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# TODO: For now only include the code we actually used for EAP-pwd
# TODO: Program unit tests so we can easily keep our EAP-pwd code correct
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from scapy.all import *
from .wifi import *
import sys, struct, math, random, select, time, binascii
from Crypto.Hash import HMAC, SHA256
from Crypto.PublicKey import ECC
from Crypto.Math.Numbers import Integer
# Alternative is https://eli.thegreenplace.net/2009/03/07/computing-modular-square-roots-in-python
from sympy.ntheory.residue_ntheory import sqrt_mod_iter
# ----------------------- Utility ---------------------------------
def int_to_data(num):
return binascii.unhexlify("%064x" % num)
def zeropoint_to_data():
return int_to_data(0) + int_to_data(0)
#TODO: Not sure if this actually works under python2...
def str2bytes(password):
if not isinstance(password, str): return password
if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
return bytes(password)
return bytes(password, 'utf8')
def getord(value):
if isinstance(value, int):
return value
return ord(value)
def HMAC256(pw, data):
h = HMAC.new(pw, digestmod=SHA256)
return h.digest()
# ----------------------- Elliptic Curve Operations ---------------------------------
# This is group 19. Support of it is required by WPA3.
secp256r1_p = 0xffffffff00000001000000000000000000000000ffffffffffffffffffffffff
secp256r1_r = 0xffffffff00000000ffffffffffffffffbce6faada7179e84f3b9cac2fc632551
def legendre_symbol(a, p):
"""Compute the Legendre symbol."""
if a % p == 0: return 0
ls = pow(a, (p - 1)//2, p)
return -1 if ls == p - 1 else ls
def point_on_curve(x, y, curve="p256"):
point = ECC.EccPoint(x, y)
except ValueError:
return False
return True
def point_to_data(p):
if p is None:
return zeropoint_to_data()
return int_to_data(p.x) + int_to_data(p.y)
# ----------------------- WPA3 ---------------------------------
def is_sae(p):
if not Dot11Auth in p:
return False
return p[Dot11Auth].algo == 3
def is_sae_commit(p):
return is_sae(p) and p[Dot11Auth].seqnum == 1
def is_sae_confirm(p):
return is_sae(p) and p[Dot11Auth].seqnum == 2
def KDF_Length(data, label, context, length):
iterations = int(math.ceil(length / 256.0))
result = b""
for i in range(1, iterations + 1):
hash_data = struct.pack("<H", i) + str2bytes(label) + context + struct.pack("<H", length)
result += HMAC256(data, hash_data)
return result
# TODO: Also modify to support curve 521
def derive_pwe_ecc(password, addr1, addr2, curve_name="p256"):
curve = ECC._curves[curve_name]
bits = curve.modulus_bits
assert bits % 8 == 0
addr1 = binascii.unhexlify(addr1.replace(':', ''))
addr2 = binascii.unhexlify(addr2.replace(':', ''))
hash_pw = addr1 + addr2 if addr1 > addr2 else addr2 + addr1
for counter in range(1, 100):
hash_data = str2bytes(password) + struct.pack("<B", counter)
pwd_seed = HMAC256(hash_pw, hash_data)
log(DEBUG, "PWD-seed: %s" % pwd_seed)
pwd_value = KDF_Length(pwd_seed, "SAE Hunting and Pecking", curve.p.to_bytes(bits // 8), bits)
log(DEBUG, "PWD-value: %s" % pwd_value)
pwd_value = int(binascii.hexlify(pwd_value), 16)
if pwd_value >= curve.p:
x = Integer(pwd_value)
y_sqr = (x**3 - x * 3 + curve.b) % curve.p
if legendre_symbol(y_sqr, curve.p) != 1:
y = y_sqr.sqrt(curve.p)
y_bit = getord(pwd_seed[-1]) & 1
if y & 1 == y_bit:
return ECC.EccPoint(x, y, curve_name)
return ECC.EccPoint(x, curve.p - y, curve_name)
