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synced 2025-02-06 14:34:01 -05:00
446 lines
19 KiB
446 lines
19 KiB
class Forums {
public function __construct($parent_forum_id = 1) {
global $sql;
$this->sql = $sql;
$this->parent_forum_id = prepare_numeric($parent_forum_id);
$this->num_rows = $sql->prep("forums_{$parent_forum_id}_num_rows", 'SELECT count(*) FROM mangadex_forums WHERE mangadex_forums.forum_parent = ?', [$parent_forum_id], 'fetchColumn', '');
public function query_read() {
$results = $this->sql->prep("forums_$this->parent_forum_id", "
SELECT forums.*,
CASE forums.forum_id
WHEN 11 THEN (SELECT manga_name FROM mangadex_threads LEFT JOIN mangadex_mangas ON mangadex_mangas.manga_id = mangadex_threads.thread_name WHERE mangadex_threads.thread_id = forums.last_thread_id LIMIT 1)
WHEN 12 THEN CONCAT('Chapter ', (SELECT chapter FROM mangadex_threads LEFT JOIN mangadex_chapters ON mangadex_chapters.chapter_id = mangadex_threads.thread_name WHERE mangadex_threads.thread_id = forums.last_thread_id LIMIT 1))
WHEN 14 THEN (SELECT group_name FROM mangadex_threads LEFT JOIN mangadex_groups ON mangadex_groups.group_id = mangadex_threads.thread_name WHERE mangadex_threads.thread_id = forums.last_thread_id LIMIT 1)
ELSE threads.thread_name
END AS thread_name,
(SELECT (count(*) -1) DIV 20 + 1 FROM mangadex_forum_posts
WHERE mangadex_forum_posts.post_id <= threads.last_post_id
AND mangadex_forum_posts.thread_id = forums.last_thread_id
AND mangadex_forum_posts.deleted = 0) AS thread_page,
forums.count_threads + COALESCE((SELECT SUM(count_threads) FROM mangadex_forums WHERE mangadex_forums.forum_parent = forums.forum_id), 0) AS total_threads,
forums.count_posts + COALESCE((SELECT SUM(count_posts) FROM mangadex_forums WHERE mangadex_forums.forum_parent = forums.forum_id), 0) AS total_posts,
(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(forum_name) FROM mangadex_forums WHERE mangadex_forums.forum_parent = forums.forum_id) AS subforum_names,
(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(forum_id) FROM mangadex_forums WHERE mangadex_forums.forum_parent = forums.forum_id) AS subforum_ids
FROM mangadex_forums AS forums
LEFT JOIN mangadex_threads AS threads
ON forums.last_thread_id = threads.thread_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_users AS users
ON threads.last_post_user_id = users.user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_options AS options
ON threads.last_post_user_id = options.user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_levels AS levels
ON users.level_id = levels.level_id
WHERE forums.forum_parent = ?
ORDER BY forums.sort ASC
", [$this->parent_forum_id], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_UNIQUE, 60);
return get_results_as_object($results, 'forum_id');
class Forum_Threads {
public function __construct($forum_id = 1) {
global $sql;
$this->sql = $sql;
$this->forum_id = prepare_numeric($forum_id);
$row = $sql->prep("forum_$forum_id", '
SELECT mangadex_forums.*,
(SELECT count(*) FROM mangadex_threads WHERE thread_deleted = 0 AND forum_id = ?) AS num_rows
FROM mangadex_forums
WHERE forum_id = ?
', [$forum_id, $forum_id], 'fetch', PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
$this->$key = $value;
public function query_read($limit, $current_page) {
$limit = prepare_numeric($limit);
$offset = prepare_numeric($limit * ($current_page - 1));
switch ($this->forum_id) {
case 11: //manga
$results = $this->sql->prep("forum_threads_{$this->forum_id}_offset_$offset", "
SELECT threads.*,
started.username AS started_username,
last.username AS last_username,
started_options.show_premium_badge AS started_show_premium_badge,
started_options.show_md_at_home_badge AS started_show_md_at_home_badge,
last_options.show_premium_badge AS last_show_premium_badge,
last_options.show_md_at_home_badge AS last_show_md_at_home_badge,
started_levels.level_colour AS started_level_colour,
last_levels.level_colour AS last_level_colour,
(SELECT (count(*) -1) DIV 20 + 1 FROM mangadex_forum_posts
WHERE mangadex_forum_posts.post_id <= threads.last_post_id
AND mangadex_forum_posts.thread_id = threads.thread_id
AND mangadex_forum_posts.deleted = 0) AS thread_page
FROM mangadex_threads AS threads
LEFT JOIN mangadex_mangas AS mangas
ON mangas.manga_id = threads.thread_name
LEFT JOIN mangadex_users AS started
ON threads.user_id = started.user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_options AS started_options
ON threads.user_id = started_options.user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_levels AS started_levels
ON started.level_id = started_levels.level_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_users AS last
ON threads.last_post_user_id = last.user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_options AS last_options
ON threads.last_post_user_id = last_options.user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_levels AS last_levels
ON last.level_id = last_levels.level_id
WHERE threads.thread_deleted = 0 AND threads.forum_id = ?
