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#i3 config file (v4)
# -*- mode: i3wm-config -*-
#### _____ _ ____ ____ _ _
#### |_ _| |__ ___| _ \ ___ _ __ ___ / ___| |_ _| |__
#### | | | '_ \ / _ \ |_) / _ \ '_ \ / _ \| | | | | | | '_ \
#### | | | | | | __/ _ < __/ |_) | (_) | |___| | |_| | |_) |
#### |_| |_| |_|\___|_| \_\___| .__/ \___/ \____|_|\__,_|_.__/
#### |_|
workspace_auto_back_and_forth yes
############# Set Custom Variables ##############
# {{{ Variables
set $TerminalEmulator alacritty
set $WebBrowserB google-chrome-stable
set $WebBrowserF firefox
set $FileManager nemo
set $MailReader thunderbird
set $TextEditor code
set $Hypervisor virt-manager
set $GitBrowser lazygit
# }}} Variables
################# Define the variables/keys #################
# {{{ Definitions
# Key to rule them all : Super(Windows) or Alt key?
# Mod4 = Windows or Super key on keyboard
# Mod1 = Alt key on keyboard
set $super Mod4
set $super_b bindsym Mod4
set $alt Mod1
set $alt_b bindsym Mod1
set $control Ctrl
set $control_b bindsym Ctrl
set $shift Shift
set $shift_b bindsym Shift
set $exe exec --no-startup-id
set $exe_always exec_always --no-startup-id
set $print_b bindsym Print
################# Define the movements keys - variables #################
#This is setup for qwerty
set $left h
set $down j
set $up k
set $right l
################# Single and Dual screen #################
# my current setup
set $firstMonitor eDP-1
set $secondMonitor HDMI-1-0
set $ws1 "1: Terminal"
set $ws2 "2: Editor"
set $ws3 "3: Files"
set $ws4 "4: Graphics"
set $ws5 "5: Music"
set $ws6 "6: WebBrowser"
set $ws7 "7: Mail"
set $ws8 "8: Games"
set $ws9 "9: Chat"
set $ws0 "10: Settings"
# }}} Definitions
# {{{ Workspaces
workspace $ws1 output $firstMonitor
workspace $ws2 output $firstMonitor
workspace $ws3 output $firstMonitor
workspace $ws4 output $firstMonitor
workspace $ws5 output $firstMonitor
workspace $ws6 output $secondMonitor
workspace $ws7 output $secondMonitor
workspace $ws8 output $secondMonitor
workspace $ws9 output $secondMonitor
workspace $ws0 output $secondMonitor
# }}} Workspaces
################# Main Includes #################
include ~/.config/i3/config.d/*.conf
################# Main Keybinds #################
# {{{ Cheat
## Category: Main Keybinds;
# Description: Show Keybinds;
$super_b+F1 \
$exe i3-cheat
#$exe ~/.config/i3/scripts/keybinds.sh
# }}} Cheat
################# i3 menu's in archlinux #################
# {{{ Menus
## Category: Menus;
# Description: Start GMrun;
$super_b+F2 \
$exe gmrun
## Category: Menus;
# Description: Start ClipMenu;
$super_b+F3 \
$exe clipmenu -p ClipMenu -mesg "Copy from clipboard."
