mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 10:23:23 -05:00
Update neovim configs
Signed-off-by: The-Repo-Club <wayne6324@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
local alpha = require("alpha")
-- General Settings auto commands
-- General Settings auto commands
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FileType", {
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FileType", {
group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("_general_settings", { clear = true }),
group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("_general_settings_filetype", { clear = true }),
pattern = { "qf", "help", "man", "lspinfo" },
pattern = { "qf", "help", "man", "lspinfo", "lazygit" },
command = "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> q :close<CR>",
command = "nnoremap <silent> <buffer> q :close<CR>",
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("TextYankPost", {
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("TextYankPost", {
group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("_general_settings", { clear = true }),
group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("_general_settings_yank_text", { clear = true }),
pattern = "*",
pattern = "*",
callback = function()
callback = function()
require("vim.highlight").on_yank({ higroup = "Visual", timeout = 200 })
require("vim.highlight").on_yank({ higroup = "Visual", timeout = 200 })
@ -14,13 +15,13 @@ vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("TextYankPost", {
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufWinEnter", {
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufWinEnter", {
group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("_general_settings", { clear = true }),
group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("_general_settings_buffer_enter", { clear = true }),
pattern = "*",
pattern = "*",
command = "set formatoptions-=cro",
command = "set formatoptions-=cro",
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FileType", {
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FileType", {
group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("_general_settings", { clear = true }),
group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("_general_settings_filetype", { clear = true }),
pattern = "qf",
pattern = "qf",
command = "set nobuflisted",
command = "set nobuflisted",
@ -48,15 +49,23 @@ vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("VimResized", {
-- Alpha dashboard auto commands
-- Alpha dashboard auto commands
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("User", {
group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("_alpha", { clear = true }),
group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("_alpha_user", { clear = true }),
pattern = "AlphaReady",
pattern = "AlphaReady",
command = "<buffer> set laststatus=0 | <buffer> set showtabline=0 | <buffer> set mouse=a",
command = "set laststatus=0 | set showtabline=0 | set mouse=",
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufUnload", {
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufUnload", {
group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("_alpha", { clear = true }),
group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("_alpha_buffer", { clear = true }),
pattern = "AlphaReady",
pattern = "*",
command = "<buffer> set laststatus=2 | <buffer> set showtabline=2 | <buffer> set mouse=a",
command = "set laststatus=2 | set showtabline=2 | set mouse=a",
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("TabNewEntered", {
group = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("_alpha_newtab", { clear = true }),
pattern = "*",
callback = function()
-- LSP auto commands
-- LSP auto commands
@ -1,33 +1,33 @@
-- Setup nvim-cmp.
-- Setup nvim-cmp.
local status_ok, npairs = pcall(require, "nvim-autopairs")
local status_ok, npairs = pcall(require, "nvim-autopairs")
if not status_ok then
if not status_ok then
npairs.setup {
check_ts = true,
check_ts = true,
ts_config = {
ts_config = {
lua = { "string", "source" },
lua = { "string", "source" },
javascript = { "string", "template_string" },
javascript = { "string", "template_string" },
java = false,
java = false,
disable_filetype = { "TelescopePrompt", "spectre_panel" },
disable_filetype = { "TelescopePrompt", "spectre_panel" },
fast_wrap = {
fast_wrap = {
map = "<M-e>",
map = "<M-e>",
chars = { "{", "[", "(", '"', "'" },
chars = { "{", "[", "(", '"', "'" },
pattern = string.gsub([[ [%'%"%)%>%]%)%}%,] ]], "%s+", ""),
pattern = string.gsub([[ [%'%"%)%>%]%)%}%,] ]], "%s+", ""),
offset = 0, -- Offset from pattern match
offset = 0, -- Offset from pattern match
end_key = "$",
end_key = "$",
keys = "qwertyuiopzxcvbnmasdfghjkl",
keys = "qwertyuiopzxcvbnmasdfghjkl",
check_comma = true,
check_comma = true,
highlight = "PmenuSel",
highlight = "PmenuSel",
highlight_grey = "LineNr",
highlight_grey = "LineNr",
local cmp_autopairs = require "nvim-autopairs.completion.cmp"
local cmp_autopairs = require("nvim-autopairs.completion.cmp")
local cmp_status_ok, cmp = pcall(require, "cmp")
local cmp_status_ok, cmp = pcall(require, "cmp")
if not cmp_status_ok then
if not cmp_status_ok then
cmp.event:on("confirm_done", cmp_autopairs.on_confirm_done { map_char = { tex = "" } })
cmp.event:on("confirm_done", cmp_autopairs.on_confirm_done({ map_char = { tex = "" } }))
@ -1,143 +1,143 @@
local cmp_status_ok, cmp = pcall(require, "cmp")
local cmp_status_ok, cmp = pcall(require, "cmp")
if not cmp_status_ok then
if not cmp_status_ok then
local snip_status_ok, luasnip = pcall(require, "luasnip")
local snip_status_ok, luasnip = pcall(require, "luasnip")
if not snip_status_ok then
if not snip_status_ok then
local check_backspace = function()
local check_backspace = function()
local col = vim.fn.col "." - 1
local col = vim.fn.col(".") - 1
return col == 0 or vim.fn.getline("."):sub(col, col):match "%s"
return col == 0 or vim.fn.getline("."):sub(col, col):match("%s")
-- פּ ﯟ some other good icons
-- פּ ﯟ some other good icons
local kind_icons = {
local kind_icons = {
Text = "",
Text = "",
Method = "m",
Method = "m",
Function = "",
Function = "",
Constructor = "",
Constructor = "",
Field = "",
Field = "",
Variable = "",
Variable = "",
Class = "",
Class = "",
Interface = "",
Interface = "",
Module = "",
Module = "",
Property = "",
Property = "",
Unit = "",
Unit = "",
Value = "",
Value = "",
Enum = "",
Enum = "",
Keyword = "",
Keyword = "",
Snippet = "",
Snippet = "",
Color = "",
Color = "",
File = "",
File = "",
Reference = "",
Reference = "",
Folder = "",
Folder = "",
EnumMember = "",
EnumMember = "",
Constant = "",
Constant = "",
Struct = "",
Struct = "",
Event = "",
Event = "",
Operator = "",
Operator = "",
TypeParameter = "",
TypeParameter = "",
-- find more here: https://www.nerdfonts.com/cheat-sheet
-- find more here: https://www.nerdfonts.com/cheat-sheet
cmp.setup {
snippet = {
snippet = {
expand = function(args)
expand = function(args)
luasnip.lsp_expand(args.body) -- For `luasnip` users.
