mirror of
synced 2025-01-31 01:24:24 -05:00
Updated Neovim
Signed-off-by: The-Repo-Club <wayne6324@gmail.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,167 +1,165 @@
local status_ok, bufferline = pcall(require, "bufferline")
if not status_ok then
if not status_ok then return end
bufferline.setup {
options = {
numbers = "none", -- | "ordinal" | "buffer_id" | "both" | function({ ordinal, id, lower, raise }): string,
close_command = "Bdelete! %d", -- can be a string | function, see "Mouse actions"
right_mouse_command = "Bdelete! %d", -- can be a string | function, see "Mouse actions"
left_mouse_command = "buffer %d", -- can be a string | function, see "Mouse actions"
middle_mouse_command = nil, -- can be a string | function, see "Mouse actions"
-- NOTE: this plugin is designed with this icon in mind,
-- and so changing this is NOT recommended, this is intended
-- as an escape hatch for people who cannot bear it for whatever reason
indicator_icon = "▎",
buffer_close_icon = "",
-- buffer_close_icon = '',
modified_icon = "●",
close_icon = "",
-- close_icon = '',
left_trunc_marker = "",
right_trunc_marker = "",
--- name_formatter can be used to change the buffer's label in the bufferline.
--- Please note some names can/will break the
--- bufferline so use this at your discretion knowing that it has
--- some limitations that will *NOT* be fixed.
-- name_formatter = function(buf) -- buf contains a "name", "path" and "bufnr"
-- -- remove extension from markdown files for example
-- if buf.name:match('%.md') then
-- return vim.fn.fnamemodify(buf.name, ':t:r')
-- end
-- end,
max_name_length = 30,
max_prefix_length = 30, -- prefix used when a buffer is de-duplicated
tab_size = 21,
diagnostics = false, -- | "nvim_lsp" | "coc",
diagnostics_update_in_insert = false,
-- diagnostics_indicator = function(count, level, diagnostics_dict, context)
-- return "("..count..")"
-- end,
-- NOTE: this will be called a lot so don't do any heavy processing here
-- custom_filter = function(buf_number)
-- -- filter out filetypes you don't want to see
-- if vim.bo[buf_number].filetype ~= "<i-dont-want-to-see-this>" then
-- return true
-- end
-- -- filter out by buffer name
-- if vim.fn.bufname(buf_number) ~= "<buffer-name-I-dont-want>" then
-- return true
-- end
-- -- filter out based on arbitrary rules
-- -- e.g. filter out vim wiki buffer from tabline in your work repo
-- if vim.fn.getcwd() == "<work-repo>" and vim.bo[buf_number].filetype ~= "wiki" then
-- return true
-- end
-- end,
offsets = { { filetype = "NvimTree", text = "", padding = 1 } },
show_buffer_icons = true,
show_buffer_close_icons = true,
show_close_icon = true,
show_tab_indicators = true,
persist_buffer_sort = true, -- whether or not custom sorted buffers should persist
-- can also be a table containing 2 custom separators
-- [focused and unfocused]. eg: { '|', '|' }
separator_style = "thin", -- | "thick" | "thin" | { 'any', 'any' },
enforce_regular_tabs = true,
always_show_bufferline = true,
-- sort_by = 'id' | 'extension' | 'relative_directory' | 'directory' | 'tabs' | function(buffer_a, buffer_b)
-- -- add custom logic
-- return buffer_a.modified > buffer_b.modified
-- end
highlights = {
fill = {
guifg = { attribute = "fg", highlight = "#ff0000" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine" },
background = {
guifg = { attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLine" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine" },
options = {
numbers = "none", -- | "ordinal" | "buffer_id" | "both" | function({ ordinal, id, lower, raise }): string,
close_command = "Bdelete! %d", -- can be a string | function, see "Mouse actions"
right_mouse_command = "Bdelete! %d", -- can be a string | function, see "Mouse actions"
left_mouse_command = "buffer %d", -- can be a string | function, see "Mouse actions"
middle_mouse_command = nil, -- can be a string | function, see "Mouse actions"
-- NOTE: this plugin is designed with this icon in mind,
-- and so changing this is NOT recommended, this is intended
-- as an escape hatch for people who cannot bear it for whatever reason
indicator_icon = "▎",
buffer_close_icon = "",
-- buffer_close_icon = '',
modified_icon = "●",
close_icon = "",
-- close_icon = '',
left_trunc_marker = "",
right_trunc_marker = "",
--- name_formatter can be used to change the buffer's label in the bufferline.