####### Rofi Menu's #######
## Category: Menus;
# Description: Start Main Menu;
$super_b+m \
$exe menu
## Category: Menus;
# Description: Start Music Menu;
$super_b+F4 \
$exe music
## Category: Menus;
# Description: Start Pass Menu;
$super_b+p \
$exe passmenu
## Category: Menus;
# Description: Start Youtube Menu;
$super_b+F5 \
$exe youtube_subs
# }}} Menus
################# how to exit, logoff, suspend, ... #################
# {{{ Power
## Category: Main Keybinds;
# Description: Exit / Quit / Restart;
$super_b+$shift+e \
$exe rofi -show powermenu -config ~/.config/rofi/powermenu.rasi
## Category: Main Keybinds;
# Description: Exit / Quit / Restart;
$super_b+$shift+x \
$exe rofi -show powermenu -config ~/.config/rofi/powermenu.rasi
## Category: Main Keybinds;
# Description: Exit / Quit / Restart;
$super_b+x \
$exe rofi -show powermenu -config ~/.config/rofi/powermenu.rasi
# }}} Power
################# reload changed configuration #################
# {{{ Reload
## Category: i3-Config;
# Description: Restart i3 (preserves your layout/session);
$super_b+$shift+r \
$super_b+$controlr+r \
$exe autostart
## Category: i3-Config;
# Description: Reload the configuration file;
$super_b+$shift+c \
# }}} Reload
################# Stopping an application #################
## Category: i3-Config;
# Description: Kill focused window;
$super_b+q \
$exe i3_kill
## Category: i3-Config;
# Description: Kill focused window;
$super_b+$shift+q \
$exe i3_kill
################# Moving around in i3 #################
# {{{ Moving Around
# Use Mouse+$super to drag floating windows to their wanted position
floating_modifier $super
## Category: i3-Windows;
# Description: Toggle tiling / floating windows;
$super_b+$shift+space \
floating toggle
## Category: i3-Windows;
# Description: Change focus: left;
$super_b+$left \
focus left
## Category: i3-Windows;
# Description: Change focus: down;
$super_b+$down \
focus down
## Category: i3-Windows;
# Description: Change focus: up;
$super_b+$up \
focus up
## Category: i3-Windows;
# Description: Change focus: right;
$super_b+$right \
focus right
## Category: i3-Windows;
# Description: Move focused window: left;
$super_b+$shift+$left \
move left
## Category: i3-Windows;
# Description: Move focused window: down;
$super_b+$shift+$down \
move down
## Category: i3-Windows;
# Description: Move focused window: up;
$super_b+$shift+$up \
move up
## Category: i3-Windows;
# Description: Move focused window: right;
$super_b+$shift+$right \
move right
################# moving around workspaces #################
# next/previous workspace
## Category: i3-Windows;
# Description: Move to next workspace;
$alt_b+Tab \
workspace next
## Category: i3-Windows;
# Description: Move to prev workspace;
$alt_b+$shift+Tab \
workspace prev
## Category: i3-Windows;
# Description: Scroll though workspaces;
$super_b+Tab \
workspace back_and_forth
# switch to workspace with urgent window automatically
for_window [urgent=latest] focus
################# Tiling parameters #################
# orientation for new workspaces
default_orientation auto
## Category: i3-Windows;
# Description: Toggle split;
$alt_b+t \
split toggle;exec notify-send 'tile toggled' -a 'i3-wm'
## Category: i3-Windows;
# Description: Split in horizontal orientation;
$super_b+$alt+h \
split h;exec notify-send 'tile horizontally' -a 'i3-wm'
## Category: i3-Windows;
# Description: Split in vertical orientation;
$super_b+$alt+v \
split v;exec notify-send 'tile vertically' -a 'i3-wm'
## Category: i3-Windows;
# Description: Enter fullscreen mode for the focused container;
$alt_b+f \
fullscreen toggle
# change container layout (stacked, tabbed, toggle split)
## Category: i3-Windows;
# Description: Change container layout: stacked;
$alt_b+s \
layout stacking
## Category: i3-Windows;
# Description: Change container layout: tabbed;
$alt_b+z \
layout tabbed
## Category: i3-Windows;
# Description: Change container layout: toggle split;
$alt_b+e \
layout toggle split
## Category: i3-Windows;
# Description: Change focus between tiling / floating windows;
$alt_b+space \
focus mode_toggle
## Category: i3-Windows;
# Description: Focus the parent container;
$alt_b+a \
focus parent
## Category: i3-Windows;
# Description: Focus the child container;
$alt_b+d \
focus child
# }}} Moving Around
################# resize #################
# {{{ Resize
## Category: i3-Windows;
# Description: Resize window (you can also use the mouse for that);
$super_b+r \
mode "$resize"
set $resize Resize: [U]p [D]own [L]eft [R]ight
mode "$resize" {
# These bindings trigger as soon as you enter the resize mode
# Pressing left will shrink the window’s width.
# Pressing right will grow the window’s width.
# Pressing up will shrink the window’s height.
# Pressing down will grow the window’s height.
bindsym --release $left resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
bindsym --release $down resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
bindsym --release $up resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
bindsym --release $right resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
# same bindings, but for the arrow keys
bindsym --release Left resize shrink width 10 px or 10 ppt
bindsym --release Down resize grow height 10 px or 10 ppt
bindsym --release Up resize shrink height 10 px or 10 ppt
bindsym --release Right resize grow width 10 px or 10 ppt
# back to normal: Enter or Escape
bindsym Return mode "default"
bindsym Escape mode "default"