ORDER BY threads.thread_sticky DESC, threads.last_post_timestamp DESC
LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset
", [$this->forum_id], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_UNIQUE, -1);
case 12: //chapters
$results = $this->sql->prep("forum_threads_{$this->forum_id}_offset_$offset", "
SELECT threads.*,
started.username AS started_username,
last.username AS last_username,
started_options.show_premium_badge AS started_show_premium_badge,
started_options.show_md_at_home_badge AS started_show_md_at_home_badge,
last_options.show_premium_badge AS last_show_premium_badge,
last_options.show_md_at_home_badge AS last_show_md_at_home_badge,
started_levels.level_colour AS started_level_colour,
last_levels.level_colour AS last_level_colour,
(SELECT (count(*) -1) DIV 20 + 1 FROM mangadex_forum_posts
WHERE mangadex_forum_posts.post_id <= threads.last_post_id
AND mangadex_forum_posts.thread_id = threads.thread_id
AND mangadex_forum_posts.deleted = 0) AS thread_page
FROM mangadex_threads AS threads
LEFT JOIN mangadex_chapters AS chapters
ON chapters.chapter_id = threads.thread_name
LEFT JOIN mangadex_mangas AS mangas
ON mangas.manga_id = chapters.manga_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_users AS started
ON threads.user_id = started.user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_options AS started_options
ON threads.user_id = started_options.user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_levels AS started_levels
ON started.level_id = started_levels.level_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_users AS last
ON threads.last_post_user_id = last.user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_options AS last_options
ON threads.last_post_user_id = last_options.user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_levels AS last_levels
ON last.level_id = last_levels.level_id
WHERE threads.thread_deleted = 0 AND threads.forum_id = ?
ORDER BY threads.thread_sticky DESC, threads.last_post_timestamp DESC
LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset
", [$this->forum_id], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_UNIQUE, -1);
case 14: //manga
$results = $this->sql->prep("forum_threads_{$this->forum_id}_offset_$offset", "
SELECT threads.*,
started.username AS started_username,
last.username AS last_username,
started_options.show_premium_badge AS started_show_premium_badge,
started_options.show_md_at_home_badge AS started_show_md_at_home_badge,
last_options.show_premium_badge AS last_show_premium_badge,
last_options.show_md_at_home_badge AS last_show_md_at_home_badge,
started_levels.level_colour AS started_level_colour,
last_levels.level_colour AS last_level_colour,
(SELECT (count(*) -1) DIV 20 + 1 FROM mangadex_forum_posts
WHERE mangadex_forum_posts.post_id <= threads.last_post_id
AND mangadex_forum_posts.thread_id = threads.thread_id
AND mangadex_forum_posts.deleted = 0) AS thread_page
FROM mangadex_threads AS threads
LEFT JOIN mangadex_groups AS _groups
ON _groups.group_id = threads.thread_name
LEFT JOIN mangadex_users AS started
ON threads.user_id = started.user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_options AS started_options
ON threads.user_id = started_options.user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_levels AS started_levels
ON started.level_id = started_levels.level_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_users AS last
ON threads.last_post_user_id = last.user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_options AS last_options
ON threads.last_post_user_id = last_options.user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_levels AS last_levels
ON last.level_id = last_levels.level_id
WHERE threads.thread_deleted = 0 AND threads.forum_id = ?
