/* * utils module tests * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Jouni Malinen * * This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license. * See README for more details. */ #include "utils/includes.h" #include "utils/common.h" #include "common/ieee802_11_defs.h" #include "utils/bitfield.h" #include "utils/ext_password.h" #include "utils/trace.h" #include "utils/base64.h" struct printf_test_data { u8 *data; size_t len; char *encoded; }; static const struct printf_test_data printf_tests[] = { { (u8 *) "abcde", 5, "abcde" }, { (u8 *) "a\0b\nc\ed\re\tf\"\\", 13, "a\\0b\\nc\\ed\\re\\tf\\\"\\\\" }, { (u8 *) "\x00\x31\x00\x32\x00\x39", 6, "\\x001\\0002\\09" }, { (u8 *) "\n\n\n", 3, "\n\12\x0a" }, { (u8 *) "\303\245\303\244\303\266\303\205\303\204\303\226", 12, "\\xc3\\xa5\xc3\\xa4\\xc3\\xb6\\xc3\\x85\\xc3\\x84\\xc3\\x96" }, { (u8 *) "\303\245\303\244\303\266\303\205\303\204\303\226", 12, "\\303\\245\\303\\244\\303\\266\\303\\205\\303\\204\\303\\226" }, { (u8 *) "\xe5\xe4\xf6\xc5\xc4\xd6", 6, "\\xe5\\xe4\\xf6\\xc5\\xc4\\xd6" }, { NULL, 0, NULL } }; static int printf_encode_decode_tests(void) { int i; size_t binlen; char buf[100]; u8 bin[100]; int errors = 0; wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "printf encode/decode tests"); for (i = 0; printf_tests[i].data; i++) { const struct printf_test_data *test = &printf_tests[i]; printf_encode(buf, sizeof(buf), test->data, test->len); wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "%d: -> \"%s\"", i, buf); binlen = printf_decode(bin, sizeof(bin), buf); if (binlen != test->len || os_memcmp(bin, test->data, binlen) != 0) { wpa_hexdump(MSG_ERROR, "Error in decoding#1", bin, binlen); errors++; } binlen = printf_decode(bin, sizeof(bin), test->encoded); if (binlen != test->len || os_memcmp(bin, test->data, binlen) != 0) { wpa_hexdump(MSG_ERROR, "Error in decoding#2", bin, binlen); errors++; } } buf[5] = 'A'; printf_encode(buf, 5, (const u8 *) "abcde", 5); if (buf[5] != 'A') { wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "Error in bounds checking#1"); errors++; } for (i = 5; i < 10; i++) { buf[i] = 'A'; printf_encode(buf, i, (const u8 *) "\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd\xdd", 5); if (buf[i] != 'A') { wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "Error in bounds checking#2(%d)", i); errors++; } } if (printf_decode(bin, 3, "abcde") != 2) errors++; if (printf_decode(bin, 3, "\\xa") != 1 || bin[0] != 10) errors++; if (printf_decode(bin, 3, "\\a") != 1 || bin[0] != 'a') errors++; if (errors) { wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "%d printf test(s) failed", errors); return -1; } return 0; } static int bitfield_tests(void) { struct bitfield *bf; int i; int errors = 0; wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "bitfield tests"); bf = bitfield_alloc(123); if (bf == NULL) return -1; for (i = 0; i < 123; i++) { if (bitfield_is_set(bf, i) || bitfield_is_set(bf, i + 1)) errors++; if (i > 0 && bitfield_is_set(bf, i - 1)) errors++; bitfield_set(bf, i); if (!bitfield_is_set(bf, i)) errors++; bitfield_clear(bf, i); if (bitfield_is_set(bf, i)) errors++; } for (i = 123; i < 200; i++) { if (bitfield_is_set(bf, i) || bitfield_is_set(bf, i + 1)) errors++; if (i > 0 && bitfield_is_set(bf, i - 1)) errors++; bitfield_set(bf, i); if (bitfield_is_set(bf, i)) errors++; bitfield_clear(bf, i); if (bitfield_is_set(bf, i)) errors++; } for (i = 0; i < 123; i++) { if (bitfield_is_set(bf, i) || bitfield_is_set(bf, i + 1)) errors++; bitfield_set(bf, i); if (!bitfield_is_set(bf, i)) errors++; } for (i = 0; i < 123; i++) { if (!bitfield_is_set(bf, i)) errors++; bitfield_clear(bf, i); if (bitfield_is_set(bf, i)) errors++; } for (i = 0; i < 123; i++) { if (bitfield_get_first_zero(bf) != i) errors++; bitfield_set(bf, i); } if (bitfield_get_first_zero(bf) != -1) errors++; for (i = 0; i < 123; i++) { if (!bitfield_is_set(bf, i)) errors++; bitfield_clear(bf, i); if (bitfield_get_first_zero(bf) != i) errors++; bitfield_set(bf, i); } if (bitfield_get_first_zero(bf) != -1) errors++; bitfield_free(bf); bf = bitfield_alloc(8); if (bf == NULL) return -1; if (bitfield_get_first_zero(bf) != 0) errors++; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) bitfield_set(bf, i); if (bitfield_get_first_zero(bf) != -1) errors++; bitfield_free(bf); if (errors) { wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "%d bitfield test(s) failed", errors); return -1; } return 0; } static int int_array_tests(void) { int test1[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0 }; int test2[] = { 1, -1, 0 }; int test3[] = { 1, 1, 1, -1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 0 }; int test3_res[] = { -1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0 }; int errors = 0; int len; wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "int_array tests"); if (int_array_len(test1) != 6 || int_array_len(test2) != 2) errors++; int_array_sort_unique(test3); len = int_array_len(test3_res); if (int_array_len(test3) != len) errors++; else if (os_memcmp(test3, test3_res, len * sizeof(int)) != 0) errors++; if (errors) { wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "%d int_array test(s) failed", errors); return -1; } return 0; } static int ext_password_tests(void) { struct ext_password_data *data; int ret = 0; struct wpabuf *pw; wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "ext_password tests"); data = ext_password_init("unknown", "foo"); if (data != NULL) return -1; data = ext_password_init("test", NULL); if (data == NULL) return -1; pw = ext_password_get(data, "foo"); if (pw != NULL) ret = -1; ext_password_free(pw); ext_password_deinit(data); pw = ext_password_get(NULL, "foo"); if (pw != NULL) ret = -1; ext_password_free(pw); return ret; } static int trace_tests(void) { wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "trace tests"); wpa_trace_show("test backtrace"); wpa_trace_dump_funcname("test funcname", trace_tests); return 0; } static int base64_tests(void) { int errors = 0; unsigned char *res; size_t res_len; wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "base64 tests"); res = base64_encode((const unsigned char *) "", ~0, &res_len); if (res) { errors++; os_free(res); } res = base64_encode((const unsigned char *) "=", 1, &res_len); if (!res || res_len != 5 || res[0] != 'P' || res[1] != 'Q' || res[2] != '=' || res[3] != '=' || res[4] != '\n') errors++; os_free(res); res = base64_encode((const unsigned char *) "=", 1, NULL); if (!res || res[0] != 'P' || res[1] != 'Q' || res[2] != '=' || res[3] != '=' || res[4] != '\n') errors++; os_free(res); res = base64_decode((const unsigned char *) "", 0, &res_len); if (res) { errors++; os_free(res); } res = base64_decode((const unsigned char *) "a", 1, &res_len); if (res) { errors++; os_free(res); } res = base64_decode((const unsigned char *) "====", 4, &res_len); if (res) { errors++; os_free(res); } res = base64_decode((const unsigned char *) "PQ==", 4, &res_len); if (!res || res_len != 1 || res[0] != '=') errors++; os_free(res); res = base64_decode((const unsigned char *) "P.Q-=!=*", 8, &res_len); if (!res || res_len != 1 || res[0] != '=') errors++; os_free(res); if (errors) { wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "%d base64 test(s) failed", errors); return -1; } return 0; } static int common_tests(void) { char buf[3]; u8 addr[ETH_ALEN] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }; u8 bin[3]; int errors = 0; struct wpa_freq_range_list ranges; size_t len; const char *txt; u8 ssid[255]; wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "common tests"); if (hwaddr_mask_txt(buf, 3, addr, addr) != -1) errors++; if (wpa_scnprintf(buf, 0, "hello") != 0 || wpa_scnprintf(buf, 3, "hello") != 2) errors++; if (wpa_snprintf_hex(buf, 0, addr, ETH_ALEN) != 0 || wpa_snprintf_hex(buf, 3, addr, ETH_ALEN) != 2) errors++; if (merge_byte_arrays(bin, 3, addr, ETH_ALEN, NULL, 0) != 3 || merge_byte_arrays(bin, 3, NULL, 0, addr, ETH_ALEN) != 3) errors++; if (dup_binstr(NULL, 0) != NULL) errors++; if (freq_range_list_includes(NULL, 0) != 0) errors++; os_memset(&ranges, 0, sizeof(ranges)); if (freq_range_list_parse(&ranges, "") != 0 || freq_range_list_includes(&ranges, 0) != 0 || freq_range_list_str(&ranges) != NULL) errors++; if (utf8_unescape(NULL, 0, buf, sizeof(buf)) != 0 || utf8_unescape("a", 1, NULL, 0) != 0 || utf8_unescape("a\\", 2, buf, sizeof(buf)) != 0 || utf8_unescape("abcde", 5, buf, sizeof(buf)) != 0 || utf8_unescape("abc", 3, buf, 3) != 3) errors++; if (utf8_unescape("a", 0, buf, sizeof(buf)) != 1 || buf[0] != 'a') errors++; if (utf8_unescape("\\b", 2, buf, sizeof(buf)) != 1 || buf[0] != 'b') errors++; if (utf8_escape(NULL, 0, buf, sizeof(buf)) != 0 || utf8_escape("a", 1, NULL, 0) != 0 || utf8_escape("abcde", 5, buf, sizeof(buf)) != 0 || utf8_escape("a\\bcde", 6, buf, sizeof(buf)) != 0 || utf8_escape("ab\\cde", 6, buf, sizeof(buf)) != 0 || utf8_escape("abc\\de", 6, buf, sizeof(buf)) != 0 || utf8_escape("abc", 3, buf, 3) != 3) errors++; if (utf8_escape("a", 0, buf, sizeof(buf)) != 1 || buf[0] != 'a') errors++; os_memset(ssid, 0, sizeof(ssid)); txt = wpa_ssid_txt(ssid, sizeof(ssid)); len = os_strlen(txt); /* Verify that SSID_MAX_LEN * 4 buffer limit is enforced. */ if (len != SSID_MAX_LEN * 4) { wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "Unexpected wpa_ssid_txt() result with too long SSID"); errors++; } if (errors) { wpa_printf(MSG_ERROR, "%d common test(s) failed", errors); return -1; } return 0; } int utils_module_tests(void) { int ret = 0; wpa_printf(MSG_INFO, "utils module tests"); if (printf_encode_decode_tests() < 0 || ext_password_tests() < 0 || trace_tests() < 0 || bitfield_tests() < 0 || base64_tests() < 0 || common_tests() < 0 || int_array_tests() < 0) ret = -1; return ret; }