# }}} Resize
################# choose the font #################
# Font for window titles. Will also be used by the bar unless a different font
# is used in the bar {} block below.
# choose your font
font pango:Noto Mono Regular 13
################# assign applications to workspaces #################
# {{{ Assign Applications
# Assign application to start on a specific workspace
# you can find the class with the program xprop
# sign via class
# Workspace $ws1
assign [class="(?i)Alacritty|Kitty"] → $ws1
# Workspace $ws2
assign [class="(?i)Emacs"] → $ws2
assign [class="(?i)Code|Nvim"] → $ws2
# Workspace $ws3
assign [class="(?i)Nemo"] → $ws3
# Workspace $ws4
assign [class="(?i)Aseprite|Krita"] → $ws4
# Workspace $ws5
assign [class="(?i)Xephyr"] → $ws5
assign [class="(?i)CmusImage"] → $ws5
# Workspace $ws6
assign [class="(?i)Firefox|Google-Chrome"] → $ws6
# Workspace $ws7
assign [class="(?i)Mail|Thunderbird"] → $ws7
assign [class="(?i)Keybase"] → $ws7
# Workspace $ws8
assign [class="(?i)Minecraft*|Steam*"] → $ws8
assign [class="(?i)0ad*|Minetest"] → $ws8
assign [class="(?i)PrismLauncher*"] → $ws8
# Workspace $ws9
assign [class="(?i)Discord|Element"] → $ws9
# Workspace $ws0
assign [class="(?i)Virt*|LazyGit"] → $ws0
assign [class="(?i)Dconf-editor|Piper*"] → $ws0
assign [class="(?i)Actions|Btop"] → $ws0
assign [class="(?i)PkgBrowser"] → $ws0
assign [class="(?i)Jetbrains"] → $ws0
# }}} Assign Applications
################# applications keyboard shortcuts #################
# {{{ Applications Keyboard Shortcuts
# workspace related
# workspace 1 related
## Category: Applications;
# Description: Launch $TerminalEmulator;
$super_b+Return \
$exe $TerminalEmulator;focus
$super_b+KP_Enter \
$exe $TerminalEmulator;focus
# workspace 2 related
## Category: Applications;
# Description: Launch $TextEditor;
$super_b+$control+c \
$exe $TextEditor;focus
## Category: Applications;
# Description: Launch Intellij Idea;
$super_b+$control+i \
$exe idea;focus
# workspace 3 related
## Category: Applications;
# Description: Launch $FileManager;
$super_b+$shift+Return \
$exe $FileManager;focus
$super_b+$shift+KP_Enter \
$exe $FileManager;focus
# workspace 4 related
## Category: Applications;
# Description: Launch Krita;
$super_b+$control+k \
$exe krita;focus
# workspace 5 related
## Category: Applications;
# Description: Launch VLC;
$super_b+$control+v \
$exe vlc;focus
# workspace 6 related
## Category: Applications;
# Description: Launch $WebBrowserB;
$super_b+$control+b \
$exe $WebBrowserB;focus
## Category: Applications;
# Description: Launch $WebBrowserF;
$super_b+$control+f \
$exe $WebBrowserF;focus
# workspace 7 related
## Category: Applications;
# Description: Launch $MailReader;
$super_b+$control+m \
$exe $MailReader;focus
# workspace 8 related
# workspace 8 related
# workspace 0 related
############# Games #############
## Category: Applications;
# Description: Launch Games;
$super_b+$control+g \
mode "$game_launcher"
set $game_launcher Launch: [0]ad [s]eam [m]inecraft mine[t]est
mode "$game_launcher" {
bindsym --release 0 \
$exe prime-run 0ad;focus; mode "default"
bindsym --release s \
$exe prime-run steam;focus; mode "default"
bindsym --release m \
$exe prime-run prismlauncher;focus; mode "default"
bindsym --release t \
$exe prime-run minetest;focus; mode "default"
bindsym Escape mode "default"
bindsym Return mode "default"
# workspace 9 related
## Category: Applications;
# Description: Launch discord;
$super_b+$control+d \
$exe discord;focus
## Category: Applications;
# Description: Launch Element;
$super_b+$control+e \
$exe element-desktop;focus
# workspace 10 related
## Category: Applications;
# Description: Launch Piper;
$super_b+$control+p \
$exe piper;focus
## Category: Applications;
# Description: Change MultiMonitorLock;
$super_b+$shift+z \
$exe multimonitorlock-gui;focus
## Category: Applications;
# Description: Launch Pavucontrol;
$control_b+$alt+u \
$exe pavucontrol;focus
## Category: Applications;
# Description: Launch pkgbrowser;
$control_b+$alt+p \