luasnip.lsp_expand(args.body) -- For `luasnip` users.
mapping = {
mapping = {
["<C-k>"] = cmp.mapping.select_prev_item(),
["<C-k>"] = cmp.mapping.select_prev_item(),
["<C-j>"] = cmp.mapping.select_next_item(),
["<C-j>"] = cmp.mapping.select_next_item(),
["<C-b>"] = cmp.mapping(cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(-1), { "i", "c" }),
["<C-b>"] = cmp.mapping(cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(-1), { "i", "c" }),
["<C-f>"] = cmp.mapping(cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(1), { "i", "c" }),
["<C-f>"] = cmp.mapping(cmp.mapping.scroll_docs(1), { "i", "c" }),
["<C-Space>"] = cmp.mapping(cmp.mapping.complete(), { "i", "c" }),
["<C-Space>"] = cmp.mapping(cmp.mapping.complete(), { "i", "c" }),
["<C-y>"] = cmp.config.disable, -- Specify `cmp.config.disable` if you want to remove the default `<C-y>` mapping.
["<C-y>"] = cmp.config.disable, -- Specify `cmp.config.disable` if you want to remove the default `<C-y>` mapping.
["<C-e>"] = cmp.mapping {
["<C-e>"] = cmp.mapping({
i = cmp.mapping.abort(),
i = cmp.mapping.abort(),
c = cmp.mapping.close(),
c = cmp.mapping.close(),
-- Accept currently selected item. If none selected, `select` first item.
-- Accept currently selected item. If none selected, `select` first item.
-- Set `select` to `false` to only confirm explicitly selected items.
-- Set `select` to `false` to only confirm explicitly selected items.
["<CR>"] = cmp.mapping.confirm { select = true },
["<CR>"] = cmp.mapping.confirm({ select = true }),
["<Tab>"] = cmp.mapping(function(fallback)
["<Tab>"] = cmp.mapping(function(fallback)
if cmp.visible() then
if cmp.visible() then
elseif luasnip.expandable() then
elseif luasnip.expandable() then
elseif luasnip.expand_or_jumpable() then
elseif luasnip.expand_or_jumpable() then
elseif check_backspace() then
elseif check_backspace() then
end, {
end, {
["<S-Tab>"] = cmp.mapping(function(fallback)
["<S-Tab>"] = cmp.mapping(function(fallback)
if cmp.visible() then
if cmp.visible() then
elseif luasnip.jumpable(-1) then
elseif luasnip.jumpable(-1) then
end, {
end, {
formatting = {
formatting = {
fields = { "kind", "abbr", "menu" },
fields = { "kind", "abbr", "menu" },
format = function(entry, vim_item)
format = function(entry, vim_item)
-- Kind icons
-- Kind icons
vim_item.kind = string.format("%s", kind_icons[vim_item.kind])
vim_item.kind = string.format("%s", kind_icons[vim_item.kind])
-- vim_item.kind = string.format('%s %s', kind_icons[vim_item.kind], vim_item.kind) -- This concatonates the icons with the name of the item kind
-- vim_item.kind = string.format('%s %s', kind_icons[vim_item.kind], vim_item.kind) -- This concatonates the icons with the name of the item kind
vim_item.menu = ({
vim_item.menu = ({
nvim_lsp = "[LSP]",
nvim_lsp = "[LSP]",
luasnip = "[Snippet]",
luasnip = "[Snippet]",
buffer = "[Buffer]",
buffer = "[Buffer]",
path = "[Path]",
path = "[Path]",
return vim_item
return vim_item
sources = {
sources = {
{ name = "nvim_lsp" },
{ name = "nvim_lsp" },
{ name = "luasnip" },
{ name = "luasnip" },
{ name = "buffer" },
{ name = "buffer" },
{ name = "path" },
{ name = "path" },
confirm_opts = {
confirm_opts = {
behavior = cmp.ConfirmBehavior.Replace,
behavior = cmp.ConfirmBehavior.Replace,
select = false,
select = false,
window = {
window = {
documentation = {
documentation = {
border = { "╭", "─", "╮", "│", "╯", "─", "╰", "│" },
border = { "╭", "─", "╮", "│", "╯", "─", "╰", "│" },
experimental = {
experimental = {
ghost_text = false,
ghost_text = false,
native_menu = false,
native_menu = false,
cmp.setup.cmdline(':', {
sources = {
{ name = 'cmdline' }
cmp.setup.cmdline('/', {
cmp.setup.cmdline(":", {
sources = {
sources = {
{ name = 'buffer' }
{ name = "cmdline" },
cmp.setup.cmdline("/", {
sources = {
{ name = "buffer" },
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
vim.cmd [[
colorscheme minimalmistakes
colorscheme minimalmistakes
catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E185/
catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E185/
colorscheme default
colorscheme default
set background=dark
set background=dark
@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
local status_ok, comment = pcall(require, "Comment")
local status_ok, comment = pcall(require, "Comment")
if not status_ok then
if not status_ok then
comment.setup {
pre_hook = function(ctx)
pre_hook = function(ctx)
local U = require "Comment.utils"
local U = require("Comment.utils")
local location = nil
local location = nil
if ctx.ctype == U.ctype.block then
if ctx.ctype == U.ctype.block then
location = require("ts_context_commentstring.utils").get_cursor_location()
location = require("ts_context_commentstring.utils").get_cursor_location()
elseif ctx.cmotion == U.cmotion.v or ctx.cmotion == U.cmotion.V then
elseif ctx.cmotion == U.cmotion.v or ctx.cmotion == U.cmotion.V then
location = require("ts_context_commentstring.utils").get_visual_start_location()
location = require("ts_context_commentstring.utils").get_visual_start_location()
return require("ts_context_commentstring.internal").calculate_commentstring {
return require("ts_context_commentstring.internal").calculate_commentstring({
key = ctx.ctype == U.ctype.line and "__default" or "__multiline",
key = ctx.ctype == U.ctype.line and "__default" or "__multiline",
location = location,
location = location,
@ -1,48 +1,48 @@
local status_ok, gitsigns = pcall(require, "gitsigns")
local status_ok, gitsigns = pcall(require, "gitsigns")
