/* * wlantest controller * Copyright (c) 2010, Jouni Malinen <j@w1.fi> * * This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license. * See README for more details. */ #include "utils/includes.h" #include <sys/un.h> #include "utils/common.h" #include "utils/eloop.h" #include "utils/edit.h" #include "wlantest_ctrl.h" static int get_cmd_arg_num(const char *str, int pos) { int arg = 0, i; for (i = 0; i <= pos; i++) { if (str[i] != ' ') { arg++; while (i <= pos && str[i] != ' ') i++; } } if (arg > 0) arg--; return arg; } static int get_prev_arg_pos(const char *str, int pos) { while (pos > 0 && str[pos - 1] != ' ') pos--; while (pos > 0 && str[pos - 1] == ' ') pos--; while (pos > 0 && str[pos - 1] != ' ') pos--; return pos; } static u8 * attr_get(u8 *buf, size_t buflen, enum wlantest_ctrl_attr attr, size_t *len) { u8 *pos = buf; while (pos + 8 <= buf + buflen) { enum wlantest_ctrl_attr a; size_t alen; a = WPA_GET_BE32(pos); pos += 4; alen = WPA_GET_BE32(pos); pos += 4; if (pos + alen > buf + buflen) { printf("Invalid control message attribute\n"); return NULL; } if (a == attr) { *len = alen; return pos; } pos += alen; } return NULL; } static u8 * attr_hdr_add(u8 *pos, u8 *end, enum wlantest_ctrl_attr attr, size_t len) { if (pos == NULL || end - pos < 8 + len) return NULL; WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, attr); pos += 4; WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, len); pos += 4; return pos; } static u8 * attr_add_str(u8 *pos, u8 *end, enum wlantest_ctrl_attr attr, const char *str) { size_t len = os_strlen(str); if (pos == NULL || end - pos < 8 + len) return NULL; WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, attr); pos += 4; WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, len); pos += 4; os_memcpy(pos, str, len); pos += len; return pos; } static u8 * attr_add_be32(u8 *pos, u8 *end, enum wlantest_ctrl_attr attr, u32 val) { if (pos == NULL || end - pos < 12) return NULL; WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, attr); pos += 4; WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, 4); pos += 4; WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, val); pos += 4; return pos; } static int cmd_send_and_recv(int s, const u8 *cmd, size_t cmd_len, u8 *resp, size_t max_resp_len) { int res; enum wlantest_ctrl_cmd cmd_resp; if (send(s, cmd, cmd_len, 0) < 0) return -1; res = recv(s, resp, max_resp_len, 0); if (res < 4) return -1; cmd_resp = WPA_GET_BE32(resp); if (cmd_resp == WLANTEST_CTRL_SUCCESS) return res; if (cmd_resp == WLANTEST_CTRL_UNKNOWN_CMD) printf("Unknown command\n"); else if (cmd_resp == WLANTEST_CTRL_INVALID_CMD) printf("Invalid command\n"); return -1; } static int cmd_simple(int s, enum wlantest_ctrl_cmd cmd) { u8 buf[4]; int res; WPA_PUT_BE32(buf, cmd); res = cmd_send_and_recv(s, buf, sizeof(buf), buf, sizeof(buf)); return res < 0 ? -1 : 0; } static char ** get_bssid_list(int s) { u8 resp[WLANTEST_CTRL_MAX_RESP_LEN]; u8 buf[4]; u8 *bssid; size_t len; int rlen, i; char **res; WPA_PUT_BE32(buf, WLANTEST_CTRL_LIST_BSS); rlen = cmd_send_and_recv(s, buf, sizeof(buf), resp, sizeof(resp)); if (rlen < 0) return NULL; bssid = attr_get(resp + 4, rlen - 4, WLANTEST_ATTR_BSSID, &len); if (bssid == NULL) return NULL; res = os_zalloc((len / ETH_ALEN + 1) * sizeof(char *)); if (res == NULL) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < len / ETH_ALEN; i++) { res[i] = os_zalloc(18); if (res[i] == NULL) break; os_snprintf(res[i], 18, MACSTR, MAC2STR(bssid + ETH_ALEN * i)); } return res; } static char ** get_sta_list(int s, const u8 *bssid, int add_bcast) { u8 resp[WLANTEST_CTRL_MAX_RESP_LEN]; u8 buf[100], *pos, *end; u8 *addr; size_t len; int rlen, i; char **res; pos = buf; end = buf + sizeof(buf); WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, WLANTEST_CTRL_LIST_STA); pos += 4; pos = attr_hdr_add(pos, end, WLANTEST_ATTR_BSSID, ETH_ALEN); os_memcpy(pos, bssid, ETH_ALEN); pos += ETH_ALEN; rlen = cmd_send_and_recv(s, buf, pos - buf, resp, sizeof(resp)); if (rlen < 0) return NULL; addr = attr_get(resp + 4, rlen - 4, WLANTEST_ATTR_STA_ADDR, &len); if (addr == NULL) return NULL; res = os_zalloc((len / ETH_ALEN + 1 + add_bcast) * sizeof(char *)); if (res == NULL) return NULL; for (i = 0; i < len / ETH_ALEN; i++) { res[i] = os_zalloc(18); if (res[i] == NULL) break; os_snprintf(res[i], 18, MACSTR, MAC2STR(addr + ETH_ALEN * i)); } if (add_bcast) res[i] = os_strdup("ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff"); return res; } static int cmd_ping(int s, int argc, char *argv[]) { int res = cmd_simple(s, WLANTEST_CTRL_PING); if (res == 0) printf("PONG\n"); return res == 0; } static int cmd_terminate(int s, int argc, char *argv[]) { return cmd_simple(s, WLANTEST_CTRL_TERMINATE); } static int cmd_list_bss(int s, int argc, char *argv[]) { u8 resp[WLANTEST_CTRL_MAX_RESP_LEN]; u8 buf[4]; u8 *bssid; size_t len; int