ $this -> user_id , $this -> user_id ]);
public function get_unread_threads () {
return $this -> sql -> prep ( " user_ { $this -> user_id } _unread_msgs " , "
SELECT count ( * )
FROM mangadex_pm_threads
WHERE ( sender_id = ? AND sender_read = 0 ) OR ( recipient_id = ? AND recipient_read = 0 )
2021-03-19 16:06:32 -04:00
" , [ $this->user_id , $this->user_id ], 'fetchColumn', '', 60);
2021-03-14 17:31:55 -04:00
public function get_unread_notifications () {
return $this -> sql -> prep ( " user_ { $this -> user_id } _unread_notifications " , "
SELECT count ( * )
FROM mangadex_notifications
WHERE mentionee_user_id = ? AND is_read = 0
2021-03-19 16:06:32 -04:00
" , [ $this->user_id ], 'fetchColumn', '', 60);
2021-03-14 17:31:55 -04:00
public function get_groups () {
return $this -> sql -> prep ( " user_ { $this -> user_id } _groups " , "
SELECT mangadex_link_user_group . group_id , mangadex_groups . group_name
FROM mangadex_groups
LEFT JOIN mangadex_link_user_group ON mangadex_groups . group_id = mangadex_link_user_group . group_id
WHERE mangadex_link_user_group . user_id = ?
" , [ $this->user_id ], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_KEY_PAIR);
public function get_manga_ids () { //of the chapters which the user has uploaded
return $this -> sql -> prep ( " user_ { $this -> user_id } _manga_ids " , "
SELECT manga_id
FROM mangadex_chapters
WHERE user_id = ? AND chapter_deleted = 0
GROUP BY manga_id
ORDER BY manga_id
" , [ $this->user_id ], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, -1);
public function get_followed_group_ids () {
return $this -> sql -> prep ( " user_ { $this -> user_id } _followed_group_ids " , "
SELECT group_id
FROM mangadex_follow_user_group
WHERE user_id = ?
" , [ $this->user_id ], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_COLUMN, -1);
public function get_followed_manga_ids_key_pair () {
return $this -> sql -> prep ( " user_ { $this -> user_id } _followed_manga_ids_key_pair " , "
SELECT manga_id , follow_type
FROM mangadex_follow_user_manga
WHERE user_id = ?
" , [ $this->user_id ], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_KEY_PAIR);
public function get_followed_manga_ids () { //contains progress data
return $this -> sql -> prep ( " user_ { $this -> user_id } _followed_manga_ids " , "
SELECT manga_id , follow_type , volume , chapter
FROM mangadex_follow_user_manga
WHERE user_id = ?
" , [ $this->user_id ], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_UNIQUE); //contains progress tracker (volume and chapter)
2021-03-19 16:06:32 -04:00
public function get_manga_userdata ( $manga_id ) { //contains progress data, title, and rating
$follows = $this -> get_followed_manga_ids_api ();
foreach ( $follows as $manga ) {
if ( $manga [ 'manga_id' ] == $manga_id ) {
return $manga ;
return null ;
2021-03-14 17:31:55 -04:00
public function get_followed_manga_ids_api () { //contains progress data, title, and rating for all followed manga
return $this -> sql -> prep ( " user_ { $this -> user_id } _followed_manga_ids_api " , "
2021-03-19 16:06:32 -04:00
SELECT f . manga_id , m . manga_name AS title , m . manga_hentai , m . manga_image , f . follow_type , f . volume , f . chapter , COALESCE ( r . rating , 0 ) as rating
2021-03-14 17:31:55 -04:00
FROM mangadex_follow_user_manga f
JOIN mangadex_mangas m
ON m . manga_id = f . manga_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_manga_ratings r
ON m . manga_id = r . manga_id AND r . user_id = ?
WHERE f . user_id = ?
" , [ $this->user_id , $this->user_id ], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
public function get_read_chapters () {
return $this -> sql -> prep ( " user_ { $this -> user_id } _read_chapters " , "
SELECT chapter_id
FROM mangadex_chapter_views
WHERE user_id = ?