if not status_ok then
if not status_ok then
gitsigns.setup {
signs = {
signs = {
add = { hl = "GitSignsAdd", text = "▎", numhl = "GitSignsAddNr", linehl = "GitSignsAddLn" },
add = { hl = "GitSignsAdd", text = "▎", numhl = "GitSignsAddNr", linehl = "GitSignsAddLn" },
change = { hl = "GitSignsChange", text = "▎", numhl = "GitSignsChangeNr", linehl = "GitSignsChangeLn" },
change = { hl = "GitSignsChange", text = "▎", numhl = "GitSignsChangeNr", linehl = "GitSignsChangeLn" },
delete = { hl = "GitSignsDelete", text = "契", numhl = "GitSignsDeleteNr", linehl = "GitSignsDeleteLn" },
delete = { hl = "GitSignsDelete", text = "契", numhl = "GitSignsDeleteNr", linehl = "GitSignsDeleteLn" },
topdelete = { hl = "GitSignsDelete", text = "契", numhl = "GitSignsDeleteNr", linehl = "GitSignsDeleteLn" },
topdelete = { hl = "GitSignsDelete", text = "契", numhl = "GitSignsDeleteNr", linehl = "GitSignsDeleteLn" },
changedelete = { hl = "GitSignsChange", text = "▎", numhl = "GitSignsChangeNr", linehl = "GitSignsChangeLn" },
changedelete = { hl = "GitSignsChange", text = "▎", numhl = "GitSignsChangeNr", linehl = "GitSignsChangeLn" },
signcolumn = true, -- Toggle with `:Gitsigns toggle_signs`
signcolumn = true, -- Toggle with `:Gitsigns toggle_signs`
numhl = false, -- Toggle with `:Gitsigns toggle_numhl`
numhl = false, -- Toggle with `:Gitsigns toggle_numhl`
linehl = false, -- Toggle with `:Gitsigns toggle_linehl`
linehl = false, -- Toggle with `:Gitsigns toggle_linehl`
word_diff = false, -- Toggle with `:Gitsigns toggle_word_diff`
word_diff = false, -- Toggle with `:Gitsigns toggle_word_diff`
watch_gitdir = {
watch_gitdir = {
interval = 1000,
interval = 1000,
follow_files = true,
follow_files = true,
attach_to_untracked = true,
attach_to_untracked = true,
current_line_blame = false, -- Toggle with `:Gitsigns toggle_current_line_blame`
current_line_blame = false, -- Toggle with `:Gitsigns toggle_current_line_blame`
current_line_blame_opts = {
current_line_blame_opts = {
virt_text = true,
virt_text = true,
virt_text_pos = "eol", -- 'eol' | 'overlay' | 'right_align'
virt_text_pos = "eol", -- 'eol' | 'overlay' | 'right_align'
delay = 1000,
delay = 1000,
ignore_whitespace = false,
ignore_whitespace = false,
current_line_blame_formatter_opts = {
current_line_blame_formatter_opts = {
relative_time = false,
relative_time = false,
sign_priority = 6,
sign_priority = 6,
update_debounce = 100,
update_debounce = 100,
status_formatter = nil, -- Use default
status_formatter = nil, -- Use default
max_file_length = 40000,
max_file_length = 40000,
preview_config = {
preview_config = {
-- Options passed to nvim_open_win
-- Options passed to nvim_open_win
border = "single",
border = "single",
style = "minimal",
style = "minimal",
relative = "cursor",
relative = "cursor",
row = 0,
row = 0,
col = 1,
col = 1,
yadm = {
yadm = {
enable = false,
enable = false,
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
local status_ok, impatient = pcall(require, "impatient")
local status_ok, impatient = pcall(require, "impatient")
if not status_ok then
if not status_ok then
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ keymap("n", "<A-j>", "<Esc>:m .+1<CR>==gi", opts)
keymap("n", "<A-k>", "<Esc>:m .-2<CR>==gi", opts)
keymap("n", "<A-k>", "<Esc>:m .-2<CR>==gi", opts)
-- Insert --
-- Insert --
-- Press jk fast to exit insert mode
-- Press jk fast to exit insert mode
keymap("i", "jk", "<ESC>", opts)
keymap("i", "jk", "<ESC>", opts)
-- Visual --
-- Visual --
@ -66,4 +66,3 @@ keymap("t", "<C-h>", "<C-\\><C-N><C-w>h", term_opts)
keymap("t", "<C-j>", "<C-\\><C-N><C-w>j", term_opts)
keymap("t", "<C-j>", "<C-\\><C-N><C-w>j", term_opts)
keymap("t", "<C-k>", "<C-\\><C-N><C-w>k", term_opts)
keymap("t", "<C-k>", "<C-\\><C-N><C-w>k", term_opts)
keymap("t", "<C-l>", "<C-\\><C-N><C-w>l", term_opts)
keymap("t", "<C-l>", "<C-\\><C-N><C-w>l", term_opts)
@ -1,78 +1,98 @@
local status_ok, lualine = pcall(require, "lualine")
local status_ok, lualine = pcall(require, "lualine")
if not status_ok then return end
if not status_ok then
local hide_in_width = function() return vim.fn.winwidth(0) > 80 end
local hide_in_width = function()
return vim.fn.winwidth(0) > 80
local diagnostics = {
local diagnostics = {
sources = {"nvim_diagnostic"},
sources = { "nvim_diagnostic" },
sections = {"error", "warn"},
sections = { "error", "warn" },
symbols = {error = " ", warn = " "},
symbols = { error = " ", warn = " " },
colored = false,
colored = false,
update_in_insert = false,
update_in_insert = false,
always_visible = true
always_visible = true,
local diff = {
local diff = {
colored = false,
colored = false,
symbols = {added = " ", modified = " ", removed = " "}, -- changes diff symbols
symbols = { added = " ", modified = " ", removed = " " }, -- changes diff symbols
cond = hide_in_width
cond = hide_in_width,
local mode = {"mode", fmt = function(str) return "-- " .. str .. " --" end}
local mode = {
fmt = function(str)
return "-- " .. str .. " --"
local filetype = {"filetype", icons_enabled = false, icon = nil}
local filetype = { "filetype", icons_enabled = false, icon = nil }
local branch = {"branch", icons_enabled = true, icon = ""}
local branch = { "branch", icons_enabled = true, icon = "" }
local location = {"location", padding = 0}
local location = { "location", padding = 0 }
-- cool function for progress
-- cool function for progress
local progress = function()
local progress = function()
local current_line = vim.fn.line(".")
local current_line = vim.fn.line(".")