rlen, i; WPA_PUT_BE32(buf, WLANTEST_CTRL_LIST_BSS); rlen = cmd_send_and_recv(s, buf, sizeof(buf), resp, sizeof(resp)); if (rlen < 0) return -1; bssid = attr_get(resp + 4, rlen - 4, WLANTEST_ATTR_BSSID, &len); if (bssid == NULL) return -1; for (i = 0; i < len / ETH_ALEN; i++) printf(MACSTR " ", MAC2STR(bssid + ETH_ALEN * i)); printf("\n"); return 0; } static int cmd_list_sta(int s, int argc, char *argv[]) { u8 resp[WLANTEST_CTRL_MAX_RESP_LEN]; u8 buf[100], *pos; u8 *addr; size_t len; int rlen, i; if (argc < 1) { printf("list_sta needs one argument: BSSID\n"); return -1; } pos = buf; WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, WLANTEST_CTRL_LIST_STA); pos += 4; WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, WLANTEST_ATTR_BSSID); pos += 4; WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, ETH_ALEN); pos += 4; if (hwaddr_aton(argv[0], pos) < 0) { printf("Invalid BSSID '%s'\n", argv[0]); return -1; } pos += ETH_ALEN; rlen = cmd_send_and_recv(s, buf, pos - buf, resp, sizeof(resp)); if (rlen < 0) return -1; addr = attr_get(resp + 4, rlen - 4, WLANTEST_ATTR_STA_ADDR, &len); if (addr == NULL) return -1; for (i = 0; i < len / ETH_ALEN; i++) printf(MACSTR " ", MAC2STR(addr + ETH_ALEN * i)); printf("\n"); return 0; } static char ** complete_list_sta(int s, const char *str, int pos) { if (get_cmd_arg_num(str, pos) == 1) return get_bssid_list(s); return NULL; } static int cmd_flush(int s, int argc, char *argv[]) { return cmd_simple(s, WLANTEST_CTRL_FLUSH); } static int cmd_clear_sta_counters(int s, int argc, char *argv[]) { u8 resp[WLANTEST_CTRL_MAX_RESP_LEN]; u8 buf[100], *pos; int rlen; if (argc < 2) { printf("clear_sta_counters needs two arguments: BSSID and " "STA address\n"); return -1; } pos = buf; WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, WLANTEST_CTRL_CLEAR_STA_COUNTERS); pos += 4; WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, WLANTEST_ATTR_BSSID); pos += 4; WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, ETH_ALEN); pos += 4; if (hwaddr_aton(argv[0], pos) < 0) { printf("Invalid BSSID '%s'\n", argv[0]); return -1; } pos += ETH_ALEN; WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, WLANTEST_ATTR_STA_ADDR); pos += 4; WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, ETH_ALEN); pos += 4; if (hwaddr_aton(argv[1], pos) < 0) { printf("Invalid STA address '%s'\n", argv[1]); return -1; } pos += ETH_ALEN; rlen = cmd_send_and_recv(s, buf, pos - buf, resp, sizeof(resp)); if (rlen < 0) return -1; printf("OK\n"); return 0; } static char ** complete_clear_sta_counters(int s, const char *str, int pos) { int arg = get_cmd_arg_num(str, pos); char **res = NULL; u8 addr[ETH_ALEN]; switch (arg) { case 1: res = get_bssid_list(s); break; case 2: if (hwaddr_aton(&str[get_prev_arg_pos(str, pos)], addr) < 0) break; res = get_sta_list(s, addr, 0); break; } return res; } static int cmd_clear_bss_counters(int s, int argc, char *argv[]) { u8 resp[WLANTEST_CTRL_MAX_RESP_LEN]; u8 buf[100], *pos; int rlen; if (argc < 1) { printf("clear_bss_counters needs one argument: BSSID\n"); return -1; } pos = buf; WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, WLANTEST_CTRL_CLEAR_BSS_COUNTERS); pos += 4; WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, WLANTEST_ATTR_BSSID); pos += 4; WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, ETH_ALEN); pos += 4; if (hwaddr_aton(argv[0], pos) < 0) { printf("Invalid BSSID '%s'\n", argv[0]); return -1; } pos += ETH_ALEN; rlen = cmd_send_and_recv(s, buf, pos - buf, resp, sizeof(resp)); if (rlen < 0) return -1; printf("OK\n"); return 0; } static char ** complete_clear_bss_counters(int s, const char *str, int pos) { if (get_cmd_arg_num(str, pos) == 1) return get_bssid_list(s); return NULL; } static int cmd_clear_tdls_counters(int s, int argc, char *argv[]) { u8 resp[WLANTEST_CTRL_MAX_RESP_LEN]; u8 buf[100], *pos; int rlen; if (argc < 3) { printf("clear_tdls_counters needs three arguments: BSSID, " "STA1 address, STA2 address\n"); return -1; } pos = buf; WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, WLANTEST_CTRL_CLEAR_TDLS_COUNTERS); pos += 4; WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, WLANTEST_ATTR_BSSID); pos += 4; WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, ETH_ALEN); pos += 4; if (hwaddr_aton(argv[0], pos) < 0) { printf("Invalid BSSID '%s'\n", argv[0]); return -1; } pos += ETH_ALEN; WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, WLANTEST_ATTR_STA_ADDR); pos += 4; WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, ETH_ALEN); pos += 4; if (hwaddr_aton(argv[1], pos) < 0) { printf("Invalid STA1 address '%s'\n", argv[1]); return -1; } pos += ETH_ALEN; WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, WLANTEST_ATTR_STA2_ADDR); pos += 4; WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, ETH_ALEN); pos += 4; if (hwaddr_aton(argv[2], pos) < 0) { printf("Invalid STA2 address '%s'\n", argv[2]); return -1; } pos += ETH_ALEN; rlen = cmd_send_and_recv(s, buf, pos - buf, resp, sizeof(resp)); if (rlen < 0) return -1; printf("OK\n"); return 0; } static char ** complete_clear_tdls_counters(int s, const char *str, int pos) { int arg = get_cmd_arg_num(str, pos); char **res = NULL; u8 addr[ETH_ALEN]; switch (arg) { case 1: res = get_bssid_list(s); break; case 2: case 3: if (hwaddr_aton(&str[get_prev_arg_pos(str, pos)], addr) < 0) break; res = get_sta_list(s, addr, 0); break; } return res; } struct sta_counters { const char *name; enum wlantest_sta_counter num; }; static const struct sta_counters sta_counters[] = { { "auth_tx", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_AUTH_TX }, { "auth_rx", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_AUTH_RX }, { "assocreq_tx", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_ASSOCREQ_TX }, { "reassocreq_tx", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_REASSOCREQ_TX }, { "ptk_learned", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_PTK_LEARNED }, { "valid_deauth_tx", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_VALID_DEAUTH_TX }, { "valid_deauth_rx", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_VALID_DEAUTH_RX }, { "invalid_deauth_tx", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_INVALID_DEAUTH_TX }, { "invalid_deauth_rx", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_INVALID_DEAUTH_RX }, { "valid_disassoc_tx", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_VALID_DISASSOC_TX }, { "valid_disassoc_rx", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_VALID_DISASSOC_RX }, { "invalid_disassoc_tx", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_INVALID_DISASSOC_TX }, { "invalid_disassoc_rx", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_INVALID_DISASSOC_RX }, { "valid_saqueryreq_tx", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_VALID_SAQUERYREQ_TX }, { "valid_saqueryreq_rx", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_VALID_SAQUERYREQ_RX }, { "invalid_saqueryreq_tx", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_INVALID_SAQUERYREQ_TX }, { "invalid_saqueryreq_rx", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_INVALID_SAQUERYREQ_RX }, { "valid_saqueryresp_tx", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_VALID_SAQUERYRESP_TX }, { "valid_saqueryresp_rx", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_VALID_SAQUERYRESP_RX }, { "invalid_saqueryresp_tx", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_INVALID_SAQUERYRESP_TX }, { "invalid_saqueryresp_rx", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_INVALID_SAQUERYRESP_RX }, { "ping_ok", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_PING_OK }, { "assocresp_comeback", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_ASSOCRESP_COMEBACK }, { "reassocresp_comeback", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_REASSOCRESP_COMEBACK }, { "ping_ok_first_assoc", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_PING_OK_FIRST_ASSOC }, { "valid_deauth_rx_ack", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_VALID_DEAUTH_RX_ACK }, { "valid_disassoc_rx_ack", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_VALID_DISASSOC_RX_ACK }, { "invalid_deauth_rx_ack", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_INVALID_DEAUTH_RX_ACK }, { "invalid_disassoc_rx_ack", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_INVALID_DISASSOC_RX_ACK }, { "deauth_rx_asleep", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_DEAUTH_RX_ASLEEP }, { "deauth_rx_awake", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_DEAUTH_RX_AWAKE }, { "disassoc_rx_asleep", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_DISASSOC_RX_ASLEEP }, { "disassoc_rx_awake", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_DISASSOC_RX_AWAKE }, { "prot_data_tx", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_PROT_DATA_TX }, { "deauth_rx_rc6", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_DEAUTH_RX_RC6 }, { "deauth_rx_rc7", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_DEAUTH_RX_RC7 }, { "disassoc_rx_rc6", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_DISASSOC_RX_RC6 }, { "disassoc_rx_rc7", WLANTEST_STA_COUNTER_DISASSOC_RX_RC7 }, { NULL, 0 } }; static int cmd_get_sta_counter(int s, int argc, char *argv[]) { u8 resp[WLANTEST_CTRL_MAX_RESP_LEN]; u8 buf[100], *end, *pos; int rlen, i; size_t len; if (argc != 3) { printf("get_sta_counter needs at three arguments: " "counter name, BSSID, and STA address\n"); return -1; } pos = buf; end = buf + sizeof(buf); WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, WLANTEST_CTRL_GET_STA_COUNTER); pos += 4; for (i = 0; sta_counters[i].name; i++) { if (os_strcasecmp(sta_counters[i].name, argv[0]) == 0) break; } if (sta_counters[i].name == NULL) { printf("Unknown STA counter '%s'\n", argv[0]); printf("Counters:"); for (i = 