" , [ $this->user_id ], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
public function get_reading_history ( $ignoreHentaiToggle = false ) {
// Handle hentais
$hentai_toggle = ( int ) max ( 0 , min ( 2 , $_COOKIE [ 'mangadex_h_toggle' ] ? ? 0 ));
if ( $ignoreHentaiToggle ) { $hentai_toggle = 1 ; }
// Translate for sql query
if ( $hentai_toggle === 1 ) {
$hentai_param = '_' ;
} elseif ( $hentai_toggle === 2 ) {
$hentai_param = 1 ;
} else {
$hentai_param = 0 ;
// If $ignoreHentaiToggle is set, the request is not cached, since it will be read only once anyway
return $this -> sql -> prep (
" user_ { $this -> user_id } _reading_history_ht { $hentai_toggle } " . ( $ignoreHentaiToggle ? '_nocache' : '' ),
SELECT history . chapter_id , history . timestamp , chapters . volume , chapters . chapter , chapters . title , chapters . manga_id , mangas . manga_name , mangas . manga_hentai , mangas . manga_image
FROM mangadex_reading_history AS history
LEFT JOIN mangadex_chapters AS chapters
ON chapters . chapter_id = history . chapter_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_mangas AS mangas
ON mangas . manga_id = chapters . manga_id
WHERE history . user_id = ? AND mangas . manga_hentai LIKE ?
ORDER BY history . timestamp DESC
LIMIT ? ' ,
$this -> user_id ,
$hentai_param ,
$ignoreHentaiToggle ? 20 : 10
'fetchAll' ,
$ignoreHentaiToggle ? - 1 : 0
/* public function get_read_chapters () {
$string = $this -> sql -> prep ( " user_ { $this -> user_id } _read_chapters " , "
SELECT chapter_id
FROM mangadex_chapter_views_v2
WHERE user_id = ?
" , [ $this->user_id ], 'fetchColumn', '', -1);
$array = explode ( ',' , $string );
return $array ;
} */
public function get_manga_ratings () {
return $this -> sql -> prep ( " user_ { $this -> user_id } _manga_ratings " , "
SELECT manga_id , rating
FROM mangadex_manga_ratings
WHERE user_id = ?
" , [ $this->user_id ], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_KEY_PAIR);
public function get_friends_user_ids () {
return $this -> sql -> prep ( " user_ { $this -> user_id } _friends_user_ids " , "
SELECT relations . target_user_id , relations . accepted , user . user_id , user . username , user . last_seen_timestamp , user . list_privacy , user_level . level_colour
FROM mangadex_user_relations AS relations
2021-03-19 16:06:32 -04:00
JOIN mangadex_users AS user
2021-03-14 17:31:55 -04:00
ON relations . target_user_id = user . user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_levels AS user_level
ON user . level_id = user_level . level_id
WHERE relations . relation_id = 1 AND relations . user_id = ?
ORDER BY user . username ASC
" , [ $this->user_id ], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_UNIQUE, 60*10);
public function get_pending_friends_user_ids () {
return $this -> sql -> prep ( " user_ { $this -> user_id } _pending_friends_user_ids " , "
SELECT relations . user_id , user . user_id , user . username , user . last_seen_timestamp , user_level . level_colour
FROM mangadex_user_relations AS relations
2021-03-19 16:06:32 -04:00
JOIN mangadex_users AS user
2021-03-14 17:31:55 -04:00
ON relations . user_id = user . user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_levels AS user_level
ON user . level_id = user_level . level_id
WHERE relations . relation_id = 1 AND relations . accepted = 0 AND relations . target_user_id = ?
ORDER BY user . username ASC
2021-03-19 16:06:32 -04:00
" , [ $this->user_id ], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_UNIQUE, 60*60*24);
2021-03-14 17:31:55 -04:00
public function get_blocked_user_ids () {
return $this -> sql -> prep ( " user_ { $this -> user_id } _blocked_user_ids " , "
SELECT relations . target_user_id , user . user_id , user . username , user_level . level_colour
FROM mangadex_user_relations AS relations
2021-03-19 16:06:32 -04:00
JOIN mangadex_users AS user
2021-03-14 17:31:55 -04:00
ON relations . target_user_id = user . user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_levels AS user_level
ON user . level_id = user_level . level_id
WHERE relations . relation_id = 0 AND relations . user_id = ? AND user . level_id < ?
ORDER BY user . username ASC
2021-03-19 16:06:32 -04:00
" , [ $this->user_id , 10 /** staff level: PR **/], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_UNIQUE, 60*60*24);
2021-03-14 17:31:55 -04:00
public function get_active_restrictions () {
global $sql ;
if ( ! isset ( $this -> user_id ) || $this -> user_id < 1 )
return []; // Probly a guest?
