# Roaming tests # Copyright (c) 2013-2019, Jouni Malinen <j@w1.fi> # # This software may be distributed under the terms of the BSD license. # See README for more details. from remotehost import remote_compatible import time import logging logger = logging.getLogger() import hwsim_utils import hostapd from wpasupplicant import WpaSupplicant @remote_compatible def test_ap_roam_open(dev, apdev): """Roam between two open APs""" hapd0 = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], {"ssid": "test-open"}) dev[0].connect("test-open", key_mgmt="NONE") hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd0) hapd1 = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[1], {"ssid": "test-open"}) dev[0].scan(type="ONLY") dev[0].roam(apdev[1]['bssid']) hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd1) dev[0].roam(apdev[0]['bssid']) hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd0) def test_ap_blacklist_all(dev, apdev, params): """Ensure we clear the blacklist if all visible APs reject""" hapd0 = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], {"ssid": "test-open", "max_num_sta": "0"}) hapd1 = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[1], {"ssid": "test-open", "max_num_sta": "0"}) bss0 = hapd0.own_addr() bss1 = hapd1.own_addr() dev[0].connect("test-open", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq="2412", wait_connect=False, bssid=bss0) if not dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-AUTH-REJECT"], timeout=10): raise Exception("AP 0 didn't reject us") dev[0].request("REMOVE_NETWORK all") dev[0].dump_monitor() dev[0].connect("test-open", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq="2412", wait_connect=False, bssid=bss1) if not dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-AUTH-REJECT"], timeout=10): raise Exception("AP 1 didn't reject us") blacklist = get_blacklist(dev[0]) logger.info("blacklist: " + str(blacklist)) dev[0].request("REMOVE_NETWORK all") dev[0].dump_monitor() hapd0.set("max_num_sta", "1") # All visible APs were blacklisted; we should clear the blacklist and find # the AP that now accepts us. dev[0].scan_for_bss(bss0, freq=2412) dev[0].connect("test-open", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq="2412", bssid=bss0) @remote_compatible def test_ap_roam_open_failed(dev, apdev): """Roam failure due to rejected authentication""" hapd0 = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], {"ssid": "test-open"}) dev[0].connect("test-open", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq="2412") hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd0) params = {"ssid": "test-open", "max_num_sta": "0"} hapd1 = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[1], params) bssid = hapd1.own_addr() dev[0].scan_for_bss(bssid, freq=2412) dev[0].dump_monitor() if "OK" not in dev[0].request("ROAM " + bssid): raise Exception("ROAM failed") ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-AUTH-REJECT"], 1) if not ev: raise Exception("CTRL-EVENT-AUTH-REJECT was not seen") dev[0].wait_connected(timeout=5) hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd0) def test_ap_roam_open_failed_ssid_mismatch(dev, apdev): """Roam failure due to SSID mismatch""" hapd0 = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], {"ssid": "test-open"}) bssid0 = hapd0.own_addr() hapd1 = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[1], {"ssid": "test-open2"}) bssid1 = hapd1.own_addr() dev[0].flush_scan_cache() dev[0].scan_for_bss(bssid0, freq=2412) dev[0].scan_for_bss(bssid1, freq=2412) dev[0].connect("test-open", key_mgmt="NONE", scan_freq="2412") hapd0.wait_sta() bssid = dev[0].get_status_field("bssid") if bssid != bssid0: raise Exception("Unexpected BSSID reported after initial connection: " + bssid) if "FAIL" not in dev[0].request("ROAM " + bssid1): raise Exception("ROAM succeed unexpectedly") bssid = dev[0].get_status_field("bssid") if bssid != bssid0: raise Exception("Unexpected BSSID reported after failed roam attempt: " + bssid) hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd0) @remote_compatible def test_ap_roam_wpa2_psk(dev, apdev): """Roam between two WPA2-PSK APs""" params = hostapd.wpa2_params(ssid="test-wpa2-psk", passphrase="12345678") hapd0 = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params) dev[0].connect("test-wpa2-psk", psk="12345678") hapd0.wait_sta() hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd0) hapd1 = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[1], params) dev[0].scan(type="ONLY") dev[0].roam(apdev[1]['bssid']) hapd1.wait_sta() hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd1) dev[0].roam(apdev[0]['bssid']) hapd0.wait_sta() hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd0) def test_ap_roam_wpa2_psk_pmf_mismatch(dev, apdev): """Roam between two WPA2-PSK APs - PMF mismatch""" params = hostapd.wpa2_params(ssid="test-wpa2-psk", passphrase="12345678") params['ieee80211w'] = '1' hapd0 = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params) bssid0 = hapd0.own_addr() params['ieee80211w'] = '0' hapd1 = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[1], params) bssid1 = hapd1.own_addr() dev[0].flush_scan_cache() dev[0].scan_for_bss(bssid0, freq=2412) dev[0].scan_for_bss(bssid1, freq=2412) dev[0].connect("test-wpa2-psk", psk="12345678", ieee80211w='2') hapd0.wait_sta() bssid = dev[0].get_status_field("bssid") if bssid != bssid0: raise Exception("Unexpected BSSID reported after initial connection: " + bssid) if "OK" not in dev[0].request("ROAM " + apdev[1]['bssid']): raise Exception("ROAM failed") ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED"], timeout=0.5) if ev is not None: raise Exception("Unexpected connection reported") bssid = dev[0].get_status_field("bssid") if bssid != bssid0: raise Exception("Unexpected BSSID reported after failed roam attempt: " + bssid) hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd0) def get_blacklist(dev): return dev.request("BLACKLIST").splitlines() def test_ap_reconnect_auth_timeout(dev, apdev, params): """Reconnect to 2nd AP and authentication times out""" wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5') wpas.interface_add("wlan5", drv_params="force_connect_cmd=1,force_bss_selection=1") params = hostapd.wpa2_params(ssid="test-wpa2-psk", passphrase="12345678") hapd0 = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params) bssid0 = hapd0.own_addr() wpas.scan_for_bss(bssid0, freq=2412) id = wpas.connect("test-wpa2-psk", psk="12345678", scan_freq="2412") hapd0.wait_sta() hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(wpas, hapd0) hapd1 = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[1], params) bssid1 = hapd1.own_addr() wpas.request("BLACKLIST " + bssid0) wpas.scan_for_bss(bssid1, freq=2412) wpas.request("DISCONNECT") if "OK" not in wpas.request("SET ignore_auth_resp 1"): raise Exception("SET ignore_auth_resp failed") if "OK" not in wpas.request("ENABLE_NETWORK " + str(id)): raise Exception("ENABLE_NETWORK failed") if "OK" not in wpas.request("SELECT_NETWORK " + str(id)): raise Exception("SELECT_NETWORK failed") logger.info("Wait ~10s for auth timeout...") time.sleep(10) ev = wpas.wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED"], 12) if not ev: raise Exception("CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED not seen") b = get_blacklist(wpas) if '00:00:00:00:00:00' in b: raise Exception("Unexpected blacklist contents: " + str(b)) if bssid1 not in b: raise Exception("Unexpected blacklist contents: " + str(b)) def test_ap_roam_with_reassoc_auth_timeout(dev, apdev, params): """Roam using reassoc between two APs and authentication times out""" wpas = WpaSupplicant(global_iface='/tmp/wpas-wlan5') wpas.interface_add("wlan5", drv_params="force_connect_cmd=1,force_bss_selection=1") params = hostapd.wpa2_params(ssid="test-wpa2-psk", passphrase="12345678") hapd0 = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params) bssid0 = hapd0.own_addr() id = wpas.connect("test-wpa2-psk", psk="12345678", scan_freq="2412") hapd0.wait_sta() hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(wpas, hapd0) hapd1 = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[1], params) bssid1 = hapd1.own_addr() wpas.scan_for_bss(bssid1, freq=2412) if "OK" not in wpas.request("SET_NETWORK " + str(id) + " bssid " + bssid1): raise Exception("SET_NETWORK failed") if "OK" not in wpas.request("SET ignore_auth_resp 1"): raise Exception("SET ignore_auth_resp failed") if "OK" not in wpas.request("REASSOCIATE"): raise Exception("REASSOCIATE failed") logger.info("Wait ~10s for auth timeout...") time.sleep(10) ev = wpas.wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED"], 12) if not ev: raise Exception("CTRL-EVENT-SCAN-STARTED not seen") b = get_blacklist(wpas) if bssid0 in b: raise Exception("Unexpected blacklist contents: " + str(b)) def test_ap_roam_wpa2_psk_failed(dev, apdev, params): """Roam failure with WPA2-PSK AP due to wrong passphrase""" params = hostapd.wpa2_params(ssid="test-wpa2-psk", passphrase="12345678") hapd0 = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params) id = dev[0].connect("test-wpa2-psk", psk="12345678", scan_freq="2412") hapd0.wait_sta() hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd0) params['wpa_passphrase'] = "22345678" hapd1 = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[1], params) bssid = hapd1.own_addr() dev[0].scan_for_bss(bssid, freq=2412) dev[0].dump_monitor() if "OK" not in dev[0].request("ROAM " + bssid): raise Exception("ROAM failed") ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-SSID-TEMP-DISABLED", "CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED"], 5) if "CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED" in ev: raise Exception("Got unexpected CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED") if "CTRL-EVENT-SSID-TEMP-DISABLED" not in ev: raise Exception("CTRL-EVENT-SSID-TEMP-DISABLED