FollieHiyuki 3cefe864f4
neovim: big refractor
- nvim-compe -> nvim-cmp
- combine multple modules config into category files
- add some more plugins
2021-10-17 21:48:10 +07:00

402 lines
13 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

local M = {}
function M.dashboard_conf()
-- vim.g.dashboard_disable_at_vimenter = 1
-- vim.g.dashboard_disable_statusline = 1
vim.g.dashboard_preview_file_height = 12
vim.g.dashboard_preview_file_width = 80
vim.g.dashboard_default_executive = 'telescope'
vim.g.dashboard_session_directory = vim.fn.stdpath('data') .. '/sessions'
vim.g.dashboard_custom_section = {
a = {description = {' Find File SPC f f'}, command = 'DashboardFindFile'},
b = {description = {' Recents SPC f o'}, command = 'DashboardFindHistory'},
c = {description = {' Find Word SPC f g'}, command = 'DashboardFindWord'},
d = {description = {'洛 New File SPC b n'}, command = 'DashboardNewFile'},
e = {description = {' Bookmarks SPC f m'}, command = 'DashboardJumpMark'}
vim.g.dashboard_custom_header = {
" ",
" ",
" ",
"<-. (`-')_ (`-') _ (`-') _ <-. (`-') ",
" \\( OO) ) ( OO).-/ .-> _(OO ) (_) \\(OO )_ ",
",--./ ,--/ (,------.(`-')----. ,--.(_/,-.\\ ,-(`-'),--./ ,-.)",
"| \\ | | | .---'( OO).-. '\\ \\ / (_/ | ( OO)| `.' |",
"| . '| |)(| '--. ( _) | | | \\ / / | | )| |'.'| |",
"| |\\ | | .--' \\| |)| |_ \\ /_)(| |_/ | | | |",
"| | \\ | | `---. ' '-' '\\-'\\ / | |'->| | | |",
"`--' `--' `------' `-----' `-' `--' `--' `--'",
vim.g.dashboard_custom_footer = {
function M.statusline_conf()
local gl = require('galaxyline')
local gls = gl.section
local condition = require('galaxyline.condition')
local colors = require('colors.' .. vim.g.global_theme).colors
gl.short_line_list = {'NvimTree', 'packer', 'Outline'}
gls.left[1] = {
LeftCorner = {
provider = function()
return ''
highlight = {, colors.grey1}
gls.left[2] = {
ViMode = {
provider = function()
local mode_color = {
n =, -- Normal
no =, -- N-Pending
i =, -- Insert
ic =, -- Insert
v = colors.yellow, -- Visual
[''] = colors.yellow, -- V-Block
V = colors.yellow, -- V-Line
c = colors.white2, -- Command
s = colors.purple, -- Select
S = colors.purple, -- S-Line
[''] = colors.purple, -- S-Block
R =, -- Replace
Rv =, -- V-Replace
cv = colors.white2, -- Vim-Ex
ce = colors.white2, -- Ex
r = colors.cyan, -- Prompt
rm = colors.cyan, -- More
['r?'] = colors.cyan, -- Confirm
['!'] =, -- Shell
t = -- Terminal
vim.api.nvim_command('hi GalaxyViMode guifg=' .. mode_color[vim.fn.mode()])
return ''
highlight = {, colors.grey1}
gls.left[3] = {
FileSize = {
provider = 'FileSize',
condition = condition.buffer_not_empty,
highlight = {colors.fg, colors.grey1}
gls.left[4] ={
FileIcon = {
provider = 'FileIcon',
condition = condition.buffer_not_empty,
highlight = {
gls.left[5] = {
FileName = {
provider = 'FileName',
condition = condition.buffer_not_empty,
highlight = {colors.fg, colors.grey1, 'bold'}
gls.left[6] = {
LineInfo = {
provider = 'LineColumn',
highlight = {colors.fg, colors.grey1}
gls.left[7] = {
PerCent = {
provider = 'LinePercent',
highlight = {colors.fg, colors.grey1, 'bold'}
gls.left[8] = {
DiagnosticError = {
provider = 'DiagnosticError',
icon = '',
highlight = {, colors.grey1}
gls.left[9] = {
DiagnosticWarn = {
provider = 'DiagnosticWarn',
icon = '',
highlight = {colors.yellow, colors.grey1}
gls.left[10] = {
DiagnosticHint = {
provider = 'DiagnosticHint',
icon = '',
highlight = {colors.cyan, colors.grey1}
gls.left[11] = {
DiagnosticInfo = {
provider = 'DiagnosticInfo',
icon = '',
highlight = {, colors.grey1}
gls.right[1] = {
ShowLspClient = {
provider = 'GetLspClient',
condition = function ()
local tbl = {['dashboard'] = true, [''] = true}
if tbl[] then
return false
return true
icon = ' LSP:',
highlight = {colors.purple, colors.grey1, 'bold'}
gls.right[2] = {
FileEncode = {
provider = 'FileEncode',
condition = condition.hide_in_width,
separator = ' ',
separator_highlight = {'NONE', colors.grey1},
highlight = {colors.fg, colors.grey1}
gls.right[3] = {
FileFormat = {
provider = 'FileFormat',
condition = condition.hide_in_width,
separator = ' ',
separator_highlight = {'NONE', colors.grey1},
highlight = {colors.fg, colors.grey1}
gls.right[4] = {
GitIcon = {
provider = function() return '' end,
condition = condition.check_git_workspace,
separator = ' ',
