mirror of
synced 2025-01-18 02:44:03 -05:00
This makes it easier to import these into the P2P test scripts. Signed-off-by: Jouni Malinen <j@w1.fi>
2084 lines
86 KiB
2084 lines
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# P2P protocol tests for various messages
# Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Jouni Malinen <j@w1.fi>
# This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license.
# See README for more details.
import binascii
import struct
import time
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger()
import hostapd
from p2p_utils import *
from test_gas import anqp_adv_proto
def ie_ssid(ssid):
return struct.pack("<BB", WLAN_EID_SSID, len(ssid)) + ssid
def ie_supp_rates():
return struct.pack("<BBBBBBBBBB", WLAN_EID_SUPP_RATES, 8,
2*6, 2*9, 2*12, 2*18, 2*24, 2*36, 2*48, 2*54)
def ie_p2p(attrs):
return struct.pack("<BBBBBB", WLAN_EID_VENDOR_SPECIFIC, 4 + len(attrs),
0x50, 0x6f, 0x9a, 9) + attrs
def ie_wsc(attrs):
return struct.pack("<BBBBBB", WLAN_EID_VENDOR_SPECIFIC, 4 + len(attrs),
0x00, 0x50, 0xf2, 4) + attrs
def wsc_attr_config_methods(methods=0):
return struct.pack(">HHH", WSC_ATTR_CONFIG_METHODS, 2, methods)
def p2p_attr_status(status=P2P_SC_SUCCESS):
return struct.pack("<BHB", P2P_ATTR_STATUS, 1, status)
def p2p_attr_minor_reason_code(code=0):
return struct.pack("<BHB", P2P_ATTR_MINOR_REASON_CODE, 1, code)
def p2p_attr_capability(dev_capab=0, group_capab=0):
return struct.pack("<BHBB", P2P_ATTR_CAPABILITY, 2, dev_capab, group_capab)
def p2p_attr_device_id(addr):
val = struct.unpack('6B', binascii.unhexlify(addr.replace(':','')))
t = (P2P_ATTR_DEVICE_ID, 6) + val
return struct.pack('<BH6B', *t)
def p2p_attr_go_intent(go_intent=0, tie_breaker=0):
return struct.pack("<BHB", P2P_ATTR_GROUP_OWNER_INTENT, 1,
(go_intent << 1) | (tie_breaker & 0x01))
def p2p_attr_config_timeout(go_config_timeout=0, client_config_timeout=0):
return struct.pack("<BHBB", P2P_ATTR_CONFIGURATION_TIMEOUT, 2,
go_config_timeout, client_config_timeout)
def p2p_attr_listen_channel(op_class=81, chan=1):
return struct.pack("<BHBBBBB", P2P_ATTR_LISTEN_CHANNEL, 5,
0x58, 0x58, 0x04, op_class, chan)
def p2p_attr_group_bssid(addr):
val = struct.unpack('6B', binascii.unhexlify(addr.replace(':','')))
t = (P2P_ATTR_GROUP_BSSID, 6) + val
return struct.pack('<BH6B', *t)
def p2p_attr_ext_listen_timing(period=0, interval=0):
return struct.pack("<BHHH", P2P_ATTR_EXT_LISTEN_TIMING, 4, period, interval)
def p2p_attr_intended_interface_addr(addr):
val = struct.unpack('6B', binascii.unhexlify(addr.replace(':','')))
return struct.pack('<BH6B', *t)
def p2p_attr_manageability(bitmap=0):
return struct.pack("<BHB", P2P_ATTR_MANAGEABILITY, 1, bitmap)
def p2p_attr_channel_list():
return struct.pack("<BH3BBB11B", P2P_ATTR_CHANNEL_LIST, 16,
0x58, 0x58, 0x04,
81, 11, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)
def p2p_attr_device_info(addr, name="Test", config_methods=0, dev_type="00010050F2040001"):
val = struct.unpack('6B', binascii.unhexlify(addr.replace(':','')))
val2 = struct.unpack('8B', binascii.unhexlify(dev_type))
t = (P2P_ATTR_DEVICE_INFO, 6 + 2 + 8 + 1 + 4 + len(name)) + val
t2 = val2 + (0,)
return struct.pack("<BH6B", *t) + struct.pack(">H", config_methods) + struct.pack("8BB", *t2) + struct.pack('>HH', 0x1011, len(name)) +name
def p2p_attr_group_id(addr, ssid):
val = struct.unpack('6B', binascii.unhexlify(addr.replace(':','')))
t = (P2P_ATTR_GROUP_ID, 6 + len(ssid)) + val
return struct.pack('<BH6B', *t) + ssid
def p2p_attr_operating_channel(op_class=81, chan=1):
return struct.pack("<BHBBBBB", P2P_ATTR_OPERATING_CHANNEL, 5,
0x58, 0x58, 0x04, op_class, chan)
def p2p_attr_invitation_flags(bitmap=0):
return struct.pack("<BHB", P2P_ATTR_INVITATION_FLAGS, 1, bitmap)
def p2p_hdr_helper(dst, src, type=None, dialog_token=1, req=True):
msg = {}
msg['fc'] = MGMT_SUBTYPE_ACTION << 4
msg['da'] = dst
msg['sa'] = src
if req:
msg['bssid'] = dst
msg['bssid'] = src
msg['payload'] = struct.pack("<BBBBBB",
ACTION_CATEG_PUBLIC, 9, 0x50, 0x6f, 0x9a, 9)
if type is not None:
msg['payload'] += struct.pack("<B", type)
if dialog_token:
msg['payload'] += struct.pack("<B", dialog_token)
return msg
def p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=None, dialog_token=1):
return p2p_hdr_helper(dst, src, type, dialog_token, True)
def p2p_hdr_resp(dst, src, type=None, dialog_token=1):
return p2p_hdr_helper(dst, src, type, dialog_token, False)
def start_p2p(dev, apdev):
addr0 = dev[0].p2p_dev_addr()
ev = dev[1].wait_global_event(["P2P-DEVICE-FOUND"], timeout=5)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Device discovery timed out")
peer = dev[1].get_peer(addr0)
bssid = apdev[0]['bssid']
params = { 'ssid': "test", 'beacon_int': "2000" }
if peer['listen_freq'] == "2412":
params['channel'] = '1'
elif peer['listen_freq'] == "2437":
params['channel'] = '6'
elif peer['listen_freq'] == "2462":
params['channel'] = '11'
hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0]['ifname'], params)
hapd.set("ext_mgmt_frame_handling", "1")
return addr0, bssid, hapd, int(params['channel'])
def p2p_probe(hapd, src, chan=1):
msg = {}
msg['fc'] = MGMT_SUBTYPE_PROBE_REQ << 4
msg['da'] = "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff"
msg['sa'] = src
msg['bssid'] = "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff"
attrs = p2p_attr_listen_channel(chan=chan)
msg['payload'] = ie_ssid("DIRECT-") + ie_supp_rates() + ie_p2p(attrs)
def parse_p2p_public_action(payload):
pos = payload
(category, action) = struct.unpack('BB', pos[0:2])
if category != ACTION_CATEG_PUBLIC:
return None
if action != 9:
return None
pos = pos[2:]
(oui1,oui2,oui3,subtype) = struct.unpack('BBBB', pos[0:4])
if oui1 != 0x50 or oui2 != 0x6f or oui3 != 0x9a or subtype != 9:
return None
pos = pos[4:]
(subtype,dialog_token) = struct.unpack('BB', pos[0:2])
p2p = {}
p2p['subtype'] = subtype
p2p['dialog_token'] = dialog_token
pos = pos[2:]
p2p['elements'] = pos
while len(pos) > 2:
(id,elen) = struct.unpack('BB', pos[0:2])
pos = pos[2:]
if elen > len(pos):
raise Exception("Truncated IE in P2P Public Action frame (elen=%d left=%d)" % (elen, len(pos)))
if elen < 4:
raise Exception("Too short vendor specific IE in P2P Public Action frame (elen=%d)" % elen)
(oui1,oui2,oui3,subtype) = struct.unpack('BBBB', pos[0:4])
if oui1 == 0x50 and oui2 == 0x6f and oui3 == 0x9a and subtype == 9:
if 'p2p' in p2p:
p2p['p2p'] += pos[4:elen]
p2p['p2p'] = pos[4:elen]
if oui1 == 0x00 and oui2 == 0x50 and oui3 == 0xf2 and subtype == 4:
p2p['wsc'] = pos[4:elen]
pos = pos[elen:]
if len(pos) > 0:
raise Exception("Invalid element in P2P Public Action frame")
if 'p2p' in p2p:
p2p['p2p_attrs'] = {}
pos = p2p['p2p']
while len(pos) >= 3:
(id,alen) = struct.unpack('<BH', pos[0:3])
pos = pos[3:]
if alen > len(pos):
logger.info("P2P payload: " + binascii.hexlify(p2p['p2p']))
raise Exception("Truncated P2P attribute in P2P Public Action frame (alen=%d left=%d p2p-payload=%d)" % (alen, len(pos), len(p2p['p2p'])))
p2p['p2p_attrs'][id] = pos[0:alen]
pos = pos[alen:]
if P2P_ATTR_STATUS in p2p['p2p_attrs']:
p2p['p2p_status'] = struct.unpack('B', p2p['p2p_attrs'][P2P_ATTR_STATUS])[0]
if 'wsc' in p2p:
p2p['wsc_attrs'] = {}
pos = p2p['wsc']
while len(pos) >= 4:
(id,alen) = struct.unpack('>HH', pos[0:4])
pos = pos[4:]
if alen > len(pos):
logger.info("WSC payload: " + binascii.hexlify(p2p['wsc']))
raise Exception("Truncated WSC attribute in P2P Public Action frame (alen=%d left=%d wsc-payload=%d)" % (alen, len(pos), len(p2p['wsc'])))
p2p['wsc_attrs'][id] = pos[0:alen]
pos = pos[alen:]
return p2p
def test_p2p_msg_empty(dev, apdev):
"""P2P protocol test: empty P2P Public Action frame"""
dst, src, hapd, channel = start_p2p(dev, apdev)
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src)
def test_p2p_msg_long_ssid(dev, apdev):
"""P2P protocol test: Too long SSID in P2P Public Action frame"""
dst, src, hapd, channel = start_p2p(dev, apdev)
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=1)
attrs = p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs += p2p_attr_invitation_flags()
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
attrs += p2p_attr_group_bssid(src)
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
attrs += p2p_attr_group_id(src, 'DIRECT-foo')
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(src, config_methods=0x0108)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
msg['payload'] += ie_ssid(255 * 'A')
ev = dev[0].wait_event(["P2P-DEVICE-FOUND"], timeout=5)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Timeout on device found event")
def test_p2p_msg_long_dev_name(dev, apdev):
"""P2P protocol test: Too long Device Name in P2P Public Action frame"""
dst, src, hapd, channel = start_p2p(dev, apdev)
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=1)
attrs = p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs += p2p_attr_invitation_flags()
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
attrs += p2p_attr_group_bssid(src)
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
attrs += p2p_attr_group_id(src, 'DIRECT-foo')
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(src, config_methods=0x0108,
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
ev = dev[0].wait_event(["P2P-DEVICE-FOUND"], timeout=0.1)
if ev is not None:
raise Exception("Unexpected device found event")
def test_p2p_msg_invitation_req(dev, apdev):
"""P2P protocol tests for invitation request processing"""
dst, src, hapd, channel = start_p2p(dev, apdev)
# Empty P2P Invitation Request (missing dialog token)
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=None)
dialog_token = 0
# Various p2p_parse() failure cases due to invalid attributes
# Too short attribute header
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BB", P2P_ATTR_CAPABILITY, 0)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Minimal attribute underflow
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BH", P2P_ATTR_CAPABILITY, 1)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Large attribute underflow
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BHB", P2P_ATTR_CAPABILITY, 0xffff, 1)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Too short Capability attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BHB", P2P_ATTR_CAPABILITY, 1, 0)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Too short Device ID attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
val = struct.unpack('5B', binascii.unhexlify("1122334455"))
t = (P2P_ATTR_DEVICE_ID, 5) + val
attrs = struct.pack('<BH5B', *t)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Too short GO Intent attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BH", P2P_ATTR_GROUP_OWNER_INTENT, 0)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Too short Status attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BH", P2P_ATTR_STATUS, 0)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# null Listen channel and too short Listen Channel attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BH", P2P_ATTR_LISTEN_CHANNEL, 0)
attrs += struct.pack("<BHB", P2P_ATTR_LISTEN_CHANNEL, 1, 0)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# null Operating channel and too short Operating Channel attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BH", P2P_ATTR_OPERATING_CHANNEL, 0)
attrs += struct.pack("<BHB", P2P_ATTR_OPERATING_CHANNEL, 1, 0)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Too short Channel List attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BHBB", P2P_ATTR_CHANNEL_LIST, 2, 1, 2)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Too short Device Info attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BHBB", P2P_ATTR_DEVICE_INFO, 2, 1, 2)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Truncated Secondary Device Types in Device Info attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BH6BH8BB", P2P_ATTR_DEVICE_INFO, 6 + 2 + 8 + 1,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0xaa, 0xbb, 0xcc, 0xdd, 0xee, 0xff, 0x11, 0x22,
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Missing Device Name in Device Info attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BH6BH8BB8B", P2P_ATTR_DEVICE_INFO, 6 + 2 + 8 + 1 + 8,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Invalid Device Name header in Device Info attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BH6BH8BB8B4B", P2P_ATTR_DEVICE_INFO, 6 + 2 + 8 + 1 + 8 + 4,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
0x11, 0x12, 0, 0)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Invalid Device Name header length in Device Info attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BH6BH8BB8B4B", P2P_ATTR_DEVICE_INFO, 6 + 2 + 8 + 1 + 8 + 4,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
0x10, 0x11, 0xff, 0xff)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Invalid Device Name header length in Device Info attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
devname = 'A'
attrs = struct.pack("<BH6BH8BB8B4B", P2P_ATTR_DEVICE_INFO, 6 + 2 + 8 + 1 + 8 + 4 + len(devname),
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
0x10, 0x11, 0, len(devname) + 1) + devname
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Device Name filtering and too long Device Name in Device Info attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BH6BH8BB8B4B4B", P2P_ATTR_DEVICE_INFO, 6 + 2 + 8 + 1 + 8 + 4 + 4,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
0x10, 0x11, 0, 4,
64, 9, 0, 64)
devname = '123456789012345678901234567890123'
attrs += struct.pack("<BH6BH8BB8B4B", P2P_ATTR_DEVICE_INFO, 6 + 2 + 8 + 1 + 8 + 4 + len(devname),
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,
0x10, 0x11, 0, len(devname)) + devname
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Too short Configuration Timeout attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BHB", P2P_ATTR_CONFIGURATION_TIMEOUT, 1, 1)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Too short Intended P2P Interface Address attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BHB", P2P_ATTR_INTENDED_INTERFACE_ADDR, 1, 1)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Too short P2P Group BSSID attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BHB", P2P_ATTR_GROUP_BSSID, 1, 1)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Too short P2P Group ID attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BHB", P2P_ATTR_GROUP_ID, 1, 1)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Too long P2P Group ID attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BH6B", P2P_ATTR_GROUP_ID, 6 + 33, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + "123456789012345678901234567890123"
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Too short Invitation Flags attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BH", P2P_ATTR_INVITATION_FLAGS, 0)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Valid and too short Manageability attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_manageability()
attrs += struct.pack("<BH", P2P_ATTR_MANAGEABILITY, 0)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Too short NoA attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BHB", P2P_ATTR_NOTICE_OF_ABSENCE, 1, 1)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Valid and too short Extended Listen Timing attributes
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_ext_listen_timing(period=100, interval=50)
attrs += struct.pack("<BHBBB", P2P_ATTR_EXT_LISTEN_TIMING, 3, 0, 0, 0)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Valid and too short Minor Reason Code attributes
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_minor_reason_code(code=2)
attrs += struct.pack("<BH", P2P_ATTR_MINOR_REASON_CODE, 0)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Unknown attribute and too short OOB GO Negotiation Channel attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BHB", 99, 1, 1)
attrs += struct.pack("<BHB", P2P_ATTR_OOB_GO_NEG_CHANNEL, 1, 1)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Too short Service Hash attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BH5B", P2P_ATTR_SERVICE_HASH, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Too short Connection Capability attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BH", P2P_ATTR_CONNECTION_CAPABILITY, 0)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Too short Advertisement ID attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BH9B", P2P_ATTR_ADVERTISEMENT_ID, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Truncated and too short Service Instance attributes
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BH8B", P2P_ATTR_ADVERTISED_SERVICE, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 2, 8)
attrs += struct.pack("<BH7B", P2P_ATTR_ADVERTISED_SERVICE, 7, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Too short Session ID attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BH4B", P2P_ATTR_SESSION_ID, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Too short Feature Capability attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BH", P2P_ATTR_FEATURE_CAPABILITY, 0)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Too short Persistent Group attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BH5B", P2P_ATTR_PERSISTENT_GROUP, 5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
# Too long Persistent Group attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BH9L3B", P2P_ATTR_PERSISTENT_GROUP, 6 + 32 + 1,
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1, 2, 3)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
if hapd.mgmt_rx(timeout=0.5) is not None:
raise Exception("Unexpected management frame received")
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs += p2p_attr_invitation_flags()
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
attrs += p2p_attr_group_bssid(src)
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
attrs += p2p_attr_group_id(src, "DIRECT-foo")
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(src, config_methods=0x0108)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
ev = dev[0].wait_global_event(["P2P-DEVICE-FOUND"], timeout=5)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Timeout on device found event")
ev = dev[0].wait_global_event(["P2P-INVITATION-RECEIVED"], timeout=5)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Timeout on invitation event " + str(dialog_token))
if hapd.mgmt_rx(timeout=1) is None:
raise Exception("No invitation response " + str(dialog_token))