local total_lines = vim.fn.line("$")
local total_lines = vim.fn.line("$")
local chars = {
local chars = {
"__", "▁▁", "▂▂", "▃▃", "▄▄", "▅▅", "▆▆",
"▇▇", "██"
local line_ratio = current_line / total_lines
local index = math.ceil(line_ratio * #chars)
return chars[index]
local line_ratio = current_line / total_lines
local index = math.ceil(line_ratio * #chars)
return chars[index]
local spaces = function()
local spaces = function()
return "spaces: " .. vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(0, "shiftwidth")
return "spaces: " .. vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(0, "shiftwidth")
options = {
options = {
icons_enabled = true,
icons_enabled = true,
theme = "minimalmistakes-nvim",
theme = "minimalmistakes-nvim",
component_separators = {left = "", right = ""},
component_separators = { left = "", right = "" },
section_separators = {left = "", right = ""},
section_separators = { left = "", right = "" },
disabled_filetypes = {
disabled_filetypes = {
"alpha", "dashboard", "NvimTree", "Outline", "packer"
always_divide_middle = true
sections = {
lualine_a = {branch, diagnostics},
lualine_b = {mode},
always_divide_middle = true,
lualine_c = {},
-- lualine_x = { "encoding", "fileformat", "filetype" },
sections = {
lualine_x = {diff, spaces, "encoding", filetype},
lualine_a = { branch, diagnostics },
lualine_y = {location},
lualine_b = { mode },
lualine_z = {progress}
lualine_c = {},
-- lualine_x = { "encoding", "fileformat", "filetype" },
inactive_sections = {
lualine_x = { diff, spaces, "encoding", filetype },
lualine_a = {},
lualine_y = { location },
lualine_b = {},
lualine_z = { progress },
lualine_c = {"filename"},
lualine_x = {"location"},
inactive_sections = {
lualine_y = {},
lualine_a = {},
lualine_z = {}
lualine_b = {},
lualine_c = { "filename" },
tabline = {},
lualine_x = { "location" },
extensions = {"nvim-tree"}
lualine_y = {},
lualine_z = {},
tabline = {},
extensions = { "nvim-tree" },
@ -1,68 +1,68 @@
local status_ok, nvim_tree = pcall(require, "nvim-tree")
local status_ok, nvim_tree = pcall(require, "nvim-tree")
if not status_ok then
if not status_ok then
local config_status_ok, nvim_tree_config = pcall(require, "nvim-tree.config")
local config_status_ok, nvim_tree_config = pcall(require, "nvim-tree.config")
if not config_status_ok then
if not config_status_ok then
local tree_cb = nvim_tree_config.nvim_tree_callback
local tree_cb = nvim_tree_config.nvim_tree_callback
nvim_tree.setup {
update_focused_file = {
update_focused_file = {
enable = true,
enable = true,
update_cwd = true,
update_cwd = true,
renderer = {
renderer = {
root_folder_modifier = ":t",
root_folder_modifier = ":t",
icons = {
icons = {
glyphs = {
glyphs = {
default = "",
default = "",
symlink = "",
symlink = "",
folder = {
folder = {
arrow_open = "",
arrow_open = "",
arrow_closed = "",
arrow_closed = "",
default = "",
default = "",
open = "",
open = "",
empty = "",
empty = "",
empty_open = "",
empty_open = "",
symlink = "",
symlink = "",
symlink_open = "",
symlink_open = "",
git = {
git = {
unstaged = "",
unstaged = "",
staged = "S",
staged = "S",
unmerged = "",
unmerged = "",
renamed = "➜",
renamed = "➜",
untracked = "U",
untracked = "U",
deleted = "",
deleted = "",
ignored = "◌",
ignored = "◌",
diagnostics = {
diagnostics = {
enable = true,
enable = true,
show_on_dirs = true,
show_on_dirs = true,
icons = {
icons = {
hint = "",
hint = "",
info = "",
info = "",
warning = "",
warning = "",
error = "",
error = "",
view = {
view = {
width = 30,
width = 30,
height = 30,
height = 30,
side = "left",
side = "left",
mappings = {
mappings = {
list = {
list = {
{ key = { "l", "<CR>", "o" }, cb = tree_cb "edit" },
{ key = { "l", "<CR>", "o" }, cb = tree_cb("edit") },
{ key = "h", cb = tree_cb "close_node" },
{ key = "h", cb = tree_cb("close_node") },
{ key = "v", cb = tree_cb "vsplit" },
{ key = "v", cb = tree_cb("vsplit") },
@ -1,48 +1,50 @@
local options = {
local options = {
list = true,
list = true,
backup = false, -- creates a backup file
backup = false, -- creates a backup file
clipboard = "unnamedplus", -- allows neovim to access the system clipboard
clipboard = "unnamedplus", -- allows neovim to access the system clipboard
cmdheight = 1, -- more space in the neovim command line for displaying messages
cmdheight = 1, -- more space in the neovim command line for displaying messages
completeopt = {"menuone", "noselect"}, -- mostly just for cmp
completeopt = { "menuone", "noselect" }, -- mostly just for cmp
conceallevel = 0, -- so that `` is visible in markdown files
conceallevel = 0, -- so that `` is visible in markdown files
fileencoding = "utf-8", -- the encoding written to a file
fileencoding = "utf-8", -- the encoding written to a file
hlsearch = true, -- highlight all matches on previous search pattern
hlsearch = true, -- highlight all matches on previous search pattern
ignorecase = true, -- ignore case in search patterns
ignorecase = true, -- ignore case in search patterns
mouse = "a", -- allow the mouse to be used in neovim
mouse = "a", -- allow the mouse to be used in neovim
pumheight = 10, -- pop up menu height
pumheight = 10, -- pop up menu height
showmode = false, -- we don't need to see things like -- INSERT -- anymore
showmode = false, -- we don't need to see things like -- INSERT -- anymore
showtabline = 2, -- always show tabs
showtabline = 2, -- always show tabs
smartcase = true, -- smart case
smartcase = true, -- smart case
smartindent = true, -- make indenting smarter again
smartindent = true, -- make indenting smarter again
splitbelow = true, -- force all horizontal splits to go below current window
splitbelow = true, -- force all horizontal splits to go below current window
splitright = true, -- force all vertical splits to go to the right of current window
splitright = true, -- force all vertical splits to go to the right of current window
swapfile = false, -- creates a swapfile
swapfile = false, -- creates a swapfile
termguicolors = true, -- set term gui colors (most terminals support this)
termguicolors = true, -- set term gui colors (most terminals support this)
timeoutlen = 100, -- time to wait for a mapped sequence to complete (in milliseconds)
timeoutlen = 100, -- time to wait for a mapped sequence to complete (in milliseconds)
undofile = true, -- enable persistent undo
undofile = true, -- enable persistent undo
updatetime = 300, -- faster completion (4000ms default)
updatetime = 300, -- faster completion (4000ms default)
writebackup = false, -- if a file is being edited by another program (or was written to file while editing with another program), it is not allowed to be edited
writebackup = false, -- if a file is being edited by another program (or was written to file while editing with another program), it is not allowed to be edited
