# Python class for controlling hostapd # Copyright (c) 2013-2019, Jouni Malinen # # This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license. # See README for more details. import os import time import logging import binascii import struct import wpaspy import remotehost import utils import subprocess logger = logging.getLogger() hapd_ctrl = '/var/run/hostapd' hapd_global = '/var/run/hostapd-global' def mac2tuple(mac): return struct.unpack('6B', binascii.unhexlify(mac.replace(':', ''))) class HostapdGlobal: def __init__(self, apdev=None, global_ctrl_override=None): try: hostname = apdev['hostname'] port = apdev['port'] except: hostname = None port = 8878 self.host = remotehost.Host(hostname) self.hostname = hostname self.port = port if hostname is None: global_ctrl = hapd_global if global_ctrl_override: global_ctrl = global_ctrl_override self.ctrl = wpaspy.Ctrl(global_ctrl) self.mon = wpaspy.Ctrl(global_ctrl) self.dbg = "" else: self.ctrl = wpaspy.Ctrl(hostname, port) self.mon = wpaspy.Ctrl(hostname, port) self.dbg = hostname + "/" + str(port) self.mon.attach() def cmd_execute(self, cmd_array, shell=False): if self.hostname is None: if shell: cmd = ' '.join(cmd_array) else: cmd = cmd_array proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=shell) out = proc.communicate()[0] ret = proc.returncode return ret, out.decode() else: return self.host.execute(cmd_array) def request(self, cmd, timeout=10): logger.debug(self.dbg + ": CTRL(global): " + cmd) return self.ctrl.request(cmd, timeout) def wait_event(self, events, timeout): start = os.times()[4] while True: while self.mon.pending(): ev = self.mon.recv() logger.debug(self.dbg + "(global): " + ev) for event in events: if event in ev: return ev now = os.times()[4] remaining = start + timeout - now if remaining <= 0: break if not self.mon.pending(timeout=remaining): break return None def add(self, ifname, driver=None): cmd = "ADD " + ifname + " " + hapd_ctrl if driver: cmd += " " + driver res = self.request(cmd) if "OK" not in res: raise Exception("Could not add hostapd interface " + ifname) def add_iface(self, ifname, confname): res = self.request("ADD " + ifname + " config=" + confname) if "OK" not in res: raise Exception("Could not add hostapd interface") def add_bss(self, phy, confname, ignore_error=False): res = self.request("ADD bss_config=" + phy + ":" + confname) if "OK" not in res: if not ignore_error: raise Exception("Could not add hostapd BSS") def remove(self, ifname): self.request("REMOVE " + ifname, timeout=30) def relog(self): self.request("RELOG") def flush(self): self.request("FLUSH") def get_ctrl_iface_port(self, ifname): if self.hostname is None: return None res = self.request("INTERFACES ctrl") lines = res.splitlines() found = False for line in lines: words = line.split() if words[0] == ifname: found = True break if not found: raise Exception("Could not find UDP port for " + ifname) res = line.find("ctrl_iface=udp:") if res == -1: raise Exception("Wrong ctrl_interface format") words = line.split(":") return int(words[1]) def terminate(self): self.mon.detach() self.mon.close() self.mon = None self.ctrl.terminate() self.ctrl = None class Hostapd: def __init__(self, ifname, bssidx=0, hostname=None, port=8877): self.hostname = hostname self.host = remotehost.Host(hostname, ifname) self.ifname = ifname if hostname is None: self.ctrl = wpaspy.Ctrl(os.path.join(hapd_ctrl, ifname)) self.mon = wpaspy.Ctrl(os.path.join(hapd_ctrl, ifname)) self.dbg = ifname else: self.ctrl = wpaspy.Ctrl(hostname, port) self.mon = wpaspy.Ctrl(hostname, port) self.dbg = hostname + "/" + ifname self.mon.attach() self.bssid = None self.bssidx = bssidx def cmd_execute(self, cmd_array, shell=False): if self.hostname is None: if shell: cmd = ' '.join(cmd_array) else: cmd = cmd_array proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=shell) out = proc.communicate()[0] ret = proc.returncode return ret, out.decode() else: return self.host.execute(cmd_array) def close_ctrl(self): if self.mon is not None: self.mon.detach() self.mon.close() self.mon = None self.ctrl.close() self.ctrl = None def