ORDER BY threads.thread_sticky DESC, threads.last_post_timestamp DESC
LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset
", [$this->forum_id], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_UNIQUE, -1);
$results = $this->sql->prep("forum_threads_{$this->forum_id}_offset_$offset", "
SELECT threads.*,
started.username AS started_username,
last.username AS last_username,
started_options.show_premium_badge AS started_show_premium_badge,
started_options.show_md_at_home_badge AS started_show_md_at_home_badge,
last_options.show_premium_badge AS last_show_premium_badge,
last_options.show_md_at_home_badge AS last_show_md_at_home_badge,
started_levels.level_colour AS started_level_colour,
last_levels.level_colour AS last_level_colour,
(SELECT (count(*) -1) DIV 20 + 1 FROM mangadex_forum_posts
WHERE mangadex_forum_posts.post_id <= threads.last_post_id
AND mangadex_forum_posts.thread_id = threads.thread_id
AND mangadex_forum_posts.deleted = 0) AS thread_page
FROM mangadex_threads AS threads
LEFT JOIN mangadex_users AS started
ON threads.user_id = started.user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_options AS started_options
ON threads.user_id = started_options.user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_levels AS started_levels
ON started.level_id = started_levels.level_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_users AS last
ON threads.last_post_user_id = last.user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_options AS last_options
ON threads.last_post_user_id = last_options.user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_levels AS last_levels
ON last.level_id = last_levels.level_id
WHERE threads.thread_deleted = 0 AND threads.forum_id = ?
ORDER BY threads.thread_sticky DESC, threads.last_post_timestamp DESC
LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset
", [$this->forum_id], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_UNIQUE, -1);
return get_results_as_object($results, 'thread_id');
public function get_breadcrumb() {
global $memcached;
$string = "<nav aria-label='breadcrumb'>
<ol class='breadcrumb'>
<li class='breadcrumb-item'><a href='/forums'>Home</a></li>";
$forum = $memcached->get("forum_$this->forum_id"); //cached from earlier
while($forum->forum_parent) {
$forum = $this->sql->prep("forum_$forum->forum_parent", '
SELECT mangadex_forums.*,
(SELECT count(*) FROM mangadex_threads WHERE thread_deleted = 0 AND forum_id = ?) AS num_rows
FROM mangadex_forums
WHERE forum_id = ?
', [$forum->forum_parent, $forum->forum_parent], 'fetch', PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
$forum_array[$forum->forum_id] = $forum->forum_name;
if (isset($forum_array) && !empty($forum_array)) {
$forum_array_rev = array_reverse($forum_array, true);
foreach ($forum_array_rev as $key => $value) {
$string .= "<li class='breadcrumb-item'><a href='/forum/$key'>$value</a></li>";
$string .= "<li class='breadcrumb-item'><a href='/forum/$this->forum_id'>$this->forum_name</a></li>
return $string;
class Forum_Posts {
public function __construct($thread_id) {
global $sql;
$this->sql = $sql;
$this->thread_id = prepare_numeric($thread_id);
$this->forum_id = $sql->prep("thread_{$thread_id}_forum_id", 'SELECT forum_id FROM mangadex_threads WHERE thread_id = ? AND thread_deleted = 0', [$thread_id], 'fetchColumn', '');
if ($this->forum_id) {
switch ($this->forum_id) {
case 11: //manga
$row = $this->sql->prep("thread_$this->thread_id", '
SELECT threads.thread_locked, threads.thread_sticky,
mangas.manga_name AS thread_name,
(SELECT count(*) FROM mangadex_forum_posts WHERE thread_id = ? AND deleted = 0) AS num_rows
FROM mangadex_threads AS threads
LEFT JOIN mangadex_mangas AS mangas
ON mangas.manga_id = threads.thread_name
LEFT JOIN mangadex_forums AS forums
ON forums.forum_id = threads.forum_id
WHERE threads.thread_id = ?
', [$this->thread_id, $this->thread_id], 'fetch', PDO::FETCH_OBJ, 60);
case 12: //chapter
$row = $this->sql->prep("thread_$this->thread_id", "
SELECT threads.thread_locked, threads.thread_sticky,
CONCAT('Chapter ', chapters.chapter, ' (', mangas.manga_name, ')') AS thread_name,
(SELECT count(*) FROM mangadex_forum_posts WHERE thread_id = ? AND deleted = 0) AS num_rows
FROM mangadex_threads AS threads
LEFT JOIN mangadex_chapters AS chapters
ON chapters.chapter_id = threads.thread_name
LEFT JOIN mangadex_mangas AS mangas
ON mangas.manga_id = chapters.manga_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_forums AS forums
ON forums.forum_id = threads.forum_id
WHERE threads.thread_id = ?