if ( $this -> _active_restriction_cache !== null )
return $this -> _active_restriction_cache ;
$res = array_reduce ( $sql -> prep ( 'user_restrictions_active_' . $this -> user_id , '
SELECT r . restriction_type_id , r . expiration_timestamp , t . name , t . error_msg
FROM mangadex_user_restrictions r
LEFT JOIN mangadex_restriction_types t
ON t . restriction_type_id = r . restriction_type_id
WHERE r . target_user_id = ? AND UNIX_TIMESTAMP () < r . expiration_timestamp
ORDER BY r . expiration_timestamp ASC ', [$this->user_id], ' fetchAll ' , PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC , - 1 ), function ( $result , $item ) {
$result [ $item [ 'restriction_type_id' ]][] = $item ;
return $result ;
$this -> _active_restriction_cache = $res ;
return $res ;
private $_active_restriction_cache = null ;
public function has_active_restriction ( $type_id ) {
$restrictions = $this -> get_active_restrictions ();
return ( isset ( $restrictions [ $type_id ]) && ! empty ( $restrictions [ $type_id ]));
public function get_restriction_message ( $type_id ) {
global $sql ;
if ( $this -> _restriction_type_cache === null )
$res = array_reduce ( $sql -> prep ( 'user_restriction_types' , 'SELECT * FROM mangadex_restriction_types' , [], 'fetchAll' , PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC , 3600 ),
function ( $result , $item ) {
$result [ $item [ 'restriction_type_id' ]] = [ 'name' => $item [ 'name' ], 'error_msg' => $item [ 'error_msg' ]];
return $result ;
$this -> _restriction_type_cache = $res ;
return $this -> _restriction_type_cache [ $type_id ][ 'error_msg' ] ? ? null ;
private $_restriction_type_cache = null ;
public function get_sessions ()
global $sql ;
$sessions = $sql -> prep ( 'user_sessions_' . $this -> user_id , 'SELECT * FROM mangadex_sessions WHERE user_id = ?' ,
[ $this -> user_id ], 'fetchAll' , PDO :: FETCH_ASSOC , - 1 );
return $sessions ;
public function get_transactions () {
return $this -> sql -> prep ( " user_ { $this -> user_id } _transactions " , "
FROM mangadex_user_transactions
WHERE user_id = ?
" , [ $this->user_id ], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, -1);
public function get_btc_transactions () {
return $this -> sql -> prep ( " user_ { $this -> user_id } _btc_transactions " , "
FROM mangadex_transactions_btc
WHERE hash in ( SELECT paypal from mangadex_user_paypal where user_id = ? ) OR
sender_address in ( SELECT paypal from mangadex_user_paypal where user_id = ? )
" , [ $this->user_id , $this->user_id ], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, -1);
public function get_eth_transactions () {
return $this -> sql -> prep ( " user_ { $this -> user_id } _eth_transactions " , "
FROM mangadex_transactions_eth
WHERE hash in ( SELECT paypal from mangadex_user_paypal where user_id = ? ) OR
sender_address in ( SELECT paypal from mangadex_user_paypal where user_id = ? )
" , [ $this->user_id , $this->user_id ], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, -1);
public function get_paypal () {
return $this -> sql -> prep ( " user_ { $this -> user_id } _paypal " , "
FROM mangadex_user_paypal
WHERE user_id = ?
" , [ $this->user_id ], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, -1);
public function get_order () {
return $this -> sql -> prep ( " user_ { $this -> user_id } _order " , "
FROM mangadex_orders
WHERE user_id = ?
" , [ $this->user_id ], 'fetch', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, -1);
public function get_chapters_read_count () {
return $this -> sql -> prep ( " user_ { $this -> user_id } _chapters_read_count " , "
SELECT chapters_read
FROM mangadex_user_stats
WHERE user_id = ?
" , [ $this->user_id ], 'fetchColumn', '', -1);
public function get_blocked_groups () {
return $this -> sql -> prep ( " user_ { $this -> user_id } _blocked_groups " , "
SELECT block . group_id , groups . group_name
FROM mangadex_user_block_group AS block
LEFT JOIN mangadex_groups AS groups
ON block . group_id = groups . group_id
WHERE block . user_id = ?
" , [ $this->user_id ], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_KEY_PAIR);
public function get_clients () {
return $this -> sql -> prep ( " user_ { $this -> user_id } _clients " , "
FROM mangadex_clients
WHERE user_id = ?