not seen") if "OK" not in dev[0].request("SELECT_NETWORK id=" + str(id)): raise Exception("SELECT_NETWORK failed") ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-SSID-REENABLED"], 3) if not ev: raise Exception("CTRL-EVENT-SSID-REENABLED not seen") dev[0].wait_connected(timeout=5) hapd0.wait_sta() hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd0) @remote_compatible def test_ap_reassociation_to_same_bss(dev, apdev): """Reassociate to the same BSS""" hapd = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], {"ssid": "test-open"}) dev[0].connect("test-open", key_mgmt="NONE") hapd.wait_sta() dev[0].request("REASSOCIATE") dev[0].wait_connected(timeout=10, error="Reassociation timed out") hapd.wait_sta() hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd) dev[0].request("REATTACH") dev[0].wait_connected(timeout=10, error="Reattach timed out") hapd.wait_sta() hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd) # Wait for previous scan results to expire to trigger new scan time.sleep(5) dev[0].request("REATTACH") dev[0].wait_connected(timeout=10, error="Reattach timed out") hapd.wait_sta() hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd) @remote_compatible def test_ap_roam_set_bssid(dev, apdev): """Roam control""" hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], {"ssid": "test-open"}) hostapd.add_ap(apdev[1], {"ssid": "test-open"}) id = dev[0].connect("test-open", key_mgmt="NONE", bssid=apdev[1]['bssid'], scan_freq="2412") if dev[0].get_status_field('bssid') != apdev[1]['bssid']: raise Exception("Unexpected BSS") # for now, these are just verifying that the code path to indicate # within-ESS roaming changes can be executed; the actual results of those # operations are not currently verified (that would require a test driver # that does BSS selection) dev[0].set_network(id, "bssid", "") dev[0].set_network(id, "bssid", apdev[0]['bssid']) dev[0].set_network(id, "bssid", apdev[1]['bssid']) @remote_compatible def test_ap_roam_wpa2_psk_race(dev, apdev): """Roam between two WPA2-PSK APs and try to hit a disconnection race""" params = hostapd.wpa2_params(ssid="test-wpa2-psk", passphrase="12345678") hapd0 = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], params) dev[0].connect("test-wpa2-psk", psk="12345678", scan_freq="2412") hapd0.wait_sta() hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd0) params['channel'] = '2' hapd1 = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[1], params) dev[0].scan_for_bss(apdev[1]['bssid'], freq=2417) dev[0].roam(apdev[1]['bssid']) hapd1.wait_sta() hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd1) dev[0].roam(apdev[0]['bssid']) hapd0.wait_sta() hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd0) # Wait at least two seconds to trigger the previous issue with the # disconnection callback. for i in range(3): time.sleep(0.8) hwsim_utils.test_connectivity(dev[0], hapd0) def test_ap_roam_signal_level_override(dev, apdev): """Roam between two APs based on driver signal level override""" hapd0 = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[0], {"ssid": "test-open"}) bssid0 = apdev[0]['bssid'] hapd1 = hostapd.add_ap(apdev[1], {"ssid": "test-open"}) bssid1 = apdev[1]['bssid'] dev[0].scan_for_bss(bssid0, freq=2412) dev[0].scan_for_bss(bssid1, freq=2412) dev[0].connect("test-open", key_mgmt="NONE") bssid = dev[0].get_status_field('bssid') if bssid == bssid0: dst = bssid1 src = bssid0 else: dst = bssid0 src = bssid1 dev[0].scan(freq=2412) ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED"], 0.5) if ev is not None: raise Exception("Unexpected roam") orig_res = dev[0].request("SIGNAL_POLL") dev[0].set("driver_signal_override", src + " -1 -2 -3 -4 -5") res = dev[0].request("SIGNAL_POLL").splitlines() if "RSSI=-1" not in res or \ "AVG_RSSI=-2" not in res or \ "AVG_BEACON_RSSI=-3" not in res or \ "NOISE=-4" not in res: raise Exception("SIGNAL_POLL override did not work: " + str(res)) dev[0].set("driver_signal_override", src) new_res = dev[0].request("SIGNAL_POLL") if orig_res != new_res: raise Exception("SIGNAL_POLL restore did not work: " + new_res) tests = [("-30 -30 -30 -95 -30", "-30 -30 -30 -95 -30"), ("-30 -30 -30 -95 -30", "-20 -20 -20 -95 -20"), ("-90 -90 -90 -95 -90", "-89 -89 -89 -95 -89"), ("-90 -90 -90 -95 -95", "-89 -89 -89 -95 -89")] for src_override, dst_override in tests: dev[0].set("driver_signal_override", src + " " + src_override) dev[0].set("driver_signal_override", dst + " " + dst_override) dev[0].scan(freq=2412) ev = dev[0].wait_event(["CTRL-EVENT-CONNECTED"], 0.1) if ev is not None: raise Exception("Unexpected roam") dev[0].dump_monitor() dev[0].set("driver_signal_override", src + " -90 -90 -90 -95 -90") dev[0].set("driver_signal_override", dst + " -80 -80 -80 -95 -80") dev[0].scan(freq=2412) dev[0].wait_connected() if dst != dev[0].get_status_field('bssid'): raise Exception("Unexpected AP after roam") dev[0].dump_monitor()