--- Please note some names can/will break the
--- bufferline so use this at your discretion knowing that it has
--- some limitations that will *NOT* be fixed.
-- name_formatter = function(buf) -- buf contains a "name", "path" and "bufnr"
-- -- remove extension from markdown files for example
-- if buf.name:match('%.md') then
-- return vim.fn.fnamemodify(buf.name, ':t:r')
-- end
-- end,
max_name_length = 30,
max_prefix_length = 30, -- prefix used when a buffer is de-duplicated
tab_size = 21,
diagnostics = false, -- | "nvim_lsp" | "coc",
diagnostics_update_in_insert = false,
-- diagnostics_indicator = function(count, level, diagnostics_dict, context)
-- return "("..count..")"
-- end,
-- NOTE: this will be called a lot so don't do any heavy processing here
-- custom_filter = function(buf_number)
-- -- filter out filetypes you don't want to see
-- if vim.bo[buf_number].filetype ~= "<i-dont-want-to-see-this>" then
-- return true
-- end
-- -- filter out by buffer name
-- if vim.fn.bufname(buf_number) ~= "<buffer-name-I-dont-want>" then
-- return true
-- end
-- -- filter out based on arbitrary rules
-- -- e.g. filter out vim wiki buffer from tabline in your work repo
-- if vim.fn.getcwd() == "<work-repo>" and vim.bo[buf_number].filetype ~= "wiki" then
-- return true
-- end
-- end,
offsets = {{filetype = "NvimTree", text = "", padding = 1}},
show_buffer_icons = true,
show_buffer_close_icons = true,
show_close_icon = true,
show_tab_indicators = true,
persist_buffer_sort = true, -- whether or not custom sorted buffers should persist
-- can also be a table containing 2 custom separators
-- [focused and unfocused]. eg: { '|', '|' }
separator_style = "thin", -- | "thick" | "thin" | { 'any', 'any' },
enforce_regular_tabs = true,
always_show_bufferline = true
-- sort_by = 'id' | 'extension' | 'relative_directory' | 'directory' | 'tabs' | function(buffer_a, buffer_b)
-- -- add custom logic
-- return buffer_a.modified > buffer_b.modified
-- end
highlights = {
fill = {
fg = {attribute = "fg", highlight = "#ff0000"},
bg = {attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine"}
background = {
fg = {attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLine"},
bg = {attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine"}
-- buffer_selected = {
-- guifg = {attribute='fg',highlight='#ff0000'},
-- guibg = {attribute='bg',highlight='#0000ff'},
-- gui = 'none'
-- },
buffer_visible = {
guifg = { attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLine" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine" },
buffer_selected = {
fg = {attribute = 'fg', highlight = '#ff0000'},
bg = {attribute = 'bg', highlight = '#0000ff'}
close_button = {
guifg = { attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLine" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine" },
close_button_visible = {
guifg = { attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLine" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine" },
-- close_button_selected = {
-- guifg = {attribute='fg',highlight='TabLineSel'},
-- guibg ={attribute='bg',highlight='TabLineSel'}
-- },
buffer_visible = {
fg = {attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLine"},
bg = {attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine"}
tab_selected = {
guifg = { attribute = "fg", highlight = "Normal" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "Normal" },
tab = {
guifg = { attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLine" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine" },
tab_close = {
-- guifg = {attribute='fg',highlight='LspDiagnosticsDefaultError'},
guifg = { attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLineSel" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "Normal" },