expandtab = true, -- convert tabs to spaces
expandtab = true, -- convert tabs to spaces
shiftwidth = 2, -- the number of spaces inserted for each indentation
shiftwidth = 2, -- the number of spaces inserted for each indentation
tabstop = 2, -- insert 2 spaces for a tab
tabstop = 2, -- insert 2 spaces for a tab
cursorline = true, -- highlight the current line
cursorline = true, -- highlight the current line
number = true, -- set numbered lines
number = true, -- set numbered lines
relativenumber = true, -- set relative numbered lines
relativenumber = true, -- set relative numbered lines
numberwidth = 4, -- set number column width to 2 {default 4}
numberwidth = 4, -- set number column width to 2 {default 4}
signcolumn = "yes", -- always show the sign column, otherwise it would shift the text each time
signcolumn = "yes", -- always show the sign column, otherwise it would shift the text each time
wrap = false, -- display lines as one long line
wrap = false, -- display lines as one long line
scrolloff = 8, -- is one of my fav
scrolloff = 8, -- is one of my fav
sidescrolloff = 8,
sidescrolloff = 8,
laststatus = 2,
laststatus = 2,
guifont = "monospace:h17" -- the font used in graphical neovim applications
guifont = "monospace:h17", -- the font used in graphical neovim applications
vim.opt.shortmess:append "c"
vim.opt.listchars:append "space:⋅"
vim.opt.listchars:append "eol:↴"
for k, v in pairs(options) do vim.opt[k] = v end
for k, v in pairs(options) do
vim.opt[k] = v
vim.cmd "set whichwrap+=<,>,[,],h,l"
vim.cmd("set whichwrap+=<,>,[,],h,l")
vim.cmd [[set iskeyword+=-]]
vim.cmd([[set iskeyword+=-]])
vim.cmd [[set formatoptions-=cro]] -- TODO: this doesn't seem to work
vim.cmd([[set formatoptions-=cro]]) -- TODO: this doesn't seem to work
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ project.setup({
---@type string
---@type string
---@usage path to store the project history for use in telescope
---@usage path to store the project history for use in telescope
datapath = vim.fn.stdpath("data"),
datapath = vim.fn.stdpath("data"),
local tele_status_ok, telescope = pcall(require, "telescope")
local tele_status_ok, telescope = pcall(require, "telescope")
@ -45,4 +45,4 @@ if not tele_status_ok then
@ -1,96 +1,96 @@
local status_ok, telescope = pcall(require, "telescope")
local status_ok, telescope = pcall(require, "telescope")
if not status_ok then
if not status_ok then
local actions = require "telescope.actions"
local actions = require("telescope.actions")
telescope.setup {
defaults = {
defaults = {
prompt_prefix = " ",
prompt_prefix = " ",
selection_caret = " ",
selection_caret = " ",
path_display = { "smart" },
path_display = { "smart" },
mappings = {
mappings = {
i = {
i = {
["<C-n>"] = actions.cycle_history_next,
["<C-n>"] = actions.cycle_history_next,
["<C-p>"] = actions.cycle_history_prev,
["<C-p>"] = actions.cycle_history_prev,
["<C-j>"] = actions.move_selection_next,
["<C-j>"] = actions.move_selection_next,
["<C-k>"] = actions.move_selection_previous,
["<C-k>"] = actions.move_selection_previous,
["<C-c>"] = actions.close,
["<C-c>"] = actions.close,
["<Down>"] = actions.move_selection_next,
["<Down>"] = actions.move_selection_next,
["<Up>"] = actions.move_selection_previous,
["<Up>"] = actions.move_selection_previous,
["<CR>"] = actions.select_default,
["<CR>"] = actions.select_default,
["<C-x>"] = actions.select_horizontal,
["<C-x>"] = actions.select_horizontal,
["<C-v>"] = actions.select_vertical,
["<C-v>"] = actions.select_vertical,
["<C-t>"] = actions.select_tab,
["<C-t>"] = actions.select_tab,
["<C-u>"] = actions.preview_scrolling_up,
["<C-u>"] = actions.preview_scrolling_up,
["<C-d>"] = actions.preview_scrolling_down,
["<C-d>"] = actions.preview_scrolling_down,
["<PageUp>"] = actions.results_scrolling_up,
["<PageUp>"] = actions.results_scrolling_up,
["<PageDown>"] = actions.results_scrolling_down,
["<PageDown>"] = actions.results_scrolling_down,
["<Tab>"] = actions.toggle_selection + actions.move_selection_worse,
["<Tab>"] = actions.toggle_selection + actions.move_selection_worse,
["<S-Tab>"] = actions.toggle_selection + actions.move_selection_better,
["<S-Tab>"] = actions.toggle_selection + actions.move_selection_better,
["<C-q>"] = actions.send_to_qflist + actions.open_qflist,
["<C-q>"] = actions.send_to_qflist + actions.open_qflist,
["<M-q>"] = actions.send_selected_to_qflist + actions.open_qflist,
["<M-q>"] = actions.send_selected_to_qflist + actions.open_qflist,
["<C-l>"] = actions.complete_tag,
["<C-l>"] = actions.complete_tag,
["<C-_>"] = actions.which_key, -- keys from pressing <C-/>
["<C-_>"] = actions.which_key, -- keys from pressing <C-/>
n = {
n = {
["<esc>"] = actions.close,
["<esc>"] = actions.close,
["<CR>"] = actions.select_default,
["<CR>"] = actions.select_default,
["<C-x>"] = actions.select_horizontal,
["<C-x>"] = actions.select_horizontal,
["<C-v>"] = actions.select_vertical,
["<C-v>"] = actions.select_vertical,
["<C-t>"] = actions.select_tab,
["<C-t>"] = actions.select_tab,
["<Tab>"] = actions.toggle_selection + actions.move_selection_worse,
["<Tab>"] = actions.toggle_selection + actions.move_selection_worse,
["<S-Tab>"] = actions.toggle_selection + actions.move_selection_better,
["<S-Tab>"] = actions.toggle_selection + actions.move_selection_better,
["<C-q>"] = actions.send_to_qflist + actions.open_qflist,
["<C-q>"] = actions.send_to_qflist + actions.open_qflist,
["<M-q>"] = actions.send_selected_to_qflist + actions.open_qflist,
["<M-q>"] = actions.send_selected_to_qflist + actions.open_qflist,
["j"] = actions.move_selection_next,
["j"] = actions.move_selection_next,
["k"] = actions.move_selection_previous,
["k"] = actions.move_selection_previous,
["H"] = actions.move_to_top,
["H"] = actions.move_to_top,
["M"] = actions.move_to_middle,
["M"] = actions.move_to_middle,
["L"] = actions.move_to_bottom,
["L"] = actions.move_to_bottom,
["<Down>"] = actions.move_selection_next,
["<Down>"] = actions.move_selection_next,
["<Up>"] = actions.move_selection_previous,
["<Up>"] = actions.move_selection_previous,
["gg"] = actions.move_to_top,
["gg"] = actions.move_to_top,
["G"] = actions.move_to_bottom,
["G"] = actions.move_to_bottom,
["<C-u>"] = actions.preview_scrolling_up,
["<C-u>"] = actions.preview_scrolling_up,
["<C-d>"] = actions.preview_scrolling_down,
["<C-d>"] = actions.preview_scrolling_down,
["<PageUp>"] = actions.results_scrolling_up,
["<PageUp>"] = actions.results_scrolling_up,
["<PageDown>"] = actions.results_scrolling_down,
["<PageDown>"] = actions.results_scrolling_down,
["?"] = actions.which_key,
["?"] = actions.which_key,
pickers = {
pickers = {
-- Default configuration for builtin pickers goes here:
-- Default configuration for builtin pickers goes here:
-- picker_name = {
-- picker_name = {
-- picker_config_key = value,
-- picker_config_key = value,
-- ...