", [$this->thread_id, $this->thread_id], 'fetch', PDO::FETCH_OBJ, 60);
case 14: //groups
$row = $this->sql->prep("thread_$this->thread_id", "
SELECT threads.thread_locked, threads.thread_sticky,
_groups.group_name AS thread_name,
(SELECT count(*) FROM mangadex_forum_posts WHERE thread_id = ? AND deleted = 0) AS num_rows
FROM mangadex_threads AS threads
LEFT JOIN mangadex_groups AS _groups
ON _groups.group_id = threads.thread_name
LEFT JOIN mangadex_forums AS forums
ON forums.forum_id = threads.forum_id
WHERE threads.thread_id = ?
", [$this->thread_id, $this->thread_id], 'fetch', PDO::FETCH_OBJ, 60);
$row = $this->sql->prep("thread_$this->thread_id", "
SELECT threads.thread_locked, threads.thread_sticky, threads.thread_name, threads.user_id AS thread_author_id, threads.poll_expire_timestamp,
(SELECT count(*) FROM mangadex_forum_posts WHERE thread_id = ? AND deleted = 0) AS num_rows
FROM mangadex_threads AS threads
LEFT JOIN mangadex_forums AS forums
ON forums.forum_id = threads.forum_id
WHERE threads.thread_id = ?
", [$this->thread_id, $this->thread_id], 'fetch', PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
$this->$key = $value;
public function query_read($limit, $current_page) {
$limit = prepare_numeric($limit);
$offset = prepare_numeric($limit * ($current_page - 1));
$results = $this->sql->prep("forum_posts_{$this->thread_id}_offset_$offset", "
SELECT posts.*,
$current_page AS thread_page,
editor.username AS editor_username,
editor_levels.level_colour AS editor_level_colour
FROM mangadex_forum_posts AS posts
LEFT JOIN mangadex_users AS users
ON posts.user_id = users.user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_options AS options
ON posts.user_id = options.user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_levels AS levels
ON users.level_id = levels.level_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_users AS editor
ON posts.edit_user_id = editor.user_id
LEFT JOIN mangadex_user_levels AS editor_levels
ON editor.level_id = editor_levels.level_id
WHERE posts.thread_id = ? AND posts.deleted = 0
ORDER BY posts.timestamp ASC
LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset
", [$this->thread_id], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_UNIQUE, -1);
return get_results_as_object($results, 'post_id');
public function get_poll_items() {
return $this->sql->prep("thread_{$this->thread_id}_poll_items", "
SELECT * FROM mangadex_forum_poll_items WHERE thread_id = ?
", [$this->thread_id], 'fetchAll', PDO::FETCH_UNIQUE);
public function get_poll_total_votes() {
return $this->sql->prep("thread_{$this->thread_id}_poll_total_votes", "
SELECT count(*) FROM mangadex_forum_poll_votes WHERE thread_id = ?
", [$this->thread_id], 'fetchColumn', '');
public function get_user_vote($user_id) {
return $this->sql->prep("thread_{$this->thread_id}_user_{$user_id}_vote", "
SELECT item_id FROM mangadex_forum_poll_votes WHERE thread_id = ? AND user_id = ? LIMIT 1
", [$this->thread_id, $user_id], 'fetchColumn', '');
public function get_breadcrumb() {
global $memcached;
$string = "<nav aria-label='breadcrumb'>
<ol class='breadcrumb'>
<li class='breadcrumb-item'><a href='/forums'>Home</a></li>";
$forum = $memcached->get("forum_$this->forum_id"); //cached from earlier
if ($forum) {
while($forum->forum_parent) {
$forum = $this->sql->prep("forum_$forum->forum_parent", '
SELECT mangadex_forums.*,
(SELECT count(*) FROM mangadex_threads WHERE thread_deleted = 0 AND forum_id = ?) AS num_rows
FROM mangadex_forums
WHERE forum_id = ?
', [$forum->forum_parent, $forum->forum_parent], 'fetch', PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
$forum_array[$forum->forum_id] = $forum->forum_name;
if (isset($forum_array)) {
$forum_array_rev = array_reverse($forum_array, true);
foreach ($forum_array_rev as $key => $value) {
$string .= "<li class='breadcrumb-item'><a href='/forum/$key'>$value</a></li>";
$forum = $memcached->get("forum_$this->forum_id"); //cached from earlier
if ($forum) {
$string .= "<li class='breadcrumb-item'><a href='/forum/$forum->forum_id'>$forum->forum_name</a></li>
<li class='breadcrumb-item'><a href='/thread/$this->thread_id'>" . thread_label($this->thread_name) . "</a></li>";
$string .= "</ol></nav>";
return $string;