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs += p2p_attr_invitation_flags()
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
attrs += p2p_attr_group_bssid(src)
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
attrs += p2p_attr_group_id(src, "DIRECT-foo")
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(src, config_methods=0x0108)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
ev = dev[0].wait_global_event(["P2P-INVITATION-RECEIVED"], timeout=5)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Timeout on invitation event " + str(dialog_token))
if hapd.mgmt_rx(timeout=1) is None:
raise Exception("No invitation response " + str(dialog_token))
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
#attrs = p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs = p2p_attr_invitation_flags()
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
attrs += p2p_attr_group_bssid(src)
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
attrs += p2p_attr_group_id(src, "DIRECT-foo")
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(src, config_methods=0x0108)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
if hapd.mgmt_rx(timeout=1) is None:
raise Exception("No invitation response " + str(dialog_token))
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_config_timeout()
#attrs = p2p_attr_invitation_flags()
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
attrs += p2p_attr_group_bssid(src)
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
attrs += p2p_attr_group_id(src, "DIRECT-foo")
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(src, config_methods=0x0108)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
if hapd.mgmt_rx(timeout=1) is None:
raise Exception("No invitation response " + str(dialog_token))
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs = p2p_attr_invitation_flags()
#attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
attrs += p2p_attr_group_bssid(src)
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
attrs += p2p_attr_group_id(src, "DIRECT-foo")
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(src, config_methods=0x0108)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
if hapd.mgmt_rx(timeout=1) is None:
raise Exception("No invitation response " + str(dialog_token))
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs = p2p_attr_invitation_flags()
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
#attrs += p2p_attr_group_bssid(src)
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
attrs += p2p_attr_group_id(src, "DIRECT-foo")
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(src, config_methods=0x0108)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
if hapd.mgmt_rx(timeout=1) is None:
raise Exception("No invitation response " + str(dialog_token))
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs = p2p_attr_invitation_flags()
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
attrs += p2p_attr_group_bssid(src)
#attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
attrs += p2p_attr_group_id(src, "DIRECT-foo")
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(src, config_methods=0x0108)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
if hapd.mgmt_rx(timeout=1) is None:
raise Exception("No invitation response " + str(dialog_token))
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs = p2p_attr_invitation_flags()
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
attrs += p2p_attr_group_bssid(src)
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
#attrs += p2p_attr_group_id(src, "DIRECT-foo")
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(src, config_methods=0x0108)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
if hapd.mgmt_rx(timeout=1) is None:
raise Exception("No invitation response " + str(dialog_token))
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs = p2p_attr_invitation_flags()
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
attrs += p2p_attr_group_bssid(src)
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
attrs += p2p_attr_group_id(src, "DIRECT-foo")
#attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(src, config_methods=0x0108)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
if hapd.mgmt_rx(timeout=1) is None:
raise Exception("No invitation response " + str(dialog_token))
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
if hapd.mgmt_rx(timeout=1) is None:
raise Exception("No invitation response " + str(dialog_token))
# Unusable peer operating channel preference
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs = p2p_attr_invitation_flags()
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel(chan=15)
attrs += p2p_attr_group_bssid(src)
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
attrs += p2p_attr_group_id(src, "DIRECT-foo")
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(src, config_methods=0x0108)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
if hapd.mgmt_rx(timeout=1) is None:
raise Exception("No invitation response " + str(dialog_token))
def test_p2p_msg_invitation_req_to_go(dev, apdev):
"""P2P protocol tests for invitation request processing on GO device"""
res = form(dev[0], dev[1])
addr0 = dev[0].p2p_dev_addr()
addr1 = dev[1].p2p_dev_addr()
peer = dev[1].get_peer(addr0)
listen_freq = peer['listen_freq']
if "FAIL" in dev[1].request("SET ext_mgmt_frame_handling 1"):
raise Exception("Failed to enable external management frame handling")
networks = dev[0].list_networks()
if len(networks) != 1:
raise Exception("Unexpected number of networks")
if "[P2P-PERSISTENT]" not in networks[0]['flags']:
raise Exception("Not the persistent group data")
dev[0].p2p_start_go(persistent=networks[0]['id'], freq=listen_freq)
dialog_token = 0
# Unusable peer operating channel preference
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(addr0, addr1, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ,
attrs = p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs = p2p_attr_invitation_flags(bitmap=1)
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel(chan=15)
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
attrs += p2p_attr_group_id(res['go_dev_addr'], res['ssid'])
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(addr1, config_methods=0x0108)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
mgmt_tx(dev[1], "MGMT_TX {} {} freq={} wait_time=200 no_cck=1 action={}".format(addr0, addr0, peer['listen_freq'], binascii.hexlify(msg['payload'])))
rx_msg = dev[1].mgmt_rx()
if rx_msg is None:
raise Exception("MGMT-RX timeout")
p2p = parse_p2p_public_action(rx_msg['payload'])
if p2p is None:
raise Exception("Not a P2P Public Action frame " + str(dialog_token))
if p2p['subtype'] != P2P_INVITATION_RESP:
raise Exception("Unexpected subtype %d" % p2p['subtype'])
if p2p['p2p_status'] != 0:
raise Exception("Unexpected status %d" % p2p['p2p_status'])
# Forced channel re-selection due to channel list
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(addr0, addr1, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ,
attrs = p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs = p2p_attr_invitation_flags(bitmap=1)
attrs += struct.pack("<BH3BBBB", P2P_ATTR_CHANNEL_LIST, 6,
0x58, 0x58, 0x04,
81, 1, 3)
attrs += p2p_attr_group_id(res['go_dev_addr'], res['ssid'])
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(addr1, config_methods=0x0108)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
mgmt_tx(dev[1], "MGMT_TX {} {} freq={} wait_time=200 no_cck=1 action={}".format(addr0, addr0, peer['listen_freq'], binascii.hexlify(msg['payload'])))
rx_msg = dev[1].mgmt_rx()
if rx_msg is None:
raise Exception("MGMT-RX timeout")
p2p = parse_p2p_public_action(rx_msg['payload'])
if p2p is None:
raise Exception("Not a P2P Public Action frame " + str(dialog_token))
if p2p['subtype'] != P2P_INVITATION_RESP:
raise Exception("Unexpected subtype %d" % p2p['subtype'])
if p2p['p2p_status'] != 7 and dev[1].get_mcc() <= 1:
raise Exception("Unexpected status %d" % p2p['p2p_status'])
def test_p2p_msg_invitation_req_unknown(dev, apdev):
"""P2P protocol tests for invitation request from unknown peer"""
dst, src, hapd, channel = start_p2p(dev, apdev)
dialog_token = 0
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs += p2p_attr_invitation_flags()
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
attrs += p2p_attr_group_bssid(src)
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
#attrs += p2p_attr_group_id(src, "DIRECT-foo")
#attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(src, config_methods=0x0108)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
ev = dev[0].wait_global_event(["P2P-INVITATION-RECEIVED"], timeout=5)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Timeout on invitation event " + str(dialog_token))
if hapd.mgmt_rx(timeout=1) is None:
raise Exception("No invitation response " + str(dialog_token))
def test_p2p_msg_invitation_no_common_channels(dev, apdev):
"""P2P protocol tests for invitation request without common channels"""
dst, src, hapd, channel = start_p2p(dev, apdev)
dialog_token = 0
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs += p2p_attr_invitation_flags()
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
attrs += p2p_attr_group_bssid(src)
attrs += struct.pack("<BH3BBB", P2P_ATTR_CHANNEL_LIST, 5,
