mirror of
synced 2025-02-24 05:19:33 -05:00
304 lines
10 KiB
304 lines
10 KiB
local api = vim.api
local wk = require('which-key')
-- No one likes Esc
api.nvim_set_keymap('i', 'jk', [[<Esc>]], {noremap = true, silent = true})
-- Escape to normal mode in terminal buffer
api.nvim_set_keymap('t', '<Esc>', '<C-\\><C-n>', {noremap = true, silent = true})
-- Continuous indent
api.nvim_set_keymap('v', '<', '<gv', {noremap = true, silent = true})
api.nvim_set_keymap('v', '>', '>gv', {noremap = true, silent = true})
-- Clear search results
-- api.nvim_set_keymap('n', '<Esc>', '<Cmd>noh<CR>', {noremap = true, silent = true})
-- Normal mode --
-- Better Y
Y = {'y$', 'Yank to eol'},
-- Easier start and end of line
H = {'^', 'Start of the line'},
L = {'$', 'End of the line'},
-- Easier moving between windows
-- ['<C-h>'] = {'<C-w>h', 'Go to the left window'},
-- ['<C-l>'] = {'<C-w>l', 'Go to the right window'},
-- ['<C-j>'] = {'<C-w>j', 'Go to the down window'},
-- ['<C-k>'] = {'<C-w>k', 'Go to the up window'},
-- Copy the whole buffer
['<C-a>'] = {'<Cmd>%y+<CR>', 'Copy whole buffer'},
-- 'Legacy' save buffer
-- ['<C-s>'] = {':w<CR>', 'Write buffer'},
-- Close buffer
['<C-x>'] = {':bd!<CR>', 'Close buffer'},
-- Remove trailing whitespace
['<A-w>'] = {':%s/\\s\\+$//e<CR>', 'Remove trailing'},
-- Resize buffer
['<A-j>'] = {':resize -2<CR>', 'Resize vertical -2'},
['<A-k>'] = {':resize +2<CR>', 'Resize vertical +2'},
['<A-h>'] = {':vertical resize -2<CR>', 'Resize horizontal -2'},
['<A-l>'] = {':vertical resize +2<CR>', 'Resize horizontal +2'},
-- Switch between tabs and spaces
['<A-t>'] = {
if vim.o.expandtab == true then
vim.cmd('set noexpandtab nosmarttab softtabstop& shiftwidth&')
vim.cmd('echomsg "Switched to indent with tabs"')
vim.opt.expandtab = true
vim.opt.smarttab = true
vim.opt.softtabstop = 4
vim.opt.shiftwidth = 4
vim.cmd('echomsg "Switched to indent with 4 spaces"')
'Switch indent style'
-- Naming common keys
['['] = {
name = 'Block motions (previous)',
d = 'Previous diagnostics',
g = 'Previous git hunk'
[']'] = {
name = 'Block motions (next)',
d = 'Next diagnostics',
g = 'Next git hunk'
g = {
name = 'Goto motions',
d = 'Go to definition',
D = 'Go to declaration',
i = 'Go to implementation',
r = 'Go to references',
R = {'<Cmd>TroubleToggle lsp_references<CR>', 'Reference list'}
K = {name = 'Hover'},
z = {name = 'Misc utils'},
-- Move between tabs
['<TAB>'] = {'<Cmd>BufferLineCycleNext<CR>', 'Next buffer'},
['<S-TAB>'] = {'<Cmd>BufferLineCyclePrev<CR>', 'Previous buffer'},
-- NvimTree
['<C-n>'] = {':NvimTreeToggle<CR>', 'NvimTree'},
-- ToggleTerm
['<C-\\>'] = {':ToggleTerm<CR>', 'Toggle terminal'},
-- hop.nvim
s = {':HopWord<CR>', 'Hop to word'},
S = {':HopChar1<CR>', 'Hop to character'},
['<A-s>'] = {':HopPattern<CR>', 'Hop to pattern'}
-- Normal mode (with leader key) --