$exe pkgbrowser;focus
## Category: Applications;
# Description: Launch $Hypervisor;
$super_b+$control+h \
$exe $Hypervisor;focus
# }}} Applications Keyboard Shortcuts
################# screenshots #################
# {{{ Screenshots
## Category: Screenshots;
# Description: Screen Shot Mode;
$super_b+Print \
mode "$screenshot"
set $screenshot Screenshot: [w]indow [s]election [f]ullscreen
mode "$screenshot" {
bindsym --release w \
$exe win-shot -w; mode "default"
bindsym --release s \
$exe win-shot -s; mode "default"
bindsym --release f \
$exe win-shot -f; mode "default"
# back to normal: Enter or Escape
bindsym Return mode "default"
bindsym Escape mode "default"
# }}} Screenshots
################# floating or tiled #################
# {{{ Floating/Tiled/Fullscreen
# floating enabled from some programs - find with xprop
for_window [class="(?i)Imagewriter"] floating enable
for_window [class="(?i)Font-manager"] floating enable
for_window [class="(?i)Yad*"] floating enable
for_window [class="(?i)Pavucontrol"] floating enable, resize set 640 480, move position center
for_window [class="(?i)wm-cheat.py"] floating enable, resize set 720 720, move position center
for_window [class="(?i)MultiMonitorLock-GUI"] floating enable
for_window [class="(?i)Polybar-updates"] floating enable, resize set 1280 720, move position center
for_window [class="(?i)Menu"] floating enable, resize set 350 900, move position center
for_window [class="(?i)PowerMenu"] floating enable, resize set 400 300, move position center
for_window [class="(?i)PolybarMenu"] floating enable, resize set 350 900, move position center
for_window [class="(?i)PassMenu"] floating enable, resize set 350 700, move position center
for_window [class="(?i)MusicMenu"] floating enable, resize set 550 500, move position center
for_window [class="(?i)YoutubeMenu"] floating enable, resize set 700 750, move position center
for_window [title="(?i)Copying|Deleting|Moving"] floating enable, move position center
for_window [window_role="(?i)Organizer|Floating"] floating enable, resize set 640 480, move position center
# fullscreen enabled from some programs - find with xprop
for_window [class="(?i)Minecraft*|0ad*|Minetest"] fullscreen enable
for_window [class="(?i)steam_app_271590"] fullscreen enable
# }}} Floating/Tiled/Fullscreen
################# audio settings #################
# {{{ Audio Settings
bindsym XF86AudioRaiseVolume $exe "amixer sset Master '5%+'"
bindsym XF86AudioLowerVolume $exe "amixer sset Master '5%-'"
bindsym XF86AudioMute $exe "amixer set Master toggle"
bindsym XF86AudioPlay $exe playerctl play-pause
bindsym XF86AudioNext $exe playerctl next
bindsym XF86AudioPrev $exe playerctl previous
bindsym XF86AudioStop $exe playerctl stop
# }}} Audio Settings
################# xbacklight #################
# {{{ xbacklight
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessUp $exe brightnessctl set 5%+ # increase screen brightness
bindsym XF86MonBrightnessDown $exe brightnessctl set 5%- # decrease screen brightness
# }}} xbacklight
################# bar toggle #################
## Category: Main Keybinds;
# Description: Toggle Polybar;
$super_b+b \
$exe polybar-msg cmd toggle
### Comming SOON
## Category: Main Keybinds;
# Description: Toggle Polybar Tray;
# $super_b+t \
# $exe polybar-msg action tray module_toggle
################# border control #################
# {{{ Border Control
# Border control
hide_edge_borders none
## Category: i3-Windows;
# Description: i3 border toggle;
$super_b+$shift+b \
$exe i3-msg border toggle
## Category: i3-Windows;
# Description: i3 border normal;
$super_b+n \
border normal
## Category: i3-Windows;
# Description: i3 border 1pixel;
$super_b+y \
border 1pixel
## Category: i3-Windows;
# Description: i3 border none;
$super_b+u \
border none
new_window pixel 5
#new_window normal
#new_window none
new_float pixel 5
#new_float normal
#new_float none
# }}} Border Control
################# Popups control #################
#Popups during fullscreen mode