" , [ $this->user_id ], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, -1);
public function get_client_approval_time () {
return $this -> sql -> prep ( " user_ { $this -> user_id } _client_approval_time " , "
SELECT timestamp
FROM mangadex_clients
WHERE user_id = ? AND approved = 1
ORDER BY timestamp ASC LIMIT 1
" , [ $this->user_id ], 'fetchColumn', '', -1);
class PM_Threads {
public function __construct ( $user_id , $deleted ) {
global $sql ;
$this -> sql = $sql ;
$this -> num_rows = $sql -> prep ( " user_ { $user_id } _PMs_num_rows " , "
SELECT count ( * )
FROM mangadex_pm_threads
WHERE ( sender_id = ? AND sender_deleted = ? )
OR ( recipient_id = ? AND recipient_deleted = ? )
" , [ $user_id , $deleted , $user_id , $deleted ], 'fetchColumn', '', -1);
$this -> user_id = $user_id ;
$this -> deleted = $deleted ;
2021-03-19 16:06:32 -04:00
public function query_read ( $page = 1 , $limit = 100 )
$offset = ( $page - 1 ) * $limit ;
$results = $this -> sql -> prep (
" user_ { $this -> user_id } _PMs " ,
2021-03-14 17:31:55 -04:00
SELECT threads .* ,
sender . username AS sender_username ,
recipient . username AS recipient_username ,
sender_level . level_colour AS sender_level_colour ,
recipient_level . level_colour AS recipient_level_colour
FROM mangadex_pm_threads AS threads
LEFT JOIN mangadex_users AS sender
ON threads . sender_id = sender . user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_levels AS sender_level
ON sender . level_id = sender_level . level_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_users AS recipient
ON threads . recipient_id = recipient . user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_levels AS recipient_level
ON recipient . level_id = recipient_level . level_id
WHERE ( threads . sender_id = ? AND threads . sender_deleted = ? )
OR ( threads . recipient_id = ? AND threads . recipient_deleted = ? )
ORDER BY threads . thread_timestamp DESC
2021-03-19 16:06:32 -04:00
" ,
[ $this -> user_id , $this -> deleted , $this -> user_id , $this -> deleted , $limit , $offset ],
'fetchAll' ,
- 1
2021-03-14 17:31:55 -04:00
//return get_results_as_object($results, 'thread_id');
return $results ;
class PM_Thread {
public function __construct ( $id ) {
global $sql ;
$row = $sql -> prep ( " PM_ $id " , 'SELECT *, (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM mangadex_pm_msgs m WHERE m.thread_id = t.thread_id) AS total FROM mangadex_pm_threads t WHERE t.thread_id = ?' , [ $id ], 'fetch' , PDO :: FETCH_OBJ );
if ( isset ( $row )) {
//copy $row into $this
foreach ( $row as $key => $value ) {
$this -> $key = $value ;
class PM_Msgs {
public function __construct ( $id , int $offset = 0 , int $limit = 25 ) {
global $sql ;
$offset = ( int ) max ( 0 , $offset );
$results = $sql -> prep ( " PM_msgs_ $id " , "
SELECT msgs .* , users . username , users . avatar , levels . level_colour
FROM mangadex_pm_msgs AS msgs
LEFT JOIN mangadex_users AS users
ON msgs . user_id = users . user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_levels AS levels
ON users . level_id = levels . level_id
WHERE msgs . thread_id = ?
ORDER BY msgs . timestamp DESC LIMIT ? , ?
" , [ $id , $offset , $limit ], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_UNIQUE, -1);
foreach ( $results as $i => $row ) {
$this -> { $i } = new \stdClass ();
foreach ( $row as $key => $value ) {
$this -> { $i } -> $key = $value ;
if ( isset ( $this -> { $i } -> msg_id ))
$this -> { $i } -> post_id = $this -> { $i } -> msg_id ; //compatibility with display_post function
$this -> { $i } -> edit_timestamp = 0 ;
class Notifications {
public function __construct ( $user_id ) {
global $sql ;
$this -> sql = $sql ;
$this -> user_id = $user_id ;
public function query_read () {
$results = $this -> sql -> prep ( " notifications_ $this->user_id " , "
SELECT notifications .* ,
users . username , users . user_id ,
levels . level_colour ,
posts . thread_id ,
threads . thread_name ,
( SELECT ( count ( * ) - 1 ) DIV 20 + 1 FROM mangadex_forum_posts
WHERE mangadex_forum_posts . post_id <= notifications . post_id
AND mangadex_forum_posts . thread_id = posts . thread_id
AND mangadex_forum_posts . deleted = 0 ) AS thread_page
FROM mangadex_notifications AS notifications
LEFT JOIN mangadex_users AS users
ON users . user_id = notifications . mentioner_user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_levels AS levels
ON levels . level_id = users . level_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_forum_posts AS posts
ON posts . post_id = notifications . post_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_threads AS threads
ON threads . thread_id = posts . thread_id
WHERE mentionee_user_id = ?
ORDER BY timestamp DESC
" , [ $this->user_id ], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
//return get_results_as_object($results, 'notification_id');
return $results ;
2021-03-19 16:06:32 -04:00