# TODO: Use this somewhere???
def calc_k_kck_pmk(pwe, peer_element, peer_scalar, my_rand, my_scalar):
k = ((pwe * peer_scalar + peer_element) * my_rand).x
keyseed = HMAC256(b"\x00" * 32, int_to_data(k))
kck_and_pmk = KDF_Length(keyseed, "SAE KCK and PMK",
int_to_data((my_scalar + peer_scalar) % secp256r1_r), 512)
kck = kck_and_pmk[0:32]
pmk = kck_and_pmk[32:]
return k, kck, pmk
def calculate_confirm_hash(kck, send_confirm, scalar, element, peer_scalar, peer_element):
return HMAC256(kck, struct.pack("<H", send_confirm) + int_to_data(scalar) + point_to_data(element)
+ int_to_data(peer_scalar) + point_to_data(peer_element))
def build_sae_commit(srcaddr, dstaddr, scalar, element, token=""):
p = Dot11(addr1=dstaddr, addr2=srcaddr, addr3=dstaddr)
p = p/Dot11Auth(algo=3, seqnum=1, status=0)
group_id = 19
scalar_blob = ("%064x" % scalar).decode("hex")
element_blob = ("%064x" % element.x).decode("hex") + ("%064x" % element.y).decode("hex")
return p/Raw(struct.pack("<H", group_id) + token + scalar_blob + element_blob)
def build_sae_confirm(srcaddr, dstaddr, send_confirm, confirm):
p = Dot11(addr1=dstaddr, addr2=srcaddr, addr3=dstaddr)
p = p/Dot11Auth(algo=3, seqnum=2, status=0)
return p/Raw(struct.pack("<H", send_confirm) + confirm)
class SAEHandshake():
def __init__(self, password, srcaddr, dstaddr):
self.password = password
self.srcaddr = srcaddr
self.dstaddr = dstaddr
self.pwe = None
self.rand = None
self.scalar = None
self.element = None
self.kck = None
self.pmk = None
def send_commit(self, password):
self.pwe = derive_pwe_ecc(password, self.dstaddr, self.srcaddr)
# After generation of the PWE, each STA shall generate a secret value, rand, and a temporary secret value,
# mask, each of which shall be chosen randomly such that 1 < rand < r and 1 < mask < r and (rand + mask)
# mod r is greater than 1, where r is the (prime) order of the group.
self.rand = random.randint(0, secp256r1_r - 1)
mask = random.randint(0, secp256r1_r - 1)
# commit-scalar = (rand + mask) mod r
self.scalar = (self.rand + mask) % secp256r1_r
assert self.scalar > 1
# COMMIT-ELEMENT = inverse(mask * PWE)
temp = self.pwe * mask
self.element = ECC.EccPoint(temp.x, Integer(secp256r1_p) - temp.y)
auth = build_sae_commit(self.srcaddr, self.dstaddr, self.scalar, self.element)
def process_commit(self, p):
payload = str(p[Dot11Auth].payload)
group_id = struct.unpack("<H", payload[:2])[0]
pos = 2
self.peer_scalar = int(payload[pos:pos+32].encode("hex"), 16)
pos += 32
peer_element_x = int(payload[pos:pos+32].encode("hex"), 16)
peer_element_y = int(payload[pos+32:pos+64].encode("hex"), 16)
self.peer_element = ECC.EccPoint(peer_element_x, peer_element_y)
pos += 64
k = ((self.pwe * self.peer_scalar + self.peer_element) * self.rand).x
keyseed = HMAC256("\x00"*32, int_to_data(k))
kck_and_pmk = KDF_Length(keyseed, "SAE KCK and PMK",
int_to_data((self.scalar + self.peer_scalar) % secp256r1_r), 512)
self.kck = kck_and_pmk[0:32]
self.pmk = kck_and_pmk[32:]
def send_confirm(self):
send_confirm = 0
confirm = calculate_confirm_hash(self.kck, send_confirm, self.scalar, self.element, self.peer_scalar, self.peer_element)
auth = build_sae_confirm(self.srcaddr, self.dstaddr, send_confirm, confirm)
def process_confirm(self, p):
payload = str(p[Dot11Auth].payload)
send_confirm = struct.unpack("<H", payload[:2])[0]
pos = 2
received_confirm = payload[pos:pos+32]
pos += 32
expected_confirm = calculate_confirm_hash(self.kck, send_confirm, self.peer_scalar, self.peer_element, self.scalar, self.element)
# ----------------------- EAP-pwd (TODO Test with Python3) ---------------------------------
def KDF_Length_eappwd(data, label, length):