0; sta_counters[i].name; i++) printf(" %s", sta_counters[i].name); printf("\n"); return -1; } pos = attr_add_be32(pos, end, WLANTEST_ATTR_STA_COUNTER, sta_counters[i].num); pos = attr_hdr_add(pos, end, WLANTEST_ATTR_BSSID, ETH_ALEN); if (hwaddr_aton(argv[1], pos) < 0) { printf("Invalid BSSID '%s'\n", argv[1]); return -1; } pos += ETH_ALEN; pos = attr_hdr_add(pos, end, WLANTEST_ATTR_STA_ADDR, ETH_ALEN); if (hwaddr_aton(argv[2], pos) < 0) { printf("Invalid STA address '%s'\n", argv[2]); return -1; } pos += ETH_ALEN; rlen = cmd_send_and_recv(s, buf, pos - buf, resp, sizeof(resp)); if (rlen < 0) return -1; pos = attr_get(resp + 4, rlen - 4, WLANTEST_ATTR_COUNTER, &len); if (pos == NULL || len != 4) return -1; printf("%u\n", WPA_GET_BE32(pos)); return 0; } static char ** complete_get_sta_counter(int s, const char *str, int pos) { int arg = get_cmd_arg_num(str, pos); char **res = NULL; int i, count; u8 addr[ETH_ALEN]; switch (arg) { case 1: /* counter list */ count = sizeof(sta_counters) / sizeof(sta_counters[0]); res = os_zalloc(count * sizeof(char *)); if (res == NULL) return NULL; for (i = 0; sta_counters[i].name; i++) { res[i] = os_strdup(sta_counters[i].name); if (res[i] == NULL) break; } break; case 2: res = get_bssid_list(s); break; case 3: if (hwaddr_aton(&str[get_prev_arg_pos(str, pos)], addr) < 0) break; res = get_sta_list(s, addr, 0); break; } return res; } struct bss_counters { const char *name; enum wlantest_bss_counter num; }; static const struct bss_counters bss_counters[] = { { "valid_bip_mmie", WLANTEST_BSS_COUNTER_VALID_BIP_MMIE }, { "invalid_bip_mmie", WLANTEST_BSS_COUNTER_INVALID_BIP_MMIE }, { "missing_bip_mmie", WLANTEST_BSS_COUNTER_MISSING_BIP_MMIE }, { "bip_deauth", WLANTEST_BSS_COUNTER_BIP_DEAUTH }, { "bip_disassoc", WLANTEST_BSS_COUNTER_BIP_DISASSOC }, { NULL, 0 } }; static int cmd_get_bss_counter(int s, int argc, char *argv[]) { u8 resp[WLANTEST_CTRL_MAX_RESP_LEN]; u8 buf[100], *end, *pos; int rlen, i; size_t len; if (argc != 2) { printf("get_bss_counter needs at two arguments: " "counter name and BSSID\n"); return -1; } pos = buf; end = buf + sizeof(buf); WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, WLANTEST_CTRL_GET_BSS_COUNTER); pos += 4; for (i = 0; bss_counters[i].name; i++) { if (os_strcasecmp(bss_counters[i].name, argv[0]) == 0) break; } if (bss_counters[i].name == NULL) { printf("Unknown BSS counter '%s'\n", argv[0]); printf("Counters:"); for (i = 0; bss_counters[i].name; i++) printf(" %s", bss_counters[i].name); printf("\n"); return -1; } pos = attr_add_be32(pos, end, WLANTEST_ATTR_BSS_COUNTER, bss_counters[i].num); pos = attr_hdr_add(pos, end, WLANTEST_ATTR_BSSID, ETH_ALEN); if (hwaddr_aton(argv[1], pos) < 0) { printf("Invalid BSSID '%s'\n", argv[1]); return -1; } pos += ETH_ALEN; rlen = cmd_send_and_recv(s, buf, pos - buf, resp, sizeof(resp)); if (rlen < 0) return -1; pos = attr_get(resp + 4, rlen - 4, WLANTEST_ATTR_COUNTER, &len); if (pos == NULL || len != 4) return -1; printf("%u\n", WPA_GET_BE32(pos)); return 0; } static char ** complete_get_bss_counter(int s, const char *str, int pos) { int arg = get_cmd_arg_num(str, pos); char **res = NULL; int i, count; switch (arg) { case 1: /* counter list */ count = sizeof(bss_counters) / sizeof(bss_counters[0]); res = os_zalloc(count * sizeof(char *)); if (res == NULL) return NULL; for (i = 0; bss_counters[i].name; i++) { res[i] = os_strdup(bss_counters[i].name); if (res[i] == NULL) break; } break; case 2: res = get_bssid_list(s); break; } return res; } struct tdls_counters { const char *name; enum wlantest_tdls_counter num; }; static const struct tdls_counters tdls_counters[] = { { "valid_direct_link", WLANTEST_TDLS_COUNTER_VALID_DIRECT_LINK }, { "invalid_direct_link", WLANTEST_TDLS_COUNTER_INVALID_DIRECT_LINK }, { "valid_ap_path", WLANTEST_TDLS_COUNTER_VALID_AP_PATH }, { "invalid_ap_path", WLANTEST_TDLS_COUNTER_INVALID_AP_PATH }, { "setup_req", WLANTEST_TDLS_COUNTER_SETUP_REQ }, { "setup_resp_ok", WLANTEST_TDLS_COUNTER_SETUP_RESP_OK }, { "setup_resp_fail", WLANTEST_TDLS_COUNTER_SETUP_RESP_FAIL }, { "setup_conf_ok", WLANTEST_TDLS_COUNTER_SETUP_CONF_OK }, { "setup_conf_fail", WLANTEST_TDLS_COUNTER_SETUP_CONF_FAIL }, { "teardown", WLANTEST_TDLS_COUNTER_TEARDOWN }, { NULL, 0 } }; static int cmd_get_tdls_counter(int s, int argc, char *argv[]) { u8 resp[WLANTEST_CTRL_MAX_RESP_LEN]; u8 buf[100], *end, *pos; int rlen, i; size_t len; if (argc != 4) { printf("get_tdls_counter needs four arguments: " "counter name, BSSID, STA1 address, STA2 address\n"); return -1; } pos = buf; end = buf + sizeof(buf); WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, WLANTEST_CTRL_GET_TDLS_COUNTER); pos += 4; for (i = 0; tdls_counters[i].name; i++) { if (os_strcasecmp(tdls_counters[i].name, argv[0]) == 0) break; } if (tdls_counters[i].name == NULL) { printf("Unknown TDLS counter '%s'\n", argv[0]); printf("Counters:"); for (i = 