b = {
name = 'Buffer',
c = {':ColorizerToggle<CR>', 'Colorizer'},
d = {':bdelete<CR>', 'Close buffer'},
j = {':BufferLineCyclePrev<CR>', 'Previous buffer'},
k = {':BufferLineCycleNext<CR>', 'Next buffer'},
n = {':DashboardNewFile<CR>', 'New file'},
z = {':ZenMode<CR>', 'Zen mode'}
-- Telescope
f = {
name = 'Telescope',
a = {':Telescope autocommands<CR>', 'Autocommands'},
b = {':Telescope buffers<CR>', 'Buffers'},
c = {':Telescope commands<CR>', 'Commands'},
e = {':Telescope file_browser<CR>', 'File browser'},
f = {':Telescope find_files<CR>', 'Find files'},
g = {':Telescope live_grep<CR>', 'Live grep'},
h = {':Telescope help_tags<CR>', 'Help tags'},
i = {':Telescope highlights<CR>', 'Highlight groups'},
j = {':Telescope symbols<CR>', 'Pick emojis'},
k = {':Telescope keymaps<CR>', 'Normal keymaps'},
m = {':Telescope marks<CR>', 'Bookmarks'},
n = {':Telescope man_pages<CR>', 'Man pages'},
o = {':Telescope oldfiles<CR>', 'Recent files'},
p = {':Telescope project display_type=full<CR>', 'Projects'},
r = {':Telescope reloader<CR>', 'Reload lua modules'},
s = {':Telescope treesitter<CR>', 'Treesitter'},
t = {':Telescope<CR>', 'Telescope'},
u = {':Telescope current_buffer_fuzzy_find<CR>', 'Search current buffer'},
v = {':Telescope vim_options<CR>', 'Vim options'},
y = {':Telescope filetypes<CR>', 'Filetypes'},
z = {':Telescope registers<CR>', 'Vim registers'}
-- Git
g = {
name = 'Git',
b = 'Blame current line',
p = 'Preview hunk',
r = 'Reset hunk',
R = 'Reset all hunks in buffer',
s = 'Stage hunk',
u = 'Undo hunk',
n = {':Neogit<CR>', 'Neogit'},
f = {
name = 'Telescope',
a = {':Telescope git_stash<CR>', 'Stash'},
b = {':Telescope git_bcommits<CR>', 'Buffer commits'},
c = {':Telescope git_commits<CR>', 'Commits'},
m = {':Telescope git_branches<CR>', 'Branches'},
s = {':Telescope git_status<CR>', 'Status'}
-- translate-shell.vim
j = {
name = 'Translate',
t = {':Trans<CR>', 'Translate'},
d = {':TransSelectDirection<CR>', 'Translate with direction'},
r = {'cw<C-R>=system(\'trans -brief -no-ansi\', getreg(""))[:-2]<CR>', 'Translate and replace'},
c = {'cw<C-R>=system(\'trans -brief -no-ansi :\', getreg(""))[:-2]<S-Left><S-Left><Right>', 'Translate and replace with direction'}
l = {
name = 'LSP',
a = 'Add workspace folder',
d = 'Type definition',
e = 'Line diagnostics',
l = 'Set diagnostics loclist',
n = 'Rename in buffer',
o = 'Format buffer',
r = 'Remove workspace folder',
s = 'Signature help',
w = 'List workspace folders',
f = {
name = 'Telescope',
a = {':Telescope lsp_code_actions<CR>', 'Code actions'},
A = {':Telescope lsp_range_code_actions<CR>', 'Range code actions'},
d = {':Telescope lsp_document_diagnostics<CR>', 'Buffer diagnostics'},
D = {':Telescope lsp_workspace_diagnostics<CR>', 'Workspace diagnostics'},
e = {':Telescope lsp_dynamic_workspace_symbols<CR>', 'Dynamic workspace symbols'},