0x58, 0x58, 0x04,
81, 0)
attrs += p2p_attr_group_id(src, "DIRECT-foo")
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(src, config_methods=0x0108)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
if hapd.mgmt_rx(timeout=1) is None:
raise Exception("No invitation response " + str(dialog_token))
ev = dev[0].wait_event(["P2P-INVITATION-RECEIVED"], timeout=0.1)
if ev is not None:
raise Exception("Unexpected invitation event")
def test_p2p_msg_invitation_resp(dev, apdev):
"""P2P protocol tests for invitation response processing"""
form(dev[0], dev[1])
dst, src, hapd, channel = start_p2p(dev, apdev)
addr0 = dev[0].p2p_dev_addr()
addr1 = dev[1].p2p_dev_addr()
peer = dev[1].get_peer(addr0)
# P2P Invitation Response from unknown peer
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_RESP, dialog_token=1)
# P2P Invitation Response from peer that is not in invitation
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_RESP, dialog_token=2)
attrs = p2p_attr_status()
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
mgmt_tx(dev[1], "MGMT_TX {} {} freq={} wait_time=200 no_cck=1 action={}".format(addr0, addr0, peer['listen_freq'], binascii.hexlify(msg['payload'])))
if "FAIL" in dev[1].request("SET ext_mgmt_frame_handling 1"):
raise Exception("Failed to enable external management frame handling")
invite(dev[0], dev[1])
rx_msg = dev[1].mgmt_rx()
if rx_msg is None:
raise Exception("MGMT-RX timeout")
p2p = parse_p2p_public_action(rx_msg['payload'])
if p2p is None:
raise Exception("Not a P2P Public Action frame " + str(dialog_token))
if p2p['subtype'] != P2P_INVITATION_REQ:
raise Exception("Unexpected subtype %d" % p2p['subtype'])
# Invalid attribute to cause p2p_parse() failure
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_RESP, dialog_token=p2p['dialog_token'])
attrs = struct.pack("<BB", P2P_ATTR_CAPABILITY, 0)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
mgmt_tx(dev[1], "MGMT_TX {} {} freq={} wait_time=200 no_cck=1 action={}".format(addr0, addr0, rx_msg['freq'], binascii.hexlify(msg['payload'])))
invite(dev[0], dev[1])
rx_msg = dev[1].mgmt_rx()
if rx_msg is None:
raise Exception("MGMT-RX timeout")
p2p = parse_p2p_public_action(rx_msg['payload'])
if p2p is None:
raise Exception("Not a P2P Public Action frame " + str(dialog_token))
if p2p['subtype'] != P2P_INVITATION_REQ:
raise Exception("Unexpected subtype %d" % p2p['subtype'])
# missing mandatory Status attribute
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_RESP, dialog_token=p2p['dialog_token'])
attrs = p2p_attr_channel_list()
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
mgmt_tx(dev[1], "MGMT_TX {} {} freq={} wait_time=200 no_cck=1 action={}".format(addr0, addr0, rx_msg['freq'], binascii.hexlify(msg['payload'])))
invite(dev[0], dev[1])
rx_msg = dev[1].mgmt_rx()
if rx_msg is None:
raise Exception("MGMT-RX timeout")
p2p = parse_p2p_public_action(rx_msg['payload'])
if p2p is None:
raise Exception("Not a P2P Public Action frame " + str(dialog_token))
if p2p['subtype'] != P2P_INVITATION_REQ:
raise Exception("Unexpected subtype %d" % p2p['subtype'])
# no channel match (no common channel found at all)
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_RESP, dialog_token=p2p['dialog_token'])
attrs = p2p_attr_status()
attrs += struct.pack("<BH3BBBB", P2P_ATTR_CHANNEL_LIST, 6,
0x58, 0x58, 0x04,
81, 1, 15)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
mgmt_tx(dev[1], "MGMT_TX {} {} freq={} wait_time=200 no_cck=1 action={}".format(addr0, addr0, rx_msg['freq'], binascii.hexlify(msg['payload'])))
invite(dev[0], dev[1])
rx_msg = dev[1].mgmt_rx()
if rx_msg is None:
raise Exception("MGMT-RX timeout")
p2p = parse_p2p_public_action(rx_msg['payload'])
if p2p is None:
raise Exception("Not a P2P Public Action frame " + str(dialog_token))
if p2p['subtype'] != P2P_INVITATION_REQ:
raise Exception("Unexpected subtype %d" % p2p['subtype'])
# no channel match (no acceptable P2P channel)
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_RESP, dialog_token=p2p['dialog_token'])
attrs = p2p_attr_status()
attrs += struct.pack("<BH3BBBB", P2P_ATTR_CHANNEL_LIST, 6,
0x58, 0x58, 0x04,
81, 1, 12)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
mgmt_tx(dev[1], "MGMT_TX {} {} freq={} wait_time=200 no_cck=1 action={}".format(addr0, addr0, rx_msg['freq'], binascii.hexlify(msg['payload'])))
invite(dev[0], dev[1])
rx_msg = dev[1].mgmt_rx()
if rx_msg is None:
raise Exception("MGMT-RX timeout")
p2p = parse_p2p_public_action(rx_msg['payload'])
if p2p is None:
raise Exception("Not a P2P Public Action frame " + str(dialog_token))
if p2p['subtype'] != P2P_INVITATION_REQ:
raise Exception("Unexpected subtype %d" % p2p['subtype'])
# missing mandatory Channel List attribute (ignored as a workaround)
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_INVITATION_RESP, dialog_token=p2p['dialog_token'])
attrs = p2p_attr_status()
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
mgmt_tx(dev[1], "MGMT_TX {} {} freq={} wait_time=200 no_cck=1 action={}".format(addr0, addr0, rx_msg['freq'], binascii.hexlify(msg['payload'])))
ev = dev[0].wait_global_event(["P2P-GROUP-STARTED"], timeout=15);
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Group was not started")
def test_p2p_msg_invitation_resend(dev, apdev):
"""P2P protocol tests for invitation resending on no-common-channels"""
form(dev[0], dev[1])
addr0 = dev[0].p2p_dev_addr()
addr1 = dev[1].p2p_dev_addr()
if "FAIL" in dev[1].request("SET ext_mgmt_frame_handling 1"):
raise Exception("Failed to enable external management frame handling")
logger.info("Forced channel in invitation")
invite(dev[0], dev[1], extra="freq=2422")
rx_msg = dev[1].mgmt_rx()
if rx_msg is None:
raise Exception("MGMT-RX timeout")
p2p = parse_p2p_public_action(rx_msg['payload'])
if p2p is None:
raise Exception("Not a P2P Public Action frame " + str(dialog_token))
if p2p['subtype'] != P2P_INVITATION_REQ:
raise Exception("Unexpected subtype %d" % p2p['subtype'])
msg = p2p_hdr(addr0, addr1, type=P2P_INVITATION_RESP,
attrs = p2p_attr_status(status=P2P_SC_FAIL_NO_COMMON_CHANNELS)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
mgmt_tx(dev[1], "MGMT_TX {} {} freq={} wait_time=200 no_cck=1 action={}".format(addr0, addr0, rx_msg['freq'], binascii.hexlify(msg['payload'])))
ev = dev[0].wait_global_event(["P2P-INVITATION-RESULT"], timeout=15)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Timeout on invitation result");
if "status=7" not in ev:
raise Exception("Unexpected invitation result: " + ev)
logger.info("Any channel allowed, only preference provided in invitation");
invite(dev[0], dev[1], extra="pref=2422")
rx_msg = dev[1].mgmt_rx()
if rx_msg is None:
raise Exception("MGMT-RX timeout")
p2p = parse_p2p_public_action(rx_msg['payload'])
if p2p is None:
raise Exception("Not a P2P Public Action frame " + str(dialog_token))
if p2p['subtype'] != P2P_INVITATION_REQ:
raise Exception("Unexpected subtype %d" % p2p['subtype'])
msg = p2p_hdr(addr0, addr1, type=P2P_INVITATION_RESP,
attrs = p2p_attr_status(status=P2P_SC_FAIL_NO_COMMON_CHANNELS)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
if "FAIL" in dev[1].request("SET ext_mgmt_frame_handling 0"):
raise Exception("Failed to disable external management frame handling")
mgmt_tx(dev[1], "MGMT_TX {} {} freq={} wait_time=200 no_cck=1 action={}".format(addr0, addr0, rx_msg['freq'], binascii.hexlify(msg['payload'])))
ev = dev[0].wait_global_event(["P2P-INVITATION-RESULT"], timeout=15)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Timeout on invitation result");
if "status=0" not in ev:
raise Exception("Unexpected invitation result: " + ev)
ev = dev[0].wait_global_event(["P2P-GROUP-STARTED"], timeout=15);
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Group was not started on dev0")
ev = dev[1].wait_global_event(["P2P-GROUP-STARTED"], timeout=15);
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Group was not started on dev1")
def test_p2p_msg_invitation_resend_duplicate(dev, apdev):
"""P2P protocol tests for invitation resending on no-common-channels and duplicated response"""
form(dev[0], dev[1])
addr0 = dev[0].p2p_dev_addr()
addr1 = dev[1].p2p_dev_addr()
if "FAIL" in dev[1].request("SET ext_mgmt_frame_handling 1"):
raise Exception("Failed to enable external management frame handling")
logger.info("Any channel allowed, only preference provided in invitation");
invite(dev[0], dev[1], extra="pref=2422")
rx_msg = dev[1].mgmt_rx()
if rx_msg is None:
raise Exception("MGMT-RX timeout")
p2p = parse_p2p_public_action(rx_msg['payload'])
if p2p is None:
raise Exception("Not a P2P Public Action frame " + str(dialog_token))
if p2p['subtype'] != P2P_INVITATION_REQ:
raise Exception("Unexpected subtype %d" % p2p['subtype'])
msg = p2p_hdr(addr0, addr1, type=P2P_INVITATION_RESP,
attrs = p2p_attr_status(status=P2P_SC_FAIL_NO_COMMON_CHANNELS)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
mgmt_tx(dev[1], "MGMT_TX {} {} freq={} wait_time=200 no_cck=1 action={}".format(addr0, addr0, rx_msg['freq'], binascii.hexlify(msg['payload'])))
rx_msg = dev[1].mgmt_rx()
if rx_msg is None:
raise Exception("MGMT-RX timeout")
p2p = parse_p2p_public_action(rx_msg['payload'])
if p2p is None:
raise Exception("Not a P2P Public Action frame " + str(dialog_token))