close_button = {
fg = {attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLine"},
bg = {attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine"}
close_button_visible = {
fg = {attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLine"},
bg = {attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine"}
-- close_button_selected = {
-- fg = {attribute='fg',highlight='TabLineSel'},
-- bg ={attribute='bg',highlight='TabLineSel'}
-- },
duplicate_selected = {
guifg = { attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLineSel" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLineSel" },
gui = "italic",
duplicate_visible = {
guifg = { attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLine" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine" },
gui = "italic",
duplicate = {
guifg = { attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLine" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine" },
gui = "italic",
tab_selected = {
fg = {attribute = "fg", highlight = "Normal"},
bg = {attribute = "bg", highlight = "Normal"}
tab = {
fg = {attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLine"},
bg = {attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine"}
tab_close = {
-- fg = {attribute='fg',highlight='LspDiagnosticsDefaultError'},
fg = {attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLineSel"},
bg = {attribute = "bg", highlight = "Normal"}
modified = {
guifg = { attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLine" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine" },
modified_selected = {
guifg = { attribute = "fg", highlight = "Normal" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "Normal" },
modified_visible = {
guifg = { attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLine" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine" },
duplicate_selected = {
fg = {attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLineSel"},
bg = {attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLineSel"},
italic = true
duplicate_visible = {
fg = {attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLine"},
bg = {attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine"},
italic = true
duplicate = {
fg = {attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLine"},
bg = {attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine"},
italic = true
separator = {
guifg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine" },
separator_selected = {
guifg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "Normal" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "Normal" },
-- separator_visible = {
-- guifg = {attribute='bg',highlight='TabLine'},
-- guibg = {attribute='bg',highlight='TabLine'}
-- },
indicator_selected = {
guifg = { attribute = "fg", highlight = "LspDiagnosticsDefaultHint" },
guibg = { attribute = "bg", highlight = "Normal" },
modified = {
fg = {attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLine"},
bg = {attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine"}
modified_selected = {
fg = {attribute = "fg", highlight = "Normal"},
bg = {attribute = "bg", highlight = "Normal"}
modified_visible = {
fg = {attribute = "fg", highlight = "TabLine"},
bg = {attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine"}
separator = {
fg = {attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine"},
bg = {attribute = "bg", highlight = "TabLine"}
separator_selected = {
fg = {attribute = "bg", highlight = "Normal"},
bg = {attribute = "bg", highlight = "Normal"}
-- separator_visible = {
-- fg = {attribute='bg',highlight='TabLine'},
-- bg = {attribute='bg',highlight='TabLine'}
-- },
indicator_selected = {
fg = {attribute = "fg", highlight = "LspDiagnosticsDefaultHint"},