i = {':Telescope lsp_implementations<CR>', 'Implementations'},
n = {':Telescope lsp_definitions<CR>', 'Definitions'},
r = {':Telescope lsp_references<CR>', 'References'},
s = {':Telescope lsp_document_symbols<CR>', 'Buffer symbols'},
S = {':Telescope lsp_workspace_symbols<CR>', 'Workspace symbols'}
g = {':SymbolsOutline<CR>', 'Symbol outline'},
D = {'<Cmd>TroubleToggle lsp_definitions<CR>', 'Definition list'},
E = {'<Cmd>TroubleToggle lsp_document_diagnostics<CR>', 'Document diagnostics list'},
W = {'<Cmd>TroubleToggle lsp_workspace_diagnostics<CR>', 'Workspace diagnostics list'},
L = {'<Cmd>TroubleToggle loclist<CR>', 'Location list items'},
Q = {'<Cmd>TroubleToggle quickfix<CR>', 'Quickfix list'}
n = {':NnnPicker %:p:h<CR>', 'File picker'},
-- Tab related
t = {
name = 'Tab',
c = {'<Cmd>tabclose<CR>', 'Close tab'},
j = {'<Cmd>tabprev<CR>', 'Previous tab'},
k = {'<Cmd>tabnext<CR>', 'Next tab'},
n = {'<Cmd>tabnew<CR>', 'New tab'}
}, {prefix = '<leader>'})
-- Visual mode (with leader key) --
-- GitSigns
g = {
name = 'Git',
r = 'Reset hunk',
s = 'Stage hunk'
-- translate-shell.vim
j = {
name = 'Translate',
t = {':Trans<CR>', 'Translate'},
d = {':TransSelectDirection<CR>', 'Translate with direction'},
r = {'c<C-R>=system(\'trans -brief -no-ansi\', getreg(""))[:-2]<CR>', 'Translate and replace'},
c = {'c<C-R>=system(\'trans -brief -no-ansi :\', getreg(""))[:-2]<S-Left><S-Left><Right>', 'Translate and replace with direction'}
}, {mode = 'v', prefix = '<leader>'})
-- Filetype specified --
autocmd FileType org lua whichkeyOrg()
autocmd FileType markdown lua whichkeyMarkdown()
autocmd FileType html lua whichkeyHtml()
_G.whichkeyOrg = function()
['<leader>o'] = {
name = 'Org',
a = 'Agenda',
A = 'Toggle ARCHIVE',
c = 'Capture',
e = 'Export',
i = {
name = 'Insert',
h = 'Add headline',
t = 'Add TODO heading and content',
T = 'Add TODO heading',
J = 'Move subtree down',
K = 'Move subtree up',
o = 'Open at point',
r = 'Refile',
t = 'Set tags',
['$'] = 'Archive current headline'
['<leader><CR>'] = 'Org meta return',
['<C-a>'] = 'Org increase date',
['<C-x>'] = 'Org decrease date',
['cid'] = 'Org change date',
['cit'] = 'Org TODO',
['ciT'] = 'Org TODO prev',
['<C-Space>'] = 'Org toggle checkbox',
['<TAB>'] = 'Org cycle folding',
['<S-TAB>'] = 'Org cycle global folding',
['<<'] = 'Org promote headline',
['>>'] = 'Org demote headline',
['<s'] = 'Org prmote subtree',
['>s'] = 'Org demote subtree',
['}'] = 'Org next visible heading',
['{'] = 'Org previous visible heading',
[']]'] = 'Org forward heading',
['[['] = 'Org backward heading',
['g{'] = 'Org parent heading',
['?'] = 'Org help'
_G.whichkeyMarkdown = function()
['<leader>bp'] = {':MarkdownPreviewToggle<CR>', 'Preview markdown'}
_G.whichkeyHtml = function()
['<leader>bp'] = {':Bracey<CR>', 'Preview html'}