FollieHiyuki 52b9be4bee
neovim: add indent-blankline, use which-key for mappings
Also add more nord highlight groups
2021-10-17 21:48:03 +07:00

126 lines
3.3 KiB

local api = vim.api
local wk = require('which-key')
-- Basic bindings --
-- No one likes Esc
api.nvim_set_keymap('i', 'jk', [[<Esc>]], {noremap = true, silent = true})
-- Escape to normal mode in terminal buffer
api.nvim_set_keymap('t', '<Esc>', '<C-\\><C-n>', {noremap = true, silent = true})
-- Continuous indent
api.nvim_set_keymap('v', '<', '<gv', {noremap = true, silent = true})
api.nvim_set_keymap('v', '>', '>gv', {noremap = true, silent = true})
-- Normal mode
-- Better Y
Y = {'y$', 'Yank to eol'},
-- Copy the whole buffer
['<C-a>'] = {'<Cmd>%y+<CR>', 'Copy whole buffer'},
-- 'Legacy' save buffer
-- ['<C-s>'] = {':w<CR>', 'Write buffer'},
-- Close buffer
['<C-x>'] = {':bd!<CR>', 'Close buffer'},
-- Remove trailing whitespace
['<A-w>'] = {':%s/\\s\\+$//e<CR>', 'Remove trailing'},
-- Resize buffer
['<A-j>'] = {':resize -2<CR>', 'Resize vertical -2'},
['<A-k>'] = {':resize +2<CR>', 'Resize vertical +2'},
['<A-h>'] = {':vertical resize -2<CR>', 'Resize horizontal -2'},
['<A-l>'] = {':vertical resize +2<CR>', 'Resize horizontal +2'},
-- Switch between tabs and spaces
['<A-t>'] = {
if vim.o.expandtab == true then
vim.cmd('set noexpandtab nosmarttab softtabstop& shiftwidth&')
vim.cmd('echomsg "Switched to indent with tabs"')
vim.opt.expandtab = true
vim.opt.smarttab = true
vim.opt.softtabstop = 4
vim.opt.shiftwidth = 4
vim.cmd('echomsg "Switched to indent with 4 spaces"')
'Switch indent style'
-- Naming common keys
['['] = {name = 'Block motions (previous)'},
[']'] = {name = 'Block motions (next)'},
g = {name = 'Goto motions'},
z = {name = 'Misc utils'}
-- Plugins --
-- Normal mode
-- Don't need to show bufferline numbers
['<leader>1'] = 'which_key_ignore',
['<leader>2'] = 'which_key_ignore',
['<leader>3'] = 'which_key_ignore',
['<leader>4'] = 'which_key_ignore',
['<leader>5'] = 'which_key_ignore',
['<leader>6'] = 'which_key_ignore',
['<leader>7'] = 'which_key_ignore',
['<leader>8'] = 'which_key_ignore',
['<leader>9'] = 'which_key_ignore',
-- Move between tabs
['<TAB>'] = {'<Cmd>BufferLineCycleNext<CR>', 'Next buffer'},
['<S-TAB>'] = {'<Cmd>BufferLineCyclePrev<CR>', 'Previous buffer'},
-- NvimTree
['<C-n>'] = {':NvimTreeToggle<CR>', 'NvimTree'},
-- ToggleTerm
['<C-\\>'] = 'Toggle terminal',
-- With leader key (normal mode)
-- GitSigns
g = {
name = 'Git',
b = 'Blame current line',
i = 'Preview hunk',
n = 'Next hunk',
p = 'Previous hunk',
r = 'Reset hunk',
R = 'Reset all hunks in buffer',
s = 'Stage hunk',
u = 'Undo hunk'
-- Telescope
f = {
name = 'Telescope'
b = {
name = 'Buffer',
n = {':DashboardNewFile<CR>', 'New file'}
}, {prefix = '<leader>'})
-- With leader key (visual mode)
-- GitSigns
g = {
name = 'Git',
r = 'Reset hunk',
s = 'Stage hunk'
}, {mode = 'v', prefix = '<leader>'})