#!/usr/bin/env bash #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Path - /usr/bin/bulkrename # GitHub - https://github.com/The-Repo-Club/ # Author - The-Repo-Club [wayne6324@gmail.com] # Start On - Sun 31 Oct 00:30:13 BST 2021 # Modified On - Sun 31 Oct 00:30:13 BST 2021 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Run this script by setting it at: # Nemo -> Edit -> Preferences -> Behavior -> Bulk Rename # Select multiple files in Nemo and hit F2 (or right-click -> Rename) # Return the index of the first ocurrence of a substring or -1 if none # $1 = string # $2 = substring function strindex() { x="${1%%$2*}" [[ "$x" = "$1" ]] && echo -1 || echo "${#x}" } # Convert '+' to ' ' and '%20' to ' ' # $1 = string to decode function urldecode() { : "${*//+/ }"; echo -e "${_//%/\\x}"; } # Log to temporary file if enabled function log() { echo $1 >> "/tmp/nemo-bulk-rename.log" } # Add index to string replacing placeholder if exists or at the end. # $1 = string # $2 = leadingCeroes # $3 = index function replaceCounter() { if [[ "$counterIndex" -eq "-1" ]]; then echo "$1_$3"; else printf -v index "%0$2d" $3 echo ${1/"z:$2"/$index} fi } log "============ New bulk rename at `date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'` ============" fileName=$(yad --entry --title="Nemo - Bulk Rename" \ --window-icon="info" \ --text="Type new file name without extension ('/' is not allowed).\n\ Use z:# placeholder mask to specify counter position and amount of leading zeroes.\ \ni.e.:\n 'filename' = filename_1.ext (no mask)\n 'myz:2file' = my01file.ext (mask)") if [[ -z "$fileName" ]]; then exit 0 elif [[ $fileName == *\/* ]]; then notify-send "Bulk Rename: Error" "Please insert a valid file name." -i error -u low exit 1 fi log "renaming files to: $fileName" placeholder="z:" counter=1 counterIndex=$(strindex "$fileName" "$placeholder") leadingCeroes=${fileName:$counterIndex+2:1} log "found placeholder at: $counterIndex for $leadingCeroes leading ceroes" # loop throught files passed by Nemo # paths come in the format "file:///home/user/.." for i; do i=$(urldecode $i) # replace "file://" with "" oldPath=${i/"file://"/""} path="${oldPath%\/*}" ext=${oldPath##*.} newName="$path/$(replaceCounter "$fileName" "$leadingCeroes" "$counter").$ext" log "renaming $oldPath to $newName" mv "$oldPath" "$newName" counter=$((counter+1)) done counter=$((counter-1)) notify-send "Bulk Rename: Completed" "Renamed $counter files successfully" -i nemo -u low exit 1