# enable xprofiles zprofile=$HOME/.zprofile if [ -f "$zprofile" ]; then source "$zprofile" fi export PATH="$HOME/.basher/bin:$PATH" eval "$(basher init - zsh)" ZSH_CUSTOM="$HOME/.config/zsh/" ZSH_ALIASES="$ZSH_CUSTOM/aliases" ZSH_PLUGINS="$ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins" ZSH_THEMES="$ZSH_CUSTOM/themes" if [ "$TERM" = "linux" ]; then printf %b '\e[40m' '\e[8]' # set default background to color 0 'dracula-bg' printf %b '\e[37m' '\e[8]' # set default foreground to color 7 'dracula-fg' printf %b '\e]P0282a36' # redefine 'black' as 'dracula-bg' printf %b '\e]P86272a4' # redefine 'bright-black' as 'dracula-comment' printf %b '\e]P1ff5555' # redefine 'red' as 'dracula-red' printf %b '\e]P9ff7777' # redefine 'bright-red' as '#ff7777' printf %b '\e]P250fa7b' # redefine 'green' as 'dracula-green' printf %b '\e]PA70fa9b' # redefine 'bright-green' as '#70fa9b' printf %b '\e]P3f1fa8c' # redefine 'brown' as 'dracula-yellow' printf %b '\e]PBffb86c' # redefine 'bright-brown' as 'dracula-orange' printf %b '\e]P4bd93f9' # redefine 'blue' as 'dracula-purple' printf %b '\e]PCcfa9ff' # redefine 'bright-blue' as '#cfa9ff' printf %b '\e]P5ff79c6' # redefine 'magenta' as 'dracula-pink' printf %b '\e]PDff88e8' # redefine 'bright-magenta' as '#ff88e8' printf %b '\e]P68be9fd' # redefine 'cyan' as 'dracula-cyan' printf %b '\e]PE97e2ff' # redefine 'bright-cyan' as '#97e2ff' printf %b '\e]P7f8f8f2' # redefine 'white' as 'dracula-fg' printf %b '\e]PFffffff' # redefine 'bright-white' as '#ffffff' clear fi if [ ! "$TERM" = "linux" ]; then bbsif --birthday 16/06 # fm6000 -f ~/.config/fm6000/art # bfetch --source ~/.config/bfetch/ascii.art --ascii_colors 7 1 2 3 5 8 --birthday 16/06 fi autoload -U compinit compinit #Add aliases into zsh if [ -d "$ZSH_ALIASES" ]; then for file in "$ZSH_ALIASES"/*; do [[ -f "$file" && -r "$file" ]] && source "$file" done fi #Add plugins into zsh if [ -d "$ZSH_PLUGINS" ]; then for file in "$ZSH_PLUGINS"/*; do [[ -f "$file" && -r "$file" ]] && source "$file" done fi #Add themes into zsh if [ -d "$ZSH_THEMES" ]; then for file in "$ZSH_THEMES"/*; do [[ -f "$file" && -r "$file" ]] && source "$file" done fi eval "$(starship init zsh)"