popup_during_fullscreen smart
################# i3 gaps next #################
# Settings for i3 next gap git
# https://github.com/Airblader/i3/tree/gaps-next
# delete or uncomment the following lines if you do not have it or do not
# want it
for_window [class="^.*"] border 10pixel
gaps inner 5
gaps outer 2
#smart_gaps on
#smart_borders on
################# i3 gaps change #################
# {{{ Gaps Change
set $mode_gaps Gaps: (o) outer, (i) inner
set $mode_gaps_outer Outer Gaps: +|-|0 (local), Shift++|-|0 (global)
set $mode_gaps_inner Inner Gaps: +|-|0 (local), Shift++|-|0 (global)
# Description: i3 mode: Gaps;
$super_b+$shift+g \
mode "$mode_gaps"
mode "$mode_gaps" {
bindsym --release o mode "$mode_gaps_outer"
bindsym --release i mode "$mode_gaps_inner"
bindsym Return mode "default"
bindsym Escape mode "default"
mode "$mode_gaps_inner" {
bindsym --release plus gaps inner current plus 5
bindsym --release minus gaps inner current minus 5
bindsym --release 0 gaps inner current set 0
$shift_b+plus gaps inner all plus 5
$shift_b+minus gaps inner all minus 5
$shift_b+0 gaps inner all set 0
bindsym Return mode "default"
bindsym Escape mode "default"
mode "$mode_gaps_outer" {
bindsym --release plus gaps outer current plus 5
bindsym --release minus gaps outer current minus 5
bindsym --release 0 gaps outer current set 0
$shift_b+plus gaps outer all plus 5
$shift_b+minus gaps outer all minus 5
$shift_b+0 gaps outer all set 0
bindsym Return mode "default"
bindsym Escape mode "default"
# }}} Gaps Change
################# Start of all the settings #################
################# autostart - execute applications at boot time #################
# {{{ Autostart
# start autostart
$exe autostart
# }}} Autostart
# {{{ Settings
$exe youtube_subs -d
# setting variables for later use
# use xrandr and/or arandr to know the names of your monitors
# use this line to tell which monitor is on the right
$exe autorandr --force --load i3
# }}} Settings
################# picom of i3wm #################
#if you want transparency on non-focused windows, ...
$exe_always picom --config ~/.config/i3/picom.conf
## Category: Main Keybinds;
# Description: Toggle Picom;
$control_b+$alt+o \
$exe ~/.config/polybar/scripts/picom-toggle.sh
## Category: Main Keybinds;
# Description: Reload Polybar;
$control_b+$alt+b \
$exe ~/.config/polybar/launch.sh
################# Scratchpad #################
# {{{ Scratchpad
# move the currently focused window to the scratchpad
## Category: Scratchpad;
# Description: Move focused window to scratchpad;
$super_b+$shift+minus \
move scratchpad
# Show the next scratchpad window or hide the focused scratchpad window.
# If there are multiple scratchpad windows, this command cycles through them.
## Category: Scratchpad;
# Description: Show the next scratchpad window;
$super_b+minus \
scratchpad show
############### active dropdown scratchpad ###############
## Category: Dropdowns;
# Description: Toggle btop;
$alt_b+$shift+b \
$exe dropdown_btop toggle
## Category: Dropdowns;
# Description: Toggle $TerminalEmulator;
$alt_b+$shift+t \
$exe dropdown_terminal toggle
$control_b+Return \
$exe dropdown_terminal toggle
## Category: Dropdowns;
# Description: Toggle pavucontrol;
$alt_b+$shift+a \
$exe dropdown_pavucontrol toggle
# }}} Scratchpad
## Category: Dropdowns;
# Description: Toggle conky;
$alt_b+$shift+c \
$exe toggle_conky
################# Theme Colors #################
# {{{ Colors
# Theme colors
# class border bground text indicator child_border
client.focused #81a1c1 #81a1c1 #e5e9f0 #81a1c1 #ff59f9
client.focused_inactive #434c5e #434c5e #e5e9f0 #ff59f9 #81a1c1
client.unfocused #283036 #283036 #BFBFBF #283036 #81a1c1
client.urgent #434c5e #ff5959 #e5e9f0 #ff5959 #434c5e
client.placeholder #283036 #283036 #e5e9f0 #283036 #283036
client.background #434c5e
# }}} Colors
######################################## THE END ###########################################
# vim: filetype=i3config
# vim: foldmethod=marker:foldlevel=0