separator_highlight = {'NONE', colors.grey1},
highlight = {, colors.grey1, 'bold'}
gls.right[5] = {
GitBranch = {
provider = 'GitBranch',
condition = condition.check_git_workspace,
highlight = {, colors.grey1, 'bold'}
gls.right[6] = {
GitSeparator = {
provider = function()
return ' '
highlight = {, colors.grey1}
gls.right[7] = {
DiffAdd = {
provider = 'DiffAdd',
condition = condition.hide_in_width,
icon = '',
highlight = {, colors.grey1}
gls.right[8] = {
DiffModified = {
provider = 'DiffModified',
condition = condition.hide_in_width,
icon = '',
highlight = {colors.yellow, colors.grey1}
gls.right[9] = {
DiffRemove = {
provider = 'DiffRemove',
condition = condition.hide_in_width,
icon = '',
highlight = {, colors.grey1}
gls.short_line_left[1] = {
BufferType = {
provider = 'FileTypeName',
separator = ' ',
separator_highlight = {'NONE', colors.grey1},
highlight = {, colors.grey1, 'bold'}
gls.short_line_left[2] = {
SFileName = {
provider = 'SFileName',
condition = condition.buffer_not_empty,
highlight = {colors.fg, colors.grey1, 'bold'}
gls.short_line_right[1] = {
BufferIcon = {
provider= 'BufferIcon',
highlight = {colors.fg, colors.grey1}
function M.bufferline_conf()
require('bufferline').setup {
options = {
numbers = 'none',
max_name_length = 16,
max_prefix_length = 14,
tab_size = 20,
diagnostics = 'nvim_lsp',
show_close_icon = false,
show_buffer_icons = true,
show_tab_indicators = true,
enforce_regular_tabs = false,
show_buffer_close_icons = true,
always_show_bufferline = true,
offsets = {
{filetype = 'NvimTree', text = 'NvimTree', text_align = 'left'},
{filetype = 'packer', text = 'Packer', text_align = 'left'}
separator_style = 'thin'
function M.nvimtree_conf()
vim.g.nvim_tree_width = 35
vim.g.nvim_tree_ignore = {'.git', '.hg', '.svn', 'node_modules'}
vim.g.nvim_tree_auto_open = 0
vim.g.nvim_tree_auto_close = 1
vim.g.nvim_tree_auto_ignore_ft = {'dashboard'}
vim.g.nvim_tree_follow = 1
vim.g.nvim_tree_indent_markers = 1
vim.g.nvim_tree_git_hl = 1
vim.g.nvim_tree_auto_resize = 0
-- vim.g.nvim_tree_add_trailing = 1
vim.g.nvim_tree_lsp_diagnostics = 1
vim.g.nvim_tree_icons = {
default = '',
symlink = '',
git = {
unstaged = '',
staged = '',
unmerged = '',
renamed = '',
untracked = '',
deleted = '',
ignored = ''
folder = {
arrow_open = '',
arrow_closed = '',
default = '',
open = '',
empty = '',
empty_open = '',
symlink = '',
symlink_open = ''
lsp = {
hint = '',
info = '',
warning = '',
error = ''
function M.whichkey_conf()
require('which-key').setup {
plugins = {
spelling = {
enabled = true,
suggestions = 30
icons = {
breadcrumb = '»',
separator = '',
group = '+'
layout = {
align = 'center'
function M.gitsigns_conf()
require('gitsigns').setup {
signs = {
add = {hl = 'DiffAdd' , text = '', numhl='GitSignsAddNr'},
change = {hl = 'DiffChange', text = '', numhl='GitSignsChangeNr'},
delete = {hl = 'DiffDelete', text = '', numhl='GitSignsDeleteNr'},
topdelete = {hl = 'DiffDelete', text = '', numhl='GitSignsDeleteNr'},
changedelete = {hl = 'DiffChange', text = '', numhl='GitSignsChangeNr'}
numhl = true,
keymaps = {
-- Default keymap options
noremap = true,
buffer = true,
['n ]g'] = {expr = true, '&diff ? \']g\' : \'<cmd>lua require"gitsigns.actions".next_hunk()<CR>\''},
['n [g'] = {expr = true, '&diff ? \'[g\' : \'<cmd>lua require"gitsigns.actions".prev_hunk()<CR>\''},
['n <leader>gs'] = '<cmd>lua require"gitsigns".stage_hunk()<CR>',
['v <leader>gs'] = '<cmd>lua require"gitsigns".stage_hunk({vim.fn.line("."), vim.fn.line("v")})<CR>',
['n <leader>gu'] = '<cmd>lua require"gitsigns".undo_stage_hunk()<CR>',
['n <leader>gr'] = '<cmd>lua require"gitsigns".reset_hunk()<CR>',
['v <leader>gr'] = '<cmd>lua require"gitsigns".reset_hunk({vim.fn.line("."), vim.fn.line("v")})<CR>',
['n <leader>gR'] = '<cmd>lua require"gitsigns".reset_buffer()<CR>',
['n <leader>gp'] = '<cmd>lua require"gitsigns".preview_hunk()<CR>',
['n <leader>gb'] = '<cmd>lua require"gitsigns".blame_line(true)<CR>'
watch_index = {
interval = 1000,
follow_files = true
current_line_blame = false,
current_line_blame_opts = {
delay = 1000,
virt_text = true,
virt_text_pos = 'eol'
sign_priority = 6,
update_debounce = 100,
status_formatter = nil, -- Use default
word_diff = false,
use_internal_diff = true -- If luajit is present
return M