#!/usr/bin/env perl #cito M:755 O:0 G:0 T:/usr/bin/dayborn #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Path - /usr/bin/dayborn# # GitHub - https://github.com/The-Repo-Club/ # # Author - The-Repo-Club [wayne6324@gmail.com] # # Start On - Sun 31 Oct 18:54:42 GMT 2021# # Modified On - Sun 31 Oct 18:54:42 GMT 2021# #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # This project was originally called Iteration. The aim was to generate a more # traditional version number from the delta of the two timestamps, the time the # project was born, and the time of the last change made. # # In the end, it wound up being a nifty little program which simply outputs how # many days it has been since the project was born, hence the name. # # Dependencies: # # perl (>= 5.22.1-9) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ require Date::Format; require Time::Piece; use v5.22.1; use strict; use warnings; use autodie; use Date::Format 'time2str'; use Time::Piece; no warnings 'uninitialized'; my $CurVer = '2021-02-01'; my $Progrm = 'dayborn'; sub Usage{ print(qq{Usage: $Progrm [OPTS] [FILE] -h, --help - Display this help information. -v, --version - Output the version datestamp. } =~ tr/\t//dr) } while (defined($ARGV[0])){ if ($ARGV[0] =~ '^(--help|-h|-\?)$'){ Usage(1); exit(0) }elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ '^(--version|-v)$'){ print("$CurVer\n"); exit(0) }elsif ($ARGV[0] =~ '^-'){ die("Incorrect option(s) specified") }else{ last } shift() } scalar(@ARGV) == 1 or die("File name required"); scalar(@ARGV) > 1 and die("Only one file at a time is valid"); -f $ARGV[0] or die("File '$ARGV[0]' not found"); -r $ARGV[0] or die("File '$ARGV[0]' unreadable"); -B $ARGV[0] and die("File '$ARGV[0]' is binary"); open(my $FH, '<', $ARGV[0]); my ($Start, $Now); while (<$FH>){ /^# (Start|Modified) / or next; chomp(my @Arr = split(' ')); # The following format (sans quotes) is expected: # # '# Started On - Mon 10 Feb 23:49:15 GMT 2020' # if ($Arr[1] eq 'Start') { $Start = Time::Piece->strptime( join(' ', @Arr[4,6,5,7,9]), '%a %b %d %T %Z %Y' )->epoch() } # The following format (sans quotes) is expected: # # '# Modified On - Tue 11 Feb 01:00:34 GMT 2020' # if ($Arr[1] eq 'Modified') { $Now = Time::Piece->strptime( join(' ', @Arr[4,6,5,7,9]), '%a %b %d %T %Z %Y' )->epoch() } } close($FH); my $Project = ($ARGV[0] =~ m{(?:.*/)?([^/].*)})[0]; my $DeltaDay = ($Now - $Start) / 60 / 60 / 24; printf("Project '%s' was born %.2f day's ago.\n", $Project, $DeltaDay)