bg = {attribute = "bg", highlight = "Normal"}
@ -129,3 +129,15 @@ cmp.setup {
native_menu = false,
cmp.setup.cmdline(':', {
sources = {
{ name = 'cmdline' }
cmp.setup.cmdline('/', {
sources = {
{ name = 'buffer' }
@ -1,6 +1,40 @@
vim.g.header_email = "wayne6324@gmail.com"
vim.g.header_github = "The-Repo-Club"
vim.g.header_username = "The-Repo-Club"
local header = require('header')
vim.g.header_sh = "bash"
vim.g.header_auto_update = "true"
username = 'The-Repo-Club',
git = 'https://github.com/The-Repo-Club',
email = 'wayne6324@gmail.com',
-- You can also extend filetypes, e.g:
ft = {
c = {
start_comment = "/*",
end_comment = "*/",
fill_comment = "*",
cpp = {
start_comment = "/*",
end_comment = "*/",
fill_comment = "*",
make = {
start_comment = "##",
end_comment = "##",
fill_comment = "#",
python = {
start_comment = "##",
end_comment = "##",
fill_comment = "#",
lua = {
start_comment = "--",
end_comment = "--",
fill_comment = "-",
vim = {
start_comment = '""',
end_comment = '""',
fill_comment = "*",
@ -38,60 +38,63 @@ return packer.startup(function(use)
commit = "00ec5adef58c5ff9a07f11f45903b9dbbaa1b422"
commit = "90b323bccc04ad9b23c971a85813a1405c7725a8"
}) -- Have packer manage itself
commit = "968a4b9afec0c633bc369662e78f8c5db0eba249"
commit = "31807eef4ed574854b8a53ae40ea3292033a78ea"
}) -- Useful lua functions used by lots of plugins
commit = "fa6876f832ea1b71801c4e481d8feca9a36215ec"
commit = "34bd374f75fb58656572f847e2bc3565b0acb34f"
}) -- Autopairs, integrates with both cmp and treesitter
commit = "2c26a00f32b190390b664e56e32fd5347613b9e2"
commit = "0932d0cdcee31d12664f20f728cde8915614a623"
commit = "88343753dbe81c227a1c1fd2c8d764afb8d36269"
commit = "4befb8936f5cbec3b726300ab29edacb891e1a7b"
commit = "8d2c5337f0a2d0a17de8e751876eeb192b32310e"
commit = "2d02a56189e2bde11edd4712fea16f08a6656944"
commit = "bdb6d4a25410da35bbf7ce0dbdaa8d60432bc243"
commit = "09a51266bca28dd87febd63c66bdbd74f7764a63"
commit = "c78b3ecf9539a719828bca82fc7ddb9b3ba0c353"
commit = "f5791fdd561c564491563cd4139727c38d135dbf"
commit = "25ef93ac5a87526111f43e5110675032dbcacf56"
use({"moll/vim-bbye", commit = "25ef93ac5a87526111f43e5110675032dbcacf56"})
commit = "3362b28f917acc37538b1047f187ff1b5645ecdd"
commit = "c0510ddec86070dbcacbd291736de27aabbf3bfe"
commit = "aaeed9e02167c5e8f00f25156895a6fd95403af8"
commit = "62683d927dfd30dc68441a5811fdcb6c9f176c42"
commit = "541115e762764bc44d7d3bf501b6e367842d3d4f"
commit = "090bb11ee7eb76ebb9d0be1c6060eac4f69a240f"
commit = "969f2c5c90457612c09cf2a13fee1adaa986d350"
commit = "49f4ed4a96e0dec3425f270001f341f78400fb49"
commit = "6177a59552e35dfb69e1493fd68194e673dc3ee2"
commit = "c15bbe9f23d88b5c0b4ca45a446e01a0a3913707"
commit = "ef27a59e5b4d7b1c2fe1950da3fe5b1c5f3b4c94"
commit = "d688f46090a582be8f9d7b70b4cf999b780e993d"
@ -100,21 +103,24 @@ return packer.startup(function(use)
commit = "8223c970677e4d88c9b6b6d81bda23daf11062bb"
-- cmp plugins
commit = "df6734aa018d6feb4d76ba6bda94b1aeac2b378a"
commit = "b1ebdb0a17daaad13606b802780313a32e59781b"
}) -- The completion plugin
commit = "62fc67a2b0205136bc3e312664624ba2ab4a9323"
commit = "3022dbc9166796b644a841a02de8dd1cc1d311fa"
}) -- buffer completions
commit = "9c0e331fe78cab7ede1c051c065ee2fc3cf9432e"
}) -- cmdline completions
commit = "466b6b8270f7ba89abd59f402c73f63c7331ff6e"
commit = "447c87cdd6e6d6a1d2488b1d43108bfa217f56e1"
}) -- path completions
@ -132,43 +138,43 @@ return packer.startup(function(use)
-- snippets
commit = "79b2019c68a2ff5ae4d732d50746c901dd45603a"
commit = "b8fa22fc12df7a8c48f5c18156874d40f584265c"
}) -- snippet engine
commit = "d27a83a363e61009278b6598703a763ce9c8e617"
commit = "b2446100d9f6609526cf1839b4ce3dc1ff07ada0"
}) -- a bunch of snippets to use