-- ...
-- }
-- }
-- Now the picker_config_key will be applied every time you call this
-- Now the picker_config_key will be applied every time you call this
-- builtin picker
-- builtin picker
extensions = {
extensions = {
-- Your extension configuration goes here:
-- Your extension configuration goes here:
-- extension_name = {
-- extension_name = {
-- extension_config_key = value,
-- extension_config_key = value,
-- }
-- }
-- please take a look at the readme of the extension you want to configure
-- please take a look at the readme of the extension you want to configure
@ -27,16 +27,16 @@ toggleterm.setup({
function _G.set_terminal_keymaps()
function _G.set_terminal_keymaps()
local opts = {noremap = true}
local opts = { noremap = true }
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, 't', '<esc>', [[<C-\><C-n>]], opts)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, "t", "<esc>", [[<C-\><C-n>]], opts)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, 't', 'jk', [[<C-\><C-n>]], opts)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, "t", "jk", [[<C-\><C-n>]], opts)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, 't', '<C-h>', [[<C-\><C-n><C-W>h]], opts)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, "t", "<C-h>", [[<C-\><C-n><C-W>h]], opts)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, 't', '<C-j>', [[<C-\><C-n><C-W>j]], opts)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, "t", "<C-j>", [[<C-\><C-n><C-W>j]], opts)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, 't', '<C-k>', [[<C-\><C-n><C-W>k]], opts)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, "t", "<C-k>", [[<C-\><C-n><C-W>k]], opts)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, 't', '<C-l>', [[<C-\><C-n><C-W>l]], opts)
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_keymap(0, "t", "<C-l>", [[<C-\><C-n><C-W>l]], opts)
vim.cmd('autocmd! TermOpen term://* lua set_terminal_keymaps()')
vim.cmd("autocmd! TermOpen term://* lua set_terminal_keymaps()")
local Terminal = require("toggleterm.terminal").Terminal
local Terminal = require("toggleterm.terminal").Terminal
local lazygit = Terminal:new({ cmd = "lazygit", hidden = true })
local lazygit = Terminal:new({ cmd = "lazygit", hidden = true })
@ -1,187 +1,187 @@
local status_ok, which_key = pcall(require, "which-key")
local status_ok, which_key = pcall(require, "which-key")
if not status_ok then
if not status_ok then
local setup = {
local setup = {
plugins = {
plugins = {
marks = true, -- shows a list of your marks on ' and `
marks = true, -- shows a list of your marks on ' and `
registers = true, -- shows your registers on " in NORMAL or <C-r> in INSERT mode
registers = true, -- shows your registers on " in NORMAL or <C-r> in INSERT mode
spelling = {
spelling = {
enabled = true, -- enabling this will show WhichKey when pressing z= to select spelling suggestions
enabled = true, -- enabling this will show WhichKey when pressing z= to select spelling suggestions
suggestions = 20, -- how many suggestions should be shown in the list?
suggestions = 20, -- how many suggestions should be shown in the list?
-- the presets plugin, adds help for a bunch of default keybindings in Neovim
-- the presets plugin, adds help for a bunch of default keybindings in Neovim
-- No actual key bindings are created
-- No actual key bindings are created
presets = {
presets = {
operators = false, -- adds help for operators like d, y, ... and registers them for motion / text object completion
operators = false, -- adds help for operators like d, y, ... and registers them for motion / text object completion
motions = true, -- adds help for motions
motions = true, -- adds help for motions
text_objects = true, -- help for text objects triggered after entering an operator
text_objects = true, -- help for text objects triggered after entering an operator
windows = true, -- default bindings on <c-w>
windows = true, -- default bindings on <c-w>
nav = true, -- misc bindings to work with windows
nav = true, -- misc bindings to work with windows
z = true, -- bindings for folds, spelling and others prefixed with z
z = true, -- bindings for folds, spelling and others prefixed with z
g = true, -- bindings for prefixed with g
g = true, -- bindings for prefixed with g
-- add operators that will trigger motion and text object completion
-- add operators that will trigger motion and text object completion
-- to enable all native operators, set the preset / operators plugin above
-- to enable all native operators, set the preset / operators plugin above
-- operators = { gc = "Comments" },
-- operators = { gc = "Comments" },
key_labels = {
key_labels = {
-- override the label used to display some keys. It doesn't effect WK in any other way.
-- override the label used to display some keys. It doesn't effect WK in any other way.