0; tdls_counters[i].name; i++) printf(" %s", tdls_counters[i].name); printf("\n"); return -1; } pos = attr_add_be32(pos, end, WLANTEST_ATTR_TDLS_COUNTER, tdls_counters[i].num); pos = attr_hdr_add(pos, end, WLANTEST_ATTR_BSSID, ETH_ALEN); if (hwaddr_aton(argv[1], pos) < 0) { printf("Invalid BSSID '%s'\n", argv[1]); return -1; } pos += ETH_ALEN; pos = attr_hdr_add(pos, end, WLANTEST_ATTR_STA_ADDR, ETH_ALEN); if (hwaddr_aton(argv[2], pos) < 0) { printf("Invalid STA1 address '%s'\n", argv[2]); return -1; } pos += ETH_ALEN; pos = attr_hdr_add(pos, end, WLANTEST_ATTR_STA2_ADDR, ETH_ALEN); if (hwaddr_aton(argv[3], pos) < 0) { printf("Invalid STA2 address '%s'\n", argv[3]); return -1; } pos += ETH_ALEN; rlen = cmd_send_and_recv(s, buf, pos - buf, resp, sizeof(resp)); if (rlen < 0) return -1; pos = attr_get(resp + 4, rlen - 4, WLANTEST_ATTR_COUNTER, &len); if (pos == NULL || len != 4) return -1; printf("%u\n", WPA_GET_BE32(pos)); return 0; } static char ** complete_get_tdls_counter(int s, const char *str, int pos) { int arg = get_cmd_arg_num(str, pos); char **res = NULL; int i, count; u8 addr[ETH_ALEN]; switch (arg) { case 1: /* counter list */ count = sizeof(tdls_counters) / sizeof(tdls_counters[0]); res = os_zalloc(count * sizeof(char *)); if (res == NULL) return NULL; for (i = 0; tdls_counters[i].name; i++) { res[i] = os_strdup(tdls_counters[i].name); if (res[i] == NULL) break; } break; case 2: res = get_bssid_list(s); break; case 3: case 4: if (hwaddr_aton(&str[get_prev_arg_pos(str, pos)], addr) < 0) break; res = get_sta_list(s, addr, 0); break; } return res; } struct inject_frames { const char *name; enum wlantest_inject_frame frame; }; static const struct inject_frames inject_frames[] = { { "auth", WLANTEST_FRAME_AUTH }, { "assocreq", WLANTEST_FRAME_ASSOCREQ }, { "reassocreq", WLANTEST_FRAME_REASSOCREQ }, { "deauth", WLANTEST_FRAME_DEAUTH }, { "disassoc", WLANTEST_FRAME_DISASSOC }, { "saqueryreq", WLANTEST_FRAME_SAQUERYREQ }, { NULL, 0 } }; static int cmd_inject(int s, int argc, char *argv[]) { u8 resp[WLANTEST_CTRL_MAX_RESP_LEN]; u8 buf[100], *end, *pos; int rlen, i; enum wlantest_inject_protection prot; /* <frame> <prot> <sender> <BSSID> <STA/ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff> */ if (argc < 5) { printf("inject needs five arguments: frame, protection, " "sender, BSSID, STA/ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff\n"); return -1; } pos = buf; end = buf + sizeof(buf); WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, WLANTEST_CTRL_INJECT); pos += 4; for (i = 0; inject_frames[i].name; i++) { if (os_strcasecmp(inject_frames[i].name, argv[0]) == 0) break; } if (inject_frames[i].name == NULL) { printf("Unknown inject frame '%s'\n", argv[0]); printf("Frames:"); for (i = 0; inject_frames[i].name; i++) printf(" %s", inject_frames[i].name); printf("\n"); return -1; } pos = attr_add_be32(pos, end, WLANTEST_ATTR_INJECT_FRAME, inject_frames[i].frame); if (os_strcasecmp(argv[1], "normal") == 0) prot = WLANTEST_INJECT_NORMAL; else if (os_strcasecmp(argv[1], "protected") == 0) prot = WLANTEST_INJECT_PROTECTED; else if (os_strcasecmp(argv[1], "unprotected") == 0) prot = WLANTEST_INJECT_UNPROTECTED; else if (os_strcasecmp(argv[1], "incorrect") == 0) prot = WLANTEST_INJECT_INCORRECT_KEY; else { printf("Unknown protection type '%s'\n", argv[1]); printf("Protection types: normal protected unprotected " "incorrect\n"); return -1; } pos = attr_add_be32(pos, end, WLANTEST_ATTR_INJECT_PROTECTION, prot); if (os_strcasecmp(argv[2], "ap") == 0) { pos = attr_add_be32(pos, end, WLANTEST_ATTR_INJECT_SENDER_AP, 1); } else if (os_strcasecmp(argv[2], "sta") == 0) { pos = attr_add_be32(pos, end, WLANTEST_ATTR_INJECT_SENDER_AP, 0); } else { printf("Unknown sender '%s'\n", argv[2]); printf("Sender types: ap sta\n"); return -1; } pos = attr_hdr_add(pos, end, WLANTEST_ATTR_BSSID, ETH_ALEN); if (hwaddr_aton(argv[3], pos) < 0) { printf("Invalid BSSID '%s'\n", argv[3]); return -1; } pos += ETH_ALEN; pos = attr_hdr_add(pos, end, WLANTEST_ATTR_STA_ADDR, ETH_ALEN); if (hwaddr_aton(argv[4], pos) < 0) { printf("Invalid STA '%s'\n", argv[4]); return -1; } pos += ETH_ALEN; rlen = cmd_send_and_recv(s, buf, pos - buf, resp, sizeof(resp)); if (rlen < 0) return -1; printf("OK\n"); return 0; } static char ** complete_inject(int s, const char *str, int pos) { int arg = get_cmd_arg_num(str, pos); char **res = NULL; int i, count; u8 addr[ETH_ALEN]; switch (arg) { case 1: /* frame list */ count = sizeof(inject_frames) / sizeof(inject_frames[0]); res = os_zalloc(count * sizeof(char *)); if (res == NULL) break; for (i = 0; inject_frames[i].name; i++) { res[i] = os_strdup(inject_frames[i].name); if (res[i] == NULL) break; } break; case 2: res = os_zalloc(5 * sizeof(char *)); if (res == NULL) break; res[0] = os_strdup("normal"); if (res[0] == NULL) break; res[1] = os_strdup("protected"); if (res[1] == NULL) break; res[2] = os_strdup("unprotected"); if (res[2] == NULL) break; res[3] = os_strdup("incorrect"); if (res[3] == NULL) break; break; case 3: res = os_zalloc(3 * sizeof(char *)); if (res == NULL) break; res[0] = os_strdup("ap"); if (res[0] == NULL) break; res[1] = os_strdup("sta"); if (res[1] == NULL) break; break; case 4: res = get_bssid_list(s); break; case 5: if (hwaddr_aton(&str[get_prev_arg_pos(str, pos)], addr) < 0) break; res = get_sta_list(s, addr, 1); break; } return res; } static u8 * add_hex(u8 *pos, u8 *end, const char *str) { const char *s; int val; s = str; while (*s) { while (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t' || *s == '\r' || *s == '\n' || *s == ':') s++; if (*s == '\0') break; if (*s == '#') { while (*s != '\0' && *s != '\r' && *s != '\n') s++; continue; } val = hex2byte(s); if (val < 0) { printf("Invalid hex encoding '%s'\n", s); return NULL; } if (pos == end) { printf("Too long frame\n"); return NULL; } *pos++ = val; s += 2; } return pos; } static int cmd_send(int s, int argc, char *argv[]) { u8 resp[WLANTEST_CTRL_MAX_RESP_LEN]; u8 buf[WLANTEST_CTRL_MAX_CMD_LEN], *end, *pos, *len_pos; int rlen; enum wlantest_inject_protection prot; int arg; /* <prot> <raw frame as hex dump> */ if (argc < 2) { printf("send needs two arguments: protected/unprotected, " "raw frame as hex dump\n"); return -1; } pos = buf; end = buf + sizeof(buf); WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, WLANTEST_CTRL_SEND); pos += 4; if (os_strcasecmp(argv[0], "normal") == 0) prot = WLANTEST_INJECT_NORMAL; else if (os_strcasecmp(argv[0], "protected") == 0) prot = WLANTEST_INJECT_PROTECTED; else if (os_strcasecmp(argv[0], "unprotected") == 0) prot = WLANTEST_INJECT_UNPROTECTED; else if (os_strcasecmp(argv[0], "incorrect") == 0) prot = WLANTEST_INJECT_INCORRECT_KEY; else { printf("Unknown protection type '%s'\n", argv[1]); printf("Protection types: normal protected unprotected " "incorrect\n"); return -1; } pos = attr_add_be32(pos, end, WLANTEST_ATTR_INJECT_PROTECTION, prot); WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, WLANTEST_ATTR_FRAME); pos += 4; len_pos = pos; pos += 4; for (arg = 1; pos && arg < argc; arg++) pos = add_hex(pos, end, argv[arg]); if (pos == NULL) return -1; WPA_PUT_BE32(len_pos, pos - len_pos - 4); rlen = cmd_send_and_recv(s, buf, pos - buf, resp, sizeof(resp)); if (rlen < 0) return -1; printf("OK\n"); return 0; } static char ** complete_send(int s, const char *str, int pos) { int arg = get_cmd_arg_num(str, pos); char **res = NULL; switch (arg) { case 1: res = os_zalloc(5 * sizeof(char *)); if (res == NULL) break; res[0] = os_strdup("normal"); if (res[0] == NULL) break; res[1] = os_strdup("protected"); if (res[1] == NULL) break; res[2] = os_strdup("unprotected"); if (res[2] == NULL) break; res[3] = os_strdup("incorrect"); if (res[3] == NULL) break; break; } return res; } static int cmd_version(int s, int argc, char *argv[]) { u8 resp[WLANTEST_CTRL_MAX_RESP_LEN]; u8 buf[4]; char *version; size_t len; int rlen, i; WPA_PUT_BE32(buf, WLANTEST_CTRL_VERSION); rlen = cmd_send_and_recv(s, buf, sizeof(buf), resp, sizeof(resp)); if (rlen < 0) return -1; version = (char *) attr_get(resp + 4, rlen - 4, WLANTEST_ATTR_VERSION, &len); if (version == NULL) return -1; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) putchar(version[i]); printf("\n"); return 0; } static int cmd_add_passphrase(int s, int argc, char *argv[]) { u8 resp[WLANTEST_CTRL_MAX_RESP_LEN]; u8 buf[100], *pos, *end; size_t len; int rlen; if (argc < 1) { printf("add_passphrase needs one argument: passphrase\n"); return -1; } len = os_strlen(argv[0]); if (len < 8 || len > 63) { printf("Invalid passphrase '%s'\n", argv[0]); return -1; } pos = buf; end = buf + sizeof(buf); WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, WLANTEST_CTRL_ADD_PASSPHRASE); pos += 4; pos = attr_add_str(pos, end, WLANTEST_ATTR_PASSPHRASE, argv[0]); if (argc > 1) { pos = attr_hdr_add(pos, end, WLANTEST_ATTR_BSSID, ETH_ALEN); if (hwaddr_aton(argv[1], pos) < 0) { printf("Invalid BSSID '%s'\n", argv[3]); return -1; } pos += ETH_ALEN; } rlen = cmd_send_and_recv(s, buf, pos - buf, resp, sizeof(resp)); if (rlen < 0) return -1; return 0; } struct sta_infos { const char *name; enum wlantest_sta_info num; }; static const struct sta_infos sta_infos[] = { { "proto", WLANTEST_STA_INFO_PROTO }, { "pairwise", WLANTEST_STA_INFO_PAIRWISE }, { "key_mgmt", WLANTEST_STA_INFO_KEY_MGMT }, { "rsn_capab", WLANTEST_STA_INFO_RSN_CAPAB }, { "state", WLANTEST_STA_INFO_STATE }, { "gtk", WLANTEST_STA_INFO_GTK }, { NULL, 0 } }; static int cmd_info_sta(int s, int argc, char *argv[]) { u8 resp[WLANTEST_CTRL_MAX_RESP_LEN]; u8 buf[100], *end, *pos; int rlen, i; size_t len; char info[100]; if (argc != 3) { printf("sta_info needs at three arguments: " "counter name, BSSID, and STA address\n"); return -1; } pos = buf; end = buf + sizeof(buf); WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, WLANTEST_CTRL_INFO_STA); pos += 