if p2p['subtype'] != P2P_INVITATION_REQ:
raise Exception("Unexpected subtype %d" % p2p['subtype'])
logger.info("Retransmit duplicate of previous response")
mgmt_tx(dev[1], "MGMT_TX {} {} freq={} wait_time=200 no_cck=1 action={}".format(addr0, addr0, rx_msg['freq'], binascii.hexlify(msg['payload'])))
logger.info("Transmit real response")
msg = p2p_hdr(addr0, addr1, type=P2P_INVITATION_RESP,
attrs = p2p_attr_status(status=P2P_SC_SUCCESS)
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
if "FAIL" in dev[1].request("MGMT_TX {} {} freq={} wait_time=200 no_cck=1 action={}".format(addr0, addr0, rx_msg['freq'], binascii.hexlify(msg['payload']))):
raise Exception("Failed to transmit real response")
dev[1].request("SET ext_mgmt_frame_handling 0")
ev = dev[0].wait_global_event(["P2P-INVITATION-RESULT"], timeout=10)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Timeout on invitation result");
if "status=0" not in ev:
raise Exception("Unexpected invitation result: " + ev)
ev = dev[0].wait_global_event(["P2P-GROUP-STARTED"], timeout=10)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Group formation timed out")
def test_p2p_msg_pd_req(dev, apdev):
"""P2P protocol tests for provision discovery request processing"""
dst, src, hapd, channel = start_p2p(dev, apdev)
dialog_token = 0
# Too short attribute header
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_PROV_DISC_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BB", P2P_ATTR_CAPABILITY, 0)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
if hapd.mgmt_rx(timeout=0.5) is not None:
raise Exception("Unexpected management frame received")
# No attributes
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_PROV_DISC_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = ""
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
if hapd.mgmt_rx(timeout=1) is None:
raise Exception("No PD response " + str(dialog_token))
# Valid request
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_PROV_DISC_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = wsc_attr_config_methods(methods=0x1008)
msg['payload'] += ie_wsc(attrs)
attrs = p2p_attr_capability()
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(src, config_methods=0x0108)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
ev = dev[0].wait_global_event(["P2P-DEVICE-FOUND"], timeout=5)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Timeout on device found event")
ev = dev[0].wait_global_event(["P2P-PROV-DISC-SHOW-PIN"], timeout=5)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Timeout on PD event")
if hapd.mgmt_rx(timeout=1) is None:
raise Exception("No PD response " + str(dialog_token))
# Unknown group
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_PROV_DISC_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = wsc_attr_config_methods(methods=0x1008)
msg['payload'] += ie_wsc(attrs)
attrs = p2p_attr_capability()
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(src, config_methods=0x0108)
attrs += p2p_attr_group_id("02:02:02:02:02:02", "DIRECT-foo")
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
if hapd.mgmt_rx(timeout=1) is None:
raise Exception("No PD response " + str(dialog_token))
ev = dev[0].wait_global_event(["P2P-PROV-DISC-SHOW-PIN"], timeout=1)
if ev is not None:
raise Exception("Unexpected PD event")
# Listen channel is not yet known
if "FAIL" not in dev[0].global_request("P2P_PROV_DISC " + src + " display"):
raise Exception("Unexpected P2P_PROV_DISC success")
# Unknown peer
if "FAIL" not in dev[0].global_request("P2P_PROV_DISC 02:03:04:05:06:07 display"):
raise Exception("Unexpected P2P_PROV_DISC success (2)")
def test_p2p_msg_pd(dev, apdev):
"""P2P protocol tests for provision discovery request processing (known)"""
dst, src, hapd, channel = start_p2p(dev, apdev)
dialog_token = 0
p2p_probe(hapd, src, chan=channel)
# Valid request
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_PROV_DISC_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = wsc_attr_config_methods(methods=0x1008)
msg['payload'] += ie_wsc(attrs)
attrs = p2p_attr_capability()
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(src, config_methods=0x0108)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
ev = dev[0].wait_global_event(["P2P-DEVICE-FOUND"], timeout=5)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Timeout on device found event")
ev = dev[0].wait_global_event(["P2P-PROV-DISC-SHOW-PIN"], timeout=5)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Timeout on PD event")
if hapd.mgmt_rx(timeout=1) is None:
raise Exception("No PD response " + str(dialog_token))
if "FAIL" in dev[0].global_request("P2P_PROV_DISC " + src + " display"):
raise Exception("Unexpected P2P_PROV_DISC failure")
frame = hapd.mgmt_rx(timeout=1)
if frame is None:
raise Exception("No PD request " + str(dialog_token))
p2p = parse_p2p_public_action(frame['payload'])
if p2p is None:
raise Exception("Failed to parse PD request")
# invalid dialog token
msg = p2p_hdr_resp(dst, src, type=P2P_PROV_DISC_RESP,
dialog_token=p2p['dialog_token'] + 1)
ev = dev[0].wait_global_event(["P2P-PROV-DISC-FAILURE"], timeout=0.1)
if ev is not None:
raise Exception("Unexpected PD result event")
# valid dialog token
msg = p2p_hdr_resp(dst, src, type=P2P_PROV_DISC_RESP,
ev = dev[0].wait_global_event(["P2P-PROV-DISC-FAILURE"], timeout=5)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Timeout on PD result event")
# valid dialog token
msg = p2p_hdr_resp(dst, src, type=P2P_PROV_DISC_RESP,
ev = dev[0].wait_global_event(["P2P-PROV-DISC-FAILURE"], timeout=0.1)
if ev is not None:
raise Exception("Unexpected PD result event")
def check_p2p_response(hapd, dialog_token, status):
resp = hapd.mgmt_rx(timeout=2)
if resp is None:
raise Exception("No GO Neg Response " + str(dialog_token))
p2p = parse_p2p_public_action(resp['payload'])
if p2p is None:
raise Exception("Not a P2P Public Action frame " + str(dialog_token))
if dialog_token != p2p['dialog_token']:
raise Exception("Unexpected dialog token in response")
if p2p['p2p_status'] != status:
raise Exception("Unexpected status code %s in response (expected %d)" % (p2p['p2p_status'], status))
def test_p2p_msg_go_neg_both_start(dev, apdev):
"""P2P protocol test for simultaneous GO Neg initiation"""
addr0 = dev[0].p2p_dev_addr()
addr1 = dev[1].p2p_dev_addr()
if "FAIL" in dev[0].request("SET ext_mgmt_frame_handling 1"):
raise Exception("Failed to enable external management frame handling")
if "FAIL" in dev[1].request("SET ext_mgmt_frame_handling 1"):
raise Exception("Failed to enable external management frame handling")
dev[0].request("P2P_CONNECT {} pbc".format(addr1))
dev[1].request("P2P_CONNECT {} pbc".format(addr0))
msg = dev[0].mgmt_rx()
if msg is None:
raise Exception("MGMT-RX timeout")
msg = dev[1].mgmt_rx()
if msg is None:
raise Exception("MGMT-RX timeout(2)")
if "FAIL" in dev[0].request("SET ext_mgmt_frame_handling 0"):
raise Exception("Failed to disable external management frame handling")
ev = dev[0].wait_global_event(["P2P-GO-NEG-SUCCESS"], timeout=2)
if ev is not None:
raise Exception("Unexpected GO Neg success")
if "FAIL" in dev[1].request("SET ext_mgmt_frame_handling 0"):
raise Exception("Failed to disable external management frame handling")
ev = dev[0].wait_global_event(["P2P-GO-NEG-SUCCESS"], timeout=10)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("GO Neg did not succeed")
ev = dev[0].wait_global_event(["P2P-GROUP-STARTED"], timeout=5);
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Group formation not succeed")
ev = dev[1].wait_global_event(["P2P-GROUP-STARTED"], timeout=5);
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Group formation not succeed")
def test_p2p_msg_go_neg_req(dev, apdev):
"""P2P protocol tests for invitation request from unknown peer"""
dst, src, hapd, channel = start_p2p(dev, apdev)
dialog_token = 0
# invalid attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_GO_NEG_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = struct.pack("<BB", P2P_ATTR_CAPABILITY, 0)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
frame = hapd.mgmt_rx(timeout=0.1)
if frame is not None:
print frame
raise Exception("Unexpected GO Neg Response")
# missing atributes
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_GO_NEG_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_capability()
attrs += p2p_attr_go_intent()
attrs += p2p_attr_config_timeout()
#attrs += p2p_attr_listen_channel()
attrs += p2p_attr_ext_listen_timing()
attrs += p2p_attr_intended_interface_addr("02:02:02:02:02:02")
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(src, config_methods=0x0108)
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
if hapd.mgmt_rx(timeout=2) is None:
raise Exception("No GO Neg Response " + str(dialog_token))
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_GO_NEG_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_capability()
attrs += p2p_attr_go_intent()
attrs += p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs += p2p_attr_listen_channel()
attrs += p2p_attr_ext_listen_timing()
attrs += p2p_attr_intended_interface_addr("02:02:02:02:02:02")
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(src, config_methods=0x0108)
#attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
if hapd.mgmt_rx(timeout=2) is None:
raise Exception("No GO Neg Response " + str(dialog_token))
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_GO_NEG_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_capability()
attrs += p2p_attr_go_intent()
attrs += p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs += p2p_attr_listen_channel()
attrs += p2p_attr_ext_listen_timing()
attrs += p2p_attr_intended_interface_addr("02:02:02:02:02:02")
#attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(src, config_methods=0x0108)
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
if hapd.mgmt_rx(timeout=2) is None:
raise Exception("No GO Neg Response " + str(dialog_token))
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_GO_NEG_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_capability()
attrs += p2p_attr_go_intent()
attrs += p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs += p2p_attr_listen_channel()
attrs += p2p_attr_ext_listen_timing()
#attrs += p2p_attr_intended_interface_addr("02:02:02:02:02:02")
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(src, config_methods=0x0108)
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
if hapd.mgmt_rx(timeout=2) is None:
raise Exception("No GO Neg Response " + str(dialog_token))
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_GO_NEG_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_capability()
attrs += p2p_attr_go_intent()
attrs += p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs += p2p_attr_listen_channel()
attrs += p2p_attr_ext_listen_timing()
attrs += p2p_attr_intended_interface_addr("02:02:02:02:02:02")
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
#attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(src, config_methods=0x0108)
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
if hapd.mgmt_rx(timeout=2) is None:
raise Exception("No GO Neg Response " + str(dialog_token))
# SA != P2P Device address
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_GO_NEG_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_capability()
attrs += p2p_attr_go_intent()
attrs += p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs += p2p_attr_listen_channel()
attrs += p2p_attr_ext_listen_timing()
attrs += p2p_attr_intended_interface_addr("02:02:02:02:02:02")
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info("02:02:02:02:02:02", config_methods=0x0108)
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
if hapd.mgmt_rx(timeout=2) is None:
raise Exception("No GO Neg Response " + str(dialog_token))
# unexpected Status attribute
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_GO_NEG_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_capability()
attrs += p2p_attr_go_intent()
attrs += p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs += p2p_attr_listen_channel()
attrs += p2p_attr_ext_listen_timing()
attrs += p2p_attr_intended_interface_addr("02:02:02:02:02:02")
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(src, config_methods=0x0108)
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
attrs += p2p_attr_status(status=P2P_SC_FAIL_INFO_CURRENTLY_UNAVAILABLE)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
if hapd.mgmt_rx(timeout=2) is None:
raise Exception("No GO Neg Response(1) " + str(dialog_token))
# valid (with workarounds) GO Neg Req
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_GO_NEG_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
#attrs = p2p_attr_capability()
#attrs += p2p_attr_go_intent()
#attrs += p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs = p2p_attr_listen_channel()
attrs += p2p_attr_ext_listen_timing()
attrs += p2p_attr_intended_interface_addr("02:02:02:02:02:02")
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(src, config_methods=0x0108)
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
check_p2p_response(hapd, dialog_token,
ev = dev[0].wait_global_event(["P2P-GO-NEG-REQUEST"], timeout=2)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Timeout on GO Neg event " + str(dialog_token))
dev[0].request("P2P_CONNECT " + src + " 12345670 display auth")
# ready - missing attributes (with workarounds) GO Neg Req
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_GO_NEG_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
#attrs = p2p_attr_capability()
#attrs += p2p_attr_go_intent()
#attrs += p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs = p2p_attr_listen_channel()
attrs += p2p_attr_ext_listen_timing()
attrs += p2p_attr_intended_interface_addr("02:02:02:02:02:02")
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(src, config_methods=0x0108)
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
if hapd.mgmt_rx(timeout=2) is None:
raise Exception("No GO Neg Response " + str(dialog_token))
# ready - invalid GO Intent GO Neg Req
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_GO_NEG_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
#attrs = p2p_attr_capability()
attrs = p2p_attr_go_intent(go_intent=16)
#attrs += p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs += p2p_attr_listen_channel()
attrs += p2p_attr_ext_listen_timing()
attrs += p2p_attr_intended_interface_addr("02:02:02:02:02:02")
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(src, config_methods=0x0108)
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
check_p2p_response(hapd, dialog_token, P2P_SC_FAIL_INVALID_PARAMS)
# ready - invalid Channel List
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_GO_NEG_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_capability()
attrs += p2p_attr_go_intent()
attrs += p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs += p2p_attr_listen_channel()
attrs += p2p_attr_ext_listen_timing()
attrs += p2p_attr_intended_interface_addr("02:02:02:02:02:02")
attrs += struct.pack("<BH3BBB11B", P2P_ATTR_CHANNEL_LIST, 16,
0x58, 0x58, 0x04,
81, 12, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(src, config_methods=0x0108)
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
check_p2p_response(hapd, dialog_token, P2P_SC_FAIL_NO_COMMON_CHANNELS)
# ready - invalid GO Neg Req (unsupported Device Password ID)
dialog_token += 1
msg = p2p_hdr(dst, src, type=P2P_GO_NEG_REQ, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_capability()
attrs += p2p_attr_go_intent()
attrs += p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs += p2p_attr_listen_channel()
attrs += p2p_attr_ext_listen_timing()
attrs += p2p_attr_intended_interface_addr("02:02:02:02:02:02")
# very long channel list
attrs += struct.pack("<BH3BBB11B30B", P2P_ATTR_CHANNEL_LIST, 46,
0x58, 0x58, 0x04,
81, 11, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,
1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 3, 4, 1, 4, 5, 1, 5,
6, 1, 6, 7, 1, 7, 8, 1, 8, 9, 1, 9, 10, 1, 10)
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(src, config_methods=0x0108)
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
check_p2p_response(hapd, dialog_token, P2P_SC_FAIL_INCOMPATIBLE_PROV_METHOD)
def mgmt_tx(dev, msg):
for i in range(0, 20):
if "FAIL" in dev.request(msg):
raise Exception("Failed to send Action frame")
ev = dev.wait_event(["MGMT-TX-STATUS"], timeout=10)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Timeout on MGMT-TX-STATUS")
if "result=SUCCESS" in ev:
if "result=SUCCESS" not in ev:
raise Exception("Peer did not ack Action frame")
def rx_go_neg_req(dev):
msg = dev.mgmt_rx()
if msg is None:
raise Exception("MGMT-RX timeout")
p2p = parse_p2p_public_action(msg['payload'])
if p2p is None:
raise Exception("Not a P2P Public Action frame " + str(dialog_token))
if p2p['subtype'] != P2P_GO_NEG_REQ:
raise Exception("Unexpected subtype %d" % p2p['subtype'])
p2p['freq'] = msg['freq']
return p2p
def rx_go_neg_conf(dev, status=None, dialog_token=None):
msg = dev.mgmt_rx()
if msg is None:
raise Exception("MGMT-RX timeout")
p2p = parse_p2p_public_action(msg['payload'])
if p2p is None:
raise Exception("Not a P2P Public Action frame " + str(dialog_token))
if p2p['subtype'] != P2P_GO_NEG_CONF:
raise Exception("Unexpected subtype %d" % p2p['subtype'])
if dialog_token is not None and dialog_token != p2p['dialog_token']:
raise Exception("Unexpected dialog token")
if status is not None and p2p['p2p_status'] != status:
raise Exception("Unexpected status %d" % p2p['p2p_status'])
def check_p2p_go_neg_fail_event(dev, status):
ev = dev.wait_global_event(["P2P-GO-NEG-FAILURE"], timeout=5)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("GO Negotiation failure not reported")
if "status=%d" % status not in ev:
raise Exception("Unexpected failure reason: " + ev)
def test_p2p_msg_go_neg_req_reject(dev, apdev):
"""P2P protocol tests for user reject incorrectly in GO Neg Req"""
addr0 = dev[0].p2p_dev_addr()
addr1 = dev[1].p2p_dev_addr()
dev[1].group_request("P2P_CONNECT " + addr0 + " pbc")
ev = dev[0].wait_global_event(["P2P-GO-NEG-REQUEST"], timeout=10)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Timeout on GO Neg Req")
peer = dev[0].get_peer(addr1)
msg = p2p_hdr(addr1, addr0, type=P2P_GO_NEG_REQ, dialog_token=123)
attrs = p2p_attr_capability()
attrs += p2p_attr_status(status=P2P_SC_FAIL_REJECTED_BY_USER)
attrs += p2p_attr_go_intent()
attrs += p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs += p2p_attr_listen_channel()
attrs += p2p_attr_ext_listen_timing()