-- For example:
-- For example:
-- ["<space>"] = "SPC",
-- ["<space>"] = "SPC",
-- ["<cr>"] = "RET",
-- ["<cr>"] = "RET",
-- ["<tab>"] = "TAB",
-- ["<tab>"] = "TAB",
icons = {
icons = {
breadcrumb = "»", -- symbol used in the command line area that shows your active key combo
breadcrumb = "»", -- symbol used in the command line area that shows your active key combo
separator = "➜", -- symbol used between a key and it's label
separator = "➜", -- symbol used between a key and it's label
group = "+", -- symbol prepended to a group
group = "+", -- symbol prepended to a group
popup_mappings = {
popup_mappings = {
scroll_down = "<c-d>", -- binding to scroll down inside the popup
scroll_down = "<c-d>", -- binding to scroll down inside the popup
scroll_up = "<c-u>", -- binding to scroll up inside the popup
scroll_up = "<c-u>", -- binding to scroll up inside the popup
window = {
window = {
border = "rounded", -- none, single, double, shadow
border = "rounded", -- none, single, double, shadow
position = "bottom", -- bottom, top
position = "bottom", -- bottom, top
margin = { 1, 0, 1, 0 }, -- extra window margin [top, right, bottom, left]
margin = { 1, 0, 1, 0 }, -- extra window margin [top, right, bottom, left]
padding = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }, -- extra window padding [top, right, bottom, left]
padding = { 2, 2, 2, 2 }, -- extra window padding [top, right, bottom, left]
winblend = 0,
winblend = 0,
layout = {
layout = {
height = { min = 4, max = 25 }, -- min and max height of the columns
height = { min = 4, max = 25 }, -- min and max height of the columns
width = { min = 20, max = 50 }, -- min and max width of the columns
width = { min = 20, max = 50 }, -- min and max width of the columns
spacing = 3, -- spacing between columns
spacing = 3, -- spacing between columns
align = "left", -- align columns left, center or right
align = "left", -- align columns left, center or right
ignore_missing = true, -- enable this to hide mappings for which you didn't specify a label
ignore_missing = true, -- enable this to hide mappings for which you didn't specify a label
hidden = { "<silent>", "<cmd>", "<Cmd>", "<CR>", "call", "lua", "^:", "^ " }, -- hide mapping boilerplate
hidden = { "<silent>", "<cmd>", "<Cmd>", "<CR>", "call", "lua", "^:", "^ " }, -- hide mapping boilerplate
show_help = true, -- show help message on the command line when the popup is visible
show_help = true, -- show help message on the command line when the popup is visible
triggers = "auto", -- automatically setup triggers
triggers = "auto", -- automatically setup triggers
-- triggers = {"<leader>"} -- or specify a list manually
-- triggers = {"<leader>"} -- or specify a list manually
triggers_blacklist = {
triggers_blacklist = {
-- list of mode / prefixes that should never be hooked by WhichKey
-- list of mode / prefixes that should never be hooked by WhichKey
-- this is mostly relevant for key maps that start with a native binding
-- this is mostly relevant for key maps that start with a native binding
-- most people should not need to change this
-- most people should not need to change this
i = { "j", "k" },
i = { "j", "k" },
v = { "j", "k" },
v = { "j", "k" },
local opts = {
local opts = {
mode = "n", -- NORMAL mode
mode = "n", -- NORMAL mode
prefix = "<leader>",
prefix = "<leader>",
buffer = nil, -- Global mappings. Specify a buffer number for buffer local mappings
buffer = nil, -- Global mappings. Specify a buffer number for buffer local mappings
silent = true, -- use `silent` when creating keymaps
silent = true, -- use `silent` when creating keymaps
noremap = true, -- use `noremap` when creating keymaps
noremap = true, -- use `noremap` when creating keymaps
nowait = true, -- use `nowait` when creating keymaps
nowait = true, -- use `nowait` when creating keymaps
local mappings = {
local mappings = {
["a"] = { "<cmd>Alpha<cr>", "Alpha" },
["a"] = { "<cmd>lua require('alpha').start()<cr>", "Alpha" },
["b"] = {
["b"] = {
"<cmd>lua require('telescope.builtin').buffers(require('telescope.themes').get_dropdown{previewer = false})<cr>",
"<cmd>lua require('telescope.builtin').buffers(require('telescope.themes').get_dropdown{previewer = false})<cr>",
["e"] = { "<cmd>NvimTreeToggle<cr>", "Explorer" },
["e"] = { "<cmd>NvimTreeToggle<cr>", "Explorer" },
["w"] = { "<cmd>w!<CR>", "Save" },
["w"] = { "<cmd>w!<CR>", "Save" },
["q"] = { "<cmd>q!<CR>", "Quit" },
["q"] = { "<cmd>q!<CR>", "Quit" },
["c"] = { "<cmd>Bdelete!<CR>", "Close Buffer" },
["c"] = { "<cmd>Bdelete!<CR>", "Close Buffer" },
["h"] = { "<cmd>nohlsearch<CR>", "No Highlight" },
["h"] = { "<cmd>nohlsearch<CR>", "No Highlight" },
["f"] = {
["f"] = {
"<cmd>lua require('telescope.builtin').find_files(require('telescope.themes').get_dropdown{previewer = false})<cr>",
"<cmd>lua require('telescope.builtin').find_files(require('telescope.themes').get_dropdown{previewer = false})<cr>",
"Find files",
"Find files",
["F"] = { "<cmd>Telescope live_grep theme=ivy<cr>", "Find Text" },
["F"] = { "<cmd>Telescope live_grep theme=ivy<cr>", "Find Text" },
["P"] = { "<cmd>lua require('telescope').extensions.projects.projects()<cr>", "Projects" },
["P"] = { "<cmd>lua require('telescope').extensions.projects.projects()<cr>", "Projects" },
p = {
p = {
name = "Packer",
name = "Packer",
c = { "<cmd>PackerCompile<cr>", "Compile" },
c = { "<cmd>PackerCompile<cr>", "Compile" },
i = { "<cmd>PackerInstall<cr>", "Install" },
i = { "<cmd>PackerInstall<cr>", "Install" },
s = { "<cmd>PackerSync<cr>", "Sync" },
s = { "<cmd>PackerSync<cr>", "Sync" },
S = { "<cmd>PackerStatus<cr>", "Status" },
S = { "<cmd>PackerStatus<cr>", "Status" },
u = { "<cmd>PackerUpdate<cr>", "Update" },
u = { "<cmd>PackerUpdate<cr>", "Update" },
g = {
g = {
name = "Git",
name = "Git",
g = { "<cmd>lua _LAZYGIT_TOGGLE()<CR>", "Lazygit" },
g = { "<cmd>lua _LAZYGIT_TOGGLE()<CR>", "Lazygit" },
j = { "<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.next_hunk()<cr>", "Next Hunk" },