-- LSP
commit = "148c99bd09b44cf3605151a06869f6b4d4c24455"
commit = "da7461b596d70fa47b50bf3a7acfaef94c47727d"
}) -- enable LSP
commit = "e9f13d7acaa60aff91c58b923002228668c8c9e6"
commit = "e3ccf37c044a8e41a945ba03fffc0edb7b4eaaff"
}) -- simple to use language server installer
commit = "ff40739e5be6581899b43385997e39eecdbf9465"
commit = "8914051a3d399e9715833ad76bbf5fe69ea7faf0"
}) -- for formatters and linters
-- Telescope
commit = "d96eaa914aab6cfc4adccb34af421bdd496468b0"
commit = "d793de0f12d874c463e81edabee741b802c1a37a"
-- Treesitter
commit = "518e27589c0463af15463c9d675c65e464efc2fe"
commit = "e5c60516b5457b31628ad2c975c9b0dcacb0cbc2"
-- Git
commit = "c18e016864c92ecf9775abea1baaa161c28082c3"
commit = "29468d89e71a0cd04aeb750fcfe75c3163347adf"
-- Custom
@ -176,14 +182,14 @@ return packer.startup(function(use)
use {"ap/vim-css-color"}
use {"tpope/vim-fugitive"}
use {"airblade/vim-gitgutter"}
use {"mbbill/undotree"}
use {"ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim"}
use {"lyuts/vim-rtags"}
use {"wakatime/vim-wakatime"}
use {"mboughaba/i3config.vim"}
use {"The-Repo-Club/Vim_Headers"}
use {"The-Repo-Club/header.nvim"}
use {"The-Repo-Club/Vim_Keys"}
use {"Thyrum/vim-stabs"}
use {"mbbill/undotree"}
-- Automatically set up your configuration after cloning packer.nvim
-- Put this at the end after all plugins
@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ project.setup({
patterns = { ".git", "_darcs", ".hg", ".bzr", ".svn", "Makefile", "package.json" },
---@ Show hidden files in telescope when searching for files in a project
show_hidden = false,
show_hidden = true,
---@usage When set to false, you will get a message when project.nvim changes your directory.
-- When set to false, you will get a message when project.nvim changes your directory.
@ -79,11 +79,6 @@ _G.packer_plugins = {
path = "/home/repo/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/LuaSnip",
url = "https://github.com/L3MON4D3/LuaSnip"
Vim_Headers = {
loaded = true,
path = "/home/repo/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/Vim_Headers",
url = "https://github.com/The-Repo-Club/Vim_Headers"
Vim_Keys = {
loaded = true,
path = "/home/repo/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/Vim_Keys",
@ -104,6 +99,11 @@ _G.packer_plugins = {
path = "/home/repo/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/cmp-buffer",
url = "https://github.com/hrsh7th/cmp-buffer"
["cmp-cmdline"] = {
loaded = true,
path = "/home/repo/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/cmp-cmdline",
url = "https://github.com/hrsh7th/cmp-cmdline"
["cmp-nvim-lsp"] = {
loaded = true,
path = "/home/repo/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/cmp-nvim-lsp",
@ -129,11 +129,6 @@ _G.packer_plugins = {
path = "/home/repo/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/ctrlp.vim",
url = "https://github.com/ctrlpvim/ctrlp.vim"
["darkplus.nvim"] = {
loaded = true,
path = "/home/repo/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/darkplus.nvim",
url = "https://github.com/lunarvim/darkplus.nvim"
["friendly-snippets"] = {
loaded = true,
path = "/home/repo/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/friendly-snippets",
@ -144,6 +139,11 @@ _G.packer_plugins = {
path = "/home/repo/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/gitsigns.nvim",
url = "https://github.com/lewis6991/gitsigns.nvim"
["header.nvim"] = {
loaded = true,
path = "/home/repo/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/header.nvim",
url = "https://github.com/The-Repo-Club/header.nvim"
["i3config.vim"] = {
loaded = true,
path = "/home/repo/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start/i3config.vim",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user