attrs += p2p_attr_intended_interface_addr(addr0)
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(addr0, config_methods=0x0108)
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
mgmt_tx(dev[0], "MGMT_TX {} {} freq={} wait_time=10 no_cck=1 action={}".format(addr1, addr1, peer['listen_freq'], binascii.hexlify(msg['payload'])))
ev = dev[1].wait_global_event(["P2P-GO-NEG-FAILURE"], timeout=5)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("GO Negotiation failure not reported")
if "status=%d" % P2P_SC_FAIL_REJECTED_BY_USER not in ev:
raise Exception("Unexpected failure reason: " + ev)
def test_p2p_msg_unexpected_go_neg_resp(dev, apdev):
"""P2P protocol tests for unexpected GO Neg Resp"""
addr0 = dev[0].p2p_dev_addr()
addr1 = dev[1].p2p_dev_addr()
peer = dev[0].get_peer(addr1)
logger.debug("GO Neg Resp without GO Neg session")
msg = p2p_hdr(addr1, addr0, type=P2P_GO_NEG_RESP, dialog_token=123)
attrs = p2p_attr_status()
attrs += p2p_attr_capability()
attrs += p2p_attr_go_intent()
attrs += p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs += p2p_attr_intended_interface_addr(addr0)
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(addr0, config_methods=0x0108)
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
mgmt_tx(dev[0], "MGMT_TX {} {} freq={} wait_time=10 no_cck=1 action={}".format(addr1, addr1, peer['listen_freq'], binascii.hexlify(msg['payload'])))
logger.debug("Unexpected GO Neg Resp while waiting for new GO Neg session")
if "FAIL" in dev[1].global_request("P2P_CONNECT " + addr0 + " pbc"):
raise Exception("P2P_CONNECT failed")
ev = dev[0].wait_global_event(["P2P-GO-NEG-REQUEST"], timeout=10)
if ev is None:
raise Exception("Timeout on GO Neg Req")
mgmt_tx(dev[0], "MGMT_TX {} {} freq={} wait_time=10 no_cck=1 action={}".format(addr1, addr1, peer['listen_freq'], binascii.hexlify(msg['payload'])))
logger.debug("Invalid attribute in GO Neg Response")
msg = p2p_hdr(addr1, addr0, type=P2P_GO_NEG_RESP, dialog_token=197)
attrs = struct.pack("<BB", P2P_ATTR_CAPABILITY, 0)
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
mgmt_tx(dev[0], "MGMT_TX {} {} freq={} wait_time=10 no_cck=1 action={}".format(addr1, addr1, peer['listen_freq'], binascii.hexlify(msg['payload'])))
frame = dev[0].mgmt_rx(timeout=0.1)
if frame is not None:
raise Exception("Unexpected GO Neg Confirm")
logger.debug("GO Neg Resp with unexpected dialog token")
if "FAIL" in dev[0].request("SET ext_mgmt_frame_handling 1"):
raise Exception("Failed to enable external management frame handling")
if "FAIL" in dev[1].global_request("P2P_CONNECT " + addr0 + " pbc"):
raise Exception("P2P_CONNECT failed(2)")
p2p = rx_go_neg_req(dev[0])
dialog_token = p2p['dialog_token']
if dialog_token < 255:
dialog_token += 1
dialog_token = 1
msg = p2p_hdr(addr1, addr0, type=P2P_GO_NEG_RESP, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_status()
attrs += p2p_attr_capability()
attrs += p2p_attr_go_intent()
attrs += p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs += p2p_attr_intended_interface_addr(addr0)
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(addr0, config_methods=0x0108)
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
mgmt_tx(dev[0], "MGMT_TX {} {} freq={} wait_time=200 no_cck=1 action={}".format(addr1, addr1, p2p['freq'], binascii.hexlify(msg['payload'])))
logger.debug("GO Neg Resp without Status")
if "FAIL" in dev[1].global_request("P2P_CONNECT " + addr0 + " pbc"):
raise Exception("P2P_CONNECT failed(2)")
p2p = rx_go_neg_req(dev[0])
dialog_token = p2p['dialog_token']
msg = p2p_hdr(addr1, addr0, type=P2P_GO_NEG_RESP, dialog_token=dialog_token)
#attrs = p2p_attr_status()
attrs = p2p_attr_capability()
attrs += p2p_attr_go_intent()
attrs += p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs += p2p_attr_intended_interface_addr(addr0)
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(addr0, config_methods=0x0108)
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
mgmt_tx(dev[0], "MGMT_TX {} {} freq={} wait_time=200 no_cck=1 action={}".format(addr1, addr1, p2p['freq'], binascii.hexlify(msg['payload'])))
check_p2p_go_neg_fail_event(dev[1], P2P_SC_FAIL_INVALID_PARAMS)
rx_go_neg_conf(dev[0], P2P_SC_FAIL_INVALID_PARAMS, dialog_token)
logger.debug("GO Neg Resp without Intended Address")
if "FAIL" in dev[1].global_request("P2P_CONNECT " + addr0 + " pbc"):
raise Exception("P2P_CONNECT failed(2)")
p2p = rx_go_neg_req(dev[0])
dialog_token = p2p['dialog_token']
msg = p2p_hdr(addr1, addr0, type=P2P_GO_NEG_RESP, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_status()
#attrs += p2p_attr_capability()
attrs += p2p_attr_go_intent()
attrs += p2p_attr_config_timeout()
#attrs += p2p_attr_intended_interface_addr(addr0)
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
#attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(addr0, config_methods=0x0108)
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
mgmt_tx(dev[0], "MGMT_TX {} {} freq={} wait_time=200 no_cck=1 action={}".format(addr1, addr1, p2p['freq'], binascii.hexlify(msg['payload'])))
check_p2p_go_neg_fail_event(dev[1], P2P_SC_FAIL_INVALID_PARAMS)
rx_go_neg_conf(dev[0], P2P_SC_FAIL_INVALID_PARAMS, dialog_token)
logger.debug("GO Neg Resp without GO Intent")
if "FAIL" in dev[1].global_request("P2P_CONNECT " + addr0 + " pbc"):
raise Exception("P2P_CONNECT failed(2)")
p2p = rx_go_neg_req(dev[0])
dialog_token = p2p['dialog_token']
msg = p2p_hdr(addr1, addr0, type=P2P_GO_NEG_RESP, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_status()
attrs += p2p_attr_capability()
#attrs += p2p_attr_go_intent()
attrs += p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs += p2p_attr_intended_interface_addr(addr0)
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(addr0, config_methods=0x0108)
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
mgmt_tx(dev[0], "MGMT_TX {} {} freq={} wait_time=200 no_cck=1 action={}".format(addr1, addr1, p2p['freq'], binascii.hexlify(msg['payload'])))
check_p2p_go_neg_fail_event(dev[1], P2P_SC_FAIL_INVALID_PARAMS)
rx_go_neg_conf(dev[0], P2P_SC_FAIL_INVALID_PARAMS, dialog_token)
logger.debug("GO Neg Resp with invalid GO Intent")
if "FAIL" in dev[1].global_request("P2P_CONNECT " + addr0 + " pbc"):
raise Exception("P2P_CONNECT failed(2)")
p2p = rx_go_neg_req(dev[0])
dialog_token = p2p['dialog_token']
msg = p2p_hdr(addr1, addr0, type=P2P_GO_NEG_RESP, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_status()
attrs += p2p_attr_capability()
attrs += p2p_attr_go_intent(go_intent=16)
attrs += p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs += p2p_attr_intended_interface_addr(addr0)
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(addr0, config_methods=0x0108)
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
mgmt_tx(dev[0], "MGMT_TX {} {} freq={} wait_time=200 no_cck=1 action={}".format(addr1, addr1, p2p['freq'], binascii.hexlify(msg['payload'])))
check_p2p_go_neg_fail_event(dev[1], P2P_SC_FAIL_INVALID_PARAMS)
rx_go_neg_conf(dev[0], P2P_SC_FAIL_INVALID_PARAMS, dialog_token)
logger.debug("GO Neg Resp with incompatible GO Intent")
if "FAIL" in dev[1].global_request("P2P_CONNECT " + addr0 + " pbc go_intent=15"):
raise Exception("P2P_CONNECT failed(2)")
p2p = rx_go_neg_req(dev[0])
dialog_token = p2p['dialog_token']
msg = p2p_hdr(addr1, addr0, type=P2P_GO_NEG_RESP, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_status()
attrs += p2p_attr_capability()
attrs += p2p_attr_go_intent(go_intent=15)
attrs += p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs += p2p_attr_intended_interface_addr(addr0)
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(addr0, config_methods=0x0108)
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
mgmt_tx(dev[0], "MGMT_TX {} {} freq={} wait_time=200 no_cck=1 action={}".format(addr1, addr1, p2p['freq'], binascii.hexlify(msg['payload'])))
check_p2p_go_neg_fail_event(dev[1], P2P_SC_FAIL_INCOMPATIBLE_PARAMS)
rx_go_neg_conf(dev[0], P2P_SC_FAIL_INCOMPATIBLE_PARAMS, dialog_token)
logger.debug("GO Neg Resp without P2P Group ID")
if "FAIL" in dev[1].global_request("P2P_CONNECT " + addr0 + " pbc go_intent=0"):
raise Exception("P2P_CONNECT failed(2)")
p2p = rx_go_neg_req(dev[0])
dialog_token = p2p['dialog_token']
msg = p2p_hdr(addr1, addr0, type=P2P_GO_NEG_RESP, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_status()
attrs += p2p_attr_capability()
attrs += p2p_attr_go_intent(go_intent=15)
attrs += p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs += p2p_attr_intended_interface_addr(addr0)
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(addr0, config_methods=0x0108)
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
#attrs += p2p_attr_group_id(src, "DIRECT-foo")
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
mgmt_tx(dev[0], "MGMT_TX {} {} freq={} wait_time=200 no_cck=1 action={}".format(addr1, addr1, p2p['freq'], binascii.hexlify(msg['payload'])))
check_p2p_go_neg_fail_event(dev[1], P2P_SC_FAIL_INVALID_PARAMS)
rx_go_neg_conf(dev[0], P2P_SC_FAIL_INVALID_PARAMS, dialog_token)
logger.debug("GO Neg Resp without Operating Channel")
if "FAIL" in dev[1].global_request("P2P_CONNECT " + addr0 + " pbc go_intent=0"):
raise Exception("P2P_CONNECT failed(2)")
p2p = rx_go_neg_req(dev[0])
dialog_token = p2p['dialog_token']