num_bytes = (length + 7) // 8
iterations = (num_bytes + 31) // 32
# TODO: EAP-pwd uses a different byte ordering for the counter and length?!? WTF!
result = b""
for i in range(1, iterations + 1):
hash_data = digest if i > 1 else b""
hash_data += struct.pack(">H", i) + str2bytes(label) + struct.pack(">H", length)
digest = HMAC256(data, hash_data)
result += digest
result = result[:num_bytes]
if length % 8 != 0:
num_clear = 8 - (length % 8)
trailbyte = result[-1] >> num_clear << num_clear
result = result[:-1] + struct.pack(">B", trailbyte)
return result
def derive_pwe_ecc_eappwd(password, peer_id, server_id, token, curve_name="p256", info=None):
curve = ECC._curves[curve_name]
bits = curve.modulus_bits
hash_pw = struct.pack(">I", token) + str2bytes(peer_id + server_id + password)
for counter in range(1, 100):
hash_data = hash_pw + struct.pack("<B", counter)
pwd_seed = HMAC256(b"\x00", hash_data)
log(DEBUG, "PWD-Seed: %s" % pwd_seed)
pwd_value = KDF_Length_eappwd(pwd_seed, "EAP-pwd Hunting And Pecking", bits)
log(DEBUG, "PWD-Value: %s" % pwd_value)
pwd_value = int(binascii.hexlify(pwd_value), 16)
if bits % 8 != 0:
pwd_value = pwd_value >> (8 - (521 % 8))
if pwd_value >= curve.p:
x = Integer(pwd_value)
log(DEBUG, "X-candidate: %x" % x)
y_sqr = (x**3 - x * 3 + curve.b) % curve.p
if legendre_symbol(y_sqr, curve.p) != 1:
y = y_sqr.sqrt(curve.p)
y_bit = getord(pwd_seed[-1]) & 1
if y & 1 == y_bit:
if not info is None: info["counter"] = counter
return ECC.EccPoint(x, y, curve_name)
if not info is None: info["counter"] = counter
return ECC.EccPoint(x, curve.p - y, curve_name)
def calculate_confirm_eappwd(k, element1, scalar1, element2, scalar2, group_num=19, rand_func=1, prf=1):
hash_data = int_to_data(k)
hash_data += point_to_data(element1)
hash_data += int_to_data(scalar1)
hash_data += point_to_data(element2)
hash_data += int_to_data(scalar2)
hash_data += struct.pack(">HBB", group_num, rand_func, prf)
confirm = HMAC256(b"\x00" * 32, hash_data)
return confirm
# ----------------------- Fuzzing/Testing ---------------------------------
def inject_sae_auth(srcaddr, bssid):
p = Dot11(addr1=bssid, addr2=srcaddr, addr3=bssid)
p = p/Dot11Auth(algo=3, seqnum=1, status=0)
group_id = 19
scalar = 0
element_x = 0
element_y = 0
p = p/Raw(struct.pack("<H", group_id))
if False:
# Convert to octets
commit_scalar = ("%064x" % scalar).decode("hex")
commit_element = ("%064x" % element_x).decode("hex") + ("%064x" % element_y).decode("hex")
p = p / Raw(commit_scalar + commit_element)
p = p / Raw(open("/dev/urandom").read(32*3))
def forge_sae_confirm(bssid, stamac):
kck = "\x00" * 32
send_confirm = "\x00\x00"
confirm = HMAC256(kck, send_confirm + int_to_data(0) + zeropoint_to_data()
+ int_to_data(0) + zeropoint_to_data())
auth = Dot11(addr1=bssid, addr2=stamac, addr3=bssid)
auth = auth/Dot11Auth(algo=3, seqnum=2, status=0)
auth = auth/Raw(struct.pack("<H", 0) + confirm)