61 lines
2.3 KiB

-- put user settings here
-- this module will be loaded after everything else when the application starts
-- it will be automatically reloaded when saved
local core = require "core"
local keymap = require "core.keymap"
local config = require "core.config"
local style = require "core.style"
------------------------------ Themes ----------------------------------------
--------------------------- Key bindings -------------------------------------
keymap.add { ["ctrl+q"] = "core:quit" }
------------------------------- Fonts ----------------------------------------
-- customize fonts:
style.font = renderer.font.load(HOME .. "/.local/share/fonts/Comic/ComicMono.ttf", 14 * SCALE)
style.big_font = renderer.font.load(HOME .. "/.local/share/fonts/Comic/ComicMono.ttf", 16 * SCALE)
style.code_font = renderer.font.load(HOME .. "/.config/lite-xl/fonts/iosevka-ss14-regular.ttf", 14 * SCALE)
style.icon_font = renderer.font.load("/usr/local/share/lite-xl/fonts/icons.ttf", 18 * SCALE)
style.icon_big_font = renderer.font.load("/usr/local/share/lite-xl/fonts/icons.ttf", 24 * SCALE)
local italic = renderer.font.load(HOME .. "/.config/lite-xl/fonts/iosevka-ss14-italic.ttf", 14 * SCALE)
style.syntax_fonts["comment"] = italic
local bolditalic = renderer.font.load(HOME .. "/.config/lite-xl/fonts/iosevka-ss14-bolditalic.ttf", 14 * SCALE)
style.syntax_fonts["keyword"] = bolditalic
style.syntax_fonts["keyword2"] = bolditalic
local bold = renderer.font.load(HOME .. "/.config/lite-xl/fonts/iosevka-ss14-bold.ttf", 14 * SCALE)
style.syntax_fonts["function"] = bold
-- font names used by lite:
-- style.font : user interface
-- style.big_font : big text in welcome screen
-- style.icon_font : icons
-- style.icon_big_font : toolbar icons
-- style.code_font : code
-- the function to load the font accept a 3rd optional argument like:
-- {antialiasing="grayscale", hinting="full"}
-- possible values are:
-- antialiasing: grayscale, subpixel
-- hinting: none, slight, full
------------------------------ Plugins ----------------------------------------
-- enable or disable plugin loading setting config entries:
-- enable trimwhitespace, otherwise it is disable by default:
-- config.trimwhitespace = true
-- disable detectindent, otherwise it is enabled by default
-- config.detectindent = false