4; for (i = 0; sta_infos[i].name; i++) { if (os_strcasecmp(sta_infos[i].name, argv[0]) == 0) break; } if (sta_infos[i].name == NULL) { printf("Unknown STA info '%s'\n", argv[0]); printf("Info fields:"); for (i = 0; sta_infos[i].name; i++) printf(" %s", sta_infos[i].name); printf("\n"); return -1; } pos = attr_add_be32(pos, end, WLANTEST_ATTR_STA_INFO, sta_infos[i].num); pos = attr_hdr_add(pos, end, WLANTEST_ATTR_BSSID, ETH_ALEN); if (hwaddr_aton(argv[1], pos) < 0) { printf("Invalid BSSID '%s'\n", argv[1]); return -1; } pos += ETH_ALEN; pos = attr_hdr_add(pos, end, WLANTEST_ATTR_STA_ADDR, ETH_ALEN); if (hwaddr_aton(argv[2], pos) < 0) { printf("Invalid STA address '%s'\n", argv[2]); return -1; } pos += ETH_ALEN; rlen = cmd_send_and_recv(s, buf, pos - buf, resp, sizeof(resp)); if (rlen < 0) return -1; pos = attr_get(resp + 4, rlen - 4, WLANTEST_ATTR_INFO, &len); if (pos == NULL) return -1; if (len >= sizeof(info)) len = sizeof(info) - 1; os_memcpy(info, pos, len); info[len] = '\0'; printf("%s\n", info); return 0; } static char ** complete_info_sta(int s, const char *str, int pos) { int arg = get_cmd_arg_num(str, pos); char **res = NULL; int i, count; u8 addr[ETH_ALEN]; switch (arg) { case 1: /* counter list */ count = sizeof(sta_infos) / sizeof(sta_infos[0]); res = os_zalloc(count * sizeof(char *)); if (res == NULL) return NULL; for (i = 0; sta_infos[i].name; i++) { res[i] = os_strdup(sta_infos[i].name); if (res[i] == NULL) break; } break; case 2: res = get_bssid_list(s); break; case 3: if (hwaddr_aton(&str[get_prev_arg_pos(str, pos)], addr) < 0) break; res = get_sta_list(s, addr, 0); break; } return res; } struct bss_infos { const char *name; enum wlantest_bss_info num; }; static const struct bss_infos bss_infos[] = { { "proto", WLANTEST_BSS_INFO_PROTO }, { "pairwise", WLANTEST_BSS_INFO_PAIRWISE }, { "group", WLANTEST_BSS_INFO_GROUP }, { "group_mgmt", WLANTEST_BSS_INFO_GROUP_MGMT }, { "key_mgmt", WLANTEST_BSS_INFO_KEY_MGMT }, { "rsn_capab", WLANTEST_BSS_INFO_RSN_CAPAB }, { NULL, 0 } }; static int cmd_info_bss(int s, int argc, char *argv[]) { u8 resp[WLANTEST_CTRL_MAX_RESP_LEN]; u8 buf[100], *end, *pos; int rlen, i; size_t len; char info[100]; if (argc != 2) { printf("bss_info needs at two arguments: " "field name and BSSID\n"); return -1; } pos = buf; end = buf + sizeof(buf); WPA_PUT_BE32(pos, WLANTEST_CTRL_INFO_BSS); pos += 4; for (i = 0; bss_infos[i].name; i++) { if (os_strcasecmp(bss_infos[i].name, argv[0]) == 0) break; } if (bss_infos[i].name == NULL) { printf("Unknown BSS info '%s'\n", argv[0]); printf("Info fields:"); for (i = 0; bss_infos[i].name; i++) printf(" %s", bss_infos[i].name); printf("\n"); return -1; } pos = attr_add_be32(pos, end, WLANTEST_ATTR_BSS_INFO, bss_infos[i].num); pos = attr_hdr_add(pos, end, WLANTEST_ATTR_BSSID, ETH_ALEN); if (hwaddr_aton(argv[1], pos) < 0) { printf("Invalid BSSID '%s'\n", argv[1]); return -1; } pos += ETH_ALEN; rlen = cmd_send_and_recv(s, buf, pos - buf, resp, sizeof(resp)); if (rlen < 0) return -1; pos = attr_get(resp + 4, rlen - 4, WLANTEST_ATTR_INFO, &len); if (pos == NULL) return -1; if (len >= sizeof(info)) len = sizeof(info) - 1; os_memcpy(info, pos, len); info[len] = '\0'; printf("%s\n", info); return 0; } static char ** complete_info_bss(int s, const char *str, int pos) { int arg = get_cmd_arg_num(str, pos); char **res = NULL; int i, count; switch (arg) { case 1: /* counter list */ count = sizeof(bss_infos) / sizeof(bss_infos[0]); res = os_zalloc(count * sizeof(char *)); if (res == NULL) return NULL; for (i = 0; bss_infos[i].name; i++) { res[i] = os_strdup(bss_infos[i].name); if (res[i] == NULL) break; } break; case 2: res = get_bssid_list(s); break; } return res; } struct wlantest_cli_cmd { const char *cmd; int (*handler)(int s, int argc, char *argv[]); const char *usage; char ** (*complete)(int s, const char *str, int pos); }; static const struct wlantest_cli_cmd wlantest_cli_commands[] = { { "ping", cmd_ping, "= test connection to wlantest", NULL }, { "terminate", cmd_terminate, "= terminate wlantest", NULL }, { "list_bss", cmd_list_bss, "= get BSS list", NULL }, { "list_sta", cmd_list_sta, "<BSSID> = get STA list", complete_list_sta }, { "flush", cmd_flush, "= drop all collected BSS data", NULL }, { "clear_sta_counters", cmd_clear_sta_counters, "<BSSID> <STA> = clear STA counters", complete_clear_sta_counters }, { "clear_bss_counters", cmd_clear_bss_counters, "<BSSID> = clear BSS counters", complete_clear_bss_counters }, { "get_sta_counter", cmd_get_sta_counter, "<counter> <BSSID> <STA> = get STA counter value", complete_get_sta_counter }, { "get_bss_counter", cmd_get_bss_counter, "<counter> <BSSID> = get BSS counter value", complete_get_bss_counter }, { "inject", cmd_inject, "<frame> <prot> <sender> <BSSID> <STA/ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff>", complete_inject }, { "send", cmd_send, "<prot> <raw frame as hex dump>", complete_send }, { "version", cmd_version, "= get wlantest version", NULL }, { "add_passphrase", cmd_add_passphrase, "<passphrase> = add a known passphrase", NULL }, { "info_sta", cmd_info_sta, "<field> <BSSID> <STA> = get STA information", complete_info_sta }, { "info_bss", cmd_info_bss, "<field> <BSSID> = get BSS information", complete_info_bss }, { "clear_tdls_counters", cmd_clear_tdls_counters, "<BSSID> <STA1> <STA2> = clear TDLS counters", complete_clear_tdls_counters }, { "get_tdls_counter", cmd_get_tdls_counter, "<counter> <BSSID> <STA1> <STA2> = get TDLS counter value", complete_get_tdls_counter }, { "get_bss_counter", cmd_get_bss_counter, "<counter> <BSSID> = get BSS counter value", complete_get_bss_counter }, { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL } }; static int ctrl_command(int s, int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct wlantest_cli_cmd *cmd, *match = NULL; int count = 0; int ret = 0; for (cmd = wlantest_cli_commands; cmd->cmd; cmd++) { if (os_strncasecmp(cmd->cmd, argv[0], os_strlen(argv[0])) == 0) { match = cmd; if (os_strcasecmp(cmd->cmd, argv[0]) == 0) { /* exact match */ count = 1; break; } count++; } } if (count > 1) { printf("Ambiguous command '%s'; possible commands:", argv[0]); for (cmd = wlantest_cli_commands; cmd->cmd; cmd++) { if (os_strncasecmp(cmd->cmd, argv[0], os_strlen(argv[0])) == 0) { printf(" %s", cmd->cmd); } } printf("\n"); ret = 1; } else if (count == 0) { printf("Unknown command '%s'\n", argv[0]); ret = 1; } else { ret = match->handler(s, argc - 1, &argv[1]); } return ret; } struct wlantest_cli { int s; }; #define max_args 10 static int tokenize_cmd(char *cmd, char *argv[]) { char *pos; int argc = 0; pos = cmd; for (;;) { while (*pos == ' ') pos++; if (*pos == '\0') break; argv[argc] = pos; argc++; if (argc == max_args) break; if (*pos == '"') { char *pos2 = os_strrchr(pos, '"'); if (pos2) pos = pos2 + 1; } while (*pos != '\0' && *pos != ' ') pos++; if (*pos == ' ') *pos++ = '\0'; } return argc; } static void wlantest_cli_edit_cmd_cb(void *ctx, char *cmd) { struct wlantest_cli *cli = ctx; char *argv[max_args]; int argc; argc = tokenize_cmd(cmd, argv); if (argc) { int ret = ctrl_command(cli->s, argc, argv); if (ret < 0) printf("FAIL\n"); } } static void wlantest_cli_eloop_terminate(int sig, void *signal_ctx) { eloop_terminate(); } static void wlantest_cli_edit_eof_cb(void *ctx) { eloop_terminate(); } static char ** wlantest_cli_cmd_list(void) { char **res; int i, count; count = sizeof(wlantest_cli_commands) / sizeof(wlantest_cli_commands[0]); res = os_zalloc(count * sizeof(char *)); if (res == NULL) return NULL; for (i = 0; wlantest_cli_commands[i].cmd; i++) { res[i] = os_strdup(wlantest_cli_commands[i].cmd); if (res[i] == NULL) break; } return res; } static char ** wlantest_cli_cmd_completion(struct wlantest_cli *cli, const char *cmd, const char *str, int pos) { int i; for (i = 0; wlantest_cli_commands[i].cmd; i++) { const struct wlantest_cli_cmd *c = &wlantest_cli_commands[i]; if (os_strcasecmp(c->cmd, cmd) == 0) { edit_clear_line(); printf("\r%s\n", c->usage); edit_redraw(); if (c->complete) return c->complete(cli->s, str, pos); break; } } return NULL; } static char ** wlantest_cli_edit_completion_cb(void *ctx, const char *str, int pos) { struct wlantest_cli *cli = ctx; char **res; const char *end; char *cmd; end = os_strchr(str, ' '); if (end == NULL || str + pos < end) return wlantest_cli_cmd_list(); cmd = os_malloc(pos + 1); if (cmd == NULL) return NULL; os_memcpy(cmd, str, pos); cmd[end - str] = '\0'; res = wlantest_cli_cmd_completion(cli, cmd, str, pos); os_free(cmd); return res; } static void wlantest_cli_interactive(int s) { struct wlantest_cli cli; char *home, *hfile = NULL; if (eloop_init()) return; home = getenv("HOME"); if (home) { const char *fname = ".wlantest_cli_history"; int hfile_len = os_strlen(home) + 1 + os_strlen(fname) + 1; hfile = os_malloc(hfile_len); if (hfile) os_snprintf(hfile, hfile_len, "%s/%s", home, fname); } cli.s = s; eloop_register_signal_terminate(wlantest_cli_eloop_terminate, &cli); edit_init(wlantest_cli_edit_cmd_cb, wlantest_cli_edit_eof_cb, wlantest_cli_edit_completion_cb, &cli, hfile); eloop_run(); edit_deinit(hfile, NULL); os_free(hfile); eloop_destroy(); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int s; struct sockaddr_un addr; int ret = 0; if (os_program_init()) return -1; s = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0); if (s < 0) { perror("socket"); return -1; } os_memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX; os_strlcpy(addr.sun_path + 1, WLANTEST_SOCK_NAME, sizeof(addr.sun_path) - 1); if (connect(s, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr)) < 0) { perror("connect"); close(s); return -1; } if (argc > 1) { ret = ctrl_command(s, argc - 1, &argv[1]); if (ret < 0) printf("FAIL\n"); } else { wlantest_cli_interactive(s); } close(s); os_program_deinit(); return ret; }