own_addr(self): if self.bssid is None: self.bssid = self.get_status_field('bssid[%d]' % self.bssidx) return self.bssid def request(self, cmd): logger.debug(self.dbg + ": CTRL: " + cmd) return self.ctrl.request(cmd) def ping(self): return "PONG" in self.request("PING") def set(self, field, value): if "OK" not in self.request("SET " + field + " " + value): raise Exception("Failed to set hostapd parameter " + field) def set_defaults(self): self.set("driver", "nl80211") self.set("hw_mode", "g") self.set("channel", "1") self.set("ieee80211n", "1") self.set("logger_stdout", "-1") self.set("logger_stdout_level", "0") def set_open(self, ssid): self.set_defaults() self.set("ssid", ssid) def set_wpa2_psk(self, ssid, passphrase): self.set_defaults() self.set("ssid", ssid) self.set("wpa_passphrase", passphrase) self.set("wpa", "2") self.set("wpa_key_mgmt", "WPA-PSK") self.set("rsn_pairwise", "CCMP") def set_wpa_psk(self, ssid, passphrase): self.set_defaults() self.set("ssid", ssid) self.set("wpa_passphrase", passphrase) self.set("wpa", "1") self.set("wpa_key_mgmt", "WPA-PSK") self.set("wpa_pairwise", "TKIP") def set_wpa_psk_mixed(self, ssid, passphrase): self.set_defaults() self.set("ssid", ssid) self.set("wpa_passphrase", passphrase) self.set("wpa", "3") self.set("wpa_key_mgmt", "WPA-PSK") self.set("wpa_pairwise", "TKIP") self.set("rsn_pairwise", "CCMP") def set_wep(self, ssid, key): self.set_defaults() self.set("ssid", ssid) self.set("wep_key0", key) def enable(self): if "OK" not in self.request("ENABLE"): raise Exception("Failed to enable hostapd interface " + self.ifname) def disable(self): if "OK" not in self.request("DISABLE"): raise Exception("Failed to disable hostapd interface " + self.ifname) def dump_monitor(self): while self.mon.pending(): ev = self.mon.recv() logger.debug(self.dbg + ": " + ev) def wait_event(self, events, timeout): start = os.times()[4] while True: while self.mon.pending(): ev = self.mon.recv() logger.debug(self.dbg + ": " + ev) for event in events: if event in ev: return ev now = os.times()[4] remaining = start + timeout - now if remaining <= 0: break if not self.mon.pending(timeout=remaining): break return None def get_status(self): res = self.request("STATUS") lines = res.splitlines() vals = dict() for l in lines: [name, value] = l.split('=', 1) vals[name] = value return vals def get_status_field(self, field): vals = self.get_status() if field in vals: return vals[field] return None def get_driver_status(self): res = self.request("STATUS-DRIVER") lines = res.splitlines() vals = dict() for l in lines: [name, value] = l.split('=', 1) vals[name] = value return vals def get_driver_status_field(self, field): vals = self.get_driver_status() if field in vals: return vals[field] return None def get_config(self): res = self.request("GET_CONFIG") lines = res.splitlines() vals = dict() for l in lines: [name, value] = l.split('=', 1) vals[name] = value return vals def mgmt_rx(self, timeout=5): ev = self.wait_event(["MGMT-RX"], timeout=timeout) if ev is None: return None msg = {} frame = binascii.unhexlify(ev.split(' ')[1]) msg['frame'] = frame hdr = struct.unpack('> 4) & 0xf hdr = hdr[1:] msg['duration'] = hdr[0] hdr = hdr[1:] msg['da'] = "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x" % hdr[0:6] hdr = hdr[6:] msg['sa'] = "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x" % hdr[0:6] hdr = hdr[6:] msg['bssid'] = "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x" % hdr[0:6] hdr = hdr[6:] msg['seq_ctrl'] = hdr[0] msg['payload'] = frame[24:] return msg def mgmt_tx(self, msg): t = (msg['fc'], 0) + mac2tuple(msg['da']) + mac2tuple(msg['sa']) + mac2tuple(msg['bssid']) + (0,) hdr = struct.pack(' 1: vals[name_val[0]] = name_val[1] return vals def get_pmksa(self, addr): res = self.request("PMKSA") lines = res.splitlines() for l in lines: if addr not in l: continue vals = dict() [index, aa, pmkid, expiration, opportunistic] = l.split(' ') vals['index'] = index vals['pmkid'] = pmkid vals['expiration'] = expiration vals['opportunistic'] = opportunistic return vals return None def dpp_qr_code(self, uri): res = self.request("DPP_QR_CODE " + uri) if "FAIL" in res: raise Exception("Failed to parse QR Code URI") return int(res) def dpp_bootstrap_gen(self, type="qrcode", chan=None, mac=None, info=None, curve=None, key=None): cmd = "DPP_BOOTSTRAP_GEN type=" + type if chan: cmd += " chan=" + chan if mac: if mac is True: mac = self.own_addr() cmd += " mac=" + mac.replace(':', '') if info: cmd += " info=" + info if curve: cmd += " curve=" + curve if key: cmd += " key=" + key res = self.request(cmd) if "FAIL" in res: raise Exception("Failed to generate bootstrapping info") return int(res) def dpp_listen(self, freq, netrole=None, qr=None, role=None): cmd = "DPP_LISTEN " + str(freq) if netrole: cmd += " netrole=" + netrole if qr: cmd += " qr=" + qr if role: cmd += " role=" + role if "OK" not in self.request(cmd): raise Exception("Failed to start listen operation") def dpp_auth_init(self, peer=None, uri=None, conf=None, configurator=None, extra=None, own=None, role=None, neg_freq=None, ssid=None, passphrase=None, expect_fail=False): cmd = "DPP_AUTH_INIT" if peer is None: peer = self.dpp_qr_code(uri) cmd += " peer=%d" % peer if own is not None: cmd += " own=%d" % own if role: cmd += " role=" + role if extra: cmd += " " + extra if conf: cmd += " conf=" + conf if configurator is not None: cmd += " configurator=%d" % configurator if neg_freq: cmd += " neg_freq=%d" % neg_freq if ssid: cmd += " ssid=" + binascii.hexlify(ssid.encode()).decode() if passphrase: cmd += " pass=" + binascii.hexlify(passphrase.encode()).decode() res = self.request(cmd) if expect_fail: if "FAIL" not in res: raise Exception("DPP authentication started unexpectedly") return if "OK" not in res: raise Exception("Failed to initiate DPP Authentication") def dpp_pkex_init(self, identifier, code, role=None, key=None, curve=None, extra=None, use_id=None): if use_id is None: id1 = self.dpp_bootstrap_gen(type="pkex", key=key, curve=curve) else: id1 = use_id cmd = "own=%d " % id1 if identifier: cmd += "identifier=%s " % identifier cmd += "init=1 " if role: cmd += "role=%s " % role if extra: cmd += extra + " " cmd += "code=%s" % code res = self.request("DPP_PKEX_ADD " + cmd) if "FAIL" in res: raise Exception("Failed to set PKEX data (initiator)") return id1 def dpp_pkex_resp(self, freq, identifier, code, key=None, curve=None, listen_role=None): id0 = self.dpp_bootstrap_gen(type="pkex", key=key, curve=curve) cmd = "own=%d " % id0 if identifier: cmd += "identifier=%s " % identifier cmd += "code=%s" % code res = self.request("DPP_PKEX_ADD " + cmd) if "FAIL" in res: raise Exception("Failed to set PKEX data (responder)") self.dpp_listen(freq, role=listen_role) def add_ap(apdev, params, wait_enabled=True, no_enable=False, timeout=30, global_ctrl_override=None): if isinstance(apdev, dict): ifname = apdev['ifname'] try: hostname = apdev['hostname'] port = apdev['port'] logger.info("Starting AP " + hostname + "/" + port + " " + ifname) except: logger.info("Starting AP " + ifname) hostname = None port = 8878 else: ifname = apdev logger.info("Starting AP " + ifname + " (old add_ap argument type)") hostname = None port = 8878 hapd_global = HostapdGlobal(apdev, global_ctrl_override=global_ctrl_override) hapd_global.remove(ifname) hapd_global.add(ifname) port = hapd_global.get_ctrl_iface_port(ifname) hapd = Hostapd(ifname, hostname=hostname, port=port) if not hapd.ping(): raise Exception("Could not ping hostapd") hapd.set_defaults() fields = ["ssid", "wpa_passphrase", "nas_identifier", "wpa_key_mgmt", "wpa", "wpa_pairwise", "rsn_pairwise", "auth_server_addr", "acct_server_addr", "osu_server_uri"] for field in fields: if field in params: hapd.set(field, params[field]) for f, v in list(params.items()): if f in fields: continue if isinstance(v, list): for val in v: hapd.set(f, val) else: hapd.set(f, v) if no_enable: return hapd hapd.enable() if wait_enabled: ev = hapd.wait_event(["AP-ENABLED", "AP-DISABLED"], timeout=timeout) if ev is None: raise Exception("AP startup timed out") if "AP-ENABLED" not in ev: raise Exception("AP startup failed") return hapd def add_bss(apdev, ifname, confname, ignore_error=False): phy = utils.get_phy(apdev) try: hostname = apdev['hostname'] port = apdev['port'] logger.info("Starting BSS " + hostname + "/" + port + " phy=" + phy + " ifname=" + ifname) except: logger.info("Starting BSS phy=" + phy + " ifname=" + ifname) hostname = None port = 8878 hapd_global = HostapdGlobal(apdev) hapd_global.add_bss(phy, confname, ignore_error) port = hapd_global.get_ctrl_iface_port(ifname) hapd = Hostapd(ifname, hostname=hostname, port=port) if not hapd.ping(): raise Exception("Could not ping hostapd") return hapd def add_iface(apdev, confname): ifname = apdev['ifname'] try: hostname = apdev['hostname'] port = apdev['port'] logger.info("Starting interface " + hostname + "/" + port + " " + ifname) except: logger.info("Starting interface " + ifname) hostname = None port = 8878 hapd_global = HostapdGlobal(apdev) hapd_global.add_iface(ifname, confname) port = hapd_global.get_ctrl_iface_port(ifname) hapd = Hostapd(ifname, hostname=hostname, port=port) if not hapd.ping(): raise Exception("Could not ping hostapd") return hapd def remove_bss(apdev, ifname=None): if ifname == None: ifname = apdev['ifname'] try: hostname = apdev['hostname'] port = apdev['port'] logger.info("Removing BSS " + hostname + "/" + port + " " + ifname) except: logger.info("Removing BSS " + ifname) hapd_global = HostapdGlobal(apdev) hapd_global.remove(ifname) def terminate(apdev): try: hostname = apdev['hostname'] port = apdev['port'] logger.info("Terminating hostapd " + hostname + "/" + port) except: logger.info("Terminating hostapd") hapd_global = HostapdGlobal(apdev) hapd_global.terminate() def wpa2_params(ssid=None, passphrase=None): params = {"wpa": "2", "wpa_key_mgmt": "WPA-PSK", "rsn_pairwise": "CCMP"} if ssid: params["ssid"] = ssid if passphrase: params["wpa_passphrase"] = passphrase return params def wpa_params(ssid=None, passphrase=None): params = {"wpa": "1", "wpa_key_mgmt": "WPA-PSK", "wpa_pairwise": "TKIP"} if ssid: params["ssid"] = ssid if passphrase: params["wpa_passphrase"] = passphrase return params def wpa_mixed_params(ssid=None, passphrase=None): params = {"wpa": "3", "wpa_key_mgmt": "WPA-PSK", "wpa_pairwise": "TKIP", "rsn_pairwise": "CCMP"} if ssid: params["ssid"] = ssid if passphrase: params["wpa_passphrase"] = passphrase return params def radius_params(): params = {"auth_server_addr": "", "auth_server_port": "1812", "auth_server_shared_secret": "radius", "nas_identifier": "nas.w1.fi"} return params def wpa_eap_params(ssid=None): params = radius_params() params["wpa"] = "1" params["wpa_key_mgmt"] = "WPA-EAP" params["wpa_pairwise"] = "TKIP" params["ieee8021x"] = "1" if ssid: params["ssid"] = ssid return params def wpa2_eap_params(ssid=None): params = radius_params() params["wpa"] = "2" params["wpa_key_mgmt"] = "WPA-EAP" params["rsn_pairwise"] = "CCMP" params["ieee8021x"] = "1" if ssid: params["ssid"] = ssid return params def b_only_params(channel="1", ssid=None, country=None): params = {"hw_mode": "b", "channel": channel} if ssid: params["ssid"] = ssid if country: params["country_code"] = country return params def g_only_params(channel="1", ssid=None, country=None): params = {"hw_mode": "g", "channel": channel} if ssid: params["ssid"] = ssid if country: params["country_code"] = country return params def a_only_params(channel="36", ssid=None, country=None): params = {"hw_mode": "a", "channel": channel} if ssid: params["ssid"] = ssid if country: params["country_code"] = country return params def ht20_params(channel="1", ssid=None, country=None): params = {"ieee80211n": "1", "channel": channel, "hw_mode": "g"} if int(channel) > 14: params["hw_mode"] = "a" if ssid: params["ssid"] = ssid if country: params["country_code"] = country return params def ht40_plus_params(channel="1", ssid=None, country=None): params = ht20_params(channel, ssid, country) params['ht_capab'] = "[HT40+]" return params def ht40_minus_params(channel="1", ssid=None, country=None): params = ht20_params(channel, ssid, country) params['ht_capab'] = "[HT40-]" return params def cmd_execute(apdev, cmd, shell=False): hapd_global = HostapdGlobal(apdev) return hapd_global.cmd_execute(cmd, shell=shell)