msg = p2p_hdr(addr1, addr0, type=P2P_GO_NEG_RESP, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_status()
attrs += p2p_attr_capability()
attrs += p2p_attr_go_intent(go_intent=15)
#attrs += p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs += p2p_attr_intended_interface_addr(addr0)
attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(addr0, config_methods=0x0108)
#attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
attrs += p2p_attr_group_id(addr0, "DIRECT-foo")
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
mgmt_tx(dev[0], "MGMT_TX {} {} freq={} wait_time=200 no_cck=1 action={}".format(addr1, addr1, p2p['freq'], binascii.hexlify(msg['payload'])))
check_p2p_go_neg_fail_event(dev[1], P2P_SC_FAIL_INVALID_PARAMS)
rx_go_neg_conf(dev[0], P2P_SC_FAIL_INVALID_PARAMS, dialog_token)
logger.debug("GO Neg Resp without Channel List")
if "FAIL" in dev[1].global_request("P2P_CONNECT " + addr0 + " pbc go_intent=0"):
raise Exception("P2P_CONNECT failed(2)")
p2p = rx_go_neg_req(dev[0])
dialog_token = p2p['dialog_token']
msg = p2p_hdr(addr1, addr0, type=P2P_GO_NEG_RESP, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_status()
attrs += p2p_attr_capability()
attrs += p2p_attr_go_intent(go_intent=15)
attrs += p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs += p2p_attr_intended_interface_addr(addr0)
#attrs += p2p_attr_channel_list()
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(addr0, config_methods=0x0108)
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
attrs += p2p_attr_group_id(addr0, "DIRECT-foo")
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
mgmt_tx(dev[0], "MGMT_TX {} {} freq={} wait_time=200 no_cck=1 action={}".format(addr1, addr1, p2p['freq'], binascii.hexlify(msg['payload'])))
check_p2p_go_neg_fail_event(dev[1], P2P_SC_FAIL_INVALID_PARAMS)
rx_go_neg_conf(dev[0], P2P_SC_FAIL_INVALID_PARAMS, dialog_token)
logger.debug("GO Neg Resp without common channels")
if "FAIL" in dev[1].global_request("P2P_CONNECT " + addr0 + " pbc go_intent=0"):
raise Exception("P2P_CONNECT failed(2)")
p2p = rx_go_neg_req(dev[0])
dialog_token = p2p['dialog_token']
msg = p2p_hdr(addr1, addr0, type=P2P_GO_NEG_RESP, dialog_token=dialog_token)
attrs = p2p_attr_status()
attrs += p2p_attr_capability()
attrs += p2p_attr_go_intent(go_intent=15)
attrs += p2p_attr_config_timeout()
attrs += p2p_attr_intended_interface_addr(addr0)
attrs += struct.pack("<BH3BBB", P2P_ATTR_CHANNEL_LIST, 5,
0x58, 0x58, 0x04,
81, 0)
attrs += p2p_attr_device_info(addr0, config_methods=0x0108)
attrs += p2p_attr_operating_channel()
attrs += p2p_attr_group_id(addr0, "DIRECT-foo")
msg['payload'] += ie_p2p(attrs)
mgmt_tx(dev[0], "MGMT_TX {} {} freq={} wait_time=200 no_cck=1 action={}".format(addr1, addr1, p2p['freq'], binascii.hexlify(msg['payload'])))
check_p2p_go_neg_fail_event(dev[1], P2P_SC_FAIL_NO_COMMON_CHANNELS)
rx_go_neg_conf(dev[0], P2P_SC_FAIL_NO_COMMON_CHANNELS, dialog_token)
def test_p2p_msg_group_info(dev):
"""P2P protocol tests for Group Info parsing"""
dev[0].request("VENDOR_ELEM_REMOVE 2 *")
def _test_p2p_msg_group_info(dev):
tests = [ "dd08506f9a090e010001",
"dd20506f9a090e190018" + "112233445566" + "aabbccddeeff" + "00" + "0000" + "0000000000000000" + "ff",
"dd20506f9a090e190018" + "112233445566" + "aabbccddeeff" + "00" + "0000" + "0000000000000000" + "00",
"dd24506f9a090e1d001c" + "112233445566" + "aabbccddeeff" + "00" + "0000" + "0000000000000000" + "00" + "00000000",
"dd24506f9a090e1d001c" + "112233445566" + "aabbccddeeff" + "00" + "0000" + "0000000000000000" + "00" + "10110001",
"dd24506f9a090e1d001c" + "112233445566" + "aabbccddeeff" + "00" + "0000" + "0000000000000000" + "00" + "1011ffff" ]
for t in tests:
dev[0].request("VENDOR_ELEM_REMOVE 2 *")
if "OK" not in dev[0].request("VENDOR_ELEM_ADD 2 " + t):
raise Exception("VENDOR_ELEM_ADD failed")
bssid = dev[0].get_group_status_field('bssid')
dev[2].request("BSS_FLUSH 0")
dev[2].scan_for_bss(bssid, freq=2412, force_scan=True)
bss = dev[2].request("BSS " + bssid)
if 'p2p_group_client' in bss:
raise Exception("Unexpected p2p_group_client")
def gas_hdr(dst, src, type, req=True, dialog_token=0):
msg = {}
msg['fc'] = MGMT_SUBTYPE_ACTION << 4
msg['da'] = dst
msg['sa'] = src
if req:
msg['bssid'] = dst
msg['bssid'] = src
if dialog_token is None:
msg['payload'] = struct.pack("<BB", ACTION_CATEG_PUBLIC, type)
msg['payload'] = struct.pack("<BBB", ACTION_CATEG_PUBLIC, type,
return msg
def test_p2p_msg_sd(dev, apdev):
"""P2P protocol tests for service discovery messages"""
dst, src, hapd, channel = start_p2p(dev, apdev)
logger.debug("Truncated GAS Initial Request - no Dialog Token field")
msg = gas_hdr(dst, src, GAS_INITIAL_REQUEST, dialog_token=None)
logger.debug("Truncated GAS Initial Request - no Advertisement Protocol element")
msg = gas_hdr(dst, src, GAS_INITIAL_REQUEST)
logger.debug("Truncated GAS Initial Request - no Advertisement Protocol element length")
msg = gas_hdr(dst, src, GAS_INITIAL_REQUEST)
msg['payload'] += struct.pack('B', 108)
logger.debug("Invalid GAS Initial Request - unexpected IE")
msg = gas_hdr(dst, src, GAS_INITIAL_REQUEST)
msg['payload'] += struct.pack('BB', 0, 0)
logger.debug("Truncated GAS Initial Request - too short Advertisement Protocol element")
msg = gas_hdr(dst, src, GAS_INITIAL_REQUEST)
msg['payload'] += struct.pack('BB', 108, 0)
logger.debug("Truncated GAS Initial Request - too short Advertisement Protocol element 2")
msg = gas_hdr(dst, src, GAS_INITIAL_REQUEST)
msg['payload'] += struct.pack('BBB', 108, 1, 127)
logger.debug("Invalid GAS Initial Request - unsupported GAS advertisement protocol id 255")
msg = gas_hdr(dst, src, GAS_INITIAL_REQUEST)
msg['payload'] += struct.pack('BBBB', 108, 2, 127, 255)
logger.debug("Truncated GAS Initial Request - no Query Request length field")
msg = gas_hdr(dst, src, GAS_INITIAL_REQUEST)
msg['payload'] += anqp_adv_proto()
logger.debug("Truncated GAS Initial Request - too short Query Request length field")
msg = gas_hdr(dst, src, GAS_INITIAL_REQUEST)
msg['payload'] += anqp_adv_proto()
msg['payload'] += struct.pack('<B', 0)
logger.debug("Truncated GAS Initial Request - too short Query Request field (minimum underflow)")
msg = gas_hdr(dst, src, GAS_INITIAL_REQUEST)
msg['payload'] += anqp_adv_proto()
msg['payload'] += struct.pack('<H', 1)
logger.debug("Truncated GAS Initial Request - too short Query Request field (maximum underflow)")
msg = gas_hdr(dst, src, GAS_INITIAL_REQUEST)
msg['payload'] += anqp_adv_proto()
msg['payload'] += struct.pack('<H', 65535)
logger.debug("Truncated GAS Initial Request - too short Query Request field")
msg = gas_hdr(dst, src, GAS_INITIAL_REQUEST)
msg['payload'] += anqp_adv_proto()
msg['payload'] += struct.pack('<H', 0)
logger.debug("Invalid GAS Initial Request - unsupported ANQP Info ID 65535")
msg = gas_hdr(dst, src, GAS_INITIAL_REQUEST)
msg['payload'] += anqp_adv_proto()
msg['payload'] += struct.pack('<HHH', 4, 65535, 0)
logger.debug("Invalid GAS Initial Request - invalid ANQP Query Request length (truncated frame)")
msg = gas_hdr(dst, src, GAS_INITIAL_REQUEST)
msg['payload'] += anqp_adv_proto()
msg['payload'] += struct.pack('<HHH', 4, 56797, 65535)
logger.debug("Invalid GAS Initial Request - invalid ANQP Query Request length (too short Query Request to contain OUI + OUI-type)")
msg = gas_hdr(dst, src, GAS_INITIAL_REQUEST)
msg['payload'] += anqp_adv_proto()
msg['payload'] += struct.pack('<HHH', 4, 56797, 0)
logger.debug("Invalid GAS Initial Request - unsupported ANQP vendor OUI-type")
msg = gas_hdr(dst, src, GAS_INITIAL_REQUEST)
msg['payload'] += anqp_adv_proto()
req = struct.pack('<HH', 56797, 4) + struct.pack('>L', 0x506f9a00)
msg['payload'] += struct.pack('<H', len(req)) + req
logger.debug("Truncated GAS Initial Request - no Service Update Indicator")
msg = gas_hdr(dst, src, GAS_INITIAL_REQUEST)
msg['payload'] += anqp_adv_proto()
req = struct.pack('<HH', 56797, 4) + struct.pack('>L', 0x506f9a09)
msg['payload'] += struct.pack('<H', len(req)) + req
logger.debug("Truncated GAS Initial Request - truncated Service Update Indicator")
msg = gas_hdr(dst, src, GAS_INITIAL_REQUEST)
msg['payload'] += anqp_adv_proto()
req = struct.pack('<HH', 56797, 4) + struct.pack('>L', 0x506f9a09)
req += struct.pack('<B', 0)
msg['payload'] += struct.pack('<H', len(req)) + req
logger.debug("Unexpected GAS Initial Response")
msg = gas_hdr(dst, src, GAS_INITIAL_RESPONSE)
msg['payload'] += struct.pack('<HH', 0, 0)
msg['payload'] += anqp_adv_proto()
msg['payload'] += struct.pack('<H', 0)
logger.debug("Truncated GAS Comeback Request - no Dialog Token field")
msg = gas_hdr(dst, src, GAS_COMEBACK_REQUEST, dialog_token=None)
logger.debug("GAS Comeback Request - no pending SD response fragment available")
msg = gas_hdr(dst, src, GAS_COMEBACK_REQUEST)
logger.debug("Unexpected GAS Comeback Response")
msg = gas_hdr(dst, src, GAS_COMEBACK_RESPONSE)
msg['payload'] += struct.pack('<HBH', 0, 0, 0)
msg['payload'] += anqp_adv_proto()
msg['payload'] += struct.pack('<H', 0)
logger.debug("Minimal GAS Initial Request")
msg = gas_hdr(dst, src, GAS_INITIAL_REQUEST)
msg['payload'] += anqp_adv_proto()
req = struct.pack('<HH', 56797, 4) + struct.pack('>L', 0x506f9a09)
req += struct.pack('<H', 0)
msg['payload'] += struct.pack('<H', len(req)) + req
resp = hapd.mgmt_rx()
if resp is None:
raise Exception("No response to minimal GAS Initial Request")