j = { "<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.next_hunk()<cr>", "Next Hunk" },
k = { "<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.prev_hunk()<cr>", "Prev Hunk" },
k = { "<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.prev_hunk()<cr>", "Prev Hunk" },
l = { "<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.blame_line()<cr>", "Blame" },
l = { "<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.blame_line()<cr>", "Blame" },
p = { "<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.preview_hunk()<cr>", "Preview Hunk" },
p = { "<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.preview_hunk()<cr>", "Preview Hunk" },
r = { "<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.reset_hunk()<cr>", "Reset Hunk" },
r = { "<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.reset_hunk()<cr>", "Reset Hunk" },
R = { "<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.reset_buffer()<cr>", "Reset Buffer" },
R = { "<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.reset_buffer()<cr>", "Reset Buffer" },
s = { "<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.stage_hunk()<cr>", "Stage Hunk" },
s = { "<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.stage_hunk()<cr>", "Stage Hunk" },
u = {
u = {
"<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.undo_stage_hunk()<cr>",
"<cmd>lua require 'gitsigns'.undo_stage_hunk()<cr>",
"Undo Stage Hunk",
"Undo Stage Hunk",
o = { "<cmd>Telescope git_status<cr>", "Open changed file" },
o = { "<cmd>Telescope git_status<cr>", "Open changed file" },
b = { "<cmd>Telescope git_branches<cr>", "Checkout branch" },
b = { "<cmd>Telescope git_branches<cr>", "Checkout branch" },
c = { "<cmd>Telescope git_commits<cr>", "Checkout commit" },
c = { "<cmd>Telescope git_commits<cr>", "Checkout commit" },
d = {
d = {
"<cmd>Gitsigns diffthis HEAD<cr>",
"<cmd>Gitsigns diffthis HEAD<cr>",
l = {
l = {
name = "LSP",
name = "LSP",
a = { "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.code_action()<cr>", "Code Action" },
a = { "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.code_action()<cr>", "Code Action" },
d = {
d = {
"<cmd>Telescope lsp_document_diagnostics<cr>",
"<cmd>Telescope lsp_document_diagnostics<cr>",
"Document Diagnostics",
"Document Diagnostics",
w = {
w = {
"<cmd>Telescope lsp_workspace_diagnostics<cr>",
"<cmd>Telescope lsp_workspace_diagnostics<cr>",
"Workspace Diagnostics",
"Workspace Diagnostics",
f = { "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.format{async=true}<cr>", "Format" },
f = { "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.format{async=true}<cr>", "Format" },
i = { "<cmd>LspInfo<cr>", "Info" },
i = { "<cmd>LspInfo<cr>", "Info" },
I = { "<cmd>LspInstallInfo<cr>", "Installer Info" },
I = { "<cmd>LspInstallInfo<cr>", "Installer Info" },
j = {
j = {
"<cmd>lua vim.lsp.diagnostic.goto_next()<CR>",
"<cmd>lua vim.lsp.diagnostic.goto_next()<CR>",
"Next Diagnostic",
"Next Diagnostic",
k = {
k = {
"<cmd>lua vim.lsp.diagnostic.goto_prev()<cr>",
"<cmd>lua vim.lsp.diagnostic.goto_prev()<cr>",
"Prev Diagnostic",
"Prev Diagnostic",
l = { "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.codelens.run()<cr>", "CodeLens Action" },
l = { "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.codelens.run()<cr>", "CodeLens Action" },
q = { "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.diagnostic.set_loclist()<cr>", "Quickfix" },
q = { "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.diagnostic.set_loclist()<cr>", "Quickfix" },
r = { "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.rename()<cr>", "Rename" },
r = { "<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.rename()<cr>", "Rename" },
s = { "<cmd>Telescope lsp_document_symbols<cr>", "Document Symbols" },
s = { "<cmd>Telescope lsp_document_symbols<cr>", "Document Symbols" },
S = {
S = {
"<cmd>Telescope lsp_dynamic_workspace_symbols<cr>",
"<cmd>Telescope lsp_dynamic_workspace_symbols<cr>",
"Workspace Symbols",
"Workspace Symbols",
s = {
s = {
name = "Search",
name = "Search",
b = { "<cmd>Telescope git_branches<cr>", "Checkout branch" },
b = { "<cmd>Telescope git_branches<cr>", "Checkout branch" },
c = { "<cmd>Telescope colorscheme<cr>", "Colorscheme" },
c = { "<cmd>Telescope colorscheme<cr>", "Colorscheme" },
h = { "<cmd>Telescope help_tags<cr>", "Find Help" },
h = { "<cmd>Telescope help_tags<cr>", "Find Help" },
M = { "<cmd>Telescope man_pages<cr>", "Man Pages" },
M = { "<cmd>Telescope man_pages<cr>", "Man Pages" },
r = { "<cmd>Telescope oldfiles<cr>", "Open Recent File" },
r = { "<cmd>Telescope oldfiles<cr>", "Open Recent File" },
R = { "<cmd>Telescope registers<cr>", "Registers" },
R = { "<cmd>Telescope registers<cr>", "Registers" },
k = { "<cmd>Telescope keymaps<cr>", "Keymaps" },
k = { "<cmd>Telescope keymaps<cr>", "Keymaps" },
C = { "<cmd>Telescope commands<cr>", "Commands" },
C = { "<cmd>Telescope commands<cr>", "Commands" },
t = {
t = {
name = "Terminal",
name = "Terminal",
n = { "<cmd>lua _NODE_TOGGLE()<cr>", "Node" },
n = { "<cmd>lua _NODE_TOGGLE()<cr>", "Node" },
u = { "<cmd>lua _NCDU_TOGGLE()<cr>", "NCDU" },
u = { "<cmd>lua _NCDU_TOGGLE()<cr>", "NCDU" },
t = { "<cmd>lua _HTOP_TOGGLE()<cr>", "Htop" },
t = { "<cmd>lua _HTOP_TOGGLE()<cr>", "Htop" },
l = { "<cmd>lua _LAZYGIT_TOGGLE()<cr>", "Lazygit" },
l = { "<cmd>lua _LAZYGIT_TOGGLE()<cr>", "Lazygit" },
p = { "<cmd>lua _PYTHON_TOGGLE()<cr>", "Python" },
p = { "<cmd>lua _PYTHON_TOGGLE()<cr>", "Python" },
f = { "<cmd>ToggleTerm direction=float<cr>", "Float" },
f = { "<cmd>ToggleTerm direction=float<cr>", "Float" },
h = { "<cmd>ToggleTerm size=10 direction=horizontal<cr>", "Horizontal" },
h = { "<cmd>ToggleTerm size=10 direction=horizontal<cr>", "Horizontal" },
v = { "<cmd>ToggleTerm size=80 direction=vertical<cr>", "Vertical" },
v = { "<cmd>ToggleTerm size=80 direction=vertical<cr>", "Vertical" },
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